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目的探讨内镜逆行胰胆管造影(ERCP)相关十二指肠穿孔的原因、诊断和外科治疗。方法对6例外科手术治疗的ERCP相关十二指肠穿孔患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析。6例穿孔患者均急诊行外科开腹手术,其中3例为外院十二指肠穿孔后转入。4例有腹部外科手术史。术前证实胆总管结石4例,胆囊癌术后阻塞性黄疸1例,胆管扩张1例。结果穿孔原因为十二指肠镜操作不当相关穿孔2例,十二指肠乳头括约肌切开术相关3例(1例针状刀预切开),小切开联合大球囊扩张致穿孔1例。6例患者4例术中发现右肾周积气,2例术后CT发现后腹膜积气、积液。6例均行胆总管探查、T管引流、十二指肠穿孔修补和空肠造瘘术,其中2例同时行胃肠吻合术。5例痊愈,1例死亡。结论十二指肠乳头括约肌切开指征把握不佳,有多次腹部手术史者穿孔率较高,及时发现,合理治疗是关键;对于严重的Ⅰ型及Ⅱ型穿孔,及时积极的外科手术治疗,可有效降低ERCP相关穿孔所造成的严重后果。  相似文献   

目的探讨经内镜逆行性胰胆管造影(ERCP)并十二指肠穿孔的非手术治疗方法及护理。方法对5例ERCP并发十二指肠穿孔患者采取非手术治疗:3例乳头预切开穿孔者行鼻胆管引流术,2例进镜穿孔者行尼龙绳联合钛夹或单独钛夹闭合穿孔。对5例患者均做好术后的胃肠减压和药物治疗,并做好相关护理措施。结果 5例患者行非手术治疗后均痊愈,未行外科手术干预。结论 ERCP并十二指肠穿孔者根据穿孔情况可选择非手术治疗,但术中熟练的护理配合、术后严密的病情观察及细致的护理是非手术治疗成功的有效保证。 更多还原  相似文献   

胆总管结石是腹部外科常见病,以往多采用手术治疗.经过多年的发展,内镜治疗技术已相当成熟,并成为治疗胆总管结石的首选方法.我科2002年7月至2004年5月行逆行性胰胆管造影(以下简称ERCP)、十二指肠乳头扩约肌切开取石(以下简称EST)、鼻胆管引流术(以下简称ENBD)32例,取得良好效果.现将护理体会介绍如下.  相似文献   

胰腺位于腹膜后,位置较深并且毗邻血管,周围结构复杂,因此,胰腺疾病的定性、定位诊断及鉴别诊断比较困难。超声内镜(Endoscopic UItrasonography,EUS) 是诊断胰腺占位最敏感的技术,也是判断胰腺癌分级的最准确方法之一。在EUS检查基础上,EUS及其引导下的细针抽吸活检术(Fine-needle Aspiration, FNA)可提高胰腺占位诊断的特异性和准确性。EUS-FNA诊断胰腺癌的敏感性达75%~86%[1]。 作为一种新型检查方法,EUS-FNA使用不当可能发生并发症,EUS-FNA相关并发症包括感染、出血、胰腺炎和穿孔等[2,3]。在EUS所有并发症中,最为致命的是穿孔[2]。我院2015年12月收治1例超声内镜引导下行胰腺穿刺术并发十二指肠穿孔,经保守治疗无效后给予急诊手术、积极抗感染治疗、呼吸机辅助呼吸后患者恢复良好  相似文献   

目的 探讨内镜逆行胰胆管造影术(ERCP)诊治胰胆管疾病的疗效和并发症的防治措施.方法 回顾ERCP 346例,探讨在各种情况下如何进行十二指肠乳头肌切开(EST)和柱状气囊扩张(EPBD)治疗及并发症的防治.结果 346例ERCP中成功340例(98.3%).胆总管结石138例,137例EST取石成功.胆总管泥沙样结石20例,作EST和EPBD治疗.胆胰肿瘤10例,EST后EPBD治疗.结论 ERCP对胆胰疾病诊断可靠,治疗性ERCP是胆胰疾病微创治疗的发展趋势.  相似文献   

肝脓肿(Hepatapostema)是由真菌、细菌以及溶组织阿米巴病原体引起的肝实质中局部感染化脓性病变,脓肿可为单个或多个,主要通过门脉系统或胆道系统到达肝脏,或直接从邻近器官侵入肝脏,预后取决于病原体种类、是否及时有效地治疗和机体的状况[1]。肝脓肿除了积极抗炎治疗外,早期预防和症状的护理尤为重要。肝脓肿会进展为为脓毒血症及急性化脓性胆管炎,严重者会出现感染性休克,危及患者的生命。患者在发生肝脓肿时需要立即进行救治,并加强生命体征的观察。[2]我科于2018年2月收治了1例因一根鱼骨由十二指肠穿孔并刺入肝脏实质后,导致肝脏化脓感染的患者。  相似文献   

不典型胃肠穿孔3例误诊分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胃十二指肠穿孔是临床上常见疾病,大多数依靠病史、体征及X线检查便可作出正确诊断,但对于一些不典型的病例诊断上便会碰到问题,甚至误诊,现将以下3例不典型胃肠穿孔报道如下。例1男,55岁。因突然上腹剧痛1天到本院就诊,既往无胃痛史。腹透:肠腔积气较多,拟诊腹痛待查,急性胰腺炎?收入院。查体:体温37.5℃。急性痛苦面容,皮肤巩膜无黄染,心肺正常,腹平,上腹部腹肌紧张,剑突下明显压痛,反跳痛(+),脐周轻压痛,反跳痛(—),肝脾助下未触及,Murphy征(—),移动性浊音(—),肠鸣音减弱。实验室检查:血白细胞11.…  相似文献   

目的加强对内镜逆行胰胆管造影(ERCP)相关肠穿孔危险因素的认识,提高ERCP诊疗技术的安全性。方法收集该院以及在国内医学刊物公开发表的ERCP相关肠穿孔的临床数据,回顾性分析ERCP相关肠穿孔的危险因素。结果累计收集具有完整资料的ERCP诊疗术患者31 184例次,累计68例次发生肠穿孔,发生率为0.22%。穿孔发生部位分布:球部、降部、输入攀、输出攀、乳头周围及不明部位;穿孔发生的原因有:乳头切开32例,胆管内导丝置入14例,拉直镜身13例,插入7例,毕II式术后4例,脊柱畸形2例,支架2例及不明原因1例。结论 ERCP相关肠穿孔的主要危险因素是:治疗性ERCP、十二指肠镜操作不当、非常规操作、脊柱畸形等;术前充分评估患者的危险因素,提高术者的操作技术,尤其是相关的治疗技术,细致、规范操作是防止ERCP相关十二指肠穿孔的重要措施。  相似文献   

急性胃、十二指肠穿孔的超声诊断价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于治疗消化性溃疡新药的开发和使用,胃、十二指肠溃疡的治疗有了重大的突破,溃疡病的药物治愈率越来越高,穿孔的发生几率越来越低。经查阅1993~2004年2月前的超声档案和临床病历资料,发现经手术和胃镜证实的胃、十二指肠穿孔患者仅12例,现将其声像图改变进行分析,并探讨急性胃、十二指肠穿孔的超声诊断价值。  相似文献   

ERCP-related perforations: risk factors and management   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
BACKGROUND AND STUDY AIMS: Perforations during endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) are rare, and the management of these perforations is variable, with some patients requiring immediate surgery and others only conservative management. We reviewed all ERCP-related perforations at our institution to determine: a) their incidence; b) clinical outcomes; c) which management approaches gave the best results; and d) which factors predict a perforation. PATIENTS AND METHODS: All patients who underwent ERCP and suffered perforation were reviewed. To compare the length of hospital stay of the perforation group with that of patients suffering a different complication, patients who developed post-ERCP pancreatitis were also reviewed. To evaluate predictors of ERCP-related perforations, three groups were compared: group 1 (n = 49), normal ERCP/no complications; group 2 (n = 52), ERCP complicated by pancreatitis; and group 3 (n = 33), ERCP with perforation. RESULTS: Of 33 patients with confirmed ERCP-related perforations, only seven patients required surgical intervention. The overall length of hospital stay (6.5 +/- 3.5 days) was significantly longer (P = 0.003) than that of a random group of patients with the complication of post-ERCP pancreatitis (4.7 +/- 2.6 days). According to univariate analysis, risk factors included: sphincterotomy (odds ratio [OR] 9.0, 95 % confidence interval [CI] 3.2 - 28.1); sphincter of Oddi dysfunction (OR 3.8, 95 % CI 1.4 - 11.0); and dilated common bile duct (OR 4.07, 95 % CI 1.63 - 10.18, P = 0.003). In the multivariate logistic regression analysis, additional predictive factors included the duration of procedure (OR 1.021, 95 % CI 1.006 - 1.036), and biliary stricture dilation (OR 7.2, 95 % CI 1.84 - 28.11). CONCLUSIONS: (i) The incidence of ERCP-related perforations is very low (0.35 %). (ii) Esophageal, gastric and duodenal perforations usually require surgery, but sphincterotomy- and guide wire-related perforations rarely do so. (iii) Factors which carry increased risk of an ERCP-related perforation include suspected sphincter of Oddi dysfunction, greater age, a dilated bile duct, sphincterotomy, and longer duration of the procedure.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Due to friable margins and the moribund state of the patient, managing giant duodenal perforations (>20 mm in diameter) is a challenging task. METHODS: A prospective randomized study of 100 patients with large-sized (> 20 mm) duodenal peptic perforation comparing omental plugging (study group) with omentopexy (control group) was carried out. RESULTS: Size of the perforation varied between 20 to 30 mm. No study group patients developed a postoperative perforation site leak, as compared with 6 patients in the control group. Gastric outlet obstruction was significantly less at 6 weeks and 5 years in the study group as compared with the control group, and mortality was significantly less in the study group. CONCLUSION: It was concluded that omental plugging was a safe and reliable method of treatment for large-sized duodenal peptic perforations.  相似文献   

Saranga Bharathi R  Rao P  Ghosh K 《Endoscopy》2006,38(12):1271-1274
Endoscopic biliary stenting is the preferred method of decompression in obstructive jaundice. Duodenal perforations caused during stenting and stent migration are rare but life-threatening complications, and require judicious management. With the increasing use of therapeutic endoscopy, an awareness of these complications is becoming important in our surgical practice. Advances in interventional radiology, endoscopy, and laparoscopy have enhanced the scope and reduced the morbidity of both conservative and surgical treatments of these perforations. This article presents an update on the current state of our knowledge on the science and the management of this complication.  相似文献   

Thoracic esophageal perforations   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
BACKGROUND: Recognition of the importance of early diagnosis and aggressive, definitive surgical intervention has brought about a dramatic decline in mortality related to distal esophageal perforation. METHODS: We retrospectively analyzed all cases of thoracic esophageal perforation diagnosed at our hospital from September 1, 1979, through April 1, 2001. The study group consisted of 62 patients (43 men) with a mean age of 58.8 years (range, 20-92 yr). RESULTS: In the group of 39 patients with early diagnosis (< or = 24 h), hospital survival was 87%, which increased to 93% when early diagnosis was combined with aggressive surgical treatment Among the 23 patients with late diagnosis (> 24 h), survival approached 70%. Yet, in patients who were treated aggressively with surgery, survival was almost 90% despite delayed diagnosis. CONCLUSION: We recommend aggressive, definitive surgery for thoracic esophageal perforations, whether diagnosed early or late. A variety of options are discussed with regard to complicated presentations.  相似文献   

腹腔镜胃十二指肠溃疡穿孔修补术30例分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
范吉利  商志远 《中国内镜杂志》2007,13(7):781-781,784
目的 探讨腹腔镜治疗胃十二指肠溃疡穿孔的应用价值.方法 在腹腔镜监视下,吸净腹腔内溢出的胃肠内容物后,行腹腔镜胃十二指肠穿孔修补术.结果 手术均获成功,平均手术时间42 min,2~4 d进流质,5~7 d出院,未发生并发症.结论 腹腔镜治疗胃十二指肠溃疡穿孔具有痛苦小、脏器干扰小、腹腔冲洗彻底、恢复快等优点,值得推广应用.  相似文献   

Studies to date indicate that certain synthetic prostaglandin E derivatives, notably misoprostol and enprostil, possess duodenal ulcer healing efficacy that is equivalent to that of the existing H2-receptor antagonists. Whether healing is achieved by virtue of their antisecretory action alone or in combination with their cytoprotective properties cannot be ascertained. Earlier reports that non-antisecretory prostaglandin E2 was effective for duodenal-ulcer healing suggested that cytoprotective mechanisms may contribute to ulcer healing, but this needs be confirmed. Chronic cigarette smoking adversely affects duodenal ulcer healing despite treatment with potent acid-reducing regimens. Evidence is available that cigarette smoking reduces luminal prostaglandins in the stomach, and that misoprostol, a prostaglandin E1 is able to overcome the adverse effect of smoking on duodenal ulcer healing, further suggesting that cytoprotective mechanisms may contribute to ulcer healing. Furthermore, misoprostol has been shown to be the first therapeutic agent capable of improving active chronic antral gastritis, which has recently been found to be almost invariably associated with active duodenal ulcer.  相似文献   

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