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蘑菇伞型堵闭器在小儿动脉导管堵闭术中的临床应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 评价一种新的小儿动脉导管未闭(PDA) 堵闭装置———自动扩张蘑菇伞形(Amplatzer)堵闭器的临床应用价值。方法 49 例PDA 患儿( 男21 例,女28 例),平均年龄3-4 岁(0-3~12 岁) ,体重平均12-4 kg(4-5 ~23-4 kg) ;PDA 大小平均为3-5 mm(2-1~7-1 mm),均用直径为6 ~10 mm 的堵闭器进行堵闭。结果 49 例患儿均一次堵闭成功,术后24 小时彩色多普勒超声心动图检查仅2 例有少量残余分流。平均手术时间为42-0 分钟(33~50 分钟),平均X线透视时间为6-5分钟(5~8 分钟) 。随诊过程中无一例出现任何并发症。结论 采用蘑菇伞形动脉导管堵闭器堵闭PDA是一种疗效好、安全、操作简单、适应症范围广的新方法。  相似文献   

经导管弹簧圈堵闭治疗小儿动脉导管未闭   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的评价经导管弹簧圈堵闭小儿动脉导管未闭(PDA)的效果。方法1997年1月~10月堵闭治疗25例PDA患儿,年龄15~140岁,平均68±27岁;体重10~37kg,平均197±79kg。PDA最窄处直径13~28mm,PDA长度50~109mm;形态有短管型、长管型、漏斗型。采用美国Cook公司生产的3种弹簧圈堵闭PDA。结果成功率为100%,术后心血管造影显示,80%(20/25)患儿有极少量残余分流,术后24小时彩超复查仅有2例有少量残余分流,术后1个月彩超复查无一例有残余分流。结论经导管弹簧圈堵闭小儿PDA,是较安全且创伤小的非开胸方法,适用于婴幼儿,特别是PDA最窄处直径在3mm以内的患儿  相似文献   

1994年5~6月使用Rashkind动脉导管堵闭系统治疗12例动脉导管未闭(PDA)患儿。年龄4.5~10岁,平均5.8岁。体重12.5~26.5kg,平均18.3kg。漏斗型10例,管型2例。PDA最窄处内经2.2~4.9mm,平均3.9mm。12例堵闭术均一次成功。术后用彩色多普勒超声心动图随诊,术后第2天4例有少量残余分流,术后1个月仅3例有少量残余分流,无一例有并发症。提示该方法Pors-mann有适应证范围广,创伤小,安全有效,成功率高的优点。  相似文献   

应用可回收与非回收弹簧圈装置堵塞动脉导管未闭的比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的比较应用可回收(detachablecoil)与非回收弹簧圈(nondetachablecoil)堵塞动脉导管未闭(PDA)的效果,并探讨影响效果的因素。方法经导管堵塞18例PDA患儿,男4例,女14例;年龄3~12岁。PDA最狭窄处直径为1.2~3.6mm(平均2.3mm)。其中3例PDA外科结扎后再通,1例PDA伴肺动脉瓣狭窄。结果18例患儿中7例应用非回收弹簧圈堵塞法,其中5例获成功;11例应用可回收弹簧圈装置,堵塞均获成功,其中9例应用双圆锥形弹簧圈,另2例采用Cook可回收弹簧圈。彩色多普勒显示9例堵塞术24小时后无分流,2例随访发现极少量分流。结论应用可回收弹簧圈堵塞PDA,其效果优于非回收弹簧圈;可适用未经手术及外科结扎后再通的PDA患儿。该法简便、有效、安全、并发症少,为堵塞中小型(直径≤3.5mm)PDA值得推荐的方法  相似文献   

先天性主动脉缩窄球囊扩张术后疗效的探讨   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6  
报告15例先天性主动脉缩窄球囊扩张术后的疗效,男10例,女5例;年龄6.7±2.9岁。14例为未经外科手术的先天性主动脉缩窄,其中10例为局限性,4例为主动脉弓发育不良型,另1例为外科手术后再狭窄。采用的球囊平均直径10.5±2.6mm,为缩窄区直径的2.7±0.6倍。术后平均压差(ΔP)由7.3±1.8kPa(54.8±13.5mmHg,1kPa=7.5mmHg)降至2.3±2.1kPa,缩窄区直径由3.8±1.1mm扩大至8.4±2.5mm。10例局限性主动脉缩窄及1例外科手术后再狭窄术后ΔP≤2.7kPa,术后平均随访5.6年,90%病例ΔP仍持续下降,造影随访未见动脉瘤发生。4例发育不良型术后ΔP>2.7kPa,3例进行外科手术。认为球囊扩张术对局限性及外科手术后主动脉缩窄是安全、有效的治疗方法。  相似文献   

经导管非开胸法关闭房间隔缺损15例报告   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
为探讨先天性心脏病房间隔缺损(ASD)的非开胸疗法,采用经导管纽扣式补片对15例ASD患儿进行关闭治疗及随诊研究。患儿年龄2.5~14.0岁,平均7.5岁;体重11~39kg,平均20kg。采用彩色多普勒超声心动图(CDFI)、右上肺静脉造影及球囊三者结合测量来确定ASD最大伸展直径。选择大于所测直径的2.0~2.5倍补片和相应长鞘。结果,13例关闭成功(87%),2例由于房间隔呈半弧圆形或不规则型,撤除补片改行外科手术治疗。13例成功者,术后第2天残余分流5例(38%),随诊1~12个月残余分流下降为2例(16%),1例有轻度二尖瓣关闭不全。提示,经导管纽扣式补片关闭ASD的方法既简便、安全,又疗效佳,但有一定局限性,尚待进一步改进和完善。  相似文献   

报告手术治疗21例小儿全肺静脉异位回流,年龄6个月-14岁(平均6.7岁);体4.9-30kg(平均15.8kg)。3周岁10kg以下的婴幼儿5例。心上型10例,心内型8例,混合型3例。手术死亡3例,手术死亡率为14.3%。本文介绍了根据不同病变类型的各种手术方法,并就吻合口大小、术前肺动脉高压、术后心律失常、术后吻合口狭窄等问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

随着近年对再生障碍性贫血发病机制的深入研究,治疗方法也有改进,尤其应用多种免疫抑制剂治疗再障疗效明显。我们自1996年1月至2000年1月应用口服环抱素A联合SSL方案治疗重型再障 15例。现将其结果报告如下: 临床资料 一、一般资料25例随机分为两组,联合治疗组15例,男8例,女7例,年龄1.5岁至12岁,平均 6.5岁,其中重型再障 Ⅰ型(SAA-1)12例,重型再障Ⅱ(SAA-Ⅲ)3例。对照组 10例,男6例,女4例,年龄2岁至11岁,平均7岁,其中重型再障Ⅰ型8例,重型再障Ⅱ型2例。 二、治疗方…  相似文献   

血细胞分离机在小儿血液病治疗中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
梁辉  常君  郑伟敏 《中华儿科杂志》1999,37(10):641-642
应用血液细胞分离机治疗小儿血液病,具有年龄小、静脉细、血容量低的难点。我们尝试用CS3000plus血细胞分离机对10例血液病患儿进行治疗,报告如下。对象:1997年8月~1998年5月,本院10例患儿,男8例、女2例;平均年龄7-4岁(3~12岁);体重13~28kg,平均18kg。疾病类型和治疗方式:(1)去除白血病细胞:共6例,其中5例为急性白血病初发患儿(M21例、M11例、ALL3例);另1例为慢性粒细胞性白血病。采集前,6例患儿白细胞总数在(130~240)×109/L。(2)采集外…  相似文献   

全反式维甲酸(ATRA)诱导治疗急性早幼粒细胞性白血病(APL)安全高效,完全缓解率达64%~96%,但ATRA能导致高白细胞血症,发生率为7.7%~40%。同时予化疗能降低白血病细胞负荷,现将我科6例APL治疗体会报道如下。 资料与方法 一、资料 6例均系门诊或住院病人,其中男4例,女2例,<6岁2例,7~8岁3例,9岁1例,病程1~3个月,均为初治病人。所有病例均经外周血及骨髓象检查,符合实用儿科学诊断标准。 二、方法 6例确诊后即给 ATRA1~1.5mg/kg·d,分3次口服。3例未加化疗药,…  相似文献   

Amplatzer蘑菇伞治疗动脉导管未闭疗效观察及方法学再探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为进一步探讨Amplatzer动脉导管未闭堵塞器治疗动脉导管未闭(PDA)的方法及疗效 ,于1998年8月~2001年12月应用Amplatzer堵塞器治疗PDA患儿210例 ,年龄4.5±2.8岁(0.6~12岁) ,PDA平均最小直径3.89±1.32mm(1.6~6.9mm),堵塞器直径比PDA最小直径大2.5~6mm ,伴肺动脉高压者选用的堵塞器相对较大。在舒张期多次测量PDA直径 ,如左侧位主动脉造影不能清晰显示PDA ,加做右前斜位主动脉造影。堵塞术后行彩色多普勒随访。结果显示 ,所有PDA临床关闭(听诊无杂音) ,出院时达100 % ,超声彩色多普勒检查在出院时无分流达98.6 % ,堵塞术后3月达100% ;超声多普勒随访发现左肺动脉流速在1.5~1.7m/s间6例 ,都为小于1岁婴儿并伴有肺动脉高压 ,且堵塞器直径大于PDA直径3.5mm以上 ;未发生溶血、堵塞器脱落或堵塞器断裂、PDA再通、血栓栓塞、心内膜炎、主动脉狭窄等。提示AmplatzerPDA堵塞器可安全有效地应用于直径1.6mm以上的PDA ,但应避免医源性左肺动脉狭窄  相似文献   

Protrusion of the Amplatzer duct occluder (ADO) II device into the aortic isthmus or the pulmonary artery causing obstruction and residual flow has been reported, but the same has not been widely studied in small children with a patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) anatomy not considered suitable for closure with the ADO I device. This study aimed to report the safety and efficacy of the ADO II device in children younger than 3 years with a tubular or elongated PDA and to analyze the possible reasons for residual flow in children with such a PDA. In this study, 17 children younger than 3 years (mean age, 10.3 ± 7 months; mean weight, 6 ± 3.6 kg) underwent attempted closure of a tubular or elongated PDA (mean diameter at the narrowest point, 4.1 ± 1.1 mm) with the ADO II device between July 2010 and July 2012. Of the 17 patients, 16 (2 boys and 14 girls) completed the follow-up evaluation. A complete echocardiographic evaluation was performed on all the patients before PDA closure and at the follow-up visit, and the results were compared with those of previous published studies. Of the 16 patients, the 15 who completed the follow-up evaluation had successful device closure (1 device embolization). Residual flow was present in six patients immediately after deployment, which was reduced to three patients at the last follow-up visit. Five of nine patients closed with a 6-mm-long device had residual flow compared with only one of seven patients closed with a 4-mm-long device. After device closure, significant elevations of the left and right pulmonary artery velocities occurred in three and two patients, respectively; in 12 patients, descending thoracic aortic (DTA) velocities increased mildly. There was trend toward a fall in the elevated pressures at the last follow-up visit, although one patient had an elevation in right pulmonary artery velocity at last the follow-up echocardiogram compared with the echocardiogram immediately after closure. Hence, in children younger than 3 years with or without pulmonary arterial hypertension, closure of a PDA not amenable to closure with the ADO I device is feasible using the ADO II device, with an increased incidence of clinically nonsignificant complications. Selection of device dimensions according to the manufacturer’s recommendation may not be the optimal strategy.  相似文献   

Amplatzer封堵器治疗动脉导管未闭临床评价   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
目的采用Amplatzer堵闭器(ADO)治疗动脉导管未闭(PDA),评价其疗效及并发症。方法31例患儿,男12例,女19例,年龄1~19岁,平均7.5岁,体质量4.6~50.0 kg,平均20.5 kg。超声心动图(UCG)测PDA直径2.0~10.6 mm,平均5.8 mm。采用直径4~12 mm、平均7.6 mm,较PDA直径大0.8~5.5 mm、平均2.9 mm的ADO进行封堵。术后48 h1、、3、6个月、1年行UCG复查。结果1例PDA造影直径0.67 mm,因无合适ADO而放弃。失败2例,成功植入ADO 28例(93.3%)。术后造影即刻完全封堵22例(78.6%),4例(14.3%)有微量分流,2例(7.1%)有少量分流。48 h UCG复查均无残余分流。随访1年全组未出现心脏感染、溶血、封堵器脱落,ADO突入降主动脉(DAO)引起DAO轻度狭窄3例,ADO突入左肺动脉(LPA)引起LPA轻度狭窄1例。结论应用ADO治疗PDA安全可靠,但要注意封堵器对DAO和LPA的影响,以避免造成大血管狭窄。  相似文献   

Increased prevalence of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) at high altitude (HA) is a known occurrence. Transcatheter treatment of patients with PDA living at a HA is assessed in this study. Thirteen consecutive patients (all habitants of La Paz, Bolivia) underwent transcatheter closure of PDA. The minimal diameter of PDA was 5.8 (1.5–11) mm and the mean pulmonary artery pressure was 37 (7–80) mm Hg. In 12 patients, the Amplatzer Duct Occluder (ADO) was used; in one child with PDA with a 1.5-mm diameter, a detachable coil was implanted. All procedures, except for one, were completed successfully. The ADO (diameter: 12/10 mm) implantation failed in one child with pulmonary hypertension because the device could not be properly secured in position in a 6-mm PDA. Subsequent surgery was performed without any complications. No residual shunt after 24 h was observed in any case after treatment. No complications were encountered during the procedure and follow-up of 1.5 (from 0.1 to 2.8) years. PDA in native residents of high land have different physiopathologies and anatomies. ADO appears to be a suitable device for transcatheter occlusion for most such patients. Interventional cardiology in countries with residents at high altitudes can be helpful in addressing this issue.  相似文献   

经导管Amplatzer封堵器治疗小儿动脉导管未闭的随访结果   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的总结经导管Amplatzer封堵器(Amplatzerductoccluder,ADO)治疗小儿动脉导管未闭(patentductusarteriosus,PDA)的远期随访结果,进一步评价应用ADO治疗小儿PDA远期疗效和安全性。方法对1998年4月至2003年12月间接受ADO封堵术的PDA患儿进行回顾性队列研究。结果共有250例PDA患儿接受ADO封堵术,平均年龄5.3(3个月~16岁)岁,平均体重15.1(3.5~35.0)kg。PDA最窄处直径在1.8~11.0mm之间,平均(4.2±1.5)mm,其中52例(20.0%)直径超过5mm。PDA均应用4~14mm大小的ADO进行封堵,输送长鞘为6F(205例)或7F(45例)。250例中,ADO成功植入245例(98.0%)。Qp/Qs从1.90±0.60降至1.03±0.21(P<0.05)。不同形状的PDA均可应用ADO进行封堵。近期并发症5例,其中溶血3例,股动脉血栓2例,无死亡病例。共有205例在堵闭术后完成1天~60个月的随访,随访率为82.0%。残余分流率在不同随访时间点分别为9.2%(1天)、2.8%(1个月)、1.2%(6个月)、0.8%(12个月)、0(24个月)、0(36个月)、0(48个月)、0(60个月)。5例(2.0%)随访中因残余分流出现溶血或无溶血需要再次接受治疗,随访1年和5年无事件发生率为98.0%。结论应用ADO治疗小儿PDA远期疗效确切,安全性好。  相似文献   

The Amplatzer duct occluder (ADO) provides a safe and effective therapy for patients with moderate- to large-sized patent ductus arteriosus (PDA), but there have been few reports of transcatheter closure of very large PDAs in young children and infants. We report a successful transcatheter closure of a very large PDA, 10.5 mm in diameter at the narrowest point, with a 14/12-mm ADO. To our knowledge, this is the largest PDA ever closed by an interventional method in such a young child.  相似文献   

 Several different devices were evaluated for the percutaneous closure of patent ductus arteriosus (PDA), and important drawbacks were found in all of them. To overcome these drawbacks, both detachable Cook PDA coils and Amplatzer duct occluders (ADO) were used for the percutaneous closure of PDA. A total of 54 patients underwent transcatheter occlusion of PDA at a median age of 4.5 years (range 0.5–29 years) and at a median weight of 19.5 kg (range 6–69 kg). Three patients were adults. Detachable Cook PDA coils were used in 26 patients with a median PDA diameter of 1.7 mm (range 1.1–2.2 mm) and ADO were used in 28 patients with a median PDA diameter of 3.8 mm (range 1.9–7.5 mm). Devices were successfully implanted in all 54 patients. Complete closure was achieved in 53 of 54 patients (98% closure rate). Median fluoroscopy time was 12 min (range 4–47 min). Conclusion According to our experience, the complementary use of detachable Cook patent ductus arteriosus coils and Amplatzer duct occluders for the percutaneous closure of PDA can be recommended. Received: 12 November 1998 and in revised form: 2 June 1999 / Accepted: 13 July 1999  相似文献   

Transcatheter closure of a persistently patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) was successfully performed in four children using a Rashkind double disk umbrella device. Mean age was 5.1 +/- 1.5 (2.8 to 6.3 years) and weight 18.8 +/- 3.8 kg (14.1 to 22.3 kg). In all children the PDA was the only cardiac lesion and was diagnosed clinically and by means of continuous wave and color-coded doppler echocardiography. After angiographic measurement of PDA size the correlating device was implanted. The ductus was closed immediately in two children, whereas there was a residual angiographic shunt in the others. Echocardiography performed within 24 hours showed a minimal shunt only in one of these cases. The shunt had disappeared at the one month follow up study. We experienced none of the reported possible complications. Transcatheter closure of the PDA after the neonatal period seems to be a safe and effective alternative to surgical ligation as our early experience shows, and should become the procedure of first choice in these patients.  相似文献   

儿童继发孔型房间隔缺损的介入治疗   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
Gao W  Zhou AQ  Yu ZQ  Li F  Zhang YQ  Sun K  Zhong YM 《中华儿科杂志》2004,42(4):287-290
目的 探讨儿童继发孔型房间隔缺损 (atrialseptaldefect ,ASD)封堵术的指征、方法学和并发症的预防。方法  1998年 10月~ 2 0 0 3年 1月 ,119例继发孔型ASD患儿 ,根据家属意愿接受了经导管应用Amplatzer房间隔封堵器的介入治疗。年龄 0 8~ 17 0岁 ,平均 ( 7 5± 2 8)岁 ,体重6 7~ 88.0kg ,平均 ( 2 3 7± 7 8)kg。所有病例术前检查被证实均为继发孔型ASD。按ASD球囊伸展直径或大于 1~ 2mm选择封堵器进行堵塞。其中 3例为多发ASD。 6例合并动脉导管未闭 ( patentductusarteriosus,PDA)或肺动脉瓣狭窄 ( pulmonarystenosis ,PS)者应用其他封堵装置和球囊扩张治疗合并的畸形。术后定期行心脏超声及临床检查随访。结果  119例患儿术前经食道超声(transesophagealechocardiography ,TEE)或经胸超声 (trans thoracicechocardiography ,TTE)检测ASD平均直径 ( 12 9± 5 6 )mm ( 6 5~ 34 5mm ) ,肺动脉平均压力为 ( 2 9 0± 5 0 )mmHg( 2 5 0~ 6 2 0mmHg) ,球囊伸展直径为 ( 15 7± 4 8)mm( 8 0~ 38 0mm)。所选封堵器直径平均为 ( 15 0± 5 0 )mm( 8 0~ 38 0mm)。 112例封堵成功。 3例多发ASD也选用单一封堵器。 6例合并PDA或PS者同时完成介入治疗。 112例堵塞后即刻封堵率为 93 8% ( 1  相似文献   

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