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The expression of the B-cell marker mb-1 (CD79a) in Hodgkin's disease   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent evidence indicates that membrane-bound immunoglobulin on B lymphocytes is associated with a molecule which comprises the products of the mb-1 and B29 genes. This molecule is a highly specific marker for B-cells, presumably because of its central functional role in antigen triggering, and has recently been clustered as CD79a at the 5th Leucocyte Workshop. Recently there has been controversy surrounding reports of B-cell antigen expression by Reed–Sternberg and related cells, and we have therefore studied 108 cases of Hodgkin's disease immunohistochemically using a novel antibody which detects mb-1 protein in paraffin sections. The results were compared with those achieved using antibody L26 to detect CD20. The mb-1 protein was present in the neoplastic cells in all 14 cases of lymphocyte predominance Hodgkin's disease studied, and CD20 immunoreactivity was also found in seven of the eight cases of this subtype studied. Of the non-lymphocyte predominance cases, 20% (19/94) expressed mb-1 and 30% (20/67) CD20 in the Reed–Sternberg cells, but the cells positive for either of these two markers usually constituted only a very small proportion of the neoplastic population. However, in occasional cases (one of 94 for mb-1 and five of 67 for CD20), more than 50% of the neoplastic cells expressed one or both B-cell antigens. These results confirm the B-cell origin of the neoplastic cells in lymphocyte predominance Hodgkin's disease, but they also indicate that, contrary to our previous study, mb-1 expression may occasionally be found in what appears, on histological grounds, to be other types of Hodgkin's disease.  相似文献   

T-cell rich B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (T-cell rich B-cell lymphoma) is a morphological variant of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. It is important to recognize this variant in the differential diagnosis of T-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. The main differential diagnosis of T-cell rich B-cell lymphoma, nodular and diffuse lymphocyte predominance Hodgkin's disease (lymphocyte predominance Hodgkin's disease), is, however, even more difficult and differentiating criteria are still not satisfactorily defined. Moreover, T-cell rich B-cell lymphoma may not represent a clinicopathological entity. Twelve cases of T-cell rich B-cell lymphoma, selected on the basis of morphology and limited immunohistochemistry without previous knowledge of clinical data, were studied by immunohistochemistry and polymerase chain reaction for bcl-2 rearrangements to investigate the histogenetic background. In three of 12 cases, bcl-2 rearrangements were found, strongly suggesting a follicle centre cell origin. In three other cases, a documented history of definite nodular lymphocyte predominance Hodgkin's disease 29 months to 20 years prior to the diagnosis of the lymphoma was present. No differences in growth pattern, residual nodularity, tumour cell distribution, cellular morphology and composition, or immunophenotypical differences were noted in these six cases as compared to the remaining cases. These data underscore the histogenetic diversity in T-cell rich B-cell lymphoma and identify it as a progressed form of lymphoma derived from entities as diverse as follicle centre cell lymphoma and nodular lymphocyte predominance Hodgkin's disease. Moreover, it shows a complete morphological overlap with the diffuse form of lymphocyte predominance Hodgkin's disease and may actually encompass this disease entity.  相似文献   

Hodin's disease, lymphocyte predominance type (nodular paragranuloma), is of germinal centre origin and the tumours cells have a B-cell phenotype. As the t(14;18) translocation, and the subsequent expression of bcl-2 protein by germinal centre cells, is the most characteristic finding of centroblastic-centrocytic lymphoma, we have tested a series of 11 cases of lymphocyte predominance Hodgkin's disease, using Southern blot analysis for the major breakpoint region and the minor breakpoint cluster region, polymerase chain reaction with primers for the major and minor breakpoint cluster region, and immunohistological studies with a monoclonal antibody specific for the bcl-2 protein. All three techniques gave negative results in the cases of Hodgkin's disease, establishing a clear differentiation from centroblastic-centrocytic lymphoma. These findings are useful in the differential diagnosis between the two entities and raise the question of the non-clonal nature of lymphocyte predominance Hodgkin's disease.  相似文献   

In contrast with various forms of lymphadenitis, the presence of reactive monocytoid B-cells (MBCs) has only rarely been reported in Hodgkin's disease (HD). In order to analyse their occurrence in HD, we reviewed 120 cases before or after treatment. MBCs were identified morphologically and immunohistochemically in 8 cases (nodular paragranuloma, n=2; nodular sclerosis, n=2; and interfollicular mixed cellularity HD, n=4). Acute toxoplasmic, cytomegalovirus, or Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infections were excluded by serological tests and immunohistochemistry. MBCs were negative by immunostaining for EBV encoded latent membrane protein, while Sternberg-Reed and Hodgkin's cells expressed positivity in 50% of cases. MBCs were only identified in cases with partial or incomplete lymph node infiltration by HD together with an activated B-zone of residual non-infiltrated tissue. The relation of MBCs and HD infiltrates followed three distinct patterns: large HD infiltrates without any connection to MBC foci; small areas containing various numbers of Sternberg-Reed and Hodgkin's cells at the border between MBC foci and surrounding lymphoid tissue; and HD infiltrates within at least some MBC clusters. The data obtained suggest that MBCs occurring in HD represent a transient phenomenon associated with a B-zone activation irrespective of treatment and that they are usually not histogenetically related to HD.  相似文献   

Summary 140 spleens involved by untreated Hodgkin's disease were studied utilizing conventional histological methods. Regardless of the sub-type of Hodgkin's disease, infiltrates of neoplastic cells were present either in the periarteriolar lymphoid sheath, the marginal zone or in both locations. Initially, infiltrates were confined to the splenic white pulp, later larger nodular foci of Hodgkin's disease developed by coalescence of several infiltrates. Neoplastic cells in Hodgkin's disease may reach the spleen by both retrograde lymphatic spread or the splenic artery; the presence of neoplastic cells in both T- and B-cell areas of the splenic white pulp implies a preference for Hodgkin's disease in the spleen with regard to a suitable microenvironment. This may be provided by certain macrophage subpopulations.  相似文献   

The clinical, morphological and immunological findings in nine cases of relapsing lymphocyte predominance Hodgkin's disease (LPHD) are examined. Six patients had initial biopsies demonstrating nodular lymphocytic and/or histiocytic (L&H) LPHD; Leu-M1 was not expressed by any of the atypical cells in these cases. All six demonstrated one or more recurrences of nodular L & H LPHD; four are currently free of disease, one died of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and another died of leukaemia. Two patients had initial biopsies demonstrating diffuse LPHD, with only rare multilobated atypical cells (L & H variants). Both patients had recurrences interpreted as mixed cellularity Hodgkin's disease, 10 and 15 years after initial therapy and both died with lymphocyte depleted Hodgkin's disease. The atypical cells in the initial biopsies and in subsequent recurrences failed to express Leu-M1, but did express leukocyte common antigen. The initial biopsy from the final patient was histologically interpreted as focal involvement by LPHD, but interfollicular Hodgkin's disease was considered after the Leu-M1 stain revealed additional atypical cells. The disease relapsed and the patient died with typical nodular sclerosing Hodgkin's disease. The pattern of the relapses supports the concept that the histological entity of LPHD may include several distinct clinicopathological subgroups.  相似文献   

AIMS: Recent analyses have suggested that Hodgkin's or Reed-Sternberg (HRS) cells in most cases of classic Hodgkin's disease are derived from germinal centre B-cells. However, there is controversy over which B-cell antigens are expressed in HRS cells. METHODS AND RESULTS: We studied 51 cases of classic Hodgkin's disease to immunohistochemically characterize HRS cells for pan-B-cell markers and specific markers for plasma cells. HRS cells expressed CD20 (L26) in 18 cases (35%), CD19 (B4) in nine (18%) and CD79a (mb-1) in 13 (25%). Furthermore, HRS cells were positive for CD138 (B-B4) in 24 cases (45%) and for PCA-1 in 24 (45%). In 41 (80%) cases, HRS cells expressed more than one B-cell marker. We then subclassified cases into those positive for plasma cell markers (n = 27) (group 1) and those negative for them (n = 24) (group 2). The average age in group 1 (40 years) was younger than in group 2 (54 years) (P < 0.05). The percentage of nodular sclerosis (NS) subtype in group 1 (52%) was 1.5 times greater than in group 2 (33%) (P < 0.05). With regard to Epstein-Barr virus encoded small RNA (EBER) in-situ hybridization, 14 cases (64%) were positive in group 2, but only seven cases (31%) were positive in group 1 (P < 0.025). CONCLUSION: In most cases of classic Hodgkin's disease, HRS cells expressed later stage of B-cell development. We consider that two different clinicopathological groups may correlate with the two different expressions of B-cell markers.  相似文献   

A case of Hodgkln's disease (HD), lymphocyte depression (LD) type In an Immunosuppressive patient is described. The patient was a 48-year-old male and his parents were born In the Kyushu area, which is an endemic area for adult T cell lymphomaheukemla (ATL). He was seropositive for ATL virus (ATLV, also referred to as HTLV-I) and showed a marked Immunosuppressive condition. He developed LD-HD and Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, and died due to respiratory failure. The Immunohistochemical and in situ hybridization analyses revealed that the Reed-Sternberglike cells In the lymph node biopsy sample were positive for Ber-H2 (CD30), Leu-M1 (CD15), L-26 (CD20), Bcl-2, p53 and EBER, the viral genome of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV).  相似文献   

Summary Hodgkin's disease in the spleen - with the exception of its B cell variant - behaves quite differently from non Hodgkin's lymphomas with respect to both its spread and microenvironment. Each type of HD appears to create its own microenvironment by the secretion of cytokines responsible for the characteristic cellular composition of the infiltrates and thereby alters the normal immunoarchitecture of the spleen profoundly. While some histological findings seem to imply the presence of a host response against HD especially in the nodular sclerosis subtype, morphological and immunohistochemical evidence in the spleen cannot conclusively substantiate this hypothesis.Visiting scientist from the Department of Pathology, School of Medicine, Fukuoka University, Fukuoka, Japan  相似文献   

A panel of antibodies that recognize antigens that survive fixation and conventional processing have been applied to 43 cases of Hodgkin's disease and five cases of large cell anaplastic lymphoma. Reed-Sternberg cells in all five cases of nodular lymphocyte predominance Hodgkin's disease were positive with leucocyte common (CD45) and B-cell antibodies, and negative with LeuM1 (CD15) and BerH2 (CD30) antibodies. In other types of Hodgkin's disease, Reed-Sternberg cells were positive with BerH2 in all cases, positive with LeuM1 in 63% of cases (with enzymic predigestion), positive with at least one B-cell antibody in 29% of cases and positive for CD45 in 8% of cases. In 19% of all cases, Reed-Sternberg cells were positive for epithelial membrane antigen and in 93% they were positive with TAL1B5 (anti-class II MHC). No case showed immunoreactivity with anti-T-cell antibodies. The patterns of immunoreactivity of large cell anaplastic lymphoma were similar, except that none was positive with B-cell antibodies and three were positive with T-cell antibodies. All five were positive with BerH2 (CD30) and TAL1B5. Comparison of the results with those seen in other cases of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma indicates that, with the currently available reagents, this immunohistological profile cannot be used as the sole diagnostic discriminant of these conditions; this must still be based upon careful morphological assessment.  相似文献   

We have correlated histologic type of Hodgkin's disease, degree of Hodgkin and Reed-Sternberg cell infiltration, percentage of Hodgkin and Reed-Sternberg cell positivity for latent membrane protein, immunophenotype of Hodgkin and Reed-Sternberg cells, and immunoglobulin heavy chain (IgH) gene rearrangements detected by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in 56 unselected Hodgkin's disease cases. Two protocols were used for amplification of IgH gene using Fr2 or Fr3 V-region primers, in conjunction with nested primers directed to the JH region. PCR products were run on polyacrylamide gels. Immunohistochemical studies were performed on paraffin sections using monoclonal antibodies for CD20 and latent membrane protein, and polyclonal antibody to CD3. Using both primer combinations we detected a definitive clonal band in 23.2% of the Hodgkin's disease cases. Clonal IgH rearrangements were detected in 23.6% of nodular sclerosis type and in 28.5% of mixed cellularity type. Using a highly sensitive method such as PCR, more than 20% of unselected cases of Hodgkin's disease were found to contain B-cell clonal proliferations, but there was no correlation between histological and immunological parameters and molecular analysis results.  相似文献   

A case of Warthin's tumour with coexistent Hodgkin's disease   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Summary Hypothermia is a rare complication of unknown origin in Hodgkin's disease which has been reported after the administration of antineoplastic agents, chlorpromazine and paracetamol. We report a highly febrile patient with stage IV-B Hodgkin's disease of mixed cellularity type who underwent exploratory laparotomy. Because of suspected septic shock high-dose prednisolone was given during surgery. Postoperatively the patient's body temperature fell progressively to 32.9° C and remained at less then 35.5° C for the following 5 days. There seems to be some functional disorder of thermoregulation in Hodgkin's disease. Physical factors during surgery or certain drugs, especially cytotoxics, corticosteroids, anesthetics or antipyretics may lead to prolonged hypothermia.Abbreviations Gamma-GT Gamma-glutaryl transpeptidase - MOPP combined chemotherapy consisting of nitrogen mustard, vincristine, procarbazine, and prednisolone - SGOT Serum-glutamate-oxalacetate transaminase - SGPT Serum-glutamate-pyruvate transaminase  相似文献   

Summary The expression of vimentin in Reed-Sternberg cells in 61 samples of Hodgkin's disease (HD) was examined using an avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex technique. Forty biopsies (66%) expressed vimentin, and expression was seen in all subtypes of HD. No immunophenotypic differences between vimentin-positive and vimentin-negative cases were noted. The significance of such expression is unclear, but may be related to the alterations in growth and differentiation that are typical of neoplastic cells.  相似文献   

Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) has been demonstrated in the Reed–Stenberg cells and their mononuclear variants (Hodgkin cells; H-RS cells) in a substantial number of Hodgkin's disease (HD) cases. Moreover, EBV can modulate both in vivo and in vitro the expression of several cellular genes, including lymphoid differentiation markers. Therefore we investigated, in 64 cases of HD, the relationship between the presence of EBV and the expression of lymphoid (CD45RB), T- (CD3, CD45RO), B- (CD20, MB2 antigen, CDw75), and myeloid-cell lineage markers (CD15), and of activation markers (CD30, EMA, and the 115D8 antigen) on the H-RS cells. EBV-positive cases, as demonstrated by the presence of EBER-1 and -2 RNA and LMP-1 protein expression, showed a significant reduction in the expression on H-RS cells of T-cell lineage (CD3, p<0·02), B-cell lineage (CD20, P<0·005), AND ACTIVATION MARKERS (ema; P<0·002 and the 115D8 antigen; P<0·001) as compared with EBV-negative cases. No differences were found in the expression of CD15, CD30, CD45RO, CD45RB CDw75, or the MB2 antigen on H-RS cells in EBV-positive and EBV-negative HD cases. Interestingly, in 11 cases of EBV-negative HD, B-as well as T-cell lineage markers could be found on some H-RS cells. These data suggest that EBV in H-RS cells is able to down-regulate the expression of T- (CD3) and B- (CD20) cell lineage markers and lymphoid activation markers (EMA and the 115D8 antigen). For this reason, the origin of H-RS cells in HD, as studies by immunohistochemistry, cannot be discussed without taking into account the presence of EBV.  相似文献   

Summary The authors have investigated the behaviour of the small biliary passages in the liver biopsies of six patients suffering from untreated Hodgkin's disease with hepatic localization. No obstruction of the major bile ducts was demonstrated in any patient. Three of the patients were anicteric, while the three others presented with jaundice. In the first three cases typical Hodgkin's granulation tissue appears to be limited to portal tracts and collagen reaction is virtually absent. The three cases with cholestasis showed granulomatous tissue associated with heavy connective tissue rearrangement invading and dissociating the lobular structure. They also show a conspicuous bile-duct proliferation, which is not observed in the three anicteric patients. In these latter cases, however, the small bile ducts running within or near the granulomatous tissue present various morphologic changes, including basal membrane thickening, dilation or constriction of the lumen and alterations of the biliary epithelial lining. Complete disappearance of the bile duct may occur.The authors are indebted to Professor Valeer J. Desmet, Chief of the Department of Pathology II, Leuven, Belgium, for his appreciation and valuable suggestions  相似文献   

A case is reported of nodular lymphocyte predominant Hodgkin's disease arising 13 years after the removal of a lymph node from the same site which showed marked progressive transformation of germinal centres. The morphological evidence for a histogenetic relationship between the two conditions is presented and discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Using an extended indirect immunoperoxidase method and the lectin I of Ulex europaeus (UEA-I), whose binding sites in lymph nodes are restricted to endothelial cells and erythrocytes, the angioarchitecture of 31 lymph nodes affected by Hodgkin's disease (HD) was demonstrated and analyzed. Compared with the normal state, the lymphocytic predominance type has a low relative vascular density, and venular endothelium is epithelioid throughout. Mixed cellularity types, especially those rich in epithelioid cells, have the lowest relative vascular density; the venular endothelium is often flat. In the sclerosing areas of the nodular sclerosis type structurel differences between capillaries, arterioles and venules vanish. Due to parenchymal atrophy and cellular depletion, relative vascular density is markedly increased in such areas, as is the case in lymphocytic depletion types. Despite all the histomorphological changes occurring in HD, the vascular system of the lymph node, surprisingly, does not undergo profound alteration. There is a positive correlation between the degree of epithelioid transformation of venular endothelium and trans-venular lymphocytic traffic. The conditions are described under which the otherwise non-reactive sinus endothelium expresses the UEA-I receptor.  相似文献   

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