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A time and motion study is used to determine the amount of time required for a specific activity, work function, or mechanical process. Few such studies have been reported in the outpatient department of institutions, and such studies based exclusively on immunization clinic of an institute is a rarity.

Materials and Methods:

This was an observational cross sectional study done in the immunization clinic of R.G. Kar Medical College, Kolkata, over a period of 1 month (September 2010). The study population included mother/caregivers attending the immunization clinics with their children. The total sample was 482. Pre-synchronized stopwatches were used to record service delivery time at the different activity points.


Median time was the same for both initial registration table and nutrition and health education table (120 seconds), but the vaccination and post vaccination advice table took the highest percentage of overall time (46.3%). Maximum time spent on the vaccination and post vaccination advice table was on Monday (538.1 s) and nutritional assessment and health assessment table took maximum time on Friday (217.1 s). Time taken in the first half of immunization session was more in most of the tables.


The goal for achieving universal immunization against vaccine-preventable diseases requires multifaceted collated response from many stakeholders. Efficient functioning of immunization clinics is therefore required to achieve the prescribed goals. This study aims to initiate an effort to study the utilization of time at a certain health care unit with the invitation of much more in depth analysis in future.  相似文献   



Hand hygiene (HH) is the most important measure to prevent hospital-acquired infections but the compliance is still low.


To assess the compliance, identify factors influencing compliance and to study the knowledge, attitude and perceptions associated with HH among health care workers (HCW).

Settings and Design:

Cross-sectional study conducted in 42 bedded Medical (Pulmonary, Medicine and Stroke) intensive care units (ICU) of a tertiary care hospital.

Materials and Methods:

HCWs (doctors and nurses) were observed during routine patient care by observers posted in each ICU and their HH compliance was noted. Thereafter, questionnaire regarding knowledge, perception and attitudes toward HH was filled by each HCW.

Statistical Analysis:

Percentages and χ2 test.


The overall compliance was 43.2% (394/911 opportunities). It was 68.9% (31/45) in the intensivists, 56.3% (18/32) in attending physicians, 40.0% (28/70) in the postgraduate residents and 41.3% (301/728) in the nurses. Compliance was inversely related to activity index. Compliance for high, medium and low risk of cross-transmission was 38.8% (67/170), 43.8% (175/401) and 44.7% (152/340), respectively.


Compliance of the study group is affected by the activity index (number of opportunities they come across per hour) and professional status. The HCWs listed less knowledge, lack of motivation, increased workload as some of the factors influencing HH.  相似文献   

目的:了解儿科患儿家属对人性化服务的满意度情况,为医院在儿科人性化服务方面的建设提供依据。方法选取新疆某三甲医院儿科住院患儿家属150人作为调查对象,自行编制调查表对患者家属进行满意度调查分析。结果患儿家属总体满意度较高;不同性别的患儿家属对医院儿科提供人性化服务的服务效率、态度及就诊环境存在差异(P 〈0.05);不同年龄的患儿家属对就诊环境满意度存在差异(P 〈0.05)。结论儿科人性化服务意识在伴随医院发展过程中有所提高,患者家属满意度较高,但仍需通过加强医疗服务环境建设、改善医疗护理模式、重视医院管理环境建设及加强医护人员素质的建设等方面来进一步提高满意程度。  相似文献   

目的针对某三级专科医院制定员工帮助计划(Employee Assistance Programs,简称EAP),对需求现状进行调查,分析影响因素,为医院管理层开展EAP服务提供参考。方法采用匿名问卷方式,对医务人员100名行抽样调查。结果调查数据显示,医务人员需求的选项:在工作层面,对工作硬件环境改善、工作业绩提升、职业生涯的发展等方面需求比较明显;在生活层面,对休闲娱乐、照顾父母、子女抚养与教育等方面需求比较明显;在健康层面,对医疗保健、饮食健康、运动保健等方面需求比较明显。医务人员的年龄、工龄、婚姻、学历、编制、性别等方面,是EAP服务需求的主要影响因素;医务人员支持医院实施EAP服务并在健康层面最需要得到帮助,最愿意接受服务机构专业人员提供的面对面的心理个别咨询;医务人员在日常的工作、生活中,经常受到一些问题的困扰,因此非常需要获得专业的指导与帮助。结论掌握医务人员对EAP需求现状与影响因素,医院根据实际情况,轻重缓急地开展EAP。  相似文献   

目的了解某三级综合医院专病门诊的诊疗工作现状,分析专病门诊患者需求及管理模式的特点。方法对2008—2011年某三级综合医院专病门诊量进行描述性分析、线性回归分析及相关性分析。结果加强专病门诊管理有利于提高医疗质量和水平,简化门诊流程,实施疾病全程式规范化管理与治疗,提高门诊医疗服务效率。结论近年来专病门诊已逐渐成为门诊工作的增长点,为适应学科发展及患者需求,需不断规范对专病门诊的管理与建设。  相似文献   

目的调查某三级公立医院的住院患者出入院流程现状、满意度及影响因素。方法2019年7—10月,采用方便抽样法对各150名出入院住院患者通过观察记录出入院流程办理时间,对300名出院患者进行一般资料及满意度调查表进行调查。结果入院流程平均办理时间为(17.39±1.11)分钟;出院流程时平均办理时间为(16.78±0.63)分钟;但住院患者可接受时间集中在515分钟,约占57%。300位出院患者的满意度为(88.12±10.00)分,属于较满意水平,排名最低的3个项目是布局标识、结算效率及出入院时间;住院患者对于便捷支付的使用率和支持度较高。年龄、费用支付类型、手续办理人员、支付习惯、是否支持智能结算是满意度评分情况的影响因素。结论出入院流程尚未达到住院患者预期,建议在布局标识、结算效率及出入院时间方面加以流程优化,改善住院患者就医体验提高满意度。  相似文献   



Because of the environment in which they work, many health care workers are at an increased risk of accidental needle stick injuries (NSI).


To study prevalence and response to needle stick injuries among health care workers.

Materials and Methods:

Study Design: Cross-sectional study. Setting: A tertiary care hospital in Delhi. Participants: 322 resident doctors, interns, nursing staff, nursing students, and technicians. Statistical Analysis: Proportions and Chi-square test.


A large percentage (79.5%) of HCWs reported having had one or more NSIs in their career. The average number of NSIs ever was found to be 3.85 per HCW (range 0-20). 72 (22.4%) reported having received a NSI within the last month. More than half (50.4%) ascribed fatigue as a cause in their injury. Most of the injuries (34.0%) occurred during recapping. In response to their most recent NSI, 60.9% washed the site of injury with water and soap while 38 (14.8%) did nothing. Only 20 (7.8%) of the HCWs took post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) against HIV/AIDS after their injury.


The occurrence of NSI was found to be quite common. Avoidable practices like recapping of needles were contributing to the injuries. Prevention of NSI is an integral part of prevention programs in the work place, and training of HCWs regarding safety practices indispensably needs to be an ongoing activity at a hospital.  相似文献   

This article describes a rural self-directed care program for adults with diabetes. The intervention consisted of coordinating with primary care clinics, six 2-hour facilitated educational peer groups, communication with physicians, referral tracking and follow-up, telephone support, and cooking demonstrations. The educators minimized lectures and they allowed content to emerge from participant questions and concerns. The program provided culturally tailored written educational materials. The author identifies theory and process issues for designing a diabetes self-directed care program in rural settings.  相似文献   

目的分析我院2006-2013年锐器伤情况,为持续改进锐器伤安全管理工作提出建议。方法对上报的《医疗锐器伤登记表》进行分析总结。结果2006-2013年共上报429例锐器伤,主要人群为护士(59.7%)和医生(33.3%);工龄主要为5年及以下者(72.5%);发生地点主要为病房(43.1%)和手术室(27.7%);致伤物主要为注射器针头(30.5%)、头皮针输液器针头(21.2%)和缝合针(18.2%);护士和医生的主要致伤环节分别为整理锐器和手术中缝合;血液传染病污染的锐器占40.1%;锐器伤随访率为93.8%,无血源性病原感染病例发生。结论建议加强医务安全教育,针对重点人群高危环节进行培训,完善锐器伤相关管理制度,加强高危人群管理。  相似文献   

医药价格综合改革利国利民,需采取有效措施以保证改革顺利进行。在总结各地区医药价格综合改革做法的基础上,结合某三甲公立医院改革前后运行数据,分析改革对三甲公立医院运行机制的影响,并提出医药价格综合改革形势下三甲公立医院可持续发展的路径。  相似文献   


Introduction: About 22% of pregnant women are anemic in Ethiopia, but there is a large variation across the country. Hence, the aim of this study identifies the prevalence of anemia and associated factors among pregnant women attending prenatal appointments in Dembia District, northwest Ethiopia.Methods and materials: A facility-based, cross-sectional study was conducted among 713 pregnant women. A multi-stage, stratified sampling technique was used to select the study participants. A structured and pretested questionnaire, laboratory data, and chart review were used to collect data. Bivariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were used to identify factors associated with anemia in pregnant women.Results: Prevalence of anemia was 32.4% with a majority of these having moderate anemia. Type of health center being rural/urban health center, water sources, days since fasting, 4 weeks of iron supplementation, craving unusual foods, mid-upper arm circumference scores, and decision power were significant predictors of anemia.Conclusion: The present study suggests anemia among pregnant women attending prenatal in Dembia district was high. Working to enhance adherence to iron supplementation and partner involvement for joint decision-making is recommended to avert prenatal anemia. Health-care providers and programmers are advised to pay special attention to rural and fasting pregnant mothers.

Abbreviations: AOR: Adjusted Odd Ratio; CMHS: College of medicine and health sciences; CI: Confidence Interval; HFIAS: Household Food Insecurity Access Scale; RCSI: Reduced Coping Strategies Index; Hgb: Hemoglobin; MCMC: Marco Chain Monte Carlo; EPV: Events per variable; BMI: Body Mass Index; PPS: Population proportionate to size sampling; SRS: simple random sampling; DALYS: Disability-adjusted life years; MUAC: Mid-upper-arm-circumference; WHO: World Health Organization; EDHS: Ethiopian Demographic and Health Survey; SPSS: Statistical package for social science; ANC: Ante natal care; PCA: Principal component analysis; MASL: Meter above sea level; g/dl: gram per decilitre HALE: Health Action Leicester Ethiopia; WDDS: Women’s Dietary Diversity Scale  相似文献   


Agencies that deliver health care services to HIV-positive substance abusers living in rural areas of the United States face particular treatment challenges and barriers to care. Rural consumers of HIV/AIDS health care–related services identified long travel distances to medical facilities, lack of transportation, lack of availability of HIV-specific medical personnel, a shortage of mental health and substance abuse services, community stigma, and financial problems as leading barriers to access to care. This article discusses barriers to care for rural HIV-positive substance abusers, and challenges for rural health care providers. In addition, it presents a case study of Health Services Center, a model program that has devised innovative practices in the delivery of health care services to HIV-positive substance abusers in rural northeastern Alabama.  相似文献   



To describe any rural–urban differences in child care providers’ (1) past training on the facilitation of child healthy eating and physical activity and (2) views relevant to the design of trainings.


Cross-sectional analysis of data from the 2016 Healthy Start, Healthy State survey of Minnesota child care providers (rural, n?=?232; urban, n?=?386). Licensed family home-based care providers and providers working at licensed centers responded online or by mail to measures of desired training content, barriers, and delivery mode preferences.


Training barriers that were more often a concern for rural compared with urban providers included scheduling outside work hours, difficulties finding trainings, and travel (all P < .001). Rural and urban providers identified similar preferences with regard to training content and delivery.

Conclusions and Implications

The findings suggest it would be worthwhile for future research to examine whether rural providers’ training participation is affected by uniquely relevant participation barriers.  相似文献   

目的 了解大同市预防艾滋病母婴传播工作状况,分析孕产妇人群中艾滋病的流行现状和趋势,对HIV感染孕产妇采取综合干预措施,并对HIV感染孕产妇所生的儿童进行抗病毒治疗,定期随访,分析母婴阻断情况,提出有效的干预措施指导今后的工作.方法 收集整理2009-2012年山西省大同市预防艾滋病母婴传播信息工作资料,对HIV感染孕产妇及所生儿童的抗病毒治疗情况进行回顾性分析及统计.结果 孕期HIV检测率逐年上升,检出HIV感染孕产妇6例,HIV感染孕产妇所生的儿童5例,满18个月的儿童HIV感染1例,母婴传播率为25%,失访1例.结论 孕期进行HIV检测可及早发现艾滋病感染者,可有效阻断艾滋病母婴传播的发生,降低母婴传播率,确保优生优育,保障母婴安全.因此,提高孕产妇孕期检测率需要社会各部门密切配合,加大健康教育宣传力度,提高孕早期知晓率、咨询率和检测率.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of Responding In Peaceful and Positive Ways (RIPP), a violence prevention program originally developed for urban middle schools serving a predominantly African American student population, was evaluated in rural schools serving an ethnically diverse student population. A between-school design was used to compare outcomes over two years for a cohort of students at four intervention schools where the RIPP program was implemented and four no-intervention control schools. Although results were not consistent across all measures and time points, several significant intervention effects were found on self-report measures of aggression, victimization, life satisfaction and mediating variables including knowledge and attitudes.  相似文献   

目的分析外来孕产妇全覆盖管理模式在社区的实施效果。方法选取上海市浦东新区3个街道为干预社区,3个街道为对照社区,在干预社区实施孕产妇全覆盖管理干预模式,提供孕产保健服务;在对照社区按常规提供孕产保健服务。结果随访2年后,干预社区流动人口孕产妇产前检查超过5次的占93.02%,超过对照组的88.16%(P<0.001);经多因素非条件Logistic分析,干预后两组孕检次数有统计学意义,而在足月分娩及流产或存活等方面两组无显著性差异。结论全覆盖管理模式可以改善流动人口孕产妇管理现状,扩大孕产期保健的覆盖面,但进一步发挥作用需要制度保障。  相似文献   



To identify the sociodemographic characteristics, degree and cause of visual disability among certified visually disabled individuals in a rural district of West Bengal, India and to identify possible lacunae, if any, in the existing certification system.

Materials and Methods:

A cross-sectional study by secondary data analysis of medical records of 155 visually disabled individuals and their 310 eyes. Demographical features, diagnosis, percentage of visual disability and work activity status of each individual were analyzed.


One hundred and thirty one (84.52%) individuals had 100% disability. The number of males was significantly higher than that of females. Fifty eight (37.42%) individuals were below 21 years of age. Phthisis bulbi was the most common cause followed by microphthalmos. Further, 81.29% patients had the same lesion bilaterally.


Patients with higher grades of disability have attended certification boards. A large number of disabled individuals comprised children and young adults. Male gender bias demands concern.  相似文献   

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