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Screening for social determinants of health allows health care teams to assess and address social factors that influence one’s health, mental health, and access to care. These social factors include poverty, health literacy, social support, exposure to trauma, food insecurity, and housing instability. The objective of this study was to examine what screening tools for social determinants of health are being used, in what contexts, and with what populations. Findings suggest that health literacy is the most commonly screened for, followed by trauma history, social support, food insecurity and housing across diverse contexts and populations. Results from this study can be used to inform providers of available screening tools and resources that can be readily utilized in practice.  相似文献   

Successive English government policies about older people’s health and well‐being aim to improve health and quality of life by promoting independence. Improving access to information and services that can improve health and well‐being and reduce health risks is central to the modernisation of health and social care. Most recently, tailored and person‐centred approaches with a strong emphasis on promoting health and well‐being are central to policy, including the proposals for ‘Life Checks’ and the recent emphasis on commissioning ‘community well‐being’. We carried out a qualitative study to identify the key aspects of social situations that affect health and well‐being, from the perspectives of older people and professionals, to enrich and expand an existing health risk appraisal tool so that it could be used for self‐assessment of health and social well‐being. This tool, Health Risk Appraisal in Older people (HRAO), has been evaluated in different European settings, including English general practice. Focus groups were recruited from general practice, older people’s forums, social care and voluntary organisations in two London boroughs where the HRAO tool had previously been tested. The social factors determining health that were prioritised by older people and service providers and recommended for inclusion in the health risk appraisal tool were recent life events, housing and garden maintenance, transport, both public and private, financial management, carer status & needs, the local environment and social networks and social isolation. This study has identified key social determinants of health that could usefully be added to ‘Life Checks’ for older people and that could also inform the commissioning of community well‐being. Modified with the addition of social domains, the HRAO technology could be a suitable tool to achieve current policy objectives.  相似文献   

Constituting ‘social problems’ in particular ways has a range of effects, including for how subjects are positioned within policy and discourse. Employing an approach grounded in poststructuralist and social constructionist thinking, this analysis interrogates how the subjects of mental health care were constituted and problematised in mental health policies in two distinctive contexts, unsettling the taken‐for granted assumptions which underpin these problematisations. Two policies were selected for analysis as exemplar pieces of mental health policy reform in Hong Kong and New South Wales (NSW). Subjects were constituted as ‘patientised’ individuals (in Hong Kong) encouraged to depend on professionals who help them reintegrate into the ‘normal’ community, and as ‘traumatised’ individuals (in NSW) expected to take responsibility to guide the delivery of mental health care and respected as a part of diversity in community settings. While both policies constituted subjects as ‘unwell individuals’ and enacted ‘dividing practices’, subjectivities were shaped by distinctive cultural and socio‐political contexts. This analysis shifts our attention away from a focus on the effectiveness of policy solutions to the heterogeneity and contingency of policy ‘problems’ and ‘subjects’, opening up new possibilities for ‘out‐of‐the‐box’ policy responses to mental health.  相似文献   

Health disparities are pervasive in the United States; but among Hispanics, access to health care is encumbered by poverty, lack of insurance, legal status, and racial or minority status. Research has identified certain aspects of Hispanic culture, values, and traditions contributing to the nature of the Hispanic patient-doctor relationship and the quality of the health care service. Current educational efforts by nonprofit organizations, government, health professionals, and pharmaceutical manufacturers fail to address the needs for accessible and appropriately culture-sensitive information when approaching the diverse Hispanic community. Understanding Hispanics’ consumptive practices and expectations surrounding medications is critical to the success of many treatment regimens. Recommendations are presented to address this health care issue.  相似文献   


Arab women citizens of Israel bear a heavier burden of health problems compared with Jewish women. These inequalities were examined by conducting 6 focus groups that explored obstacles to achieving good health and strategies for maintaining good health as articulated by 86 Arab-Moslem women from the Triangle area in central Israel. Perceived obstacles ranged from personal to socio-political: unhealthy lifestyles, obedience to patriarchal norms, rapid lifestyle transitions, the political situation, poverty and lower socioeconomic status, and limited access to specific health care services. These multi-layered obstacles appeared to operate synergistically to limit women's access to social support and health care systems, intensify feelings of powerlessness, and further promote unhealthy behaviors. Moreover, these perceptions differed by the socioeconomic status of the group. The relatively more advantaged groups did not address issues related to poverty or access to health care services. Most health maintenance strategies discussed were personal and conservative, and ‘considerate’ of traditional Arab cultural norms. The findings provide a basis for developing more culturally competent and adequate health care services for Arab women in Israel and for further research concerning Arab women's health in the region.  相似文献   

During a ‘Well London’ study, residents were asked about their neighbourhood and its environment. Above all other complaints, ‘dog poo’ was mentioned as a key concern. Despite low rates of infection and disease among the human population resulting from contact with canine faecal matter, the concerns of the public continue to rate it as a serious public health issue. Most public health studies, therefore, seek to identify processes of transmission and disease pathology as a method of addressing the problem. This study approaches the issue through a contextualised analysis of residents’ complaints, using anthropological theory to examine the symbolic representation of ‘dog poo’. Analysis of the interviews shows that these specific complaints were located among less easily defined or articulated experiences of social and environmental neglect, where neighbours were estranged from one another and local authorities seen as negligent. This approach has important implications for public health, as it provides not only a strong indicator of the level of dissatisfaction within some of London's more disadvantaged neighbourhoods, but also identifies a need for policies that are grounded in cross-disciplinary research into the relationship between health, ‘wellbeing’ and experiences of marginalisation among urban populations.  相似文献   

Access to health care for the medically indigent has emerged as a major policy issue throughout the United States. Because no national health program assures entitlement to basic services, practitioners and patients must cope with barriers to access on the local level. The authors report several separate but integrated strategies that a community-based coalition has used to achieve improvements in indigent care within a single county. Research strategies have involved short-term investigations of barriers to needed services, so that local awareness of the problem would increase rapidly. Political strategies have attempted to improve the county government's administrative procedures and financial support of services for the poor, to modify the practices of local health care institutions, and to influence statewide and national policies affecting local conditions. Legal strategies have involved the participation of attorneys who represent clients unable to receive care and who could initiate litigation as appropriate. Each of these strategies contains weaknesses as well as strengths. Although such advocacy efforts do not achieve a coherent system guaranteeing access, they can substantially improve the availability of local services.  相似文献   

Background A number of expert reports have pointed to serious problems with health care in many Latin American countries and argued the need to reform and improve health‐care systems. In addition, the Ministers of Health of the Americas have stated that health systems should be accountable to citizens. Objective This paper examines, in each of 17 Latin American countries, public dissatisfaction with the health care to which people have access, the proportion of people reporting problems with access to and the cost of health care and the factors that are most important in driving public dissatisfaction. Methods Data are drawn from a 2007 Latinobarómetro survey of 19 212 adults interviewed face‐to‐face in 17 Latin American countries. Results The proportion of people expressing dissatisfaction with their health care varies a great deal by country, as do the proportions reporting problems with access to and the cost of health care. Problems with access to care seem to matter most in trying to explain public dissatisfaction with their health care. More traditional measures of health outcomes and resources seem to matter less as drivers of dissatisfaction. Conclusions For governments trying to improve their citizens’ satisfaction with the health care they receive, the highest priority would be improving people’s basic access to health‐care services. Also, it appears that democratic governments are seen as being more responsive to the public’s needs in health care.  相似文献   

Informal carers (i.e. people who provide unpaid care to family and/or friends) are crucial in supporting people with long‐term conditions. Caring negatively impacts on carers’ health and experiences of health services. Internationally and nationally, policies, legislation, professional guidance and research advocate for health and care services to do more to support carers. This study explored the views of health and social care providers, commissioners and policy makers about the role and scope for strengthening health service support for carers. Twenty‐four semi‐structured interviews, with 25 participants were conducted, audio‐recorded, transcribed verbatim and analysed by thematic analysis. Three main themes emerged: (a) identifying carers, (b) carer support, and (c) assessing and addressing carer needs. Primary care, and other services, were seen as not doing enough for carers but having an important role in identifying and supporting carers. Two issues with carer identification were described, first people not self‐identifying as carers and second most services not being proactive in identifying carers. Participants thought that carer needs should be supported by primary care in collaboration with other health services, social care and the voluntary sector. Concerns were raised about primary care, which is under enormous strain, being asked to take on yet another task. There was a clear message that it was only useful to involve primary care in identifying carers and their needs, if benefit could be achieved through direct benefits such as better provision of support to the carer or indirect benefit such as better recognition of the carer role. This study highlights that more could be done to address carers’ needs through primary care in close collaboration with other health and care services. The findings indicate the need for pilots and experiments to develop the evidence base. Given the crucial importance of carers, such studies should be a high priority.  相似文献   

This paper contributes to the international literature examining design of inpatient settings for mental health care. Theoretically, it elaborates the connections between conceptual frameworks from different strands of literature relating to therapeutic landscapes, social control and the social construction of risk. It does so through a discussion of the substantive example of research to evaluate the design of a purpose built inpatient psychiatric health care facility, opened in 2010 as part of the National Health Service (NHS) in England. Findings are reported from interviews or discussion groups with staff, patients and their family and friends. This paper demonstrates a strong, and often critical awareness among members of staff and other participants about how responsibilities for risk governance of ‘persons’ are exercised through ‘technical safety’ measures and the implications for therapeutic settings. Our participants often emphasised how responsibility for technical safety was being invested in the physical infrastructure of certain ‘places’ within the hospital where risks are seen to be ‘located’. This illuminates how the spatial dimensions of social constructions of risk are incorporated into understandings about therapeutic landscapes. There were also more subtle implications, partly relating to ‘Panopticist’ theories about how the institution uses technical safety to supervise its own mechanisms, through the observation of staff behaviour as well as patients and visitors. Furthermore, staff seemed to feel that in relying on technical safety measures they were, to a degree, divesting themselves of human responsibility for risks they are required to manage. However, their critical assessment showed their concerns about how this might conflict with a more therapeutic approach and they contemplated ways that they might be able to engage more effectively with patients without the imposition of technical safety measures. These findings advance our thinking about the construction of therapeutic landscapes in theory and in practice.  相似文献   

The health inequalities in South Africa are rapidly worsening. Since 1994, the new democratic government has initiated a number of large-scale policies and programs with explicit pro-equity objectives that have improved access to health care and other social resources. However, these policies and programs have been constrained by macroeconomic policies that dictate fiscal restraint and give priority to technical rather than developmental considerations.We propose an approach to improving health for all that focuses on equity in the allocation of health resources. The implementation of pro-equity policies requires, in addition to technically efficacious interventions, both advocacy initiatives and communication with, and the involvement of, affected communities. The Cape Town Equity Gauge project is presented as one example of a response to the challenge of inequity.  相似文献   

The income elasticity of health care spending in the OECD countries tends toward luxury good values. Similar studies, based on more recent data, and capable of informing macroeconomic health policies of the African countries, do not currently exist. How the health care expenditure in Africa responds to changes in the Gross Domestic Products (GDP), Official Development Assistance (ODA), and other determinants, is also relevant for health policy because health care is a necessity in the ‘basic needs’ theory of economic development. This paper presents econometric model findings of the determinants of per-capita health expenditure (in PPPs) for 26 African countries, using the flexible Box-Cox model regression methods and 1995 cross-sectional data (sources: WRI, UNEP, UNDP, The World Bank). The economic and other determinants, capturing 74 percent of the variations in health expenditures, include per-capita GDP (in PPPs), ODA (US$), Gini income inequality index, population dependency ratio, internal conflicts, and the percentage of births attended by trained medical workers. Income inequality dampens, while the ODA and population per health personnel raise health care expenditure. The GDP elasticity of about 0.6 signals the tendency for health care to behave like a technical ‘necessity.’ Implications for sustainable basic health development policies are discussed.  相似文献   

Intervening in domestic violence in the health care and social service settings is a complex and contested issue. In this qualitative, multidisciplinary study, the barriers to but also the possibilities for health care professionals in encountering victims of violence were scrutinised. The focus was on omissions in service structure and practices. The data consisted of six focus group interviews with nurses, physicians, social workers and psychologists in specialist health care (n = 30) conducted in Finland in 2009. The aim was to explore professionals' processes of making sense of violence interventions and the organisational practices of violence interventions. Four types of framing of the domestic violence issue were identified: (i) practical frame, (ii) medical frame, (iii) individualistic frame and (iv) psychological frame. Each frame consisted of particular features relating to explaining, structuring or dismissing the question of domestic violence in health care settings. The main themes included the division of responsibilities and feasibility of treatment. All four frames underlie the tendency for healthcare professionals to arrive at sense-making practices where it is possible to focus on fixing the injuries and consequences of domestic violence and bypassing the issue of violence as the cause of symptoms and injuries. The results indicate that developing successful practices both in identifying survivors of domestic violence and in preventing further victimisation requires a broad understanding of the effects of domestic violence and the challenges for health care professionals in dealing with it. New perspectives are needed in creating adequate practices both for victims of violence seeking help and for professionals working with this issue. Strong support at the organisational level and established practices throughout the fields of health and social care are the key elements in building a responsible approach to domestic violence.  相似文献   

Context: Regional poverty is associated with reduced access to health care. Whether this relationship is equally strong in both rural and urban settings or is affected by the contextual and individual-level characteristics that distinguish these areas, is unclear. Purpose: Compare the association between regional poverty with self-reported unmet need, a marker of health care access, by rural/urban setting. Methods: Multilevel, cross-sectional analysis of a state-representative sample of 39,953 adults stratified by rural/urban status, linked at the county level to data describing contextual characteristics. Weighted random intercept models examined the independent association of regional poverty with unmet needs, controlling for a range of contextual and individual-level characteristics. Findings: The unadjusted association between regional poverty levels and unmet needs was similar in both rural (OR = 1.06 [95% CI, 1.04-1.08]) and urban (OR = 1.03 [1.02-1.05]) settings. Adjusting for other contextual characteristics increased the size of the association in both rural (OR = 1.11 [1.04-1.19]) and urban (OR = 1.11 [1.05-1.18]) settings. Further adjustment for individual characteristics had little additional effect in rural (OR = 1.10 [1.00-1.20]) or urban (OR = 1.11 [1.01-1.22]) settings. Conclusions: To better meet the health care needs of all Americans, health care systems in areas with high regional poverty should acknowledge the relationship between poverty and unmet health care needs. Investments, or other interventions, that reduce regional poverty may be useful strategies for improving health through better access to health care.  相似文献   

Attention to health policies in Southern regional organisations reveals a new ‘social turn’ in the regional political economy of international cooperation. The aims of this paper are twofold. First, it aims to establish the extent to which the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) has adopted and sustained policy interventions committed to addressing social inequities and asymmetries in relation to health, as indicated by regional policy agendas, policy development processes and resourcing. Second, it seeks to understand how UNASUR is mobilising national and regional actors in support of such policies. Our analysis of documentary sources and interviews leads us to draw the following conclusions. First, we argue that the UNASUR regional framework has a committed social equity/rights focus in relation to access to health care and medicines, with a clear focus on reducing asymmetries between countries. Second, although UNASUR does not enforce national commitments on health and medicines, it nonetheless plays a role in expanding domestic policy horizons and policy capacities. In this respect, we find that UNASUR interventions lead to initiatives and actions aimed at implementing reforms, setting targets and defining goals nationally. Third, in global arena, UNASUR enhances the visibility and ‘voices’ of the member states.  相似文献   

This paper addresses public health and access to care for the urban poor in the context of US urban, economic, and industrial policy. The pathogenic deterioration of 'inner city' neighbourhoods is a direct result of political and economic strategies to facilitate capital accumulation and consolidation, manifested in geographic patterns of uneven development that mirror the relationship between First and Third World countries. The deleterious public health effects of these trends include reduced access to care; medical indigence in the wake of deindustrialization and the restructuring of the blue-collar workforce; and the spread of social epidemics such as AIDS, violence, and substance abuse. Contemporary health policy and 'reform' debates, however, have virtually ignored the pathogenic role played by economic and social inequality in the etiology and dispersion patterns of disease. To confront the health crisis that currently threatens poor and minority communities in the US, economic justice must be explicitly acknowledged as a public health issue, alongside more traditional concerns such as access to care, immunization, vector control, and behaviour modification. It will be necessary to challenge political and economic policies that shore up corporate power at the expense of community development; spur capital accumulation at the expense of social programs and economic opportunity for the poor and politically disenfranchised; and actively facilitate the continued exploitation of, and withdrawal of resources from, the nation's most vulnerable citizens and their communities.  相似文献   

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