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OBJECTIVE: To study the specificity of contractile phenotype and electrophysiological remodeling in transgenic (Tg) mice with cardiac directed calcineurin (phosphatase 2B) overexpression and evaluate a possible negative role of chronically activated calcineurin in beta-adrenergic mediated contractile response. METHODS: The patch-clamp technique was used to characterize electrophysiological properties of action potentials and inward rectifier (I(K1)), and transient outward potassium currents (I(to)). The analysis of the contractile performance was carried out on isolated retrograde perfused hearts at constant aortic pressure. RESULTS: Tg mice demonstrated a hypercontractile phenotype characterized by a profound beta-adrenergic hypo-responsiveness at 2.0 mM [Ca2+](o). Transgenic cardiomyocytes showed marked action potential prolongation (209% in APD(90)) with increased I(to,peak) and I(sus) and decreased protein expression level of Kv1.5 and Kv2.1. Lowering [Ca2+](o) to 0.75 mM restored the beta-adrenergic response, indicating that the calcineurin/calmodulin/adenylyl cyclase (AC) pathway may not be directly responsible for the blunted beta-adrenoreceptor mediated inotropism. CONCLUSIONS: Calcineurin overexpression leads to development of a hyperdynamic phenotype with a cellular profile of increased calcium influx. This type of functional hypertrophic remodeling is accompanied by a negative feedback regulation between increased calcium handling and beta-adrenergic contractile activation.  相似文献   

目的 探讨结蛋白相关心肌病 (DRC)闰盘相关蛋白表达和分布的变化。方法 以 1个月DRC转基因小鼠为模型 ,采用Western印迹和免疫标记共聚焦显微镜观察闰盘相关蛋白在心室中的表达和分布。结果 与野生型结蛋白转基因小鼠和非转基因小鼠相比 ,突变型结蛋白小鼠 pan cadherin、α catenin、β catenin总蛋白升高 (P <0 0 5 ) ;α catenin和 β catenin以胞浆部分显著 (P <0 0 5 ) ;pan cadherin膜蛋白部分和胞浆部分升高 (P <0 0 5 ) ,而细胞骨架蛋白 (TIF)部分降低 ;Cx4 3总蛋白和TIF则明显降低 (P <0 0 5 ) ,存在着再分布。野生型结蛋白小鼠与非转基因小鼠比较 ,各蛋白均无显著变化。免疫标记证实这一结果。结论 DRC早期已发生闰盘重塑 ,闰盘蛋白表达和分布改变可能促进心律失常和心功能衰竭的发生。  相似文献   

The GH-releasing hormone (GHRH) precursor molecule contains a 30-amino acid C-terminal region that has been designated GHRH-related peptide (GHRH-RP). To begin to understand the physiological role of GHRH-RP, transgenic (Tg) mice that constituitively express this peptide were developed. To generate these mice, a transgene (SS-RP) was constructed by overlap primer extension PCR. This transgene, under the control of the mouse phosphoglycerate kinase gene, selectively expresses GHRH-RP, but not GHRH. Western blot analysis confirmed that the transgene produces GHRH-RP. Animals were evaluated for the effect of excess GHRH-RP on growth, fertility, behavior, stem cell factor (SCF) expression, and hematopoiesis. Northern blot and RT-PCR were used to demonstrate ubiquitous expression of the transgene in tissues from GHRH-RP Tg animals. These tissues also had marked overexpression of SCF messenger RNA compared with controls. Tg animals had significantly increased cell cycling for granulocyte-macrophage, erythroid, and multilineage progenitor cells. Transgenic animals did not differ from control mice in their growth, fertility, or behavior. These findings demonstrate, for the first time, that in vivo the C-terminal peptide of the pro-GHRH molecule is a biologically active peptide that is capable of stimulating the expression of SCF and hematopoiesis in vivo and suggests that GHRH-RP may play a role in normal blood cell development.  相似文献   

Endocrine profiles were examined in swine that had integrated and expressed a fusion gene consisting of mouse metallothionein-1 (MT) promoter fused to either a human (h) or bovine (b) GH structural gene. Eleven of 18 pigs that had integrated MT-hGH and eight of nine pigs that had integrated MT-bGH expressed the genes. The level of expression varied widely among pigs (14-4551 micrograms/l for MT-hGH and 23-1578 micrograms/l for MT-bGH). The level of expression varied over time within each pig with no general pattern. Concentrations of porcine GH (pGH) were lower in MT-hGH pigs that expressed the gene than in non-expressors or in littermate controls. Insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) concentrations increased with age in all pigs and were raised threefold in pigs expressing either the MT-hGH or MT-bGH genes. Measurement of the foreign GH in samples taken at 15-min intervals failed to reveal any short-term fluctuations in concentration. Administration of hGH releasing factor (GRF) to pigs expressing MT-bGH resulted in attenuated release of pGH compared with that of contemporary controls. Concentrations of bGH did not change after GRF injection. Human and bovine GH expressed in transgenic pigs appear to be biologically active in that they induce IGF-I and suppress endogenous pGH secretion. The failure to find short-term fluctuations and the lack of response to GRF injections are consistent with a non-pituitary and non-GRF regulatable site of production.  相似文献   

《Respiration physiology》1998,111(2):201-212
Recent studies suggest that the vasoactive peptides endothelin-1 and -3 and the mitogens VEGF and PDGF-A and -B could be involved in the pathogenesis of hypoxic pulmonary hypertension. We were interested to investigate whether these peptides could also be involved in the vascular remodeling occurring during chronic hypoxia (10% oxygen; 1 and 3 weeks) in the rat. Hypoxia increased significantly systolic right ventricular pressure and typical morphological signs of vascular remodeling were found. This was accompanied by increased ET-1 and the ET-3 mRNA expression after acute (6 h; P<0.05) and chronic hypoxia of 1 (P<0.05) and 3 weeks (P<0.05). In contrast, we found no effects of hypoxia on the gene expression of VEGF and PDGF-A and -B in the lung. Our findings indicate that ET-3 in addition to ET-1 could be involved in the process of hypoxia-induced vascular remodeling, whereas it appears less likely that the mitogens VEGF and PDGF-A and -B are essentially involved in the pathogenesis of hypoxic pulmonary hypertension.  相似文献   

Summary Plasma growth hormone was measured by radioimmunoassay under basal conditions and after glucose administration in the New Zealand Obese (NZO) mouse and in a control strain. There was greater variability of plasma IRGH in the NZO mice than in the control strain under basal conditions, but there was no significant difference between the mean log plasma IRGH in the two strains. Moreover, in both strains rapid suppression of plasma IRGH occurred following glucose administration. It appears unlikely that pituitary hypersecretion of growth hormone accounts for the metabolic abnormalities observed in the NZO mouse.
Das Plasma-Wachstumshormon bei der New Zealand Obese mouse
Zusammenfassung Das Wachstumshormon im Plasma wurde unter Anwendung der Radioimmunomethode unter basalen Bedingungen und nach Zufuhr von Glucose bei der New Zealand obese mouse (NZO) und einer Kontrollzucht gemessen. Unter basalen Bedingungen bestand bei den NZO-Mäusen eine größere Variabilität des immunreaktiven Wachstumshormons im Plasma (IRGH) als bei der Kontrollzucht; es fand sich jedoch kein wesentlicher Unterschied des mittleren logarithmischen Plasma-IRGH bei den beiden Zuchten. Darüberhinaus erfolgte nach Zufuhr von Glucose bei beiden Zuchten eine schnelle Suppression des Plasma-IRGH. Es ist unwahrscheinlich, daß die pituitäre Hypersekretion des Wachstumshormons für die metabolischen Anomalien bei der NZO-Maus verantwortlich zu machen ist.

L'hormone de croissance plasmatique chez la souris obèse de la Nouvelle-Zélande
Résumé L'hormone de croissance immunoréactive (IRGH) plasmatique a été mesurée par une méthode radio-immunologique dans des conditions de base et après l'administration de glucose chez la souris obèse de la Nouvelle-Zélande (NZO) et aussi chez une souche de souris témoins. On a constaté plus de variabilité de IRGH plasmatique chez la souris NZO que chez la souche de souris témoins dans les conditions de base, mais il n'y avait pas de différence notable entre la moyenne logarithmique de IRGH plasmatique dans les deux souches de souris. D'ailleurs dans toutes les deux races il y avait une suppression rapide de IRGH plasmatique après l'administration de glucose. Il paraît peu probable que l'hypersécrétion pituitaire de l'hormone de croissance explique les anomalies métaboliques observées chez la souris NZO.

Non-transgenic (wild-type) coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch), growth hormone (GH) transgenic salmon (with highly elevated growth rates), and GH transgenic salmon pair fed a non-transgenic ration level (and thus growing at the non-transgenic rate) were examined for plasma hormone concentrations, and liver, muscle, hypothalamus, telencephalon, and pituitary mRNA levels. GH transgenic salmon exhibited increased plasma GH levels, and enhanced liver, muscle and hypothalamic GH mRNA levels. Insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) in plasma, and growth hormone receptor (GHR) and IGF-I mRNA levels in liver and muscle, were higher in fully fed transgenic than non-transgenic fish. GHR mRNA levels in transgenic fish were unaffected by ration-restriction, whereas plasma GH was increased and plasma IGF-I and liver IGF-I mRNA were decreased to wild-type levels. These data reveal that strong nutritional modulation of IGF-I production remains even in the presence of constitutive ectopic GH expression in these transgenic fish. Liver GHR membrane protein levels were not different from controls, whereas, in muscle, GHR levels were elevated approximately 5-fold in transgenic fish. Paracrine stimulation of IGF-I by ectopic GH production in non-pituitary tissues is suggested by increased basal cartilage sulphation observed in the transgenic salmon. Levels of mRNA for growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) and cholecystokinin (CCK) did not differ between groups. Despite its role in appetite stimulation, neuropeptide Y (NPY) mRNA was not found to be elevated in transgenic groups.  相似文献   

As therapeutic strategies to prevent acute rejection progressively improve, transplant vasculopathy (TV) constitutes the single most important limitation for long-term functioning of solid organ allografts. In TV, allograft arteries characteristically develop severe, diffuse intimal hyperplastic lesions that eventually compromise luminal flow and cause ischemic graft failure. Traditional immunosuppressive strategies that check acute allograft rejection do not prevent TV; indeed 50% of transplant recipients will have significant disease within five years of organ transplantation, and 90% will have significant TV a decade after their surgery. TV can involve the entire length of the transplanted arterial bed, including penetrating intraorgan arterioles. Indeed, the luminal narrowing of such penetrating vessels may be the most functionally significant because arterioles represent the major contributors to tissue vascular resistance. Because of the diffuseness of TV involvement in the allograft vascular bed, the only currently definitive therapy requires re-transplantation. Nevertheless, as we better understand the pathogenesis and critical mediators of these lesions, pharmacological advances can be anticipated. Other articles in this thematic review series focus on the specifics of the inciting injury, the cytokines and chemokines that drive TV development, and the nature of the recruited cells in TV lesions, as well as the pathogenic similarities between TV and other vascular lesions such as atherosclerosis. This review focuses on the mechanisms of vascular wall remodeling in TV, including the intimal accumulation of smooth muscle-like cells and associated extracellular matrix, medial smooth muscle cell degeneration, and adventitial fibrosis. A brief overview highlights the aneurysmal changes that can accrue when vessel wall inflammation has a cytokine profile distinct from the typical proinflammatory interferon-gamma-dominated milieu.  相似文献   

Vascular remodeling in systemic hypertension   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
It is now well accepted that treatment of hypertension must extend beyond the mere control of blood pressure. Among the objectives “beyond blood pressure control” is the remodeling of resistance and compliance vessels that have usually undergone a process of hypertrophy and/or hyperplasia. Salutary vascular remodeling by antihypertensive treatment not only implies structural changes of the vascular wall, but also functional improvements, including diminished contractile responses to endogenous vasoconstrictors and enhanced relaxation to endogenous vasodilators. We have treated spontaneously hypertensive rats with the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors zabicipril, perindopril, and ramipril at antihypertensive and sub-antihypertensive doses and have analyzed vascular morphology and function. Chronic oral treatment was begun before hypertension developed (prevention study). Remodeling of mesenteric vessels with, inter alia, a reduction of the media:lumen ratio was achieved by antihypertensive doses of the drugs. Further, vascular function was improved not only after high-dose, but also after low-dose ACE inhibitor treatment, as tested in the aortic vessels: an inhibition of vascular ACE was associated with attenuated vasoconstrictor responses to norepinephrine and enhanced dilator responses to acetylcholine. In addition, low and high doses significantly increased aortic cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) content, suggesting an improved vasodilator capacity. Our data demonstrate that improvements of vascular function can be achieved by ACE inhibitors, independently of structural changes and of the antihypertensive action exerted by these drugs.  相似文献   

It has been shown that mice transgenic for human GH-releasing hormone (GRH) develop hyperplasia of pituitary somatotrophs, lactotrophs, and mammosomatotrophs, cells capable of producing both GH and PRL, by 8 months of age. We now report that GRH transgenic mice 10-24 months of age develop pituitary adenomas, which we characterized by histology, immunohistochemistry, in situ hybridization, and electron microscopy. Of 13 animals examined, all developed GH-immunoreactive neoplasms that had diffuse positivity for GH mRNA by in situ hybridization. Eleven also contained PRL immunoreactivity; in situ hybridization demonstrated focal PRL mRNA in 3 of 5 immunohistochemically positive tumors. Alpha-Subunit was positive by immunohistochemistry in 8 adenomas, and TSH beta was localized in tumor cells of 5 adenomas. The adenomas had variable ultrastructural appearances, ranging from cells that resembled somatotrophs or mammosomatotrophs to cells with features of the glycoprotein hormone cell line. These findings provide conclusive evidence that protracted GRH stimulation of secretory activity can result in proliferation, hyperplasia, and adenoma of adenohypophysial cells.  相似文献   

A dwarf transgenic mouse (DTM) line has been established in which mice express relatively high levels of a mutated bovine (b) GH gene. This bGH analog binds to mouse liver membrane preparations with an affinity similar to that of wild-type bGH. The mean growth ratio of these mice is approximately 0.7 relative to that of their nontransgenic littermates. Serum insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) levels of DTM were found to be approximately half those in nontransgenic littermates. Liver GH receptor levels were up-regulated in DTM or wild-type bGH transgenic mice. Pituitary GH levels were negatively correlated with serum IGF-I concentrations. Wild-type bGH transgenic mice contain relatively high serum IGF-I and low pituitary GH levels, whereas DTM possess low serum IGF-I and high pituitary GH levels. The decrease in serum IGF-I resulting from the interaction between the bGH analog, the endogenous mouse GH, and GH receptor(s) apparently leads to a dwarf phenotype. These data suggest that this bGH analog has uncoupled GH ligand-receptor binding from IGF-I production and acts as a functional antagonist to the action of endogenous mGH.  相似文献   

To examine the relative growth, endocrine, and gene expression effects of growth hormone (GH) transgenesis vs. GH protein treatment, wild-type non-transgenic and GH transgenic coho salmon were treated with a sustained-release formulation of recombinant bovine GH (bGH; Posilac). Fish size, specific growth rate (SGR), and condition factor (CF) were monitored for 14 weeks, after which endocrine parameters were measured. Transgenic fish had much higher growth, SGR and CF than non-transgenic fish, and bGH injection significantly increased weight and SGR in non-transgenic but not transgenic fish. Plasma salmon GH concentrations decreased with bGH treatment in non-transgenic but not in transgenic fish where levels were similar to controls. Higher GH mRNA levels were detected in transgenic muscle and liver but no differences were observed in GH receptor (GHR) mRNA levels. In non-transgenic pituitary, GH and GHR mRNA levels per mg pituitary decreased with bGH dose to levels seen in transgenic salmon. Plasma IGF-I was elevated with bGH dose only in non-transgenic fish, while transgenic fish maintained an elevated level of IGF-I with or without bGH treatment. A similar trend was seen for liver IGF-I mRNA levels. Thus, bGH treatment increased fish growth and influenced feedback on endocrine parameters in non-transgenic but not in transgenic fish. A lack of further growth stimulation of GH transgenic fish suggests that these fish are experiencing maximal growth stimulation via GH pathways.  相似文献   

Growth hormone (GH) is essential in the development and growth of the skeleton and for the maintenance of bone mass and density, and its secretion is known to decline with aging. We have previously produced transgenic rats with low circulating GH that represent several age-associated phenotypes such as obesity, insulin-resistance and leptin-resistance. In the present study, the cross-sectional area, bone mineral density, and strength indexes of the hind leg skeletons of the transgenic rats were examined by an X-ray computed tomography scanning. The mean cross-sectional area of the transgenic rats showed no increase after 2 months old up to 8 months old and the strength indexes were significantly lower than their non-transgenic siblings at all ages examined. The trabecular bone mineral density in the transgenic rats drastically decreased at 8 months old, while the cortical bone mineral density was comparable to the non-transgenic rats, suggesting the onset of osteoporosis at this period. The results obtained in this study indicate that the transgenic rats could be useful model to gain insight into the complex mechanism leading to osteoporosis with aging.  相似文献   

GH has a significant impact on body composition due to distinct anabolic and catabolic effects on lean and fat mass, respectively. Several studies have assessed body composition in mice expressing a GH transgene. Whereas all studies report enhanced growth of transgenic mice as compared with littermate controls, there are inconsistencies in terms of the relative proportion of lean mass to fat mass in these animals. The purpose of this study was to characterize the accumulation of adipose and lean mass with age and according to gender in a bovine (b) GH transgenic mouse line. Weight and body composition measurements were assessed in male and female bGH mice with corresponding littermate controls in the C57BL/6J genetic background. Body composition measurements began at 6 wk and continued through 1 yr of age. At the conclusion of the study, tissue weights were determined and triglyceride content was quantified in liver and kidney. Although body weights for bGH mice were significantly greater than their corresponding littermate controls at all time points, body composition measurements revealed an unexpected transition midway through analyses. That is, younger bGH mice had relatively more fat mass than nontransgenic littermates, whereas bGH mice became significantly leaner than controls by 4 months in males and 6 months in females. These results reveal the importance in timing and gender when conducting studies related to body composition or lean and fat tissue in GH transgenic mice or in other genetically manipulated mouse strains in which body composition may be impacted.  相似文献   

王丽静  罗百灵 《国际呼吸杂志》2007,27(14):1077-1080
血管内皮生长因子(VEGF)具有促进血管内皮细胞增殖和血管生成的作用。研究表明,VEGF在慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)的肺血管重构中起着重要作用,进而加重其气道阻力和气道炎症,影响COPD的预后。如何使VEGF保持一个合适的水平有待于我们进一步的研究。  相似文献   

GH secretagogues (GHS) are synthetic ghrelin receptor agonists that stimulate GH secretion. It is not clear whether they act predominantly by stimulating the secretion of hypothalamic growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH), or directly on the somatotrope cells. In addition, it is not known whether combined treatment with GHRH and GHS has synergistic effects on growth. To address these questions, we used the GH-deficient GHRH knock out (GHRHKO) mouse model, which has severe somatotrope cell hypoplasia. We treated GHRHKO mice for 5 weeks (from week 1 to week 6 of age) with the GHRH analogue JI-38 alone, or in combination with a GHS (GHRP-2), and at the end of the treatment we examined their response to an acute stimulus with GHRP-2 or GHRP-2 plus JI-38. We used placebo-treated GHRHKO mice and animals heterozygous for the GHRHKO allele as controls. Animals treated with JI-38+GHRP-2 reached higher body length and weight than animals treated with JI-38 alone. All the animals receiving JI-38 (with or without GHRP-2) showed similar correction of somatotrope cell hypoplasia. None of the GHRHKO animals showed a serum GH response to the acute stimulation with GHRP-2 alone, while both treated groups responded to the combined test with JI-38 + GHRP-2. These data demonstrate that in GHRHKO mice, GHRP-2 has a growth-stimulating effect that augments the response induced by JI-38. In addition, the presence of GHRH seems necessary for the stimulation of GH secretion by GHRP-2.  相似文献   

食管静脉的异常血流动力学变化是造成食管静脉曲张破裂的主要因素,高流量及流速促进静脉血管壁的结构变化,包括内皮功能受损、平滑肌功能障碍及细胞外间质重分布,即为静脉血管重建,强度及顺应性的下降降低了血管壁所能承受的流体张力,间接地参与了曲张静脉破裂出血的发生发展机制。  相似文献   

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