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骨软骨瘤属于良性肿瘤,髁突是颌面部骨软骨瘤易受累的部位.髁突骨软骨瘤主要表现为关节区肿块、关节功能异常,常继发不对称性牙颌面畸形.手术仍是治疗的主要方法.手术应彻底切除肿瘤、重建关节功能、纠正错畸形以获得稳定良好的口颌系统功能.同时应矫正其异常和畸形容貌,以达到功能与形态俱佳的效果,常需以多种手术结合为主的综合治疗方案.本文从髁突骨软骨瘤的病因、临床特点、影像学特点、治疗目标和手术方式等方面对该病的诊治作一系统论述.  相似文献   

目的 :探讨数字化模型外科在牙颌面畸形治疗中的应用价值。方法 :选取15例牙颌面畸形患者,通过CT重建模型与激光扫描牙列模型,构建数字化颅颌面-牙列模型,在此基础上进行手术设计,并且三维打印板及导板,指导手术。术后3个月进行面部对称性及手术精确度评价。结果 :所有患者均顺利完成手术虚拟设计、板和导板三维打印以及正颌手术。偏颌畸形患者术后对称性明显改善,术后CT模型与术前设计比较,最大差异度<2 mm。结论 :利用数字化模型外科可进行手术设计,模拟,预测,并且可以三维打印板及导板指导手术,在牙颌面畸形的治疗中具有广泛的应用价值,值得临床推广。  相似文献   

口腔内入路髁突切除术的临床应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨经口腔内入路行髁突切除术并重建颞下颌关节的可行性。方法经口腔内入路行患侧升支垂直截骨术,将带有髁突的近心骨段取出至体外,切除病变的髁突,再将近心骨段的余部重新植入重建颞下颌关节。自1998年至2006年共完成经口腔内入路的髁突切除术并重建颞下颌关节23例,其中髁突良性肥大2例;髁突骨软骨瘤13例;半侧颌骨肥大畸形6例;髁突陈旧性骨折2例,最大的髁突骨软骨瘤直径达5cm。部分患者同期经口腔内入路行正颌外科手术矫治伴发的面部不对称畸形。结果23例患者均顺利完成手术,术后伤口正常愈合,面颈部皮肤无疤痕遗留,无面神经受损症状出现,面部不对称畸形矫治效果良好。经平均4.5年的随访,术后开口度均达35mm,髁突骨软骨瘤及髁突肥大均未见复发。结论自口腔内入路切除病变髁突并重建颞下颌关节,避免了常规口外入路时,术后皮肤遗留斑痕和易损伤面神经的缺点。  相似文献   

目的:探讨计算机辅助设计与制作(computer-aided design/manufacture,CAD/CAM)技术在髁突骨软骨瘤合并颌骨畸形治疗中的应用。方法:髁突骨软骨瘤合并上、下颌骨畸形1例,采用计算机辅助设计技术(SurgiCase CMF 5.0软件进行CT数据处理)模拟切除肿瘤,上、下颌骨截骨,设计虚拟中间和终末板及截骨导板,并进行术后效果预测;应用快速原型(rapid prototyping,RP)技术制作中间板和截骨导板,术中应用。术后进行CT检查,并与术前设计进行比较,评价应用效果。结果:术后CT显示,截骨效果与术前设计吻合度高,术后随访6个月肿瘤无复发,患者面形对称。结论:应用CAD/CAM技术进行髁突肿瘤切除及合并颌骨不对称畸形的辅助治疗,可以提高手术的准确性,节约手术时间,具有一定的应用前景。  相似文献   

髁突肥大继发牙颌面畸形,是由于髁突非肿瘤性过度增生而导致面部不对称畸形、咬合紊乱、颞下颌关节功能障碍等症状的一种疾病。该病病因仍不明确,目前以正颌外科、关节外科、颌骨轮廓整形术以及术前、术后正畸治疗作为主要治疗方式,根据髁突增生的活跃程度、颌骨畸形的严重程度以及患者意愿,制定个性化治疗方案以期矫治颌骨畸形、改善咬合关系、重建良好的关节功能。本文将从髁突肥大继发牙颌面畸形的病因、临床表现、影像学特点、治疗目标及手术方式选择结合笔者经验对该病的诊治作一系统论述。  相似文献   

目的:探讨应用定量截骨锯行口腔入路髁突骨软骨瘤切除人工颞下颌关节置换术。方法:采用口内下颌骨矢状截骨手术入路,用定量截骨锯下颌骨升支后缘垂直截骨,将升支后缘骨块和髁突及骨软骨瘤游离取出,体外直视下病变髁突及骨软骨瘤切除后,人工颞下颌关节与升支后缘骨块固定,再从口腔原切口回植,颞下颌关节重建。5例5侧采用本方法治疗,配合术中术后调[牙合]或矫治器矫治,调整咬合关系。结果:术后6月、12月、24月复查,全部患者开口范围25mm~35mm,平均30.3nm,1例有早接触,下切牙中线过矫正1mm。另1例张口约25mm,轻度受限。3名患者6月复查主诉张口时人工关节侧有异常声响,无疼痛。12月复查时,异常响声基本消失,无主诉关节疼痛与弹响症状。全部患者无面神经、耳大神经损伤,无涎瘘,面颈皮肤无手术疤痕。结论:髁突骨软骨瘤造成面下1/3歪斜畸形,口腔入路具有无外部疤痕优势,且不会损伤面神经。定量截骨锯定量准确,截骨速度较快。  相似文献   

目的 评价数字化设计在矫治伴有面部不对称的髁突骨软骨瘤患者中的疗效。方法 选取2018年至2021年因髁突骨软骨瘤行手术治疗的患者7例。所有患者均采用数字化设计,术前确定手术方案,术中切除患侧髁突骨软骨瘤,同期行正颌手术矫治颌骨畸形,术后1周行CT检查。选择上颌中切牙近中接触点(UI)、下颌中切牙近中接触点(LI)、上颌第一磨牙近中颊尖(U6-R、U6-L)以及下颌第一磨牙的近中颊尖(L6-R、L6-L)作为标志点,选择眶耳平面(FHP)、面中平面(与FHP垂直并通过鼻根点的矢状面)和冠状面(与FHP垂直且通过蝶鞍点)作为参考平面。在Mimics 21.0中测量比较术前设计与术后1周内复查颅颌模型中测量标志点至参考平面距离,并计算两模型间线性差异。测量咬合平面和下颌平面与眶耳平面和面中平面所成角度差异。结果 所有患者均按照术前计划完成髁突骨软骨瘤切除术及正颌手术,切除骨软骨瘤的同时矫治了面部不对称。数字化设计模型与术后1周重建模型间线性差异与角度差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),两者间线性测量指标差异均小于2 mm,角度测量指标差异小于4°。结论 数字化设计有助于髁突骨软骨瘤患者...  相似文献   

目的:研究在髁突骨软骨瘤患者病变髁突切除后,联合采用下颌升支后缘切开上移术和面部轮廓整形术同期治疗其继发颌骨畸形的手术效果,并探讨其临床应用价值。方法选择8例髁突骨软骨瘤的患者,全部采用病变髁突切除+下颌升支后缘切开上移术重建髁突+下颌轮廓整形手术,并辅助术后正畸或颌间结扎,同期治疗患者的髁突疾病及面部不对称问题。结果所有患者对术后效果都比较满意,患者面型不对称畸形、咬合及关节功能异常均得到很大改善,且随访期间髁突骨软骨瘤未见复发。结论髁突骨软骨瘤的病变髁突切除术后同期采用下颌升支后缘切开上移术+下颌轮廓整形手术的联合使用不仅可以摘除肿瘤,还可以有效的改善患者的面容,取得良好的治疗效果。  相似文献   

目的: 探讨牙支持式数字化导板在水平截骨颏成形术中的应用价值。方法: 选择2017年3月~2018年3月就诊于昆明医科大学附属口腔医院口腔颌面外科的颏部畸形患者7例,通过建立数字化模型,进行三维影像学测量,精确判断颏部在三维空间上的畸形程度,进行手术前模拟设计,虚拟截骨,设计并3D打印成型牙支持式截骨导板应用于手术。术后3个月拍摄CBCT与手术设计进行拟合,评价导板的精确性。结果: 患者均为一期愈合,术后患者对效果均比较满意,拟合数据显示术后CBCT与术前虚拟手术的平均误差为0.7335 mm。结论: 利用数字化技术进行三维重建、手术模拟,3D打印牙支持式导板引导截骨,提高手术精度,可有效改善各种颏部畸形,具有实际应用价值。  相似文献   

牙颌面畸形的外科治疗:回顾与展望   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
<正>1牙颌面畸形外科矫治的发展与回顾采用骨切开术矫治骨性牙颌面畸形,系由Hullihen1848年创用,并于1849年首次报告采用下颌前部骨切开术,成功地矫治一例因儿时面颈部烧伤后,瘢痕挛缩,继发下颌骨前部前突伴开牙合的病例。在其后的近百年间,尽管从20世纪初到40年代,采用外科手术矫治骨性牙颌面畸形曾在欧洲风行一时,但限于当时的条件和认识,  相似文献   

Osteochondroma is one of the most common benign tumors of bone. Although osteochondroma is rarely seen in facial region, the cases in literature are usually in the mandibular region, especially around the condyle. The treatments of these lesions include total condylectomy or local resection of the lesion. The aim of the present study is to emphasize the importance of stereolithographic models in planning tumor surgery and how it affects the treatment planning, operation time and prognosis. In this report, the patient had an osteochondroma in the left condylar region, pushing the condyle seriously to the anterior. The clinical findings were 8 mm deviation of midline to the right side, 23 mm mouth opening, unilateral posterior cross-bite on the right side, and 8 mm negative horizontal overjet. We acquired a 3-dimensional solid model of the patient. Determination of the anatomy of the surgical area, determination of the surgical access method, and other treatment planning were all done on the stereolithographic model. Based on the model evaluation, the tumor was conservatively resected and the condyle left intact, leaving no sequelae. All the preoperative problems were resolved except the midline deviation.  相似文献   

A case of osteochondroma of the mandibular condyle has been presented. The facial and occlusal deformities produced by the tumor are described. After the surgical treatment and concomitant orthodontic treatment, satisfactory occlusion and facial contour were established.  相似文献   

目的:利用计算机辅助设计(computer assisted designing,CAD)指导下颌骨髁突(mandibular condyle)外生性骨软骨瘤(exostosis osteochondroma)的瘤体切除,并评价其应用效果。方法:8例患者采用Surgicase CMF 5.0软件进行瘤体切除的术前设计。术后将CT数据与术前设计进行融合,并利用SAS8.0软件包对手术前、后髁突形态测量值进行配对t检验,评价手术效果。结果:8例患者瘤体均完整切除,术后髁突形态与术前设计吻合度高,平均误差为(1.82±1.25)mm。结论:计算机辅助设计可于术前合理选择截骨线部位,有助于肿瘤的完整切除及患侧正常部分髁突的保存。  相似文献   

We describe the use of computer-assisted three-dimensional surgical planning in condylar reconstruction by vertical ramus osteotomy for patients with osteochondroma, and its clinical effects. Seventeen patients with osteochondroma of the mandibular condyle who were seen from March 2005 to March 2009 were divided into 2 groups treated by condylectomy and condylar reconstruction using vertical sliding osteotomy of the mandibular ramus with and without three-dimensional simulation using Surgicase CMF Materialise software. Clinical examination, radiographs, photographs, and details of operation and outcome were used postoperatively to evaluate the clinical effects of the technique. Satisfactory mouth opening was achieved in all cases. Mean (SD) osteotomy and fixation time, duration of intermaxillary fixation, and degree of postoperative numbness of the lower lip were considerably reduced among patients who had three-dimensional simulation. The combined use of computer-assisted three-dimensional surgical planning and simulation with vertical ramus osteotomy to reconstruct the condyle for patients with osteochondroma after excision of the tumour makes the operation more accurate and more convenient, and avoids damage to vital structures.  相似文献   

AIM: The intent of this report is to present a brief review of the literature on osteochondroma and to present a case involving the surgical removal and replacement of a major portion of the condyle and angle of the mandible using free autogenous mandibular bone. BACKGROUND: While osteochondroma is the most common tumor of skeletal bones, it is relatively uncommon in the jaws occurring at the condyle or the tip of the coronoid process. This benign cartilage-capped growth is usually discovered incidentally on radiographic examination or on palpation of a protruding mass in the affected area. Malocclusion and progressive facial asymmetry are common findings in most cases of condylar osteochondroma. REPORT: A case of a 29-year-old woman with an osteochondroma of the mandibular condyle is presented. Surgical treatment was tumor resection, grafting, and reshaping of the mandibular angle and ramus. As this lesion is usually asymptomatic and discovered incidentally on radiographic examination, the general practitioner usually is the first professional to make the diagnosis. SUMMARY: Condylectomy cannot be recommended as routine in all cases.37 Common surgical treatments include condylectomy and reconstruction.24 If the tumor involves only a limited area of the condylar surface, then preservation of the remaining portion of the condyle and reshaping should be done. Reasons for not taking such a conservative approach are the possibilities of malignancy and the risk of recurrence. In this case report the extraoral vertical ramus osteotomy, associated with free autogenous mandibular bone, presented several advantages.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional (3D) surface imaging using stereophotogrammetry has become increasingly popular in clinical settings, offering advantages for surgical planning and outcome evaluation. The handheld Vectra H1 is a low-cost, highly portable system that offers several advantages over larger stationary cameras, but independent technical validation is currently lacking. In this study, 3D facial images of 26 adult participants were captured with the Vectra H1 system and the previously validated 3dMDface system. Using error magnitude statistics, 136 linear distances were compared between cameras. In addition, 3D facial surfaces from each system were registered, heat maps generated, and global root mean square (RMS) error calculated. The 136 distances were highly comparable across the two cameras, with an average technical error of measurement (TEM) value of 0.84 mm (range 0.19–1.54 mm). The average RMS value of the 26 surface-to-surface comparisons was 0.43 mm (range 0.33–0.59 mm). In each case, the vast majority of the facial surface differences were within a ±1 mm threshold. Areas exceeding ±1 mm were generally limited to facial regions containing hair or subject to facial microexpressions. These results indicate that 3D facial surface images acquired with the Vectra H1 system are sufficiently accurate for most clinical applications.  相似文献   

Numerous publications regarding virtual surgical planning protocols have been published, most reporting only one or two case reports to emphasize the hands-on planning. None have systematically reviewed the data published from clinical trials. This systematic review analyzes the precision and accuracy of three-dimensional (3D) virtual surgical planning of orthognathic procedures compared with the actual surgical outcome following orthognathic surgery reported in clinical trials. A systematic search of the current literature was conducted to identify clinical trials with a sample size of more than five patients, comparing the virtual surgical plan with the actual surgical outcome. Search terms revealed a total of 428 titles, out of which only seven articles were included, with a combined sample size of 149 patients. Data were presented in three different ways: intra-class correlation coefficient, 3D surface area with a difference <2 mm, and linear and angular differences in three dimensions. Success criteria were set at 2 mm mean difference in six articles; 125 of the 133 patients included in these articles were regarded as having had a successful outcome. Due to differences in the presentation of data, meta-analysis was not possible. Virtual planning appears to be an accurate and reproducible method for orthognathic treatment planning. A more uniform presentation of the data is necessary to allow the performance of a meta-analysis. Currently, the software system most often used for 3D virtual planning in clinical trials is SimPlant (Materialise). More independent clinical trials are needed to further validate the precision of virtual planning.  相似文献   

目的评估虚拟手术设计在双颌正颌手术中的精准性,以期为临床提供参考。方法纳入需行双颌正颌手术的患者30例,利用CT数据和牙弓平面扫描数据建立复合颅骨模型,在Dolphin Imaging 11.7 Premium软件上模拟上颌骨LeFort I型骨切开术和双侧下颌支矢状骨劈开术,必要时行颏成形术,利用3D打印的手术导板将虚拟手术设计转移到术中。选择3个平面:眶耳平面(FHP)、面中平面(垂直于FHP且通过鼻根点)和冠状面(垂直于FHP且通过蝶鞍点)。选择6个标志点:上、下颌中切牙的近中接触点(UI、LI)以及上下颌第一磨牙的近中颊尖(U6-R、U6-L、L6-R、L6-L)。在虚拟手术模型和真实术后模型上测量选定标志点和对称平面之间的距离,并计算两模型之间的线性差异和总体平均线性差异(UI、LI、U6-R、U6-L、L6-R、L6-L分别与眶耳平面、面中平面和冠状面之间距离的平均差异)。确定由咬合平面、腭平面和下颌平面分别与眶耳平面和面中平面构成的角度值,并计算虚拟手术模型和真实术后模型之间的角度差异和总体平均角度差异。结果借助3D打印手术导板,虚拟手术设计被成功转移至实际手术中,所有患者术后对面型和咬合都很满意。虚拟与真实模型间的总体平均线性差异为0.81 mm(上颌骨0.71 mm,下颌骨0.91 mm);总体平均角度差异为0.95°(相对于眶耳平面的平均角度差异为1.10°,相对于面中平面的平均角度差异为0.83°)。结论虚拟手术设计有助于牙颌面畸形的诊断和治疗计划的制定,可以增加双颌正颌手术中骨块定位的精准性。  相似文献   

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