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The purpose of this study was to understand the perceptions of mothers of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) who participated in 10 one-hour coaching sessions. Coaching occurred between an occupational therapist and mother and consisted of information sharing, action, and reflection. Researchers asked 10 mothers six open-ended questions with follow-up probes related to their experiences with coaching. Themes were identified, labeled, and categorized. Themes emerged related to relationships, analysis, reflection, mindfulness, and self-efficacy. Findings indicate that parents perceive the therapist–parent relationship, along with analysis and reflection, as core features that facilitate increased mindfulness and self-efficacy. The findings suggest that how an intervention is provided can lead to positive outcomes, including increased mindfulness and self-efficacy.  相似文献   

The association between, and stability of, clinical diagnosis and diagnosis derived from the Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R; Lord, Rutter, & Le Couteur, 1994) was examined in a sample of prospectively identified children with childhood autism and other pervasive developmental disorders assessed at the age of 20 months and 42 months. Clinical diagnosis of autism was stable, with all children diagnosed with childhood autism at age 20 months receiving a diagnosis of childhood autism or a related pervasive developmental disorder (PDD) at age 42 months. Clinical diagnosis of childhood autism was also reasonably sensitive, with all children who went on to receive a clinical diagnosis of childhood autism at 42 months being identified as having autism or PDD at 20 months. However, clinical diagnosis for PDD and Asperger's syndrome lacked sensitivity at 20 months, with several children who subsequently received these diagnoses at 42 months receiving diagnoses of language disorder or general developmental delay, as well as in two cases being considered clinically normal, at the earlier timepoint. The ADI-R was found to have good specificity but poor sensitivity at detecting childhood autism at 20 months; however, the stability of diagnosis from 20 to 42 months was good. In addition, the ADI-R at age 20 months was not sensitive to the detection of related PDDs or Asperger's syndrome. The continuity and discontinuity between behavioural abnormalities identified at both timepoints in the three domains of impairment in autism was examined, both in children who met final clinical criteria for an autistic spectrum disorder, and for children with language disorder who did not, as well as for a small sample of typically developing children.  相似文献   

A Broader Phenotype of Autism: The Clinical Spectrum in Twins   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:21  
The diagnostic boundaries of the behavioural phenotype for autism were examined in 28 MZ pairs and 20 DZ same-sex twin pairs, where one or both twins had autism. In the non-autistic cotwin (i.e. In twin pairs discordant for autism) it was common to find language impairments in childhood and social deficits persisting into adulthood. Concordance for this broader phenotype was much greater in MZ pairs than DZ pairs, indicating a strong genetic component. Behavioural and cognitive manifestations of autism were compared both within and between MZ twin pairs. The variation was as great within MZ twin pairs as between pairs, suggesting that it does not index genetic heterogeneity (although aetiological heterogeneity probably exists). Current diagnostic practices need re-evaluation.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Increasing numbers of young children referred for a differential diagnosis of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) necessitates better understanding of the early syndrome expression and the utility of the existing state-of-the art diagnostic methods in this population. METHOD: Out of 31 infants under the age of 2 years referred for a differential diagnosis, 19 were diagnosed with autism, and 9 with pervasive developmental disorder - not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS) when reassessed at 3 years. We examined 1) the symptoms of ASD in the second year and changes in the syndrome expression by the age of three; 2) relationship between expert-assigned clinical diagnosis and diagnostic classification based on Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule-Generic (ADOS-G) and Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised (ADI-R) in the second year; 3) the relationship between direct observation and parental report of ASD symptoms. RESULTS: Symptoms of autism and PDD-NOS in the second year were pronounced and stability of the clinical diagnosis was high. The agreement between clinician-assigned autism but not PDD-NOS diagnosis and the ADOS-G was high. However, sensitivity of the ADI-R diagnostic classification of autism was poor. Comparison of concurrent parental report and direct observation revealed discrepancies in severity ratings of key dyadic social behaviors. Changes in communication reflected acquisition of language accompanied by the emergence of unusual language characteristics. Symptoms of social dysfunction were relatively stable over time, and so was the severity of stereotyped behaviors. CONCLUSIONS: The study provides support for stability of clinical diagnosis and syndrome expression in the second year and highlights advantages and limitations of the ADI-R and ADOS-G for diagnosing and documenting symptoms of ASD in infants.  相似文献   

The classic principles put forth by Wilson and Jungner are often applied to determine the suitability of a condition for universal newborn screening. The three cases described here portray the harmful effects of vitamin B12 deficiency in infancy. The challenges and opportunities of early recognition and treatment are highlighted. Screening newborns would allow early detection and prevention of severe neurological damage in vitamin B12‐deficient infants and enable diagnosis of unrecognized maternal pernicious anemia in asymptomatic mothers. However, lack of standardized methodology and screening cutoffs present challenges to the use of current tandem mass spectrometry technologies for screening.  相似文献   

This paper reviews 165 cases of lower urinary obstruction in infancy. The commonest lesions were posterior urethral valves (91) and ectopic ureterocele (34), stenosis or atresia of the urethra (8), and bladder neck obstruction (6). There were 12 different diagnoses in the remaining 26 cases. The commonest presenting features were general in nature (110), and of these, failure to thrive and vomiting (87) were most frequent. The commonest urinary signs and symptoms were palpable bladder (93) and urinary infection (90).An accurate diagnosis was obtained by intravenous pyelography or cystourethrography.Treatment was directed to correction of electrolyte and water disturbances, followed by early relief of the obstruction.The mortality rate was 32·5% for children admitted in the first month of life, and only 8% thereafter, with an overall rate of 18%.  相似文献   

An Adoption Study of Depressive Symptoms in Middle Childhood   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Several twin studies of children and adolescents have found significant heritability of depressive symptoms. In contrast, the sole adoption study of biologically related and biologically unrelated adopted siblings found no evidence for genetic influence. The present study attempts to confirm these results in middle childhood using two adoption designs. The sample, from the Colorado Adoption Project, included 180 adopted children (77 with adoptive siblings) and their biological and adoptive mothers, and 227 nonadopted children (93 with biological siblings) and their mothers. Mothers reported their own neuroticism, and children's depressive symptoms were reported by the parents and by the children themselves. For both the sibling adoption and the parent-offspring designs heritability was negligible, shared environment modest, and nonshared environment substantial, irrespective of child gender. Although the power of the sibling data is low, the combined findings from the two designs suggest that genetic effects on depressive symptoms in childhood may be somewhat smaller than previously estimated in twin studies.  相似文献   

First-degree relatives of 99 autism probands and of 36 Down's syndrome controls were assessed with standardised tests of intellectual functioning, reading, and spelling. Higher mean verbal IQ scores, and discrepancies in favour of verbal scores, were characteristic of autism relatives. No consistent differences were found on performance scales, reading, and spelling tests. Among autism relatives, siblings affected with the broad phenotype of autism had significantly lower IQ scores and poorer reading and spelling performances than unaffected siblings. However, the small size of the cognitive difference and the lack of a distinctive cognitive profile indicates that standardised cognitive measures used in this study are unlikely to improve the operationalised definition of the broad phenotype of autism. The slightly superior verbal performance of relatives in the autism group might represent some form of heterozygote advantage.  相似文献   

Enhanced Visual Search for a Conjunctive Target in Autism: A Research Note   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Children with and without autism were compared on two visual search tasks in which a letter target appeared among two sets of letter distracters. In one task, the target shared colour with one set of distracters but was unique in shape-the feature search task. In the other, the conjunctive search task, the target shared colour with one set and shape with another set of distracters. Although search was slower in the conjunctive task than the feature task in normally developing control children, children with autism showed no significant slowing in reaction time in the conjunctive task and were faster than control children in this task. This result is discussed in the light of theories of visual search which state that rate of search is determined by the degree of similarity between target and distracters.  相似文献   

This study employed the self-understanding interview of Damon and Hart (1988) to assess the self-concepts of two groups of children and adolescents: a group of individuals with autism and a group of nonautistic mentally retarded individuals who were matched for age and for verbal ability. On the basis of an hypothesis concerning the interpersonal origins of social and psychological self-concepts (Hobson, 1990; Neisser, 1988), it was predicted that the participants with autism would show a relative dearth of such concepts in their talk about themselves. In accordance with our predictions, there was a significant group difference in the number and quality of statements that fell into the social category of self-concept; contrary to our predictions, however, there was no group difference in the number of statements that fell into the psychological category. In addition, although there were not significant group differences in the overall production of verbally expressed concepts concerning self-attributes of a physical, active, or psychological kind, even within these categories individuals with autism made fewer references to social interactions or qualities. These results are discussed with regard to theories of self-concept development in typically developing as well as autistic and mentally retarded individuals, and with reference to the limitations of interpersonal understanding ("theory of mind") in people with autism.  相似文献   

We studied nine ossifying renal tumors of infancy (ORTI), including all five previously reported cases. There were eight boys and one girl ranging in age from 6 days to 14 months. Cross hematuria was the presenting sign in all nine patients. Eight tumors arose in the left kidney and six in the upper pole. All seven patients with follow-up information were free of recurrence. All lesions were attached to a renal papilla and presented mainly within the calyceal lumen. Two resembled staghorn calculiclinically. All tumors contained varying proportions of osteoid, osteoblastic cells, and spindle cells. The spindle cell component had features strongly suggesting that they represented hyperplastic intralobar nephrogenic rests (ILNR). The proportion of osteoid and degree of osseous maturation increased with increasing age of the patient. ORTI is a distinctive clinicopathologic entity, possibly representing a distinctive interaction between ILNR in the renal papilla with distal collecting duct or urothelial cells in the developing kidney.  相似文献   

极低出生体重儿早期喂养的临床观察   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
目的研究早期微量喂养对极低出生体重儿(VLBWI)的生长发育、胃肠功能成熟及生命体征的影响,为VLBWI的早期微量喂养提供依据。方法将2005年2月至2006年2月北京协和医院NICU住院的符合人选标准的29例VLBWI随机分为早喂组和晚喂组。两组一般情况及合并症差异无统计学意义。对两组的生长发育、胃肠耐受情况、血清胃泌素和胃动素水平、胃肠动力、胃电活动、肠系膜上动脉血流速度、胃食管返流情况进行观察监测。结果研究期间两组生长发育情况、平均肠外营养时间及住院时间差异无统计学意义;喂养耐受性早喂组较晚喂组明显增强(P=0.039);血清胃动素水平早喂组较晚喂组在第7、14天明显升高;两组血清胃泌素水平差异无统计学意义;第28天时早喂组的胃电图检查更为成熟;早喂组的胎便排完时间更短;卡红胃肠道转运时间第28天早喂组更短;血流动力学参数变化差异无统计学意义。结论早期喂养可以促进VLBWI的胃肠道成熟,改善喂养不耐受,包括减少喂养并发症、促进胃肠激素分泌、促进胃电生理活动成熟、加强胃肠动力。  相似文献   

The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children—Revised (WISC—R) was applied (in a Swedish version) in 120 children with Aspcrger syndrome, autistic disorder, and attention disorders. Using stepwise logistic regression analysis, the WISC's discriminating ability was investigated. The overall rate of correct diagnostic classification was 63%. Further. WISC profiles were analysed within each group. The group with autistic disorder was characterised by a peak on Block Design. The Asperger syndrome group had good verbal ability and troughs on Object Assembly and Coding, The group with attention disorders had troughs on Coding and Arithmetic. The results suggest that Kaufman's Verbal Comprehension, Perceptual Organisation and Freedom from Distractibility factors rather than verbal IQ and performance IQ account for the variance on the WISC. Furthermore, the Asperger syndrome and autistic disorder groups differed in respect of "fluid" and "crystallised" cognitive ability.  相似文献   

Thirty-six children with autism, 24 children with learning difficulties (matched with the autistic group for sentence comprehension), and 41 normally-developing preschoolers were given two simple tasks: a hand-game requiring inhibitory control, and a delayed-reward situation tapping metacognitive awareness of strategies for coping with the delay period. For both clinical groups, performance on the two tasks was correlated, even when the effect of comprehension level was partialled out. However, no such correlation was observed for the preschoolers, once age was taken into account. The results are discussed in terms of potential links between executive-function and mental-state awareness.  相似文献   


Aims: The primary objective of this study was to determine the feasibility of using posturography to monitor acute changes in postural control induced by a Sensory Integration (SI) therapy intervention. A secondary objective was to identify which posturography outcome parameters, tests conditions and data analysis methods might be most useful in identifying post-intervention changes. Methods: Five children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and five children with typical development (TD) participated in a 10 min vestibular swing activity and had their postural stability evaluated pre- and post-intervention under four different sensory testing conditions. Sway ranges, mean sway velocity, sway root mean square (RMS), and sample entropy were calculated from center of pressure (COP) data. Results: All five children with ASD demonstrated decreased mean sway velocity in the eyes open/flat plate condition post-intervention with an average decrease of 5.87 ± 2.69 mm/s. Four of the five children with ASD demonstrated an increase in RMS and a decrease in anterior/posterior sample entropy post-intervention in the eyes closed, foam pad condition and eyes open, flat plate condition respectively. Conclusion: Posturography may be useful for assessing acute physiologic responses to an SI therapy intervention and warrants further investigation.  相似文献   

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