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目的观察湿热环境下的伤口经密闭性功能敷料处理后血浆β-内啡肽(β-EP)的变化。方法模拟湿热环境,建立猪创伤模型,以密闭性功能敷料处理后,测定各时间段血浆β-EP含量、呼吸频率及心率值并与未采用敷料的对照组进行比较。结果实验组的血浆β-EP含量显著低于对照组(P<0.05),且热暴露8 h和损伤后24 h与伤前无统计学意义(P>0.05)。热暴露时,实验组的呼吸频率及心率值变化幅度显著低于对照组(P<0.05)。结论该敷料具有抑制血浆β-EP的高峰值及呼吸和心率的增加幅度。  相似文献   

电针对创伤大鼠白介素—1和β—内啡肽影响的时效观察   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
动态观察电针穴位对创伤大鼠神经内分泌免疫功能的。用手术创伤大鼠的模型,电针刺激“足三里”,“阑尾穴”经^3H-胸腺嘧啶核苷孵育分析,测定巨噬细胞分泌白介素-1(IL-1)的功能及外围血β-内啡吠的和皮质酮水平。结果,创伤组2、4、8、12h大鼠胸腔巨细胞(Mφ)分泌IL-1的功能明显增加(P〈0.05;P〈0.001)。各时期的血浆β-内啡肽(β-End)和皮质酮(cs)含量极明显升高(P〈0.0  相似文献   

观察练气功对慢性病病人血浆β-内啡肽含量的影响。方法 采用放射免疫方法检测练气功前后受试者血浆β-内啡肽含量的变化。结果 练气功后,病人血浆β-内啡肽水平较练功前显著降低。结论练气功可使机体β-内啡肽水平降低,可能有利于机体细胞功能提高。  相似文献   

湿性敷料对难愈性小腿伤口的护理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
小腿处伤口难以愈合的主要原因为小腿位置较低,创伤后肿胀,血液循环差,组织缺氧,饮食营养不能满足需要,患肢休息不充分,制动困难.目前处理伤口的敷料很多,在对辅料的选择,伤口的处理,经济消耗等方面应全面考虑,以消耗最低,愈合时间最短,效果最佳为标准.本病护理重点包括心理疏导,饮食指导,创面应用湿性敷料处理尤佳,可缩短治疗时间,减轻病人痛苦,愈后无瘢痕.  相似文献   

探讨β-内啡肽对大鼠血浆唾液酸水平的影响。方法 在Wistar大鼠侧脑室分别注射浓度为25,50和100μmol/L的β-END和抗β-END血清,注射及及注射后5,15,25和35min分别取血,紫外分光光度仪测SA含是。结果注射β-END后大鼠血浆SA水平较注射前均降低,并且随β-END浓度的增加,SA水平降低所需的时间逐渐缩短;  相似文献   

金尔伦对急性脑梗死患者血浆β—内啡肽的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:观察金尔伦对急性脑梗死患者血浆β—内啡肽(β—EP)的影响及临床疗效。方法:49例急性脑梗死患者根据入院的先后顺序随机进入金尔伦组(25例)和常规治疗组(24例)。金尔伦组在常规治疗的基础上加金尔伦2mg静脉滴注,每日一次,连续14d。两组在用药前后均测定血浆β—EP含量,并观察其肢体功能的改变。结果:金尔伦组、常规治疗组和健康对照组治疗前血浆β—EP含量分别为(731.5±20.4)pg/L、(728.0±21.8)pg/L和(537.8±21.7)pg/L、治疗后分别为(563.7±24.2)pg/L和(631.4±23.6)pg/L。此外,临床症状和神经功能缺损的改善,金尔伦组均优于常规治疗组(P<0.01)。结论金尔伦可拮抗急性脑梗死患者β—EP的生物效应,改善临床症状。  相似文献   

运动训练对慢性应激大鼠β—内啡肽分泌的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的:探讨运动训练对慢性应激大鼠β-内啡肽(β-EP)分泌的变化。方法:对大鼠进行为期8周的不同负荷运动训练,并在运动训练后期给予3周的冷刺激,测定大鼠下丘脑和血清中β-EP的含量。结果:(1)经过3周的冷应激后,大鼠产生显著的身心变化,下丘脑和血清β-EP的含量均显著升高,从而表明冷应激可使机体β-ED的合成和释放增多。(2)经过8周的运动训练后,大鼠下丘脑β-EP含量显著升高,血清β-EP含量显著下降;而对运动训练的大鼠施加冷刺激后,大鼠下丘脑和血清中β-EP含量显著低于应激组,以中等负荷运动训练组最为明显。结论:运动训练可以减少内源性β-EP的释放,有效对抗大鼠机体对冷刺激产生的应激反应,维持机体在应激状态下内分泌功能的稳定。  相似文献   

本工作选用健康雄性Wistar大鼠,以放射免疫测定法(RIA),观察了在高海拔地区长期低氧环境中,大鼠海马(Hippocampus),下丘脑(Hypothalamus),中脑(Mesencephalon)β—内啡肽免疫活性物质(β—EPLI)含量的变化。结果表明,海马中脑内β—EPLI含量与平原对照组相比,下降有非常显著性意义(P<0.01),下丘脑下降亦有显著性差异(P<0.05)。这提示,在高海拔地区慢性缺氧条件下大鼠脑内β—EPLI可能参与其对低氧刺激的长期适应调节过程。  相似文献   

Background Self and mutual-aiding occlusive dressing is a novel method to treat with the wounds in special circumstances.This study aims to prepare a new antimicrobial adhesive for the dressing and evaluate the application effects of the adhesive.Methods The main component of the new antimicrobial adhesive was 5% triclosan / cyanoacrylate (CA) antimicrobial adhesive.The adhesive was modified with carboxylic multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs-COOH),multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs),hydrophobic nano-silica,nitrile rubber,epoxy resin and polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) respectively.The bond strength,toughness and viscosity of the modified adhesive in different concentrations were examined to select the optimal modifying material and the best ratio to prepare the new antimicrobial adhesive according to the results.After that,the antimicrobial property of the new antimicrobial adhesive was tested by filter paper method.At last,we disposed the injury models in rats using the new antimicrobial adhesive to examine the application effects.Results In individual tests,the bond strength modification performance of 0.064% MWCNTS-COOH is the best,the bond strength is (14.71±1.48) Mpa.8% nano-silica shows the best toughness modification performance,the Tg is (1.10±0.24)℃.The viscosity modification performance of 8% nano-silica is the best,the viscosity is (15 536.68±28.4) cP.However,consolidating three test results,6% nano-silica / antimicrobial adhesive has the balanced bond strength,toughness and viscosity.Its bond strength is (14.03±1.92) Mpa,the Tg is (3.60±0.68)℃,and the viscosity is (5 278.87±31.68) cP.The inhibition zone diameter of 6% nano-silica / antimicrobial adhesive and antimicrobial adhesive group in Day 5 is (28.61±0.91) mm versus (28.24±2.69) mm (P >0.05).In animal studies,both in blood routine test and pathological section,6% nano-silica / antimicrobial adhesive group shows lower white blood cells count than gauze bandage group (P <0.05).Conclusions 6% nano-silica has the optimal effect of bond strength modification,toughness modification and viscosity modification,and the antimicrobial adhesive modified with it has a good antimicrobial property (resistant staphylococcus aureus).  相似文献   

高温高湿环境对受照小鼠生存的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
OBJECTIVE: To study the survival of the mice with gamma-ray irradiation in hot and humid environments (HHE) and determine the median lethal dose in 30 days (LD50/30). METHODS: One hundred mice were randomly divided into 2 groups (n=50 each) to receive gamma-ray irradiation at the dosage of either 7 or 9 Gy, and were then immediately transferred to the chambers simulating HHE for treatment for 30, 60, 90 or 120 min respectively, leaving one group at room temperature (n=10 in each group). The death rates of the mice within 30 days were observed. For LD50/30 determination, another 180 mice in 3 equal groups were subjected to irradiation at 5, 7 or 9 Gy, respectively and after further division of each group into 3 equal subgroups, the mice underwent treatment in HHE for 60 or 90 min respectively or at room temperature to observe their death rates within 30 days and calculate the LD50/30. RESULTS: Compared to the mice treated at room temperature, earlier onset and more cases of infections with much severity were observed in all the HHE groups, with reduced average survival time and obviously shortened median survival time (P<0.05), and LD50/30 tended to also decrease in the HHE groups. CONCLUSION: The survival indexes of irradiated mice are significantly decreased in hot and humid environments.  相似文献   

目的研究高温高湿环境下,对经一定剂量γ射线照射小鼠生存的影响及30 d内引起小鼠50%死亡的辐射剂量(LD50/30)的变化规律。方法将实验动物分为室温组和高温高湿环境下30、60、90和120 min共5组,各组分别给予7、9 Gy的γ射线照射和相应的高温高湿作用时间后,观察30 d内小鼠的死亡情况。同时对室温组、高温高湿60、90 min组,分别给予5、7、9 Gy的γ射线照射,观察30 d内的死亡情况,计算出各组小鼠的LD50/30。结果高温高湿组小鼠与室温组小鼠相比,感染加重、平均存活时间缩短、中位生存时间显著提前(P<0.05);LD50/30存在下降趋势。结论高温高湿环境下,受照小鼠的生存指标明显下降。  相似文献   

高温高湿环境肢体火器伤病理形态学变化   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的通过建立高温高湿环境下犬肢体火器伤动物模型,探讨这一特殊环境下肢体火器伤的病理形态学变化,为 其临床救治提供理论基础。方法将8只杂种犬随机分为高温高湿组(5只)和常温常温组(3只),分别于火器伤后4、8、 12、24 h进行大体观察并通过光镜和电镜进行病理形态学观察。结果大体观察可见高温高湿组6-8 h后较常温常湿组 伤道及肌肉变色区明显扩大,肢体肿胀加重,挫伤区色泽暗红,肌肉无收缩且有腐败臭味,有感染征象;而常温常湿组 12~24 h伤道始出现臭味。光镜及电镜观察到高温高湿组各区肌肉纤维的病理变化均较常温常湿组显著,且损伤呈进行 性加重,而常温常温组的震荡区及震荡外区24h伤道组织损伤均有减轻趋势。结论高温高湿环境下肢体火器伤伤道 肌肉组织病理损伤严重,且随时间的延长而逐渐加重,救治时更应强调早期彻底清创。  相似文献   

目的探讨高温高湿环境下局部负压伤口治疗对创伤愈合的影响。方法以兔背部皮肤全层皮肤缺损的急性创面为模型,将24只创伤兔按随机数字表法随机分为常温对照组、常温实验组、高温对照组、高温实验组,每组6只。实验组给予局部负压伤口治疗,对照组用纱布覆盖,不给予负压引流。在相应干预后的不同时间对各组动物的创面大体情况、创面愈合时间、创面愈合百分比、病理形态学进行观察和检测。结果高温对照组与常温对照组比较,创面愈合时间、创伤后7d创面愈合率、创面感染率及组织损伤程度显著增高(P〈0.05),而实验组较相应的对照组则显著降低(P〈0.05)。结论高温高湿环境是阻碍创面愈合的重要因素之一,局部负压伤口疗法具有促进创面愈合的作用。  相似文献   

高温高湿环境下猫颅脑火器伤后细菌生长特点   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the growth behavior of characteristics in craniocerebral gunshot wound of cats in a hot and humid environment. METHODS: Twenty-three cross-bred cats were randomly divided into 4 groups: group A, the gunshot wound control group at normal temperature, in which tissue sampling was performed immediately after the wounding; group B, another gunshot wound control group at normal temperature, in which the samples were taken 6 h after the wounding; group C, the gunshot wound group subjected to a hot and humid environment, in which the tissue samples were obtained 6 h after the wounding; group D, the control group without undergoing the wound. The tissues from the wound tract and the surrounding tissues were sampled for bacterial culture and counting. RESULTS: The bacterial counts of the tissues from the wound tract, the tissues within 5 mm and within 5-10 mm from wound tract varied insignificantly between groups A, B and C (P>0.05). In each group, the bacterial counts declined in the tissues as the distance of the sampling sites from the wound tract increased (P<0.01). The bacterial counts of the tissues from the wound tract and within 5 mm from the wound tract in group A, B and C were significantly different from those in group D (P<0.01). CONCLUSION: Hot and humid environment does not significantly affect the bacterial growth in the craniocerebral gunshot wound within the first 6 h, which is a safe period against rapid bacterial growth and suitable for debridement.  相似文献   

目的探讨高温高湿环境下肢体火器伤后组织脂质过氧化与抗氧化酶变化的规律。方法将犬随机分为常温常湿组、热习服组、高温高湿组,分别在致伤前及火器伤后1、3、4、6、8、10、14、18、24h检测外周血和伤道骨骼肌中超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和丙二醛(MDA)含量。结果(1)每组SOD、MDA的含量在伤后14h内呈正相趋势;(2)高温高湿组中MDA含量开始升高和其峰值的时间点提前,分别为3h和6h,峰值显著高于其他两组(P<0.05),SOD的含量则相反;(3)热习服组SOD含量较高温高湿组升高;(4)三组14h后SOD、18h后MDA含量无差异。结论高温高湿火器伤可使机体内脂质过氧化反应增强,热习服则明显减低这种作用。  相似文献   

高温高湿环境犬肢体火器伤细菌学定量观察   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
目的探讨高温高湿环境下火器伤弹道细菌定量变化及发生感染的时限,为这一特殊环境下火器伤软组织清创时 机、方法及抗生素的应用提供依据。方法将犬随机分为高温高湿(HHE)组和常温常湿(NE)组,于火器伤后0、4、6、 8、12、24 h进行大体观察及细菌学定量变化的检测。结果伤肢肿胀、组织坏死和动物死亡时间,HHE组均较NE组 严重和提前。细菌学定量检测HHE组火器伤伤道细菌数在同一时间点比NE组高,随时间的延长呈显著增长趋势。 NE组12 h细菌数目可达引起感染的临界数值,而HHE组8 h时细菌数即达临界数值,较NE组明显提前。结论高 温高湿环境下火器伤后细菌繁殖快,感染时间提前且严重,强调及早、彻底的清创。  相似文献   

目的研究高温高湿环境下猫颅脑火器伤后创面及周围组织细菌生长特点。方法杂种猫23只随机分为常温枪伤对照组(伤后立即取材,A组)、常温枪伤组(伤后6 h取材,B组)、高温高湿枪伤组(伤后6 h取材,C组)和空白对照组(D组),分别取创面及周围组织进行细菌培养并计数。结果A、B、C组其创面组织、伤道壁5 mm内组织、伤道壁5~10 mm内组织细菌含量无统计学差异(P>0.05),各组内随着离伤道距离的增加细菌含量减少(P<0.01)。3组创面组织、伤道壁5 mm内组织细菌含量与D组比较差异显著(P<0.01)。结论高温高湿环境对颅脑火器伤6 h内的细菌生长情况无显著影响,颅脑火器伤后6 h内细菌繁殖未进入高速增长期,进行清创仍是安全的。  相似文献   

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