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双链断裂是放射线引起的细胞致死性DNA损伤.细胞DNA双链断裂主要由同源重组和非同源末端连接两个分子途径进行修复.通过RNA干扰、反义核苷酸等技术调控DNA双链断裂修复相关基因的表达和功能,是提高肿瘤放疗疗效的重要途径.  相似文献   

遗传性乳腺癌具有家族聚集、早发、双侧等特点,多为易感基因发生胚系突变所致。DNA损伤修复是哺乳动物细胞保证遗传物质稳定性的重要机制。双链断裂是最严重的DNA损伤之一,修复过程涉及同源重组和非同源末端连接通路。DNA双链断裂修复或信号传导相关基因或蛋白功能缺陷可以诱导染色体不稳定而增加乳腺癌的易感性。与DNA修复功能相关的链交联剂和PARP-1抑制剂为BRCA相关遗传性乳腺癌的治疗提供了新的途径。本文就DNA双链断裂修复通路相关基因的突变与遗传性乳腺癌发病的关系作一综述。  相似文献   

Ferguson DO  Alt FW 《Oncogene》2001,20(40):5572-5579
The maintenance of genomic stability is one of the most important defenses against neoplastic transformation. This objective must be accomplished despite a constant barrage of spontaneous DNA double strand breaks. These dangerous lesions are corrected by two primary pathways of double strand break repair; non homologous end joining and homologous recombination. Recent studies employing mouse models have shown that absence of either pathway leads to genomic instability, including potentially oncogenic translocations. Because translocations involve the union of different chromosomes, cellular machinery must exist that creates these structures in the context of unrepaired double strand breaks. Evidence is mounting that the pathways of double strand break repair that are so important for survival may themselves be the culprits that generate potentially fatal translocations. Evidence and models for the dual roles of double strand break repair in both preventing, and generating, oncogenic karyotypic changes are discussed.  相似文献   

Wortmannin, an inhibitor of p110 PI 3-kinase, also inhibitsDNA-dependent protein kinase, which is known to mediate DNAdouble strand break repair. It was recently demonstrated thatwortmannin sensitized cells to ionizing radiation (IR) (Priceand Youmell, Cancer Res., 56, 246–250, 1996). Wortmanninwas used to determine if the potentiation of IR-induced cytotoxicityin Chinese hamster ovary cells could be accounted for by aninhibition of DNA double strand break (DSB) repair. Wortmannin,at concentrations which were non-toxic per se (5 and 20 µM),increased IR cytotoxicity with dose enhancement factors at 10%survival of 2.7±0.28 (5 µM) and 5.3 ±0.86(20 µM). The effects of wortmannin on DSB levels wereassessed by neutral elution. The effects of wortmannin on thekinetics of DSB repair were evaluated over a 3 h time course.Wortmannin (50 µM) completely inhibited DSB repair overthis period, without having any effect on DSB levels itself.The concentration-dependent effects of wortmannin on DSB levelsshowed that inhibition of DSB repair was significant at 1 µM,and near-maximal at 20 µM. In marked contrast, it exertedno effect on the kinetics of single strand break (SSB) repairas assessed by alkaline elution, even at concentrations as highas 50 µM. There was an excellent correlation between theconcentration-dependence and exposure time of wortmannin requiredto enhance IR cytotoxicity and inhibit DSB repair. These dataimplicate inhibition of DNA-dependent protein kinase, and theconsequent inhibition of DSB repair, as the mechanism wherebywortmannin potentiates the cytotoxicity of IR.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Intratumoral hypoxia has been correlated with poor clinical outcome in prostate cancer. Prostate cancer cells can be genetically unstable and have altered DNA repair. We, therefore, hypothesized that the expression of DNA double-strand break (DNA-dsb) repair genes in normal and malignant prostate cultures can be altered under hypoxic conditions. METHODS AND MATERIALS: The expression of homologous recombination (HR) and non-homologous recombination (NHEJ) genes following gas hypoxia (0.2%) or exposure to HIF1alpha-inducing agent, CoCl2 (100 microM), was determined for normal diploid fibroblasts (GM05757) and the pre-malignant and malignant prostate cell lines, BPH-1, 22RV-1, DU145 and PC3. RNA and protein levels were determined using RT-PCR and Western blotting. Additionally, p53 genotype and function, the level of hypoxia-induced apoptosis, and cell cycle distribution, were determined to correlate to changes in DNA-dsb gene expression. RESULTS: Induction of hypoxia was confirmed using HIF1alpha and VEGF expression in gas- and CoCl2-treated cultures. Hypoxia (48-72 h of 0.2% O2) decreased RNA expression of a number of HR-related genes (e.g. Rad51, Rad52, Rad54, BRCA1, BRCA2) in both normal and malignant cultures. Similar decreases in RNA pertaining to the NHEJ-related genes (e.g. Ku70, DNA-PKcs, DNA Ligase IV, Xrcc4) were observed. In selected cases, hypoxia-mediated decreases in RNA expression led to decreased DNA-dsb protein expression. CoCl2-treated cultures did not show decreased DNA-dsb protein expression. The ability of hypoxia to down-regulate Rad51 and other HR-associated genes under hypoxia was not correlated to c-Abl or c-Myc gene expression, p53 genotype or function, propensity for hypoxia-mediated apoptosis, or specific changes in cell cycle distribution. CONCLUSIONS: Hypoxia can down-regulate expression of DNA-dsb repair genes in both normal and cancer cells. If associated with a functional decrease in DNA-dsb repair, this observation could provide a potential basis for the observed genetic instability within tumor cells exposed to hypoxia.  相似文献   

The halogenated pyrimidine, fluorodeoxyuridine (FdUrd), has been used in combination with radiation for the treatment of human neoplasms. In an attempt to improve the clinical use of this combination, FdUrd-radiation interactions were studied in vitro using human HT29 colon cancer cells. It was found that FdUrd produced radiosensitization at clinically achievable (1-100 nM) concentrations. Sensitization depended critically on the timing of exposure. When cells were irradiated after a 12-hr exposure to 100 nM FdUrd, marked sensitization was produced (mean inactivation dose (MID) = 2.01 +/- 0.01, compared to control of 4.35 +/- 0.16, p less than .01). No radiosensitization occurred when cells were irradiated 4 hr prior to incubation (MID = 3.95 +/- 0.05, p greater than 0.4). Radiosensitization appeared to result from an inhibition of thymidylate synthase since concentrations of FdUrd which produced radiosensitization depleted intracellular TTP pools and blocked the incorporation of deoxyuridine into DNA. Furthermore, radiosensitization was completely inhibited by co-incubation with thymidine. FdUrd also decreased the repair, but not the formation, of radiation-induced DNA double strand breaks (DSB's). These data are consistent with the hypothesis that FdUrd produces radiosensitization by depleting thymidine pools which leads to a decreased rate of DNA DSB repair. Furthermore, they suggest that in clinical trials FdUrd should be infused at least 8 hr before irradiation.  相似文献   

Dasika GK  Lin SC  Zhao S  Sung P  Tomkinson A  Lee EY 《Oncogene》1999,18(55):7883-7899
Several newly identified tumor suppressor genes including ATM, NBS1, BRCA1 and BRCA2 are involved in DNA double-strand break repair (DSBR) and DNA damage-induced checkpoint activation. Many of the gene products involved in checkpoint control and DSBR have been studied in great detail in yeast. In addition to evolutionarily conserved proteins such as Chk1 and Chk2, studies in mammalian cells have identified novel proteins such as p53 in executing checkpoint control. DSBR proteins including Mre11, Rad50, Rad51, Rad54, and Ku are present in yeast and in mammals. Many of the tumor suppressor gene products interact with these repair proteins as well as checkpoint regulators, thus providing a biochemical explanation for the pleiotropic phenotypes of mutant cells. This review focuses on the proteins mediating G1/S, S, and G2/M checkpoint control in mammalian cells. In addition, mammalian DSBR proteins and their activities are discussed. An intricate network among DNA damage signal transducers, cell cycle regulators and the DSBR pathways is illustrated. Mouse knockout models for genes involved in these processes have provided valuable insights into their function, establishing genomic instability as a major contributing factor in tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

O'Connor MJ  Martin NM  Smith GC 《Oncogene》2007,26(56):7816-7824
Both DNA double- and single-strand break repair are highly coordinated processes utilizing signal transduction cascades and post-translational modifications such as phosphorylation, acetylation and ADP ribosylation. 'Drugable' targets within these networks have been identified that could potentially lead to novel therapeutic approaches within the oncology arena. Key regulators within these signalling cascades, such as DNA-dependent protein kinase, ataxia-telangiectasia mutated, checkpoint kinase 1 (CHK1), checkpoint kinase 2 (CHK2) and poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase, use either ATP or nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide for their enzymatic functions and are therefore readily accessible to small molecule inhibition at their catalytic sites. A range of highly potent and selective inhibitors of these DNA damage response pathways has now been identified through drug discovery efforts, with candidate molecules either approaching or already in clinical trials. This review will describe the small molecule inhibitors and drug discovery activities that focus on DNA break repair, along with the therapeutic rationale behind chemosensitization and the concept of synthetic lethality. We will also describe the emerging clinical data coming from this exciting new approach to targeted cancer therapy.  相似文献   

The effects of three drugs (hydroxyurea, 1-beta-arabinofuranosylcytosine, and diamide) known to inhibit DNA synthesis on the repair of ionizing radiation-induced DNA single-strand breaks measured by alkaline elution and on cellular radiosensitivity were examined. Inhibition of repair was observed at 10(-2) M hydroxyurea, 10(-4) M 1-beta-D-arabinofuranosylcytosine, and 5 X 10(-5) M diamide, levels causing only 10% cell kill. While the mechanisms by which the drugs inhibit DNA synthesis differ, they are equally effective at inhibiting repair; without drug, cells, after a dose of 10 grays, repair 35% of DNA strand breaks in 3 min and a further 35% in 1 hr; with drug, only 10% is repaired in 3 min, and the deficiency in repair amount remains, even after 60 min. The effect of similar drug treatment on radiation-induced cell killing shows that radiosensitivity is increased; the major effect is reduction in D0 from 1.3 grays to approximately 0.8 grays with smaller effects on Dq. The data are consistent with the hypothesis that radiation produces potential double-strand breaks in DNA which, if not rapidly repaired, are converted into lethal actual double-strand breaks.  相似文献   

DNA double strand break (DSB) repair dysfunction increases the risk of familial and sporadic breast cancer. Advances in the understanding of genetic predisposition to breast cancer have also been made by screening naturally occurring polymorphisms. These studies revealed that subtle defects in DNA repair capacity arising from low-penetrance genes, or combinations thereof, are modified by other genetically determined or environmental risk factors and correlate to breast cancer risk. Overexpression of DSB repair enzymes, absence of surveillance factors and mutation or loss of heterozygosity in any of these genes contributes to the pathogenesis of sporadic breast cancers. The results identifying DSB repair defects as a common denominator for breast cancerogenesis focus attention on functional assays in order to assess DSB repair capacity as a diagnostic tool to detect increased breast cancer risk and to enable therapeutic strategies specifically targeting the tumor.  相似文献   

Purpose: From the role of double strand DNA dependent protein kinase (DNA-PKcs) activity of non-homologous end joining (NHEJ) repair for DNA double strand breaks (DSBs), we aim to define possible associations between thermo-sensitisation and the enzyme activities in X-ray irradiated cells. Materials and methods: DNA-PKcs deficient mouse, Chinese hamster and human cultured cells were compared to the parental wild-type cells. The radiosensitivities, the number of DSBs and DNA-PKcs activities after heat-treatment were measured. Results: Both DNA-PKcs deficient cells and the wild-type cells showed increased radiosensitivities after heat-treatment. The wild-type cells have two repair processes; fast repair and slow repair. In contrast, DNA-PKcs deficient cells have only the slow repair process. The fast repair component apparently disappeared by heat-treatment in the wild-type cells. In both cell types, additional heat exposure enhanced radiosensitivities. Although DNA-PKcs activity was depressed by heat, the inactivated DNA-PKcs activity recovered during an incubation at 37?°C. DSB repair efficiency was dependent on the reactivation of DNA-PKcs activity. Conclusion: It was suggested that NHEJ is the major process used to repair X-ray-induced DSBs and utilises DNA-PKcs activity, but homologous recombination repair provides additional secondary levels of DSB repair. The thermo-sensitisation in X-ray-irradiated cells depends on the inhibition of NHEJ repair through the depression of DNA-PKcs activities.  相似文献   

Heat shock is one of the most effective radiosensitizers known. As a result, combination of heat with ionizing radiation (IR) is considered a promising strategy in the management of human cancer. The mechanism of heat radiosensitization has been the subject of extensive work but a unifying mechanistic model is presently lacking. To understand the cause of excessive death in irradiated cells after heat exposure, it is necessary to characterize the lesion(s) underlying the effect and to determine which of the pathways processing this lesion are affected by heat. Since DNA double strand breaks (DSBs) are the main cause for IR-induced cell death, inhibition of DSB processing has long been considered a major candidate for heat radiosensitization. However, effective radiosensitization of mutants with defects in homologous recombination repair (HRR), or in DNA-PK dependent non-homologous end joining (D-NHEJ), the two primary pathways of DSB repair, has led to the formulation of models excluding DSBs as a cause for this phenomenon and attributing heat radiosensitization to inhibition of base damage processing. Since direct evidence for a major role of base damage in heat radiosensitization, or in IR-induced killing for that matter, is scarce and new insights in DSB repair allow alternative interpretations of existing data with repair mutants, we attempt here a re-evaluation of the role of DSBs and their repair in heat radiosensitization. First, we reanalyse data obtained with various DSB repair mutants on first principles and in the light of the recent recognition that alternative pathways of NHEJ, operating as backup (B-NHEJ), substantially contribute to DSB repair and thus probably also to heat radiosensitization. Second, we review aspects of combined action of heat and radiation, such as modulation in the cell-cycle-dependent variation in radiosensitivity to killing, as well as heat radiosensitization as a function of LET, and examine whether the observed effects are compatible with DSB repair inhibition. We conclude with a model reclaiming a central role for DSBs in heat radiosensitization.  相似文献   

Bau DT  Tseng HC  Wang CH  Chiu CF  Hua CH  Wu CN  Liang SY  Wang CL  Tsai CW  Tsai MH 《Oral oncology》2008,44(11):1047-1051
The DNA repair gene Ku70, an important caretaker of the overall genome stability, is thought to play a major role in the DNA double strand break repair system. It is known that defects in double strand break repair capacity can lead to irreversible genomic instability. However, the polymorphic variants of Ku70 and their association with oral cancer susceptibility has never been reported on. In this hospital-based case-control study, the association of Ku70 promoter T-991C (rs5751129), promoter G-57C (rs2267437), promoter A-31G (rs132770), and intron3 (rs132774) polymorphisms with oral cancer risk in a Taiwanese population was investigated. In total, 318 patients with oral cancer and 318 age- and gender-matched healthy controls recruited from the China Medical Hospital in Taiwan were genotyped. The results showed that there were significant differences between the oral cancer and control groups in the distribution of their genotypes (P=0.0031) and allelic frequency (P=0.0009) in the Ku70 promoter T-991C polymorphism. Individuals who carried at least one C allele (T/C or C/C) had a 2.15-fold increased risk of developing oral cancer compared to those who carried the T/T wild-type genotype (95% CI: 1.37-3.36). In the other three polymorphisms, there was no difference between both groups in the distribution of either genotype or allelic frequency. In conclusion, the Ku70 promoter T-991C, but not the Ku70 promoter C-57G, promoter A-31G or intron3, is connected to oral cancer susceptibility. This polymorphism may be a novel useful marker for primary prevention and anticancer intervention.  相似文献   

Aims: Radiation therapy (RT) is used in the treatment of approximately half of all cancer patients. Although there have been great improvements in tumor localization and the technical accuracy of RT delivery, some RT patients still have idiosyncratic hypersensitivity to ionizing radiation (IR) in their normal tissues. Although much effort has been expended in the search for assays that could detect radiosensitive individuals prior to treatment and facilitate tailored therapy; a suitable and clinically practical predictive assay has yet to be realized. Since DNA double‐strand breaks (DSB) are a major lesion caused by IR, we hypothesized that radiation hypersensitive individuals might be deficient in the repair of such lesions. Methods: To test this hypothesis we quantitatively and functionally characterized DSB repair of the two major non‐homologous end‐joining (NHEJ) sub‐pathways in a pilot study using a plasmid repair reconstitution assay in lymphoblastoid and fibroblast cell lines from radiosensitive cancer patients and controls. Experiments using well‐characterized mammalian DSB repair mutants demonstrated the ability of the assay to distinguish NHEJ sub‐pathways. The proportion of direct end‐joining repair compared with that of microhomology‐directed repair was used as a functional end‐point of DSB repair competence in the different cell lines. Results: We found that the overall level of NHEJ sub‐pathway repair competency was similar in cell lines from radiosensitive patients and controls. Conclusion: These data suggest that this assay in these cell lineages has limited usefulness as a predictive screen for the endogenous DNA DSB repair competency of radiosensitive cancer patients' cells but can usefully characterize major cellular DSB repair phenotypes.  相似文献   

A DNA double strand break (DSB) is a highly toxic lesion, which can generate genetic instability and profound genome rearrangements. However, DSBs are required to generate diversity during physiological processes such as meiosis or the establishment of the immune repertoire. Thus, the precise regulation of a complex network of processes is necessary for the maintenance of genomic stability, allowing genetic diversity but protecting against genetic instability and its consequences on oncogenesis. Two main strategies are employed for DSB repair: homologous recombination (HR) and non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ). HR is initiated by single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) resection and requires sequence homology with an intact partner, while NHEJ requires neither resection at initiation nor a homologous partner. Thus, resection is an pivotal step at DSB repair initiation, driving the choice of the DSB repair pathway employed. However, an alternative end-joining (A-EJ) pathway, which is highly mutagenic, has recently been described; A-EJ is initiated by ssDNA resection but does not require a homologous partner. The choice of the appropriate DSB repair system, for instance according the cell cycle stage, is essential for genome stability maintenance. In this context, controlling the initial events of DSB repair is thus an essential step that may be irreversible, and the wrong decision should lead to dramatic consequences. Here, we first present the main DSB repair mechanisms and then discuss the importance of the choice of the appropriate DSB repair pathway according to the cell cycle phase. In a third section, we present the early steps of DSB repair i.e., DSB signaling, chromatin remodeling, and the regulation of ssDNA resection. In the last part, we discuss the competition between the different DSB repair mechanisms. Finally, we conclude with the importance of the fine tuning of this network for genome stability maintenance and for tumor protection in fine.  相似文献   

The DNA double strand break repair gene Ku80 is thought to play a major role in the caretaking of the overall genome stability. It is very possible that defective in double strand break repair capacity can lead to human carcinogenesis. Thus, the polymorphic variants of Ku80 were firstly investigated regarding their association with oral cancer susceptibility. In this hospital-based case-control study, the association of Ku80 promoter G-1401T (rs828907), promoter C-319T (rs11685387), and intron19 (rs9288518) polymorphisms with oral cancer risk in a Taiwanese population was investigated. 600 patients with oral cancer and 600 age- and gender-matched healthy controls recruited were genotyped and analyzed by PCR–RFLP method. There were significant differences between oral cancer and control groups in the distributions of their genotypes (P = 0.0038) and allelic frequencies (P = 0.0044) in the Ku80 promoter G-1401T polymorphism. In the other two polymorphisms, there was no difference between both groups in the distribution of either genotype or allelic frequency. There is a synergistic gene–environmental interaction between Ku80 and areca chewing. Compared with G/G genotype in Ku80 promoter G-1401T, the G/T plus T/T significantly enhanced the risk only in the areca chewers (odds ratio = 1.603; 95% confidence interval = 1.053–2.011), not in the non-areca chewers. In conclusion, the Ku80 promoter G-1401T is correlated with oral cancer susceptibility and this polymorphism may be a useful marker for oral cancer prevention and early detection.  相似文献   

Phillips ER  McKinnon PJ 《Oncogene》2007,26(56):7799-7808
Normal development of an organism requires the ability to respond to DNA damage. A particularly deleterious lesion is a DNA double-strand break (DSB). The cellular response to DNA DSBs occurs via an integrated sensing and signaling network that maintains genomic stability. The outcomes of defective DNA DSB repair are related to the developmental stage of an organism, and often show striking tissue specificity. Many human diseases are associated with deficiencies in DNA DSB repair and can be characterized by neuropathology, immune deficiency, growth retardation or predisposition to cancer. This review will focus on the requirements of the DNA DSB response that function to maintain homeostasis during mammalian development.  相似文献   

Genetic or epigenetic inactivation of DNA mismatch repair genes results in a strong mutator phenotype, known as the microsatellite mutator phenotype or microsatellite instability (MSI). This mutator phenotype causes mutations in genes responsible for the regulation of cell growth and survival/death and thus promotes the development and progression of tumors. In addition to such tumorigenic lesions, mutations in genes of other types of DNA repair, for example, DNA double-strand break (DNA DSB) repair, are found in tumor cells with MSI. We report here that the majority of MSI-positive tumor cell lines of different tissue origins (endometrial, ovarian, prostate, and colorectal carcinomas) are hypersensitive to bleomycin, a DNA DSB producing chemotherapeutic drug. We suggest that this hypersensitivity may be a result of inactivation of the DNA DSB repair activity by concomitant mutations of different DNA DSB repair genes. To provide experimental support to this hypothesis, we show that the subclones of the MSI-positive colorectal cancer cell line HCT-8 that bear heterozygous frameshift mutations in the DNA DSB repair gene DNA-PK(CS) are more sensitive to a combined treatment with bleomycin and the DNA protein kinase inhibitor LY294002 than the original HCT-8 cells, which are wild type for this gene. These results may be useful in designing therapies for MSI-positive cancer.  相似文献   

We have examined the effects of ginseng on the induction and repair of gamma-ray-induced DNA double strand breaks (dsb) using neutral filter elution technique at pH 9.6 in cultured murine spleen lymphocytes. Ginseng water extract 500 micrograms/ml was added to the culture medium either for 48 hours prior to irradiation. Ginseng extract showed protective effect against the formation of dsb when it was treated for 48 hours before 100 Gy gamma-ray-irradiation. While repair was almost completed until 220.2 minutes after irradiation, DNA repair of irradiated cells in the presence of ginseng extract was did not return to the corresponding control levels even after 621.8 minutes. From these data, it could be calculated that ginseng reduced the relative strand scission factor (RSSF) by about 2. Therefore, it could be concluded that ginseng has radioprotective effect against gamma-ray induced DNA dsb and repair in cultured mouse lymphocytes.  相似文献   

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