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Gong C  Yang X  Hu W  Liu Y  Shi L  Piao J  Huang C  Li M 《卫生研究》2011,40(6):720-722
目的采用能量平衡观察法探究我国南方轻体力活动健康成人的总能量消耗量。方法选择符合能量代谢试验条件的34名南方轻体力活动健康成人为研究对象,为其设计和制备三日循环膳食,用称重法准确获得每日膳食实际摄入量,并用化学分析法测得膳食能量平均摄入量,结合试验期间的体重变化,得到我国南方健康成人总能量消耗量。结果采用称重-化学分析法测得膳食能量平均摄入量为(8424±1616)kJ/d[(2013±386)kcal/d],其中男性(9990±798)kJ/d[(2388±191)kcal/d],女性(7032±384)kJ/d[(1681±92)kcal/d]。16天的试验期间体重平均减轻0.02kg,其中男性体重平均增长0.15kg,女性体重平均减轻0.17kg,根据成人能量平衡原理最后计算得出我国南方健康成人总能量消耗量为(8468±1762)kJ/d[(2024±421)kcal/d],其中男性为(9680±1759)kJ/d[(2314±420)kcal/d],女性为(7391±827)kJ/d[(1767±198)kcal/d]。结论我国南方轻体力劳动健康成年男性总能量消耗量约为9680±1759kJ/d[(2314±420kcal/d)],女性约为7391±827kJ/d[(1767±198kcal/d)],与2000年制定的男、女性能量推荐值2400kcal和2100kcal相比,该研究男性测量值比其RNI值低86kcal,女性测量值比其RNI值低333kcal。  相似文献   

宋新娜  汪之项 《中国公共卫生》2007,23(11):1378-1380
目的了解成年人膳食类胡萝卜素的摄入状况。方法采用称重记录法,按季节调查城区、郊区、农村3类不同社区184名30-60岁居民连续3 d的膳食情况,参照1993年美国农业部-国家癌症研究院(USDA-NCI)食物类胡萝卜素数据库、1998年美国农业部-营养协调中心(USDA-NCC)食物类胡萝卜素成分数据库和最新版美国食物成分数据库(SR18)建立的α-胡萝卜素、β-胡萝卜素、β-隐黄质、番茄红素、叶黄素/玉米黄质5种类胡萝卜素的食物成分表,计算类胡萝卜素每日摄入量。结果α-胡萝卜素年平均摄入量为(274±539)μg,春、夏、秋、冬四季分别为(179±459),(291±493),(325±533),(29l±650)μg。β-胡萝卜素的年平均摄入量为(3 207±3 921)μg,四季分别为(3 905±3 983),(2 509±2 697),(3 577±4 640),(3 007±4 189)μg。β-隐黄质年平均摄入量为(140±582)μg,四季分别为(40±100),(82±256),(376±1 114),(70±125)μg。番茄红素摄入量为(1 023±2 447)μg,四季分别为(971±1 539),(2 184±3 565),(324±1 543),(390±1 622)μg。叶黄素/玉米黄质年平均摄入量为(2 937±4 512)μg,四季分别为(5 053±6 908),(1 930±2 228),(2 556±3 746),(2 510±3 703)μg。α-胡萝卜素、β-隐黄质秋季摄入量最高,β-胡萝卜素、叶黄素/玉米黄质春季最高,番茄红素夏季最高。不同性别居民类胡萝卜素摄入量比较差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。城市居民的摄入量高于郊区和农村居民。结论利用美国类胡萝卜素成分数据,估计了成人膳食类胡萝卜素摄入量。  相似文献   

为了贯彻《90年代中国儿童发展规划纲要》及《中国营养改善行动计划》 ,实现到 2 0 0 0年 5岁以下儿童营养不良患病率下降一半的目标 ,于 1998年 6~ 9月份对全市上类园所集体儿童的膳食进行调查 ,现将调查情况报告如下。1 资料和方法1.1 对象 选择条件基本相同的 9个上类园所 4~ 6岁 (平均年龄 5岁 )在园儿童2 179名为调查对象。1.2 方法 ①膳食调查 :采用称重法 ,记录 3天净食量。②生熟折算法 ,按儿童营养学计算方法 ;熟食 -熟食剩余量 =熟食净食量 ,每种食物的生熟系数 =该种食物生重 /总熟重折生摄入量 =熟食净食量×生熟系数。…  相似文献   

Xu X  Gong C  He Y  Piao J  Huang C  Li M 《卫生研究》2011,40(4):451-453
目的调查和分析中国南方轻体力劳动成人维持能量零平衡的膳食能量摄入水平。方法随机抽样选择32名从事轻体力劳动的南方健康成人(18~45岁)作为研究对象,在2个月内取相等间隔时间观察所选对象进餐情况和体重变化(使观察日覆盖星期一到星期天)。通过食物称重法准确记录各对象食堂内用餐情况,并用24小时回顾法收集各对象食堂外所摄入食物。用《中国食物成分表2002》计算各对象平均每天实际能量摄入量,并结合体重变化,使用能量平衡原理进行校正。结果总体对象维持能量零平衡的能量平均摄入量为(8.895±1.535)MJ/d,其中男性(10.070±1.150)MJ/d,女性(7.719±0.765)MJ/d。结论通过连续2个月内相等间隔时间称重记录进餐所有食物的净摄入量和体重变化来分析轻体力劳动成人能量零平衡时的能量摄入量,该方法简便经济、有效可行。  相似文献   

中国成人膳食脂肪酸摄入和食物来源状况分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的分析我国成人膳食脂肪酸摄入量及主要脂肪酸的食物来源。方法利用2002年中国居民营养与健康状况调查中3d24h回顾膳食调查结果,结合食物成分表中脂肪酸数据及补充测定的34种食物脂肪酸数据,对44905名成人(不包括孕妇和乳母)的膳食脂肪酸摄入量及食物来源进行分析。结果城市居民饱和脂肪酸(SFA)、单不饱和脂肪酸(MUFA)和多不饱和脂肪酸(PUFA)摄入量中位数分别为15.9、23.6和20.2,农村居民分别为13.8、23.4和13.7g/d;城市居民α亚麻酸(ALA)、二十碳五烯酸(EPA)、二十二碳六烯酸(DHA)、亚油酸(LA)和花生四烯酸(AA)摄入量中位数分别为2.3g/d、1.8mg/d、22.1mg/d、17.6g/d、45.4mg/d,农村居民分别为1.3g/d、0.0mg/d、6.0mg/d、11.3g/d、43.1mg/d。城市、农村居民膳食中S/M/P比值分别为1:1.4:1.3和1:1.5:1.1;n-6/n-3系列多不饱和脂肪酸比例分别为7.6和8.0。全国居民SFA、MUFA和PUFA供能百分比中位数分别为6.1、9.8和6.3。城市居民51.4%的膳食SFA来自动物性食物,农村为38.5%。城市和农村居民膳食中MUFA的主要来源是食用油和动物性食物。城市居民膳食脂肪中约50%的PUFA、n-6PUFA和n-3PUFA来自于豆油和色拉油;农村PUFA和n-6系列PUFA来源广泛。农村居民膳食n-3PUFA近一半来自于菜籽油。结论城乡居民SFA、MUFA、PUFA的摄入比例合理;与参考摄入量相比,城乡居民n-6/n-3PUFA比例偏高,应增加膳食中n-3系列PUFA摄入量所占比例。  相似文献   

目的 分析中国居民不饱和脂肪酸摄入量及膳食摄入来源。方法 采用气相色谱法测定膳食样品中脂肪酸含量,并结合各类膳食的消费量获取不同地区各类脂肪酸的实际摄入量。结果 中国居民单不饱和脂肪酸(MUFA)平均摄入量为29.25g/d(12.53%E,供能百分比),主要来自于肉类(35.5%)和蔬菜类(32.0%),来自于其他食品类别的比例小于10%。多不饱和脂肪酸(PUFA)平均摄入量为22.48 g/d(9.72%E),主要来自于蔬菜类(33.8%)、肉类(20.8%)、谷类(17.7%)和豆类(13.0%)。n-6PUFA平均摄入量为19.78 g/d(8.59%E),其主要膳食来源与PUFA相似。n-3PUFA平均摄入量为2.70 g/d(1.19%E),主要来自于蔬菜类(38.9%),肉类(15.9%)、豆类(12.7%)和谷类(12.1%)。二十碳五烯酸(EPA)和二十二碳六烯酸(DHA)膳食平均摄入量为0.067 g/d(0.03%E),主要来自于水产类(75.4%)和蛋类(19.8%)。结论 中国居民的不饱和脂肪酸摄入量充足,满足需求。其中,PUFA和n-3PUFA膳食摄入量符合...  相似文献   

目的 了解江苏省金湖地区儿童、成人膳食铅的摄入量,并评价其安全性。方法 收集62名研究对象连续3 d的双份饭(duplicate portion)样本,使用石墨炉原子吸收光谱法测定铅含量。采用联合国粮农组织和世界卫生组织食品添加剂联合专家委员会推荐的暂定每周耐受摄入量(PTWI)评价江苏省金湖地区儿童、成人膳食铅摄入量的安全性。结果 共收集符合标准的双份饭样本178份,儿童、成人各89份,铅的检出率均为94.4%,江苏省金湖地区儿童及成人每天膳食铅摄入量的范围分别为0.1~7.4,0.1~7.6μg/(kg·bw);P97.5分别为6.9,5.3μg/(kg·bw);平均膳食铅摄入量分别为(2.2±1.7),(1.5±1.3)μg/(kg·bw);每周膳食铅摄入量的P97.5分别为24.3,23.6μg/(kg·bw),各占PTWI的97.2%,94.4%。儿童每周膳食铅摄入量高于成人,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论 江苏省金湖地区儿童、成人膳食铅污染状况较为严重,需采取有效措施降低铅的膳食摄入量以减轻铅暴露引起的不良健康反应。  相似文献   

张勇  陈丹 《中国妇幼保健》1995,10(2):105-106
为了解分级分类验收合格幼儿园与未验收幼儿园的膳食营养状况,本文用称重法对3所验收园和3所未验收园进行了膳食营养调查,比较分析的结果表明:两类幼儿园在营养管理方面无显著性差异;蛋白质和热量均未达到平均生理标准供给量的80%;钙与锌摄入量均低于平均生理标准供给量的50%;两类幼儿园1日3餐的热量分布构成比与标准均有显著性差异。  相似文献   

膳食调查方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
膳食调查是流行病学调查中重要的组成部分,成功的膳食调查可以了解人群的营养状况,有助于开展针对性的膳食干预及健康指导,提高人群的健康水平及生活质量。 做膳食调查的首要问题是选择科学可行的膳食调查(以下简称膳调)方法。目前国际上所采用的膳调方法可以分为两类。第一类可以测算每日食品或营养摄人量,方法包括24h膳食回顾、重复的24h膳食回顾、1~7d的膳食估量记录法及  相似文献   

成都市城乡居民总膳食中化学污染物污染状况的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了解成都地区城乡居民膳食中化学污染物污染状况,应用总膳食研究方法,对城乡居民膳食中有害重金属元素、有机氯和有机磷农药、天然放射性核素、黄曲霉素B1及亚硝酸盐等18种化学污染物含量进行了测定。结果表明,城乡居民摄人的铅、砷、镉、汞均低于相应的ADI值,但城市居民摄入的蛋及蛋制品、乳及乳制品铅分别为允许限量的244.50%和193.60%,农村居民摄入的薯及薯制品汞含量也超过食品卫生允许限量标准。测定的谷类、蔬菜、水果等5类食物样品中6种有机磷农药残留量均低于检出限。4种放射性核素的比活度大小依次为40K>226Ra>238U>232Th。贡献率城乡均以40K最大。所致的全身剂量当量城乡分别为117.2μSv/年和173.2μSv/年.属于天然辐射水平。黄曲霉毒素B1、亚硝酸盐城乡摄入量均在国家标准之内。由此可以认为我市代表性膳食是比较安全的,但也存在着某些食品中铅、汞含量和六六六有机氯农药残留超过国家允许限量标准的潜在危险。  相似文献   

本文对肥胖儿童(7~8岁)的热能摄入和摄能消耗的特点进行分析。设肥胖组和对照组。男性为40人,女性为34人。结果显示:男女肥胖儿童热能摄入明显高于对照组(P<0.01),脂肪和动物性食品的产热比明显高于对照组(P<0.01)。肥胖儿童的总热能消耗量明显高于对照组(P<0.01),但以单位体表面积(m2)计,则无明显差别(男:P>0.05)或低于对照组(女:P<0.05),男女肥胖儿童的热能消耗的构成比明显区别于对照组:基础代谢的耗能比明显高于对照组(P<0.01),而体力活动的耗能比明显低于对照组(P<0.01)。  相似文献   

Evidence shows time-of-day of energy intake are associated with health outcomes; however, studies of time-of-day energy patterns and their health implication are still lacking in the Asian population. This study aims to examine the time-of-day energy intake pattern of Chinese adults and to examine its associations with nutrient intakes, diet quality, and insulin resistance. Dietary data from three 24-h recalls collected during the 2015 China Health and Nutrition Survey (CHNS) were analyzed (n = 8726, aged ≥ 18 years). Time-of-day energy intake patterns were determined by latent class analysis (LCA). General Linear Models and Multilevel Mixed-effects Logistic Regression Models were applied to investigate the associations between latent time-of-day energy intake patterns, energy-adjusted nutrient intakes, diet quality score, and insulin resistance. Three time-of-day energy intake patterns were identified. Participants in the “Evening dominant pattern” were younger, had higher proportions of alcohol drinkers and current smokers. The “Evening dominant pattern” was associated with higher daily energy intake and a higher percentage of energy from fat (%) (p < 0.001), as well as higher insulin resistance risk (OR = 1.21; 95% CI: 1.05, 1.40), after adjusting for multivariate covariates. The highest diet quality score was observed in participants with “Noon dominant pattern” (p < 0.001). A higher proportion of energy in the later of the day was associated with insulin resistance in free-living individuals.  相似文献   

It is unclear whether consumption of low-calorie beverages (LCB) leads to compensatory consumption of sweet foods, thus reducing benefits for weight control or diet quality. This analysis investigated associations between beverage consumption and energy intake and diet quality of adults in the UK National Diet and Nutrition Survey (NDNS) (2008–2011; n = 1590), classified into: (a) non-consumers of soft drinks (NC); (b) LCB consumers; (c) sugar-sweetened beverage (SSB) consumers; or (d) consumers of both beverages (BB), based on 4-day dietary records. Within-person data on beverage consumption on different days assessed the impact on energy intake. LCB consumers and NC consumed less energy and non-milk extrinsic sugars than other groups. Micronutrient intakes and food choices suggested higher dietary quality in NC/LCB consumers compared with SSB/BB consumers. Within individuals on different days, consumption of SSB, milk, juice, and alcohol were all associated with increased energy intake, while LCB and tea, coffee or water were associated with no change; or reduced energy intake when substituted for caloric beverages. Results indicate that NC and LCB consumers tend to have higher quality diets compared with SSB or BB consumers and do not compensate for sugar or energy deficits by consuming more sugary foods.  相似文献   

The regulation of appetite and energy intake is influenced by numerous hormonal and neural signals, including feedback from changes in diet and exercise. Exercise can suppress subjective appetite ratings, subsequent energy intake, and alter appetite-regulating hormones, including ghrelin, peptide YY, and glucagon-like peptide 1(GLP-1) for a period of time post-exercise. Discrepancies in the degree of appetite suppression with exercise may be dependent on subject characteristics (e.g., body fatness, fitness level, age or sex) and exercise duration, intensity, type and mode. Following an acute bout of exercise, exercise-trained males experience appetite suppression, while data in exercise-trained women are limited and equivocal. Diet can also impact appetite, with low-energy dense diets eliciting a greater sense of fullness at a lower energy intake. To date, little research has examined the combined interaction of exercise and diet on appetite and energy intake. This review focuses on exercise-trained men and women and examines the impact of exercise on hormonal regulation of appetite, post-exercise energy intake, and subjective and objective measurements of appetite. The impact that low-energy dense diets have on appetite and energy intake are also addressed. Finally, the combined effects of high-intensity exercise and low-energy dense diets are examined. This research is in exercise-trained women who are often concerned with weight and body image issues and consume low-energy dense foods to keep energy intakes low. Unfortunately, these low-energy intakes can have negative health consequences when combined with high-levels of exercise. More research is needed examining the combined effect of diet and exercise on appetite regulation in fit, exercise-trained individuals.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to examine the factors associated with increased Mediterranean diet (MD) adherence among a sample of Italian adolescents. A cross-sectional survey was conducted on 1135 students (13–16 years) attending 13 secondary schools of Sicily, southern Italy. Validated instruments were used for dietary assessment and the KIDMED score to assess adolescents’ adherence to the MD. A higher adherence to the MD was associated with high socioeconomic status (Odds Ratio [OR] 1.53, 95% Confidence Interval [CI]: 1.03–2.26) and high physical activity (OR 1.19, 95% CI: 1.02–1.70), whereas lower adherence was associated with living in an urban environment (OR 0.65, 95% CI: 0.44–0.97) and being obese (OR 0.59, 95% CI: 0.37–0.94). The adolescents’ KIDMED scores were inversely associated with adolescents’ intake of sweets, fast foods, fried foods, and sugary drinks, and directly with fruit, vegetables, pasta, fish, and cheese intakes. Urban-living adolescents were less likely to eat fruit and more prone to consume meat, sugary drinks, and fast food than rural-living adolescents. The latter were more likely to eat sweets and snacks. A general poor quality of food consumption in Italian adolescents away from the MD was reported, especially among those living in urban areas.  相似文献   

The EAT-Lancet Commission has proposed a model diet to improve the health of human beings and that of the planet. Recently, we proposed the Planetary Health Diet Index (PHDI) to assess adherence of the population to this model diet. In this study, we aimed to evaluate adherence to the PHDI and obesity outcomes using baseline data from 14,515 participants in the Brazilian Longitudinal Study of Adult Health (ELSA-Brasil). The dietary data were assessed using a 114-item FFQ. Body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference (WC) were both used continuously and categorized. Linear and multinomial regression models adjusted for potential confounding factors were performed to assess the relationship between adherence to PHDI and outcomes. An inverse association was observed between adherence to PHDI and obesity indicators. Individuals with high adherence to the PHDI had lower BMI (β−0.50 95% CI−0.73:−0.27) and WC (β−1.70 95% CI−2.28:−1.12) values. They were also 24% less likely to be overweight (OR 0.76 95% CI 0.67:0.85) or obese (OR 0.76 95% CI 0.65:0.88), and they were 14% and 27% less likely to have increased WC (OR 0.86 95% CI 0.75:0.98) or substantially increased WC (OR 0.73 95% CI 0.64:0.83) than those with lower adherence. Our results showed that higher adherence to the PHDI may decrease obesity indicators.  相似文献   

Worldwide, there are socioeconomic inequalities in health and diet. We studied the relationship between education and nutrient intake in 11,302 women and men aged 40–96 years who participated in the seventh survey of the population-based Tromsø Study (2015–2016), Norway (attendance 65%). Diet was assessed using a validated food-frequency questionnaire. We examined the association between education and intake of total energy and macronutrients by sex using linear and logistic regression models adjusted for age, body mass index, leisure time physical activity and smoking. The intake of macronutrients was compared with the Nordic Nutrition Recommendations 2012. There was a positive association between education and intake of fiber and alcohol, and a negative association between education and intake of total carbohydrates and added sugar in both women and men. Participants with long tertiary education had higher odds of being compliant with the recommended intake of fiber and protein and the maximum recommended level for added sugar and had lower odds of being compliant with the recommended intake of total carbohydrates and the maximum recommended level for alcohol, compared to participants with primary education. Overall, we found that participants with higher education were more compliant with the Nordic Nutrition Recommendations 2012.  相似文献   

The Blood pressure control diet is well described; however, it has not been implemented in clinical care, possibly due to the impracticability of the diet assessment in these contexts. In order to facilitate the dietary assessment, we developed and assessed the validity and reproducibility of two food group-based food frequency questionnaires (FG-FFQs), with a one-week (7-day FG-FFQ) and a one-month (30-day FG-FFQ) period of coverage for patients with pre-hypertension or hypertension. In 2010, 155 men and women, 30–70 years old, were invited to participate in a prospective study in two outpatient clinics in Porto Alegre, southern Brazil. The participants responded to two 30-day, two 7-day FG-FFQ, four 24-h dietary recalls, and underwent demographic, anthropometric, and blood pressure assessments. The validity and reproducibility were assessed using partial correlation coefficients adjusted for sex and age, and the internal validity was tested using the intra-class correlation coefficient. The participants were aged 61 (±10) years and 60% were women. The validity correlation coefficient was higher than r = 0.80 in the 30-day FG-FFQ for whole bread (r = 0.81) and the 7-day FG-FFQ for diet/light/zero soda and industrialized juices (r = 0.84) in comparison to the 24-h dietary recalls. The global internal validity was α = 0.59, but it increased to α = 0.76 when 19 redundant food groups were excluded. The reproducibility was higher than r = 0.80 for pasta, potatoes and manioc, bakery goods, sugar and cocoa, and beans for both versions. The 30-day had a slightly higher validity, both had good internal validity, and the 7-day FG-FFQ had a higher reproducibility.  相似文献   

The Mediterranean-style diet (MedSD) has gained attention for its positive effects on health outcomes, including metabolic risk factors. However, it is unknown as to which components of MedSD interventions are most beneficial in reducing risk. The objective of this meta-analysis was to obtain effect sizes for metabolic risk factors and explain the variability across the current literature based on study design, sample, and diet characteristics. Six electronic databases were searched from inception until 9 February 2016. Data from 29 studies (N = 4133) were included. There were significant effects in favor of the MedSD for waist circumference, triglycerides, blood glucose, systolic blood pressure, and diastolic blood pressure (d+ = −0.54; d+ = −0.46; d+ = −0.50; d+ = −0.72; d+ = −0.94, respectively). The MedSD was significantly beneficial when the intervention was longer in duration, was conducted in Europe, used a behavioral technique, and was conducted using small groups. The traditional MedSD had significant beneficial effects on five of the six metabolic risk factors. Results from this study provide support for population specific dietary guideline for metabolic risk reduction.  相似文献   

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