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Fabry病是一种遗传代谢病,与a-半乳糖苷酶A活性下降有关.主要临床特点是发作性肢体疼痛、皮肤血管角质瘤,逐渐出现心、脑、肾等器官损害.Fabry病虽然不能治愈,但早期诊断,及时给予酶替代治疗可明显改变其预后.  相似文献   

Fabry病是一种遗传代谢病,与a-半乳糖苷酶A活性下降有关.主要临床特点是发作性肢体疼痛、皮肤血管角质瘤,逐渐出现心、脑、肾等器官损害.Fabry病虽然不能治愈,但早期诊断,及时给予酶替代治疗可明显改变其预后.  相似文献   

Fabry病是一种遗传代谢病,与a-半乳糖苷酶A活性下降有关.主要临床特点是发作性肢体疼痛、皮肤血管角质瘤,逐渐出现心、脑、肾等器官损害.Fabry病虽然不能治愈,但早期诊断,及时给予酶替代治疗可明显改变其预后.  相似文献   

Yang JY 《中华儿科杂志》2007,45(2):149-152
Fabry病是由于溶酶体中水解酶α-半乳糖苷酶A(α-galactosidaseA)缺乏,导致糖(神经)鞘脂[glycosphingolipid,主要成分为神经醯胺己三糖苷globotriaosylceramide(Gb3)]蓄积而导致多系统受累的疾病。临床以特征的皮肤改变(血管角质瘤)、感觉异常、肾功能衰竭等为主要表现。本症又称弥漫性躯体血管角质瘤(angiokeratoma corporis diffusum)。1898年德国Fabry和英国Anderson分别报道,故又称Anderson.Fabry病。对Fabry病的认识百余年来经历了由临床、病理,进而到相关的酶、基因的了解,特别是近年已有基因重组产品用于治疗”,充分展现了人们对遗传性疾病研究的历程。Fabry病如及时诊断有酶替代治疗的可能,可极大改善预后,但因本症为多系统受累疾病,临床表现多样,极易漏诊误诊。现将Fabry病的诊治进展叙述如下。  相似文献   

庞贝病(Pompe disease)又称Ⅱ型糖原贮积症,是一种由于缺乏酸性α-葡糖苷酶(GAA)引起糖原在溶酶体内贮积的罕见常染色体隐性遗传疾病,尤以骨骼肌、心肌和平滑肌受累最为严重。患者表现为呼吸困难和运动障碍,伴或不伴有肥厚性心肌病。GAA基因突变具有种族和地域差异,随着研究的进展人们不断发现新的突变位点。庞贝病诊断的金标准是基因分析,传统方法如皮肤肌肉活检与干血斑样本检测对其诊断具有局限性。近年出现的产前诊断与新生儿筛查对其早期诊断具有重要意义。酶替代治疗(ERT)的效果令人满意,但可能引起免疫不耐受。新兴的靶向基因治疗、改进的ERT治疗有望在未来投入应用。该文就目前庞贝病的诊断和治疗的研究进展做一综述。  相似文献   

目的 酶制剂cerezyme替代疗法治疗高雪氏病 4年小结。方法  Cerezyme初剂量 6 0U/kg ,每 2周 1次静脉滴注 ,2年后疗效好转剂量改为 30U/kg。结果   1 5例用药 4年以上的患者 ,血红蛋白平均增加 2 1g/L ,1 4例血小板近 1 2月恢复正常 ;脾功能亢进得到改善 ,肝脾回缩 9.3%和 6 0 .6 % ,肝功能治疗 6个月后大多恢复正常 ;身高平均增长 2 5 6厘米 ,体重平均增加 1 4 5公斤 ,生活质量明显提高。结论  在基因治疗尚未广泛应用之前 ,酶替代疗法仍是唯一改善症状的有效措施  相似文献   

目的探讨晚发型糖原贮积病Ⅱ型(GSDⅡ)的临床特点及应用酶替代治疗的效果。方法回顾性分析1例确诊为GSDⅡ患儿的临床、实验室资料及基因检测结果,随访酶替代治疗效果并复习相关文献。结果患儿1岁以后逐渐出现肌无力的表现。肌酸激酶675~1 286 U/L,α-葡糖苷酶酶活力为12.0 nmol/(g·min);肌电图提示双下肢肌源性损害;二代测序检测发现GAA基因的复合杂合突变,均为微小变异;肌肉活检符合糖原累积病理特征。诊断GSDⅡ后给予人重组α-葡糖苷酶20 mg/kg,缓慢静脉滴注,每2周1次治疗1年,肌无力症状无明显加重。结论早期、足量的酶替代治疗是GSDⅡ唯一可能的治疗手段。  相似文献   

红细胞酶病的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
红细胞酶病是指参与红细胞代谢(主要是糖代谢)的酶由于基因缺陷导致酶活性或酶性质改变,引起溶血和/或其它表现的一组疾病,也称为红细胞  相似文献   

超未成熟儿肺透明膜病的肺表面活性物质替代治疗   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
本文应用气管内滴注PS对9例合并HMD的EII进行治疗。治疗后,患儿紫绀迅速消失,皮肤转红润,经皮测血氧饱和度明显增高。血氧分压、血氧分压与吸入氧浓度比值及动脉与肺泡氧分压比值较用药前显著升高,差异存在显著性意义。X线片可见肺充气逐渐好转,肺透亮度增加。提示PS能够明显缓解临床症状,改善肺氧合功能。对EII的HMD应早期、足量,反复用药,并加强用药后的呼吸管理,以减少并发症发生。  相似文献   

2016年11月至2022年3月福建医科大学附属漳州市医院共收治5例婴儿型糖原贮积病Ⅱ型患儿。5例中男3例,女2例,发病年龄均小于1岁,首发症状主要为呼吸困难、心肌肥厚、肝脏增大及骨骼肌无力。4例血酸性ɑ-葡萄糖苷酶浓度明显降低,最低为0.28 mmol/(L·h)。5例均进行了基因检测,其中3例为纯合错义突变,1例为杂合错义突变,1例为复合杂合错义突变,同时存在有致右室心律失常心肌病基因CTNNA3突变C.2122A>G父源。5例均自动出院后死亡。中位生存时间为11个月(6~11个月)。确诊病例中基因突变类型以c.1935C>A最常见,c.2853G>A可能是新的致病突变位点。  相似文献   

AIM: To assess the effects of enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) in children with Fabry disease. METHODS: Safety and efficacy of ERT with agalsidase alfa, 0.2 mg/kg infused over 40 minutes every 2 weeks for 23 weeks, were studied in a multicentre open-label trial in nine boys and four girls. Median age at the start of the study was 11.0 years (range 3.5-18 years). RESULTS: Fifty-four adverse events were reported in 11 patients. No serious adverse events related to ERT were reported. Twelve of the 54 adverse events were considered possibly or probably related to ERT. Infusion reactions (8 mild, 3 moderate) occurred in four boys, in seven infusions. One boy developed IgG antibodies, although he continued to make good clinical progress. At the end of the study, two of the four boys and the one girl on regular pain medication at baseline had stopped taking analgesics. Brief Pain Inventory (BPI) scores decreased in most patients by week 12 and were sustained until the end of the study. This change was greater in the boys, who had higher (worse) BPI scores at baseline. Pain-related quality of life (QoL) scores also decreased during the study. Plasma globotriaosylceramide concentrations and urinary globotriaosylceramide:sphingomyelin ratios decreased after 12 and 23 weeks of therapy, particularly in the boys. Increases in sweat volume were recorded in three out of five of the boys and in one of two girls tested after 23 weeks of treatment. CONCLUSION: ERT with agalsidase alfa in children with Fabry disease is well tolerated and, in the short term, appears to decrease pain and to improve pain-related QoL.  相似文献   

Fabry disease is an X-linked disorder of glycosphingolipid metabolism resulting from a deficiency of the lysosomal enzyme -galactosidase A. This leads to the progressive accumulation of glycosphingolipids in lysosomes of most visceral tissues and in body fluids. Following successful clinical trials in adults, two recombinant enzyme preparations of -galactosidase have recently been licensed in Europe for the treatment of Fabry disease and treatment in children has commenced. We now report the clinical findings and the levels of globotriaosylceramide in plasma and urine in three boys who have been treated with enzyme replacement therapy (agalsidase beta, Fabrazyme), 1 mg/kg for 2 years. In one boy there was a rapid improvement in all the clinical and biochemical parameters measured. This has been maintained. In the other two boys, who are siblings, there was no measurable clinical improvement after 1 year and the levels of globotriaosylceramide in plasma and urine, although lower than before treatment, were still considerably elevated. There was no evidence of blocking or neutralising antibodies so the dose of enzyme was increased to 2 mg/kg at 74 weeks of therapy. At 2 years their pain scores had improved but this was not accompanied by any reduction in the plasma or urine globotriaosylceramide levels. Conclusion:measurement of globotriaosylceramide in plasma and urine may not be the most appropriate marker to monitor the progression of treatment by enzyme replacement therapy in all patients. Certainly the subjective clinical improvement in the two brothers in this report outweighed the objective biochemical findings.Abbreviations CTH globotriasosylceramide - ERT enzyme replacement therapy - FA fatty acid - LCB sphingosine - MS/MS tandem mass spectrometry  相似文献   

Aim : To study the prevalence of peripheral vestibular deficit in male and female patients with Fabry disease and to assess the effect of enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) on peripheral vestibular function using quantitative head-impulse testing. Methods : Using dual search-coils the vestibulo-ocular reflex during rapid rotational head thrusts to both sides was recorded in 21 patients (13 male, 8 female) with Fabry disease prior to ERT initiation. ERT consisted of infusions of gene-activated human α-galactosidase A (agalsidase alfa; Replagal™) every 2 weeks at doses of 0.2mg/kg. Eight patients were tested again approximately 6 and 12 months after the initiation of ERT. Results : At baseline examination, 15 of the patients with Fabry disease (71%; 11 males, 4 females) showed reduced peripheral vestibular function. The deficit was unilateral in nine patients (3 females) and bilateral in six patients (1 female). The severity of the vestibular deficit was not significantly different between male and female patients. After 12 months of ERT, the average vestibular deficit on the weaker side tended to improve; however, the change was not significant ( p = 0.10).
Conclusion : Fabry disease affects peripheral vestibular function in both male and female patients. Females seem to be affected less frequently than males, but, on average, vestibular deficits are not different between the two groups. To confirm or reject the tendency for vestibular improvement during ERT, more patients need to be tested and longer follow-up periods are required.  相似文献   

Pathophysiology and assessment of neuropathic pain in Fabry disease   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Severe neuropathic pain and hypohidrosis are important symptoms of Fabry disease, particularly in the first three decades of life. The pain is associated with a length-dependent small-fibre neuropathy that also causes a selective deficiency of cold perception. Cold exposure often accentuates the pain and worsens thermal perception. The hypohidrosis leads to poor exercise and heat tolerance. The mechanisms by which α-galactosidase A deficiency causes these physiological abnormalities are poorly understood. The stored glycolipid (globotriaosylceramide) may interfere with the function of cellular membrane proteins, such as ion channels, or may lead to cytotoxicity. The characteristic neuropathic pain can be symptomatically treated with various types of anticonvulsant drugs, such as carbamazepine. Improvement in neuropathic pain as a primary outcome measure has been useful in demonstrating that enzyme replacement therapy is effective in improving pain-related quality of life in Fabry disease.
Conclusions : The dysfunction of the peripheral nervous system is easily assessable and more readily reversible with specific therapy than the destructive processes that occur in organs such as the kidney. In future, therefore, it is likely that neuropathic pain, quantitative sensory testing and hypohidrosis will serve as clinical outcome measures for studies of specific and effective therapies for Fabry disease.  相似文献   

Aim: To evaluate the safety and explore the efficacy of enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) for Fabry disease with agalsidase alfa in young children enrolled in the Fabry Outcome Survey (FOS). Methods: This retrospective chart review identified eight children (mean age = 5.0 ± 1.6 [mean ± SD]) in FOS who began treatment with agalsidase alfa (0.2 mg/kg, i.v., every other week) when <7 years old. Vital signs and adverse events were monitored throughout the study period. Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) was estimated, and left ventricular mass indexed to height2.7 (LVMi) was assessed with echocardiography. Patients received 1.2–6.7 years of treatment (mean = 4.2 years). Results: Infusion reactions occurred in three patients and were of mild or moderate severity. IgG antibodies to agalsidase alfa were found in one patient who experienced two mild and one moderate infusion reactions. Mean GFR was within the normal range at baseline and remained normal. LVMi was above the 75th percentile of age‐matched children in 5 of 6 patients evaluated at baseline. Only two patients exceeded this threshold at their last assessment. Conclusion: Long‐term observation will be needed to determine whether early initiation of ERT will prevent major organ dysfunction in these patients.  相似文献   

目的分析法布里病患儿的临床特点及使用酶替代药物治疗基本情况。方法对2014年1月至2020年7月间浙江大学医学院附属儿童医院确诊的4例法布里病患儿的临床资料、实验室检查、基因变异及治疗进行回顾性分析。临床观察其酶替代药物阿加糖酶β治疗的效果。结果 4例患儿(男2例、女2例)年龄12.4(6.0~16.8)岁,临床表现各异,其中肢端疼痛1例、少汗2例、尿崩1例,均有左心室肥厚和尿检异常,但均未发现典型皮疹及听力异常。4例患儿均结合临床症状、体征、家族史,通过α-半乳糖苷酶A酶活性、基因检测结果明确诊断。共检出3个GLA基因错义变异 c.424T>C(p.C142R)、c.335G>A(p.R112H)和c.644A>G(p.N215S)。其中前2个变异为经典型法布里病患者变异位点,后者多表现为迟发型但亦有经典型的报道。例1使用阿加糖酶β用量为每次1 mg/kg静脉泵注,每2周用药1次。患儿诉用药后疼痛强度有缓解,少汗症状得到改善。患儿在最初的2个月输注阿加糖酶β过程中未发生严重不良反应,在输注阿加糖酶β 3次后24 h尿蛋白升至1 015.6 mg,未予处理,1周后复查降至正常。结论法布里病在儿童期临床表现多样,需要多学科联合协同诊断并探讨酶替代治疗的时机,阿加糖酶β治疗患儿短期严重不良反应少见。  相似文献   

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