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下颌恒切牙根管形态的影像学研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
目的:探讨下颌恒切牙根管解剖形态的影像学特征,为临床采用X线片评估该牙根管系统提供依据。方法:中国人下颌恒切牙300个,采用传统X线胶片和数字化X线片从唇舌向和近中远中向投照牙片,两名牙体牙髓专科医师同时观察牙片,判读根管数目、根管类型、根管钙化程度,并根据根管直径推测根管横切面形状。结果:下颌恒切牙有1个根管(67.89%)和2个根管(32.11%),唇舌向X线片双根管检出率(3.34%)明显低于近中远中向(32.11%)(P〈0.05)。根管类型按Vertucci分类,Ⅰ型67.9%,Ⅱ型11.4%,Ⅲ型18.1%,Ⅳ型0.7%,Ⅴ型1.0%,Ⅵ型1.0%。根管钙化率:1级为89.67%,2级为7.33%,3级为3.0%。根管横切面形状扁长形以根中1/3最高,达85.6%。结论:下颌恒切牙根管解剖形态复杂,临床上唇舌向X线片可能掩盖部分根管解剖信息。  相似文献   

目的:采用锥形束CT(cone-beam CT,CBCT)与透明牙染色法观察下颌恒切牙根管形态,比较2种方法对根管形态研究结果的一致性.方法:选取根尖发育完全、牙根完整、未进行过牙髓治疗的离体下颌恒切牙61颗,进行CBCT扫描.并用透明牙染色法对根管系统进行染色,比较2种方法对下颌恒切牙根管数目、根管Vertucci分型的一致性,分析2种方法对根管分支结构检出率之间的差异.采用SPSS 17.0软件包对数据进行统计学分析.结果:CBCT法和透明牙法对单、双根管的一致性检验的Kappa值为0.847 (P<0.001),2种方法对Vertucci根管分型一致性检验的Kappa值为0.861 (P<0.001);2种方法根管分支结构的检出率分别为8.19%、22.95%,差异具有显著性(P=0.025),透明牙染色法的根管分支结构检出率显著高于CBCT.结论:CBCT能准确反映离体下颌恒切牙的根管类型,但对根管分支结构的诊断不如透明牙染色法,CBCT是一种较准确的诊断根管形态的方法.  相似文献   

目的采用锥形束CT研究下颌切牙根管解剖特点,及其与性别、年龄、牙位的关系。方法使用锥形束CT观察316例共1148颗下颌切牙,获得其断层图像后进行三维重建,通过计算机图像观察其根管数目及根管类型。记录被检查者的性别、年龄和牙位。计算下颌切牙双根管检出率,统计根管类型,分析根管解剖特点与性别、年龄、牙位的关系。结果下颌切牙双根管检出率为27.5%,其双根管类型以Vertucci分类的Ⅲ型最多,占14.1%。双根管在各年龄段间的分布差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05),20~29岁和30~39岁两个年龄段的双根管检出率较高,分别为36.8%和36.5%。下颌切牙双根管的检出率女性高于男性。侧切牙双根管的检出率高于中切牙,结论下颌切牙双根管检出率较高,锥形束CT在诊断双根管方面具有重要作用。  相似文献   

中国人下颌恒切牙根管弯曲的解剖学研究   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
目的 探讨下颌恒切牙根管弯曲情况。方法 选择299颗离体下颌恒切牙,将15号K锉插入根管,唇舌向和近远中向采集数字化X线牙片图像,测量根管的弯曲角度、弯曲半径以及弯曲长度,并根据弯曲角度和弯曲形状进行分类。对测量结果进行统计分析。结果 下颌恒切牙根管的弯曲角度、弯曲半径以及弯曲长度,唇舌向分别为5.28°±5.52°、16.19 mm±12.38 mm、4.10 mm±2.01 mm,近远中向分别为9.99°±5.84°、18.86 mm±9.71 mm、3.27 mm±2.39 mm。下颌恒切牙根管中直根管、轻度、中度、重度弯曲根管分别为15.7%、66.9%、16.7%和0.7%(P<0.05);直根管、单弯根管、双弯根管分别为7.7%、50.5%和41.8%(P<0.05)。结论 下颌恒切牙以弯曲根管为主,唇舌向弯曲程度大于近远中向弯曲程度。  相似文献   

目的:应用CBCT研究下颌切牙根管形态。方法:纳入240例11~70岁患者的CBCT影像资料,研究其下颌切牙根管构型。结果:下颌中切牙、侧切牙双根管率分别为16.87%和25.83%(P<0.05),且年龄间(10~20、 21~30、31~40、 41~50、 51~60、 61~70岁)有统计学差异(P<0.001);双根管对称性发生概率下颌中切牙为72.34%,侧切牙为75.75%;釉牙骨质界处唇舌径,单、双根管者分别为(5.39±0.28) mm和(6.25±0.19) mm(P<0.05),且男性大于女性(P<0.05)。结论:下颌切牙双根管率与牙位和年龄相关;釉牙骨质界处唇舌径与根管构型和性别相关。  相似文献   

下颌切牙根管形态特征的研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
目的 :研究下颌切牙根管的形态特征、数量及变异情况。方法 :采用X线片法拍下颌切牙唇舌向、近远中向X线片 ,观察根管形态、数量、长形下凹与多根管的关系 ,测量管壁厚度。结果 :下颌切牙根管壁的厚度依次为 :舌侧壁 >唇侧壁 >近远中壁 ,中、侧切牙的根管长度分别为 (12 .96± 6.46)mm和 (11.47± 6.3 2 )mm ;中、侧切牙双根管率分别为 3 5 .9%和 2 7.5 % ;多数存在长形下凹者为单根管。结论 :下颌切牙根管壁近远中向薄 ,双根管率高 ;长形下凹的存在与根管数无显著关系。  相似文献   

目的:采用CBCT观察下颌恒切牙根管形态,分析下颌切牙唇舌径宽度及近远中宽度与单双根管之间的关系。方法:选取75名进行CBCT扫描的患者,共计282颗下颌切牙,测量其釉质牙骨质界处唇舌径及近远中径宽度,并观察其根管形态。结果:下颌切牙单双根管的唇舌径宽度平均宽度分别为5.62mm、6.35mm,具有显著性差异(P<0.001),与性别差异无关,唇舌径的宽度的最佳界值为6.05 mm。单双根管的近远中径宽度平均宽度分别为4.00mm、4.04mm,无显著性差异(P=0.423)。结论:当唇舌径宽度大于或等于6.05mm时,可以提示下颌切牙双根管的存在的可能,唇舌径宽度的大小能够作为一种下颌切牙根管治疗术前的评估指标。  相似文献   

目的 分析下颌恒切牙根管解剖因素对根管治疗难度的影响。方法 选择299颗牙体完整的离体中国人下颌恒切牙为研究对象,测量其根管解剖指标包括根管长度、根管数量及形态、根管弯曲度以及髓腔与根管钙化程度,按照四川大学华西口腔医院牙体牙髓科制定的根管治疗难度系数临床评估标准及美国牙髓病学会推荐的牙髓病例难度评估方法评估该牙根管治疗难度,并采用Logistic回归分析,观察以上各指标与根管治疗难度的相关关系。结果 下颌恒切牙根管治疗难度为Ⅰ级、Ⅱ级、Ⅲ级者分别占29.4%、20.1%和50.5%。根管治疗难度与根管长度、数目、钙化程度以及弯曲度存在明显的相关性(P<0.005)。结论 下颌恒切牙根管治疗难度与根管解剖密切相关,根管治疗难度较大。  相似文献   

目的 探讨牙科锥形束CT(CBCT)在不同分辨率下诊断下颌第一恒磨牙近中根根管系统形态的准确性.方法 从口腔科临床上采集拔除的下颌第一恒磨牙31颗,用牙科CBCT分别以300μm及200?μm分辨率进行扫描,接着用显微CT以9?μm分辨率进行扫描并三维重建.然后由两名口腔科医师按照分辨率由低到高的顺序分析CT图像资料,并对近中根根管系统的形态进行诊断;每个分辨率下观察诊断2次(间隔2周).Kappa检验评估观察者自身及观察者间的一致性.以显微CT为标准,评估CBCT在300?μm及200?μm分辨率下的准确性.结果 在CBCT的分辨率分别为300?μm和200?μm时,2个观察者之间一致性检验Kappa值分别为0.64与0.76;CBCT与显微CT数据之间一致性检验Kappa值分别为0.62、0.56(观察者A和B,300?μm)与0.76、0.84(观察者A和B,200?μm).在CBCT的分辨率为300?μm时,观察不到侧副根管;在CBCT分辨率为200?μm时,对侧副根管的诊断率为21.7%(10/46支).结论 CBCT在200?μm分辨率下对下颌第一恒磨牙近中根主根管的形态的诊断具有良好的准确性和重复性,而对侧副根管的诊断仍显不足;300?μm分辨率的CBCT对根管系统的诊断准确性、重复性较差.  相似文献   

目的:使用显微CT扫描技术研究中国人离体下颌切牙根管系统解剖形态。方法:收集108颗中国人下颌切牙,使用显微CT进行扫描后构建根管系统三维可视化模型。对主根管形态进行分型,记录第二根管分出位置,分支根管的发生率和位置。结果:下颌切牙根管最常见的形态为VertucciⅠ型和Ⅲ型,发生率分别为78.70%和14.81%,分支根管发生率为24.07%。第二根管发出位置在釉质牙骨质界根方(6.07±3.42) mm。结论:下颌切牙根管系统解剖形态复杂,了解其主根管及分支根管的发生规律对于提高根管治疗成功率具有重要意义。  相似文献   

《Journal of endodontics》2014,40(9):1309-1314
IntroductionThe purpose of this study was to investigate the root canal configuration of the mandibular anterior teeth using cone-beam computed tomographic (CBCT) imaging in a Chinese subpopulation.MethodsA total of 3,871 CBCT images of mandibular anterior teeth were collected from 648 patients who accepted CBCT projection as a preoperative assessment for implants or orthodontic treatment. The following items were recorded and evaluated: tooth position, root number, canal number, root canal type, the distance between the anatomic apex and the point at which the canal divided into 2 for mandibular anterior teeth with 2 root canals (excluding canines with 2 roots), and the distance between the 2 root canal orifices. The Fisher exact test was used to analyze the correlation between the number of root canals and tooth position.ResultsAll of the incisors in this study had 1 root, and 1.32% of the canines had 2 roots. The prevalence of 2 root canals in the lateral incisors (354, 27.36%) was higher than that in the central incisors (202, 15.71%) (P < .05) and the canines (81, 6.27%) (P < .05).ConclusionsThere is a high prevalence of 2 root canals in the mandibular anterior teeth of the studied Chinese subpopulation. This study provides detailed information about the root canal morphology of mandibular anterior teeth in a Chinese subpopulation.  相似文献   



The aim of this study was to assess the root canal configurations in permanent mandibular lateral incisors (PMLIs) and the correlation between the root canal configurations of PMLIs with the appearance of a distolingual root (DLR) in permanent mandibular first molars (PMFMs) using cone-beam computed tomographic (CBCT) imaging.


A total of 1200 CBCT images (300 patients) of PMFMs and PMLIs were investigated. The frequency and distribution of DLRs in PMFMs along with root canal configurations of PMLIs were assessed ipsilaterally and contralaterally. Multivariable logistic regression analysis was used to evaluate the correlation between the root canal configurations of PMLIs with the appearance of a DLR in PMFMs.


The prevalence of PMFMs with a DLR was 24.3%, and the incidence of complicated root canal configurations in PMLIs was 25.0%. The most prevalent root canal systems of PMLIs were Vertucci types I (75%) and III (23.0%). The incidence of complicated root canal configurations in PMLIs was 19.5% in the non-DLR group (ie, no DLR was found on either side of the PMFMs), 33.3% in the unilateral DLR (Uni-DLR) group (ie, a DLR was found in 1 of the PMFMs [the left or right side] and a DLR was not found on the other PMFM), and 39.8% in the bilateral DLR (Bil-DLR) group (ie, a DLR was found in both the right and left PMFMs). After adjusting for categoric variables including sex, age, and side, the odds ratios for the frequency of complicated root canal configurations of PMLIs in the Uni-DLR and Bil-DLR groups compared with the non-DLR group were 2.12 (P = .003) and 2.707 (P < .001), respectively.


The simultaneous appearance of DLRs in PMFMs and complicated root canal configurations in PMLIs is prominent in Taiwanese individuals. Clinicians should be aware of the correlation between the anatomic variants of PMFMs and PMLIs, which are important before endodontic treatment.  相似文献   



The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of complicated root canals in permanent mandibular central incisors (PMCIs) and its correlation with the presence of a distolingual root (DLR) in permanent mandibular first molars (PMFMs) using cone-beam computed tomographic imaging in a Taiwanese population.


A total of 400 patients (800 pairs of PMCIs and PMFMs) were qualified for further analysis. The prevalence of DLRs in PMFMs along with root canal configurations of PMCIs were assessed at subject and tooth levels. Multivariable logistic regression analysis was used to evaluate the correlation between the root canal configurations of PMCIs with the existence of DLRs in PMFMs.


The prevalence of PMFMs with DLRs and complicated root canal configurations in PMCIs was 23.0% and 15.6%, respectively. A significant difference in age (<50 years vs ≥50 years) was found for complicated root canal configurations in PMCIs. The most prevalent root canal system in PMCIs was Vertucci type I (84.4%) followed by type III (13.5%). A positive correlation between the presence of DLRs in PMFMs and complicated root canal configurations in PMCIs was noted. After adjusting for categoric variables including sex, age, and side, the odds ratios for the occurrence of complicated root canal configurations of PMCIs in the unilateral DLR group and the bilateral DLR group compared with the non-DLR group were 2.13 and 2.53, respectively.


The concurrent appearance of DLRs in PMFMs and complicated root canal morphology in PMCIs is prominent in Taiwanese individuals.  相似文献   



The purpose of this study was to evaluate the number of roots and canal morphology of maxillary permanent first molars in a North American population.


Three hundred seventeen cases with bilateral maxillary first molars were included. All images from cone-beam computed tomography were carefully reviewed by 2 endodontists. Frequency of number of roots, presence of an additional mesiobuccal canal (MB2), and Vertucci canal type for each root were tabulated. Age, gender, and ethnicity differences were calculated with the χ2 test. The intra-rater reliability was assessed by using the Cohen kappa statistic.


The fused root rate was 0.9%. The occurrence of 3-rooted maxillary first molars differed between left and right sides (P = .03). MB2 occurrence only showed statistically significant differences among age groups (P = .005). In the mesiobuccal roots, the most common Vertucci classifications of canal types were type IV (2-2, 41.9%), type I (1, 28.3%), and type II (2-1, 26.3%). There was a statistically significant difference in Vertucci classification of canal type among 5 ethnic groups (African American, Asian, Hispanic, Other, and Non-Hispanic white, P < .001).


Cone-beam computed tomography facilitates the identification of root and canal configuration. The information gained about the tooth anatomy and canal morphology before treatment could potentially facilitate root canal therapy.  相似文献   

目的:运用锥形束CT(CBCT)观察中国人群双侧上颌第一、第二磨牙的牙根和根管系统的解剖形态,为临床根管治疗提供依据。方法:选择200名患者的双侧上颌第一、第二恒磨牙(上颌第一恒磨牙354颗、上颌第二恒磨牙360颗)的CBCT扫描数据,使用NNT软件分析上颌第一、第二恒磨牙的牙根数、根管数、根管分型以及双侧对称情况。结果:上颌第一、第二磨牙主要为三根(99.44%和84.44%)。上颌第二磨牙的单根和双根较多见(15.28%),其根管系统形态复杂,在根尖区有融合趋势。上颌第一磨牙的根管系统主要为3根四根管(78.97%)。上颌第二磨牙的三根管和四根管发现率接近(分别为47.37%和51.64%)。上颌第一磨牙的近颊根管系统主要根管分型为:Ⅳ型(57.79%)、Ⅱ型(19.83%)和Ⅰ型(15.58%)。上颌第二磨牙的近颊根管系统主要根管分型为:Ⅰ型(48.14%)、Ⅳ型(30.43%)和Ⅱ型(17.39%)。上颌第一、第二磨牙的远颊根和腭根主要为单根单根管,存在少量和罕见的变异。上颌第一、第二磨牙近颊根的根管数目和根管分型左右对称。结论:上颌第一磨牙近颊根管系统变异普遍存在,MB2根管为其主要的变异形式。上颌第二磨牙牙根数目和根管形态变异类型多,单根牙和双根牙的根管走向复杂多变。CBCT可以为识别根管形态提供准确依据。  相似文献   



Root canal curvature can affect the technical quality of endodontic treatment. Prior studies measured canal curvature mainly by 2-dimensional radiography. The aim of this study was to measure the 3-dimensional (3D) root canal curvature and canal direction of maxillary lateral incisors by using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) and mathematical modeling.


The CBCT images of 186 maxillary lateral incisors from 110 patients were used to measure 3D root canal curvature by using V-works and kappa software. In addition, the direction of each root canal was determined by measuring the orientation of the apical one-third with respect to the coronal two-thirds.


All 186 maxillary lateral incisors were found to have canal curvature that was mainly oriented in the disto-palatal direction. The point of maximum curvature was located 0.5 mm from the root apex.


Maxillary lateral incisors have 3D canal curvature that is maximal near the root apex, oriented in the disto-palatal direction. These CBCT analyses provide valuable information for root canal instrumentation of maxillary lateral incisors.  相似文献   

目的:采用三维锥体束CT成像系统探讨下颌第二恒磨牙C形根管的发生率。方法:选择238名门诊患者/476颗下颌第二恒磨牙的CBCT扫描数据,进行三维重建下颌第二恒磨牙,观察C形根管的发生率。结果:存在C形根管的下颌第二恒磨牙共191颗,发生率40.12%;左右两侧同时发生C形根管的概率为31.9%;左右侧发生比率无统计学差异;男女发生比率无统计学差异。结论:C形根管在下颌第二恒磨牙中具有较高的发生率,CBCT影像技术能在诊疗过程中为临床医师提供更直观,更准确的影像学依据。  相似文献   

目的:运用锥形束CT(CBCT)观察中国人群上颌前磨牙的牙根和根管系统的解剖形态,为临床根管治疗提供影像学依据。方法:选择200名患者的双侧上颌前磨牙(上颌第一前磨牙、上颌第二前磨牙各358颗)的CBCT扫描数据,使用NNT软件分析上颌第一、第二前磨牙的牙根数、根管数、根管分型以及双侧对称情况。结果:上颌第一前磨牙主要为单根(65.92%)和双根(33.80%)。上颌第二前磨牙主要为单根(93.85%)。上颌第一前磨牙的根管系统主要为双根管(84.36%)。上颌第二前磨牙的根管系统单、双根管比例接近(分别为52.79%和46.08%)。上颌第一前磨牙主要根管分型为:Ⅳ型(48.32%)、Ⅱ型(24.30%)和Ⅰ型(12.56%)。上颌第二前磨牙主要根管分型为:Ⅰ型(51.68%)、Ⅱ型(21.51%)和Ⅳ型(14.25%)。上颌第一、第二前磨牙的根管分型左右对称(对称率分别为74.57%和81.29%)。上颌前磨牙根管系统的主要变异为:管间交通支、颊根C形根管和多根管(树形根管或神经根样根管)。结论:上颌第一、第二前磨牙的根管系统主要为单根管和双根管。术前了解根管形态的变异是治疗成功的关键因素。  相似文献   

目的:通过锥体束CT(cone--beam computed tomography,CBCT)成像系统分析上颌第一磨牙近中颊根根管形态及第二(second mesiobuccal,MB2)根管的发生率。方法:选择95名进行CBCT扫描的患者,共计180颗上颌第一磨牙,观察近颊根根管形态、MB2根管的发生率、左右侧发生比率及男女发生比率差异。结果:上颌第一磨牙近颊根管形态以Ⅲ型为主,MB2根管发生率为79.4%,左右侧发生比率无统计学差异(P=0.846),男性发生率明显高于女性(P=0.043)。结论:上颌第一磨牙近颊根MB2根管的发生率较高,可通过CBCT有效的发现MB2根管,为临床诊疗提供依据。  相似文献   

目的: 通过锥体束CT(cone-beam computed tomogphy,CBCT)成像系统对新疆维吾尔族成人下颌第二磨牙C形根管的发生率及其形态特征进行研究。方法: 选择来我院体检且下颌牙列完整的100名维吾尔族成人,进行CBCT扫描,观察下颌第二磨牙的根管形态。结果: C形根管的发生率为15.0%,C 形根管类型变化多样。结论: C形根管在下颌第二磨牙有较高的发生率,且解剖形态存在较大差异。CBCT在C形根管的诊断方面具有重要作用,可以为维吾尔族成人下颌第二磨牙C形根管的临床诊疗提供依据。  相似文献   

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