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报告绵阳市1985~1986年开展前瞻性心血管危险因素的调查结果。随机抽样25~64岁1560人。调查项目有血清总胆固醇、高密度脂蛋白胆固醇、血压、血糖、体重指数、吸烟率、心电图、艾森克个性测定等八项。  相似文献   

目的:描述1984—1999年北京城乡人群心血管病主要危险因素的流行状况,对比并评价心血管病危险因素的变化趋势。方法:分别于1984—1985年,1988—1989年,1993年,1996年和1999年采用相同的方法,在北京市25~64岁人群中进行了5次独立的心血管病危险因素调查。按性别、城乡分组,比较各种危险因素在城乡人群中的不同变化趋势。结果:从1984—1999年,北京市城乡人群心血管病危险因素的变化趋势:1.城市人群的收缩压、舒张压水平和高血压患病率呈下降趋势,城市男性的下降趋势有统计学意义;而农村人群的收缩压、舒张压水平和高血压患病率则均呈上升趋势。2·各组人群的血清总胆固醇水平和高胆固醇血症患病率均呈上升趋势。15年间,城乡男性的血清总胆固醇水平每年分别增加0·06mmol/L(2·3mg/dL)和0·08mmol/L(3·1mg/dL)。3·除城市女性外,其他各组人群的体重指数(BMI)水平、腰围、超重+肥胖率(BMI≥24)、肥胖率(BMI≥28)和腹型肥胖率均呈上升趋势。4·吸烟支数和吸烟率在农村男性中呈上升趋势,在其他各组人群中则呈现下降趋势。尤其在女性中下降趋势有统计学显著性。结论:北京城乡人群的多项心血管病危险因素水平呈不同的变化趋势。农村人群的危险因素水平普遍高于城市人群,均呈上升趋势。今后应加强对农村人群的心血管病防治工作。  相似文献   

1984~1993年北京城乡心血管病危险因素变化趋势的比较   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
目的:评价并对比北京城乡人群1984-1993年10年中,心血管病危险因素的变化趋势。方法于1984-1985年,1988-1989年和1993年分别在北京70万MONICA监测人群中进行了3次独立的心血管病危险因素调查。分别采用分层随机抽样方法抽取25-64岁,男女两性的独立样本。对收缩压、舒张压、高血压患病率、知晓率、治疗率、控制率、血清总胆固醇、高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL-C)、体重指数)B  相似文献   

本研究分析了1984-1999年在北京市自然人群中开展的5次心血管病危险因素调查资料,比较北京市人群15年来心血管病危险因素的变化趋势及心血管病危险因素在不同人群中的变化特点,为人群心血管疾病预防提供依据。  相似文献   

<正> 1985—1989年按 WHO—Monica 方案方法,对鞍山市对炉、和平、凡荣、共和四个街道办事处25—74岁年龄组进行了心血管病人群监测,监测人口数如下:  相似文献   

我们于1984-85年和1988-89年在北京市心血管病监测区分别随机抽取年龄在25-64岁者1,673作1,557人进行两次心血管病危险因素调查,第一次调查城市居民1,127人,农村430人。北京市和郊区农村的几个心血管病危险因素的变化趋势并不完全一致,其中城区和郊区农村的平均血总胆固醇水平,高密度脂旦白胆醇和BMI均上升,城市男性一吸烟率仍在上升,女性吸烟率和农村居民的吸烟率都有下降的趋势。城  相似文献   

目的对心血管病的相关危险因素与预防措施进行研究与探讨。方法选取我院自2013年1月至2016年12月收治的心血管病患者700例与健康体检者700例作为本次研究对象。将700例心血管患者设为观察组,将700例健康体检者设为对照组,对两组研究对象的心血管疾病危险因素进行分析与比对,并制定出相关预防措施。结果观察组中有55.43%的患者年龄为60岁以上,有43.43%的患者吸烟、32.29%的患者饮酒,有45.14%的患者患有高血压、51.57%的患者患有糖尿病、52.14%的患者患有高血脂症,有62.71%的患者存在动脉粥样硬化,观察组患者基本情况中各项比率均明显高于对照组,组间对比具有统计学意义(P0.05);分析后发现患者年龄、吸烟、饮酒、高血压、糖尿病、高血脂症以及动脉粥样硬化为心血管疾病的相关危险因素(P0.05)。结论心血管疾病的危险因素包括年龄、吸烟、饮酒、高血压、糖尿病、高血脂症以及动脉粥样硬化,将不良的生活习惯戒掉可有效预防心血管疾病。  相似文献   

老年人的心血管病危险因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究包括30~62岁的5127例男、女居民,占 Framingham 地区该年龄组居民的半数略强。方法 5209例男、女居民中,5127例在列入本研究之初查无疾病。此后,每2年复查一次,藉以判定心肌梗塞、心绞痛和冠状动脉供血不全的发病率,以及猝死率和非猝死性冠心病(CHD)死亡率。用 Abell-Kendall方法测定血胆固醇,用血脂研究诊所的方法测定血脂蛋白。结果从 Framingham 人群年龄和其  相似文献   

Risk assessment of cardiovascular diseases (CVD) is shifting from the relative risk to an absolute risk approach. The residual lifetime risk (LTR), which provides an absolute risk assessment, is an epidemiologic measure that expresses the probability of someone of a given age and sex developing a disease condition during their remaining lifespan. The LTR estimation is important because it could be more easily comprehended by clinicians and patients. The LTR for CVD was not estimated for the Japanese population until recently, when the LTR of stroke and acute myocardial infarction (AMI) was reported. The reported LTR of stroke and AMI for middle-aged adults is substantial. The observed probabilities illustrated that approximately 1 in 5 men and women of middle age will suffer from a stroke in their remaining lifetime. On the other hand, approximately 1 in 6 men and 1 in 9 women of middle age will suffer from AMI in their remaining lifetime. Aaginst the backdrop of the aging population and worsening risk factor scenario, these estimates re-emphasize that CVD is a public health burden that requires preventive interventions. These estimates provide a means to communicate the absolute risk of CVD to the lay population, policy makers, as well as health service providers in predicting the disease burden of CVD. This easily comprehended knowledge can be used as an important index to assist in public health education and planning.  相似文献   

心脑血管疾病危险评估方法学研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
心脑血管疾病是严重威胁人类健康的一类疾病,据美国心脏病、学会调查结果显示,美国冠心病、脑卒中、心力衰竭的死亡人数分别占总体死亡人数的1/5、1/8、1/8[1].有学者预测,到2020年,全球缺血性心脏病死亡将从1990年的630万增到1100万,30年内缺血性心脏病死亡将增加74.6%[2].自上世纪60年代,以Framingham为代表的研究小组就开始对冠心病的危险因素进行研究,运用回归、判别和生存分析等方法,通过大规模前瞻性的队列研究发现:吸烟、总胆固醇水平、血压、心电图异常、体能锻炼、心理因素、女性停经、高密度脂蛋白胆固醇、左心室肥大等对心血管疾病的发病有重大影响,是心脑血管疾病发病的危险因素,并在此基础上建立了冠心病预测模型,开发出了更适于临床应用的简易评估工具.国家中心环境预报(NCEP)、美国高血压教育计划(NHBPEP)也把控制血脂、血压水平作为预防冠心病的一个目标,并根据Framingham的绝对危险度调整了临床治疗指南[3-4].目前大多数研究结果都集中对危险因素水平和数量的调整,而现代计算机技术和数据统计水平的提升,使预测方法学改进成为可能.  相似文献   

Increased concentrations of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol have been closely associated with decreased risk of future cardiovascular disease. This protective effect of HDL has been mainly attributed to its involvement in reverse cholesterol transport. More recently, it has been suggested that apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I), the major protein component of HDL, possesses nearly identical information as HDL in terms of risk prediction for future cardiovascular disease. This makes apoA-I a very attractive biomarker candidate for implementation into clinical practice, taking into account its analytical advantages. This review summarizes our current knowledge based on observations from recent studies, with emphasis on potential pathophysiologic mechanisms of action and on the clinical utility of apoA-I as a predictor of cardiovascular risk.  相似文献   

Background and aimsDietary patterns high in fruits and vegetables have been associated with lower risk of cardiovascular diseases. It is difficult to assess whether individuals are following a dietary pattern recommended for cardiovascular disease prevention in large population based studies. Therefore, the association between phylloquinone (vitamin K1) intake, derived mainly from green vegetables, and risk of cardiovascular diseases [total and fatal coronary heart disease (CHD), non-fatal myocardial infarction, total and ischemic stroke] was prospectively assessed.Methods and resultsThe study was conducted in 40,087 men who participated in the Health Professionals' Follow-up Study during 1986–2000. There were 1857 CHD events and 617 strokes. After adjustment for lifestyle factors, the relative risks of total CHD events in increasing quintile categories of phylloquinone intake were 1 (reference), 0.84, 0.87, 0.82 and 0.84, respectively (P for trend 0.05). However, the risk of CHD events and strokes did not remain significantly associated with phylloquinone intake after adjustment for lifestyle and other dietary factors.ConclusionThese results suggest that although not an independent risk factor, high phylloquinone intake may be a marker of dietary patterns associated with lower CHD risk and useful when used within that context.  相似文献   

Hyperglycemia besides typical changes of lipids, especially of LDL and HDL-cholesterol and triglycerides, arterial hypertension and smoking is another factor causing greater morbidity and mortality of diabetic patients with cardiovascular disease. Significant association was found between the insulin resistance and atherosclerosis. Some studies evaluating the tight relationship between diabetes and cardiovascular diseases are selected in this overview and they demonstrate the necessity of the complex therapeutic and preventive approaches.  相似文献   

By affecting the metabolism of lipids, hypothyroidism accelerates the process of atherogenesis and increases cardiovascular risk. In manifest hypothyroidism the number of LDL receptors in the liver decreases and there is an increase in levels of overall cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol and apolipoprotein B in the blood. Levels of HDL particles remain normal or even rise slightly as a result of reduced activity of the Cholesterol ester transfer protein (CETP) and hepatic lipase. This leads to a reduction in the transport of cholesterol esters from HDL-(2) to VLDL and IDL. Subclinical hypothyroidism also has a negative effect on the lipid profile, but is more likely to lead to pro-atherogenic changes in the proportion of lipid particles than to a reduction in overall cholesterol. Subclinical hypothyroidism leads to the manifestation of certain risk factors of atherosclerosis. Although studies of overall mortality and cardiovascular morbidity have not been completely unanimous in their conclusions, increased cardiovascular risk can be considered likely in subclinical hypothyroidism. It remains an open question whether the treatment of subclinical hypothyroidism with levothyroxine. At present we have only indirect proof from studies that assessed the effect of levothyroxine treatment on risk factors of atherosclerosis. Starting treatment with lipid lowering agents (especially statins) for (sub)clinical hypothyroidism is extremely risky though due to the risk of the development or worsening of myopathy, which is a further cogent argument for the active screening and treatment of(sub)clinical hypothyroidism for all patients with dyslipidemia.  相似文献   

At present the number of cancer survivors is still increasing. However, their long-term quality of life after anticancer treatment can be decreased. Radiotherapy may represent a risk for the future of some oncologic patients. The late cardiovascular effects of radiotherapy to the area of thorax, cranium and to the abdominal area are the actual multidisciplinary problem. The unique problem is mediastinal radiotherapy which may induce the development of the cardiomyopathy, constrictive pericarditis, coronary artery disease, myocardial infarction, valvular defects, arrhythmias and other complications. Exact knowledge of pathophysiological mechanisms of radiation induced cardiovascular damage after radiotherapy as well as using of new diagnostic cardiologic methods might be useful for the detection of subclinical abnormalities and their early treatment already in the asymptomatic patients.  相似文献   

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