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Employmentoftraumaandinjuryseverityscoreandaseveritycharacterizationoftraumaintheoutcomeevaluationoftraumacareandtheirresearc...  相似文献   

From 1986 to 1989, 324 aortae from accidental death aged 15-39 were collected from two locations, one of higher prevalence (Beijing in North China), and the other of lower prevalence (Nanning in South China) of atherosclerosis (AS) and coronary heart disease (CHD). Morphometry and biochemical analyses, were used in the study with emphasis on the changes of smooth muscle cells (SMC) in the aortic intima and on the aortic proteoglycans (PGs) of specimens from both locations to elucidate their relationship with the pathogenesis and development of AS and to find ways, if any, for the prevention and control of AS. The results showed that the densities,especially the area density of the cell nuclei of aortic SMC were significantly higher in specimens from the North than those from the South (P<0.01). Nuclear densities of SMC negatively correlated with alcian blue-positive substances; both total PGs and Heparin sulfate PG (HSPG, inhibitory to SMC proliferation) of the aortic intima and media were lower in speci  相似文献   

Radioimmunoimagingofarterialandvenousthrombiincaninemodelusing99mTclabeledmonoclonalantifibrinantibodyRuanChanggeng阮长耿,WangQi...  相似文献   



Insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-1, -2 and Insulin like growth factor binding proteins (IGFBP) are involved in the proliferation and differentiation of cells. It has never been evaluated, if the IGF-system can serve as a tumor marker in neoplasms.


In our prospective study 163 patients with colorectal cancer (22), prostate cancer (21), head and neck tumors (17), lymphomas (20), lung cancer (34) and other entities (49) were analysed for their IGF and IGFBP serum levels at the beginning and the end of radiotherapy and compared to 13 healthy people. Subgroups of patients with local tumor disease versus metastatic disease, primary and recurrent therapy and curative versus palliative therapy were compared.


The serum levels of IGF-2 were significantly elevated in patients with prostate and colorectal cancer. However, sensitivity and specificity were only 70%. IGFBP-2 serum levels were elevated in patients with head and neck tumors. Again sensitivity and specificity were only 73%. A difference between local disease and metastatic disease could not be found. A difference between IGF serum levels before and after radiotherapy could not be detected.


The IGF-system cannot serve as a new tumor marker. The detected differences are very small, sensitivity and specificity are too low. IGF measurement is not useful for the evaluation of the success of radiotherapy in malignancies.

Increased levels and activity of fibroblast growth factor (FGF) have been documented in a variety of diseases, including ischemia. Both acute coronary syndromes and exercise are situations that stimulate FGF release. Since experimental studies have demonstrated that FGFs are involved in myocardial preconditioning, it has been suggested that cardiac and circulating FGFs may play a cardioprotective role in ischemic diseases. However, the profile of basic FGF (bFGF) release during transient myocardial ischemia remains uncertain. We sought to determine whether circulating bFGF might be changed in patients with demonstrated coronary artery disease and evidence of ischemia in exercise scintigraphy (Isch +; n = 21). Serum from 22 age-matched patients with no coronary artery disease and no isotopic ischemia (Isch-) were used as controls. Three blood samples were obtained to determine bFGF at different times: baseline (bFGF-A); maximal exercise (bFGF-B), and isotopic redistribution (bFGF-C). An enzyme-linked immunoassay specific for bFGF was used (limit of detection, 1.0 pg/ml). Circulating bFGF was increased at maximal exercise in both Isch + and control patients. However, serum levels of bFGF were elevated up to more than two-fold in Isch-patients compared to Isch+ patients (8.67 +/- 2.10 pg/ml in Isch+ vs 17.83 +/- 2.97 pg/ml in Isch- patients; p<0.01). According to previous data, these findings suggest that bFGF serum levels could be considered more likely a marker of endothelial dysfunction occurring in patients with coronary artery disease, rather than a marker of acute ischemia. This situation could be different in the clinical setting of chronic myocardial ischemia.  相似文献   



To determine whether the mean platelet volume (MPV) and MPV/platelet (PLT) values can be used in the study of sepsis and systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS).


In this retrospective case-controlled study, 69 sepsis, 69 SIRS patients, and 72 control group who were treated in the years 2012-2013 were reviewed, and both the MPV and MPV/PLT rates were evaluated in all groups at Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam University Intensive Care Unit, Kahramanmaras, Turkey.


Statistically significant difference was found between sepsis, SIRS, and control groups when comparing the MPV and MPV/PLT ratio (p<0.05), and no significant difference was found between sepsis and SIRS groups in terms of MPV and MPV/PLT ratio (p>0.05). Mean platelet volume values for sepsis and control groups was 10.07/8.731 femtoliter (fL) (p=0.000), and 9.45/8.731 fL (p=0.000) for SIRS and control groups. In the group of sepsis patients, the MPV was found to be at cut-off 8.915, sensitivity 71%, and specificity 63.9%. In the group of patients with SIRS, MPV was found to be at cut-off 8.85, sensitivity 69.6%, and specificity 62.5%. For the MPV/PLT values, the specificity and sensitivity were found to be insignificant.


This study shows that although there was no significant reduction in the PLT values between the sepsis and SIRS patients, the MPV and MPV/PLT ratio values were found to have significant differences. However, the specificity and sensitivity of the values were not reliable standard to be used as a test.Sepsis is a life-threatening condition that occurs when the body’s response to an infection injures its own tissues and organs.1 The pathogenesis of sepsis involves a series of complex regulatory interactions, with concomitant and often antagonistic processes, resulting in a dysregulated host response with both exaggerated inflammation and immune suppression. The pro-inflammatory response to sepsis leads to activation of the coagulation system with concurrent inhibition of anticoagulant mechanisms and fibrinolysis.1 Consequently, fibrinolytic and fibrinogen products are consumed, clot forms, and bleeding shows itself in the form of disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). Disseminated intravascular coagulation results as increased platelet destruction.2 Mean platelet volume (MPV) is a measurement of the average size of platelets found in the blood. There are high MPV levels in destructive thrombocytopenia and low MPV levels in hypoproliferative thrombocytopenia.3 A rapid and reliable test for the discrimination of SIRS and sepsis in the ICU would therefore be very useful. In this retrospective study, we’ve researched whether the MPV and MPV/platelets (PLT) values could be used in the study of sepsis and systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS).  相似文献   

Objective:To evaluate the sensitivity of serum tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase 5b(Tracp5b)activity in monitoring bisphosphonate treatment results of bone metastasis in breast cancer(BC)patients.Methods:The serum activities of Tracp5b,CEA,CA153 were mea- sured in 58 BC patients,including 26 without bone metastasis,32 with bone metastasis.The serum activities of Tracp5b,CEA,CA153 were also measured in 19 patients with bone metastasis after 3 months of bisphosphonate treatment.Eighteen healthy women with age from 34 to 70 served as control.Results:Serum Tracp5b was significantly elevated in patients with bone metastasis compared with that in all any other groups(P<0.05).The sensitivity of Tracp5b was 78.13%and the specificity was 86.36%.The sensitivity of CA153 was 37.50%and the specificity was 77.27%.The sensitivity of CEA was 21.88%and the specificity was 84.09%.The serum activity of Tracp5b decreased significantly(P<0.05)after 3 months of bisphosphonate treatment,while the levels of CA153 and CEA were unchanged.Conclusion:Serum Tracp5b activity is a useful diagnostic marker for bone metastasis in BC patients and can be used to evaluate the treatment results of bisphosphonate.  相似文献   

IsolationoftheURA5genefromthekluyveromyceslactisanditsuseasaselectivemarkerfortransformationXiyuanBai,YouweXi,BingLiuandF.Mei...  相似文献   

Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer relateddeath in the world and its mortality could begreatly reduced by diagnosis and treatment in itsearly stages.Effective tools for the early detection oflung cancer and its high risk factors remain a majorchallenge.Biomarkers that detect lung cancer in itsearly stages or identify its pretumour lesions,enabling early therapeutic intervention,would beinvaluable to improve its dismal prognosis.DNA methylation plays an essential role in normaldevelopment and maintaining genomic stability.Alterations in methylation patterns frequently occurin tumour cells and hypermethylation in the promoterregion of tumour suppressor genes,associated with  相似文献   



Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) management has witnessed paradigm changes over the past decade. In the early era, Absolute lymphocyte counts (ALC) were used as an inexpensive, indirect marker of immunity status. With time, CD4 lymphocyte counts and HIV RNA levels have become a standard of care for follow up of people living with HIV/AIDS (PLHA). Wide disparities between resource rich and poor countries, rekindles the need for an inexpensive surrogate marker for CD4 lymphocyte counts. Multiple studies in the past including one by Sen S et al, in 2011 did not validate ALC as a surrogate marker of CD4 lymphocyte counts and had recommended a similar study at another centre to validate the same.1 Recently few publications have suggested that ALC may be used as a proxy marker to CD4 lymphocyte counts in resource poor areas.2 With this backdrop we decided to evaluate the association if any, of ALC as a surrogate marker to CD4 lymphocyte counts.


ALC and CD4 lymphocyte counts measurements of 241 patients at our HIV/AIDS referral centre were assessed over a period of 13 months.


Pearson correlation coefficient, coefficient of determination and standard statistical methods revealed modest linear correlation between ALC and CD4 lymphocyte counts which was statistically significant but did not have clinical significance.


We recommend that time has come to call curtains down on ALC as a surrogate marker for CD4 lymphocyte count.  相似文献   

To evaluate CC2 (N, N' -dichloro-bis [2, 4, 6-trichlorophenyl] urea) in various hydrophilic and lipophilic formulations as a personnel decontaminant for sulphur mustard (SM). Methods Twenty percent of CC2 was prepared as a suspension or ointment with various chemical agents and its stability was evaluated by active chlorine assay. The efficacy was evaluated in mice by recording the mortality after applying 29 LD50 of SM (LD50 =8.1 mg/kg dermally) and decontaminating it after 2 min with 200 mg of the formulation.Studies were also carried out with 10% and 20% CC2 in acacia and hydroxypropyl cellulose,and the suspensions were stored in polyethylene containers. The stability of the suspensions was evaluated by active chlorine assay. The efficacy was evaluated by recording the mortality after applying 29 LD50 of SM in mice and 12 LD50 of SM in rats (LD50 = 2.4 mg/kg dermally), and decontaminating it with the formulations. LD50 by different routes and primary skin irritation test of CC2 were also carried out. Results CC2 reacted with peanut oil and neem oil, and was unstable in povidone iodine and Fuller's earth. Good stability was achieved with petroleum jelly, honey, polyvinyl pyrrolidone, calamine lotion, acacia and hydroxypropyl cellulose. Though CC2 was stable in lipophilic formulations, it did not protect the animals. The hydrophilic formulations particularly acacia and hydroxypropyl cellulose gave very good protection and was stable in the polyethylene containers for a period of 1 year. The efficacy of 20% CC2 was better than 10% CC2. The oral and dermal LD50 of CC2 was found to be above 5.0 g/kg. CC2 was also found to be nonirritant.Conclusion Twenty percent of CC2 in hydroxypropyl cellulose is better with respect to stability, efficacy and ease of decontamination. CC2 is also a safe chemical.  相似文献   

Deep venous puncture pathway in severely burned patients during their shock reabsorb phase and 3 days thereafter:A clinical study on duration of cannulation@刘杰锋$Dept Burns,Wuhan 3rd Hosp,Wuhan 430060  相似文献   

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