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The present study was designed to assess working memory in adult rats exposed to intravenous cocaine in utero, as part of an examination of various cognitive and affective functions. The study included four groups: a saline control and three groups exposed to ascending doses of cocaine from gestational days 8 to 21 (0.5, 1.0, or 3.0 mg/kg). This exposure regimen (route of administration and dose) has been shown to accurately reproduce the pharmacokinetic profile and physiological effects of human recreational cocaine use. This report describes the results of a series of automated alternation tasks, in which the animals were rewarded for alternating their responses between two response ports on successive trials. In the final task, the delay between trials varied randomly between 0, 20, 40, and 80 s, thereby varying the retention interval. Although performance declined dramatically as the retention interval increased, the rate of this decline did not differ across treatment groups. These results suggest that prenatal cocaine exposure, at doses that model recreational use, does not produce lasting changes in explicit memory or working memory. However, subtle, sex-specific effects of prenatal cocaine exposure were seen on measures that indicate impairments in sustained attention and "readiness", as well as altered reactivity to task-related stressors such as waiting for long and unpredictable delays.  相似文献   

Fenvalerate is a synthetic pyrethroid insecticide used in agriculture and domestic insect control. Some studies have proposed that it may act as an environmental estrogen; other studies suggest possible genotoxicity in germ cells. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of fenvalerate on the female reproduction in rats whose mothers were exposed during gestation and lactation. Pregnant Wistar rats were exposed to fenvalerate (40 mg/kg) or corn oil (vehicle) orally from gestational day 12 until the end of lactation. The dose selection was based on previous studies, whereas this was considered an effective dose. Results showed decreases in ovarian weight, pre-antral follicles and corpora lutea at PND 75 and an increase in the resorption number, when fertility test was performed at PND 80. Under some experimental conditions, fenvalerate may impair reproductive development of female offspring, manifested as reduced fecundity and ovulation number, resulting from the impairment in corpora lutea counting.  相似文献   

Quercetin does not alter lipopolysaccharide-induced fever in rats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Fever is considered an important component of the acute phase response of the body in defence against invading organisms such as bacteria. Quercetin, an important representative of the flavonoid class, has been extensively studied as an anti-inflammatory agent. In the present study, we investigated the effect of quercetin, administered orally (5, 25 and 50 mg kg(-1)) or intraperitoneally (50 mg kg(-1)), on the febrile response induced by either intraperitoneally (50 mug kg(-1)) or intravenously (5 mug kg(-1)) injected lipopolysaccharide (LPS from Escherichia coli) in rats. In contrast with the well known anti-inflammatory activity of quercetin, the results demonstrate that quercetin, at the doses used, did not alter the fever induced by LPS, regardless of the route of administration.  相似文献   

This study was performed to determine if developmental exposure of rats to heptachlor (H) during the last half of gestation through puberty adversely affects adult functioning of the immune and reproductive systems. Time-bred pregnant female Sprague-Dawley rats were dosed by gavage with H (0, 30, 300, or 3000 microg/kg/day) from gestation day (GD) 12 to postnatal day (PND) 7, followed by direct dosing of the pups with H through PND 42. Separate groups of rats were evaluated with a battery of immune function tests, while other groups of rats were evaluated for reproductive development and function. Additional groups of rats were euthanized at the end of the dosing period for histological analyses of major organ systems. Some dams and PND 7 pups were euthanized; milk, plasma, fat and/or tissues were assayed for H and heptachlor epoxide B (HEB), a major metabolite of H. The amount of H and HEB found in milk, blood, fat, and tissues was proportional to the dose of H administered. There were no effects on the number or survival of pups born to H-exposed dams nor to pups exposed postnatally. There were no effects on the number of treated dams delivering litters or on litter size, nor were there any effects on any of the reproductive end points examined in the F(0) or F(1) rats. There were no effects of H exposure on lymphoid organ weights, splenic natural killer (NK) cell activity, and splenic lymphoproliferative (LP) responses to mitogens and allogeneic cells in a mixed lymphocyte response (MLR) assay at 8 weeks of age. H exposure did not alter delayed or contact hypersensitivity at 10 or 17 weeks of age, respectively. However, the primary IgM antibody response to sheep red blood cells (SRBCs) was suppressed in a dose-dependent manner in males, but not females, at 8 weeks of age. The percentage of B lymphocytes (OX12(+)OX19(-)) in spleen was also reduced in the high-dose males. The anti-SRBC IgM response was reduced only in males exposed to 30 microg H/kg/day in a separate group of rats 21 weeks of age. In these same rats, at 26 weeks of age, the secondary IgG antibody response to SRBCs was suppressed in all of the H-exposed males, but not females. These data indicate that perinatal exposure of male rats to H results in suppression of the primary IgM and secondary IgG anti-SRBC responses. Suppression of these antibody responses persisted for up to 20 weeks after the last exposure to H, at a total exposure of approximately 1500 microg H/kg/rat.  相似文献   

Prenatal exposure to drugs of abuse often leads to physiological and neurobiological abnormalities including decreased brain and body weight, cognitive deficits and behavioral alterations. A handful of studies showed increased vulnerability to drug abuse in prenatally drug-exposed offspring. Our work also demonstrated that prenatal exposure to analgesic doses of morphine during gestation days 11-18 increases mu-opioid receptor density in the nucleus accumbens and central amygdala of adult male rats. Both the nucleus accumbens and central amygdala play important roles in modulating drug-induced reward via the mesolimbic dopaminergic system. Therefore, two types of behavioral paradigms were used to test the hypothesis that the same prenatal morphine exposure would enhance the rewarding effects of morphine, making drug-exposed offspring more vulnerable to abuse this drug in adulthood. All experiments were performed with adult male offspring of saline-injected, morphine-injected or non-injected (control) dams. (1) The unbiased conditioned place preference (CPP) paradigm was used to investigate whether prenatal morphine exposure sensitizes adult male rats to non-contingent morphine reward. These adult animals were conditioned with 0.1, 0.3, 1, 3 or 5 mg/kg morphine. All control, prenatally saline- and morphine-exposed male rats preferred the morphine-paired compartment relative to the saline-paired compartment. However, the magnitude of morphine CPP in adult male rats was not dependent on the conditioning dose of morphine or prenatal morphine exposure. (2) Intravenous morphine self-administration was used to assess the behavioral response to contingent morphine reward. Each rat self-administered one of four doses of morphine (0.3, 1, 2 or 3 mg/kg/infusion). Morphine self-administration was not altered in prenatally morphine-exposed adult male offspring. Control males self-administered significantly less morphine at the lowest dose of morphine than both prenatally saline- and morphine-exposed males. Although our data show that prenatal exposure to an analgesic dose of morphine during the time of opioid receptor appearance does not enhance morphine CPP or self-administration, they do not exclude the possibility that this prenatal morphine exposure enhances the rewarding properties of other drugs of abuse.  相似文献   

The effects of topiramate, a potential treatment for drug dependence, were evaluated in two groups of rats trained to discriminate the administration of either 0.4 mg/kg nicotine or 10 mg/kg cocaine from that of saline, under a fixed-ratio 10 schedule of food delivery. Topiramate (1-60 mg/kg, intraperitoneal) did not produce any nicotine-like or cocaine-like discriminative effects by itself and did not produce any shift in the dose-response curves for nicotine or cocaine discrimination. Thus, the ability to discriminate the effects of nicotine or cocaine does not appear to be altered by topiramate administration. Furthermore, topiramate, given either alone or in combination with nicotine or cocaine, did not depress rates of responding. These experiments indicate that topiramate does not enhance or reduce the ability of rats to discriminate the effects of nicotine or cocaine.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that maternal doses of 1 microg/kg or less of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) in late gestation can demasculinize and feminize reproductive behavior in male rats. However, it was not known whether coplanar polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) had similar effects, or whether non-reproductive sexually dimorphic behaviors such as saccharin preference behavior were also altered. We determined the effects of TCDD or coplanar PCBs on saccharin consumption and saccharin preference in male and female rats. Sprague-Dawley rats were dosed with 3,3',4, 4'-tetrachlorobiphenyl (PCB 77; 2 or 8 mg/kg/day), 3,3',4,4', 5-pentachlorobiphenyl (PCB 126; 0.25 or 1.0 microg/kg/day), TCDD (0. 025 or 0.10 microg/kg/day), or corn oil vehicle on days 10-16 of gestation. Maternal exposure to TCDD or coplanar PCBs did not change saccharin consumption or saccharin preference in male rats. However, TCDD and coplanar PCB-exposed females showed decreased saccharin consumption and saccharin preference. The results indicate that saccharin consumption is masculinized in female rats exposed to TCDD or coplanar PCBs during perinatal development. This effect could be related to the anti-estrogenic actions of these chemicals.  相似文献   

Studies showed that early postnatal exposure to the herbicide atrazine (ATR) delayed preputial separation (PPS) and increased incidence of prostate inflammation in adult Wistar rats. A cross-fostering paradigm was used in this study to determine if gestational exposure to ATR would also result in altered puberty and reproductive tissue effects in the male rat. Timed-pregnant Long-Evans (LE) rats were dosed by gavage on gestational days (GD) 15-19 with 100 mg ATR/kg body weight (BW) or 1% methylcellulose (controls, C). On postnatal day (PND)1, half litters were cross-fostered, creating 4 treatment groups; C-C, ATR-C, C-ATR, and ATR-ATR (transplacental-milk as source, respectively). On PND4, male offspring in the ATR-ATR group weighed significantly less than the C-C males. ATR-ATR male pups had significantly delayed preputial separation (PPS). BWs at PPS for C-ATR and ATR-ATR males were reduced by 6% and 9%, respectively, from that of C-C. On PND120, lateral prostate weights of males in the ATR-ATR group were significantly increased over C-C. Histological examination of lateral and ventral prostates identified an increased distribution of inflammation in the lateral prostates of C-ATR males. By PND220, lateral prostate weights were significantly increased for ATR-C and ATR-ATR, but there were no significant changes in inflammation in either the lateral or ventral prostate. These results suggest that in LE rats, gestational ATR exposure delays PPS when male offspring suckle an ATR dam, but leads to increased lateral prostate weight via transplacental exposure alone. Inflammation present at PND120 does not increase in severity with time.  相似文献   

Indiscriminate use of pyrethroids has raised serious health related concerns, especially about their effects on children. The present study was designed to assess the developmental neurotoxicity of two pyrethroids; bifenthrin (BIF) and β‐cyfluthrin (CYF) administered at 1/15 of LD50 in rats. Pregnant females were exposed to the test compounds orally throughout gestation and lactation periods. Neonates were weighed and sexed at birth and were observed for any gross abnormality. Growth, viability and weaning indices were calculated during the lactation period. Exposure to both the compounds did not alter the physical developmental parameters viz. eye opening, pinna detachment, and fur appearance. CYF significantly impaired growth and survivability of pups. Behavioral endpoints assessed in neonates (surface righting, pivoting, and negative geotaxis reflex) as well as adults (motor activity and motor coordination) exhibited marked effect of CYF treatment. Administration of BIF to pregnant dams impaired pivoting in neonates. Decreased locomotion in the open‐field and impaired rota‐rod performance were also witnessed in BIF‐exposed animals. Enhanced oxidative stress was seen in corpus striatum, cerebellum, and hippocampus regions of the brain; reduced catalase, superoxide dismutase, and glutathione peroxidase activities were measured in BIF and CYF treated weanlings. Acetylcholinesterase activity was also found to be lowered following administration of both compounds at PND 21. The present results suggest that exposure to pyrethroids during critical periods of growth can induce long term effects on the behavior of animals. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Environ Toxicol 31: 1761–1770, 2016.  相似文献   

成年雌性Wistar大鼠确定受孕后随机分为4组,每组8-10只,从整个孕期到哺乳期(到仔鼠出生后28 d止)持续给予硫丹0, 0.5, 1.0和2.5 mg·kg-1·d-1 po. 结果2.5 mg·kg-1·d-1组在孕后期出现明显的母体毒性,4/10孕鼠死亡,其他各组无孕鼠死亡.各组仔鼠雌雄性别比例无明显差别. 2.5 mg·kg-1·d-1组出生仔鼠体重略低于对照组,但以后逐渐恢复. 出生后28 d处死部分雄性仔鼠检查睾丸生殖细胞凋亡发生率,结果各组之间无明显差异. 各组雄性仔鼠均未发现隐睾或尿道下裂等畸形,肛门到生殖器间的距离与对照组比较亦无明显差别. 雄鼠成年后,睾丸,附睾,前列腺重量以及组织形态都无明显改变.每日精子生成数,附睾精子计数和精子畸形率以及生育力亦无明显影响. 说明在本试验条件下,大鼠孕期和哺乳期接触硫丹,没有引起子代雄性生殖系统结构的雌性化和生殖功能的明显改变. 结合硫丹对雌鼠子宫增殖亦无影响,认为硫丹在大鼠体内并没有明显的雌激素样作用.  相似文献   

成年雌性 Wistar大鼠确定受孕后随机分为 4组 ,每组 8- 1 0只 ,从整个孕期到哺乳期 (到仔鼠出生后 2 8d止 )持续给予硫丹 0 ,0 .5,1 .0和 2 .5mg· kg-1· d-1po.结果 2 .5mg· kg-1· d-1组在孕后期出现明显的母体毒性 ,4/1 0孕鼠死亡 ,其他各组无孕鼠死亡 .各组仔鼠雌雄性别比例无明显差别 .2 .5mg·kg-1·d-1组出生仔鼠体重略低于对照组 ,但以后逐渐恢复 .出生后 2 8d处死部分雄性仔鼠检查睾丸生殖细胞凋亡发生率 ,结果各组之间无明显差异 .各组雄性仔鼠均未发现隐睾或尿道下裂等畸形 ,肛门到生殖器间的距离与对照组比较亦无明显差别 .雄鼠成年后 ,睾丸 ,附睾 ,前列腺重量以及组织形态都无明显改变 .每日精子生成数 ,附睾精子计数和精子畸形率以及生育力亦无明显影响 .说明在本试验条件下 ,大鼠孕期和哺乳期接触硫丹 ,没有引起子代雄性生殖系统结构的雌性化和生殖功能的明显改变 .结合硫丹对雌鼠子宫增殖亦无影响 ,认为硫丹在大鼠体内并没有明显的雌激素样作用  相似文献   

Many chemicals released into the environment are capable of disrupting normal sex steroid balance, including the oral contraceptive ethinyl estradiol (EE) and the plastic monomer bisphenol A (BPA). EE and BPA are reported to impair reproductive organ development in laboratory animals; however, effects of lower doses of these chemicals have been debated. The goal of the current study was to determine whether relatively low oral doses of EE or BPA would alter male reproductive morphology and associated hormone levels of Long Evans hooded rat. Dams were gavaged with corn oil vehicle, EE (0.05-50 mug/kg/day) or BPA (2, 20, and 200 mug/kg/day) during pregnancy through lactation from gestational day 7 to postnatal day (PND) 18. Anogenital distance was measured at PND2 and nipple retention was measured at PND14 in male pups. Male offspring were euthanized beginning at PND150, and sera and organs were collected for analyses. Adult body weight was significantly decreased in males exposed to 50 mug EE/kg/day. Developmental EE exposure reduced androgen-dependent tissue weights in a dose-dependent fashion; for example, seminal vesicle and paired testes weights were reduced with >/= 5 mug EE/kg/day. Epididymal sperm counts were also significantly decreased with 50 mug EE/kg/day. In contrast, treatment with 2, 20, or 200 mug BPA/kg/day or EE at 0.05-1.5 mug/kg/day did not significantly affect any male endpoint in the current study. These results demonstrate that developmental exposure to oral micromolar doses of EE can permanently disrupt the reproductive tract of the male rat.  相似文献   

Schizophrenia is associated with increased rates of substance abuse that are thought to be the result of changes in cortical and mesolimbic dopamine activity. Previous work has shown that gestational methylazoxymethanol acetate (MAM) treatment induces increased mesolimbic dopamine activity when given around the time of embryonic day 17 (ED17), suggesting that MAM treatment may model some aspects of schizophrenia. Given that increased dopaminergic activity facilitates aspects of drug self-administration and reinstatement of drug seeking, the current experiments sought to assess cocaine self-administration in MAM treated animals. Experiment 1 examined the acquisition of cocaine self-administration in ED17 MAM and saline treated rats using a sub-threshold dose of cocaine. In experiment 2 ED17 MAM and saline treated animals were trained to self-administer cocaine and were then assessed under varying doses of cocaine (dose–response), followed by extinction and drug-induced reinstatement of responding. A subset of these animals was trained on a win-shift radial maze task, designed to detect impairments in hippocampal-dependent memory. In experiment 3, MAM and saline treated animals were assessed on a progressive ratio schedule of cocaine delivery. Finally, in experiment 4 MAM and saline treated animals were assessed on cocaine-induced locomotor activity across a range of doses of cocaine. MAM treatment disrupted performance of the win-shift task but did not alter cocaine self-administration or cocaine-induced locomotion. Implications of these results for the MAM model of schizophrenia are discussed.  相似文献   

Genistein is a plant-derived estrogenic isoflavone commonly found in soy-based products such as soymilk and soy-based dietary supplements for treating menopausal symptoms, for example. Vasopressin is a neurosecretory nonapeptide synthesized primarily in neurons of the hypothalamus and secreted into the bloodstream from the posterior lobe of the pituitary. The endogenous opiate peptide beta-endorphin is synthesized both in neurons of the hypothalamus and in pituitary cells, primarily of the neurointermediate lobe. It has been reported that exposure to 17beta-estradiol or diethylstilbesterol increased the vasopressin content of the hypothalamus, and that estradiol valerate selectively damages hypothalamic beta-endorphin-containing neurons. Since little was known of the potential effects of estrogenic endocrine-disruptor compounds on hypothalamic neuropeptides, we fed Sprague-Dawley fetuses from day 7 in utero until sacrifice at postnatal day 77, with either a control diet (<1 ppm) or an experimental diet containing 25, 250, or 1250 ppm of genistein. We then conducted ELISA assays for hypothalamic content of both beta-endorphin and vasopressin immunoreactivity. Whereas there were no statistically reliable effects of dietary genistein on hypothalamic beta-endorphin content, vasopressin levels were significantly elevated in the 1250-ppm genistein group (p < 0.05). Elevated vasopressin levels may be associated with fluid balance, altered blood pressure, and cardiovascular effects. These data are consistent with the known actions of estradiol and may serve to explain our finding in a previous study that estrogenic endocrine-disruptors such as genistein increased sodium preference in rats exposed through their diet.  相似文献   

Schizophrenia is associated with increased rates of substance abuse that are thought to be the result of changes in cortical and mesolimbic dopamine activity. Previous work has shown that gestational methylazoxymethanol acetate (MAM) treatment induces increased mesolimbic dopamine activity when given around the time of embryonic day 17 (ED17), suggesting that MAM treatment may model some aspects of schizophrenia. Given that increased dopaminergic activity facilitates aspects of drug self-administration and reinstatement of drug seeking, the current experiments sought to assess cocaine self-administration in MAM treated animals. Experiment 1 examined the acquisition of cocaine self-administration in ED17 MAM and saline treated rats using a sub-threshold dose of cocaine. In experiment 2 ED17 MAM and saline treated animals were trained to self-administer cocaine and were then assessed under varying doses of cocaine (dose–response), followed by extinction and drug-induced reinstatement of responding. A subset of these animals was trained on a win-shift radial maze task, designed to detect impairments in hippocampal-dependent memory. In experiment 3, MAM and saline treated animals were assessed on a progressive ratio schedule of cocaine delivery. Finally, in experiment 4 MAM and saline treated animals were assessed on cocaine-induced locomotor activity across a range of doses of cocaine. MAM treatment disrupted performance of the win-shift task but did not alter cocaine self-administration or cocaine-induced locomotion. Implications of these results for the MAM model of schizophrenia are discussed.  相似文献   

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