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文章使用国家卫生健康委2014年开展的中国计划生育家庭发展追踪调查数据,采用Probit模型和工具变量方法,实证检验家庭老年照料与社区上门生活护理服务和社区上门医疗服务之间的关系。研究发现:(1)家庭照料会显著减少老年人使用社区上门生活护理服务的概率,二者呈替代关系,但是在高龄和中、重度失能老人中,两者呈互补关系;(2)对于上门医疗服务则存在互补关系,家庭照料会显著增加老年人使用社区上门医疗服务的概率,但是在低收入老年人中,二者存在替代关系。文章建议社区居家养老服务体系建设要注重与家庭照料之间的协调发展,特别要关注高龄、中、重度失能和低收入老年人群体的照料需求,实现家庭照料与社区居家养老服务的优势互补。  相似文献   

Psychiatric care in Japan has received criticism not only within Japan but from other parts of the world. By contrast, the services for mentally ill in England is considered to be superior and is therefore presented briefly to benefit the development of better community psychiatric care in Japan. The history of psychiatric services in England is described briefly. After World War II, deinstitutionalization has been occurring and the in-patient rate per 100,000 population which was 354 in 1954 and has decreased to 120 in 1990. Despite a decrease in the in-patient rate, the admission rate per 100,000 population has been increasing gradually during this period. Deinstitutionalization process and the development of community care services are summarized. Among these are alternative services such as primary care, day care and residential services in the community which are considered to be important elements. Problems associated with deinstitutionalization process are also discussed. In developing community care services in Japan, lessons can be learned from the success and failures of England's attempt over the last 30-years to build a better, more community-based system.  相似文献   

本文利用北京大学国家发展研究院(CCER)发布的中国健康与养老追踪调查数据(CHARLS),以安德森医疗服务利用行为模型为分析框架,实证研究了影响我国老年人居家和社区养老服务利用的因素。统计分析结果显示,我国老年人居家和社区养老服务的利用程度整体偏低,其中社区养老服务的利用程度高于居家养老服务;影响我国老年人居家和社区养老服务利用的因素有所交集,但不完全相同。为提高我国老年人居家和社区养老服务利用程度,促进我国养老照护事业发展,应加大政策宣传、提升认知程度,完善基层功能、提升服务质量,重视预防保健、强化精神慰藉,做好需求评估、实现精准供给。  相似文献   

CONTEXT: Rural health services are difficult to maintain because of low patient volumes, limited numbers of providers, and unfavorable economies of scale. Rural patients may perceive poor quality in local health care, directly impacting the sustainability of local health care services. PURPOSE: This study examines perceptions of local health care quality in 7 rural, underserved communities where telemedicine was implemented. This study also assesses factors associated with travel outside of local communities for health care services. METHODS: Community-based pretelemedicine and posttelemedicine random telephone surveys were conducted in 7 northern California rural communities assessing local residents' perceptions of health care quality and the frequency of travel outside their community for health care services. Five-hundred rural residents were interviewed in each of the pretelemedicine and posttelemedicine surveys. Between surveys, telemedicine services were made available in each of the communities. FINDINGS: Residents aware of telemedicine services in their community had a significantly higher opinion of local health care quality (P =.002). Satisfaction with telemedicine was rated high by both rural providers and patients. Residents with lower opinions of local health care quality were more likely to have traveled out of their community for medical care services (P =.014). CONCLUSIONS: The introduction of telemedicine into rural communities is associated with increases in the local communities' perception of local health care quality. Therefore, is it possible that telemedicine may result in a decrease in the desire and need for local patients to travel outside of their community for health care services.  相似文献   

Obstetrical health care resources have been declining in rural areas since 1980, resulting in reduced prenatal care that can result in higher medical costs. Loss of health care services is known to have negative economic consequences for rural communities. This article illustrates how hospitals and other providers of medical services can be used as vehicles for local economic development. Provision of medical services is an important component of the economic base of all communities and especially of small rural communities with hospitals. When a community loses medical services to another community, it loses both direct and indirect economic benefits. The research presented here analyzes the economic effects of outmigration of obstetric services from a rural "perimeter" community in Wyoming. The combined direct and indirect economic losses are shown to be significant. Annual revenue losses to the local hospital were estimated as high as 12 percent. It is important to make explicit the economic losses that result from reductions in health care. Such research, combined with knowledge of negative health and social factors can provide community leaders with additional motivation to find solutions to declining health care in rural areas.  相似文献   

目的 :建立适合中国国情的城市社区卫生服务网络。方法 :采用文献与现场调查相结合的研究方法 ,并对江苏省南京市、无锡市及徐州市的卫生行政管理部门、社区卫生服务机构及社区卫生服务管理人员进行调查。结果 :作为一种新型的服务理念和服务模式 ,社区卫生服务对社区居民的健康保健产生了积极的促进作用 ,同时也对卫生服务体系的改革产生了深远的影响 ,但科学、合理的社区卫生服务网络体系有待进一步完善。结论 :建议通过资源重组、功能整合、政策支持等综合措施 ,逐步建立完善的社区卫生服务体系。  相似文献   

目的:通过研究北京市失能老人的社区照料现状与需求,为完善老人社区照顾体系提供建议。方法:利用北京市社区老人社会支持状况调查数据,运用描述性统计分析、单因素卡方检验及多元Logistic回归分析方法,对失能老人的社会照顾情况进行分析。结果:失能老人健康状况不容乐观,其对社区提供公益性医疗卫生服务和为老设施建设均有很高需求,对社区提供钟点工入户、日间照料、志愿者服务也有需求,但社区供给服务与设施建设不足。结论:我国失能老人基数大、增长快,但社区照顾供给不足,难以满足老人的需求,亟需完善社区医疗卫生服务建设与社区居家照顾体系。  相似文献   

Health services managers are used to organisational change, but social services departments have been addressing, and are still facing, major challenges associated with implementing the changes to community care provision. Norma Raynes gives a perspective on local authorities' culture and bureaucracy, which need to change if the community care revolution is to be sustained.  相似文献   

There have been a number of systematic investigations of alternative ways of delivering psychiatric care, a number of studies of so-called ‘alternatives’ to psychiatric care, and some studies of community care services received after in-patient care. This paper reviews research evidence which suggests that when general psychiatric services are located in community settings, for example psychiatric out-patient services in primary care settings, or multidisciplinary teams in a community base, the use of psychiatric beds in hospital can be reduced.  相似文献   

There has been much debate in recent years about the implementation of community care policies for people with learning difficulties. The debate has centred on the following points: what the real costs and benefits of community care are, and to whom; what a community care service should look like; who should provide the service and how should it best be funded. This paper presents the results of a study comparing the costs and outcomes to clients of a variety of residential services for people with learning difficulties. The services evaluated range from traditional hospital services to small community based homes, run on 'ordinary life' principles. The purpose of the study was to collect information to aid policy makers and service providers in deciding how best to implement the community care initiative.  相似文献   

This paper describes some of the current problems in assuring basic maternity care as an essential community service in the rural state of Vermont. Solving the cost of care problem will still leave large gaps in the ability of our maternity care system to provide continuous and high-quality maternity care for all pregnant women. The problem of access is not only a temporary aberration of the current medical care system, but a central and identifying characteristic of it. Maternity care services are as essential as other community services such as utilities and education. The authors propose that the state should assure the availability and quality of maternity care services as it would other essential services. The development of a statewide care system using a nurse midwife model of services is suggested.  相似文献   

This paper is interested in the issue of community participation and empowerment in health care provision and decision-making. In Canada, the present scope for public involvement in planning or managing the state's health and social services system is limited. This poses a particular problem for rural communities--places where the provision of health care services has historically been limited when compared to urban locations. These rural communities are now facing a double burden as public policy moves increasingly towards a retrenchment of the welfare state. This paper examines one rural community's response to this double burden. The village of Elgin in rural Ontario recently established Guthrie House, a community-based resource center for health and wellness services. Community participation in this case involved a level of control whereby local citizens together defined the health and social care services that they saw as best meeting the needs of their community. This form of community participation is considerably different from the forms of public involvement in the established medical system and represents a critical link to 'empowering' the local community as partners in health care. Through an examination of Guthrie House, the paper presents a review of some critical 'characteristics' which mark successful community self-help organizations and concludes with a discussion of the policy implications for greater community participation. It is argued that such community participation in health care is a policy option which government should be paying particular attention to in these times of fiscal constraint, increasing health care needs and increasing consumer dissatisfaction with government service provision mechanisms.  相似文献   

城市社区卫生服务的发展:挑战与机遇   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市社区卫生服务是当前卫生工作的重点,但其发展仍然面临诸多挑战。百姓健康需求的增加、经济发展、卫生改革等给社区卫生带来了良好的发展机遇。  相似文献   

People needing intensive and specialized health care are being cared for now in community settings; this has implications for both primary health care professionals and family carers. This paper draws on research investigating how services can be developed to support families caring for children with complex health care needs, to consider the challenges facing professionals working in the primary health care sector. Interviews conducted with parents, professionals and those who fund and commission specialized health services reveal particular problems in relation to the purchasing and provision of short-term care and specialist equipment/therapies in the community. These problems need to be addressed if people with specialized needs are to be cared for outside hospitals. The new Primary Care Groups (PCGs) will have the opportunity to enhance the provision of these services. Primary care professionals will also need to work in partnership with other sectors of the health service and with local authority services, at both strategic and operational levels, to develop integrated and coordinated services for this growing group of people.  相似文献   

目的:分析社区卫生服务中心通过不同方式参与医养结合服务的主要做法,为社区卫生服务中心参与医养结合服务提供建议。方法:采取目的抽样法,在东、中、西部各选取开展医养结合服务且具有代表性的上海市、武汉市、重庆市共6家社区卫生服务中心进行现场调查。运用主题框架分析法对资料进行分析。结果:调研地区社区卫生服务中心参与医养结合服务主要包括社区卫生服务中心参与居家养老、社区养老、养老机构养老以及社区卫生服务中心提供养老服务等。每个调研地区社区卫生服务中心参与不同种类医养结合服务的服务对象、主体、方式和内容均有所不同。目前社区卫生服务中心参与医养结合尚缺乏统一的行业标准,部门间仍需要进一步协同,社区卫生服务中心参与医养结合服务的程度有限。结论:顶层设计需要考虑到社区卫生服务中心辖区居民的需求以及机构服务能力,制定老年人统一照护需求评估标准,确定社区卫生服务中心提供服务的内容与对象,同时加强信息化建设,提高社区卫生服务中心的服务效率。  相似文献   

This paper compares total outpatient health care utilization of residents of the Labrador community of Sheshatshit, a predominantly native Innu settlement, with those for the adjacent and predominantly caucasian community of Northwest River for 1986. In lieu of a community survey, these data provide an approximation of the morbidity patterns within the populations. Findings indicate that the native population experiences proportionately more infectious diseases (39.3% of all visits compared to 12.5% of all visits for the non-native community). While residents of the Innu community utilize health services primarily for curative care, residents of Northwest River sought services for both curative and preventive care. It is concluded that inequalities in material wellbeing may underlie the morbidity in Sheshatshit. While desirable in light of the WHO Ottawa Charter, any modification of the health services on account of these morbidity patterns will have only modest effect until policy-based initiatives to reduce material inequalities are implemented.  相似文献   

英国是当前福利国家中社区照顾历史最悠久的国家,迄今已逾六十年。英国社区照顾服务供给模式的建构深受新自由主义和新管理主义影响,这些意识形态主导了英国历届政府关于购买社区照顾服务的改革与完善。当前,我国正积极推进医养结合、长期照护政策,并确定社区为主的发展模式。本文在借鉴英国购买式社区照顾服务经验并结合中国国情的基础上,提出政府角色重新定位、积极扶持民间服务组织发展及完善购买式照顾服务法律体系等建议,以期减轻政府负担、增强照顾服务效率和提高照顾服务质量。  相似文献   

居家养老医疗关爱服务模式浅析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
居家养老服务是指政府和社会力量依托社区,为居家的老年人提供生活照料、家政服务、康复护理和精神慰藉等方面服务的一种服务形式。它是对传统家庭养老模式的补充与更新,是我国发展社区服务,建立养老服务体系的一项重要内容[1]。文章阐述了目前我国居家养老医疗关爱服务的现状,详细分析了建立居家养老医疗关爱服务体系的必要性和可行性,并针对现阶段居家养老医疗关爱服务中存在的问题,提出了提升我国居家养老医疗关爱服务水平的设想,阐明居家养老医疗关爱服务是我国现阶段养老模式医疗服务的最佳选择。  相似文献   

Providing access to and utilization of medication assisted treatment (MAT) for the treatment of opioid abuse and dependence provides an important opportunity to improve public health. Access to health services comprising MAT in the community is fundamental to achieve broad service coverage. The type and placement of the health services comprising MAT and integration with primary medical care including human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) prevention, care and treatment services are optimal for addressing both substance abuse and co-occurring infectious diseases. As an HIV prevention intervention, integrated (same medical record for HIV services and MAT services) MAT with HIV prevention, care and treatment programs provides the best "one stop shopping" approach for health service utilization. Alternatively, MAT, medical and HIV services can be separately managed but co-located to allow convenient utilization of primary care, MAT and HIV services. A third approach is coordinated care and treatment, where primary care, MAT and HIV services are provided at distinct locations and case managers, peer facilitators, or others promote direct service utilization at the various locations. Developing a continuum of care for patients with opioid dependence throughout the stages MAT enhances the public health and Recovery from opioid dependence. As a stigmatized and medical disenfranchised population with multiple medical, psychological and social needs, people who inject drugs and are opioid dependent have difficulty accessing services and navigating medical systems of coordinated care. MAT programs that offer comprehensive services and medical care options can best contribute to improving the health of these individuals thereby enhancing the health of the community.  相似文献   

质量是社区卫生服务工作的生命。通过对湖南省某市社区卫生服务工作质量进行评估,发现城市社区卫生服务在加速发展的同时,存在机构设置规划不科学,经费拨付依据不充分,基本医疗服务不规范且费用偏高,基本药物制度试点效果不明显,部分机构服务质量低、态度差等问题。提出进一步完善社区卫生服务工作绩效考核指标和考核方法,实施公立医院“名医进社区”工程,全方位监管以有效规避社区卫生服务工作的道德风险,是提高社区卫生服务工作质量的必由之路。  相似文献   

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