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目的:了解济南市敬老院老年人缺牙状况和口腔保健习惯,为采取针对性措施提高敬老院老年人生活质量提供相关参考。方法:按照"第三次全国口腔健康流行病学调查"的要求,采取多阶段、随机抽样的方法,对济南市敬老院420名老年人进行口腔保健问卷调查和口腔健康状况检查。所得数据采用SPSS18.0软件进行统计分析。结果:在420例受检者中,牙列完整者9例(2.14%),牙列缺损者321例(76.43%),牙列缺失者90例(21.43%);义齿修复率47.45%(195/411)。结论:济南市敬老院老年人口腔健康状况欠佳,缺牙率高而修复率低,缺乏正确的口腔卫生保健习惯。应加强口腔卫生宣教,并采取相应的口腔保健措施改善老年人口腔健康状况。 相似文献
老年人口腔修复特点与对策 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
在现代社会中,老年人作为一个特殊的人群代表,由于其在人口比例中的逐渐上升,在社会上家庭中所起作用的特殊性,正越来越被当作一项专题来研究。老年医学正是在这种特定环境下必然和必须形成的新的一门学科。其中老年口腔修复问题作为口腔修复学中的一个分支,在当今和今后相当长时期内有必要进行重点研究和探索。1老年人牙列缺损或缺失特点:1.1生理变化:随着年龄增长,老年人身体各部组织器官逐渐出现增龄性改变,如器官功能下降,代偿能力下降,全身免疫功能下降,对各种刺激耐受力下降,记忆智能老化反应迟钝,且多数人伴有心脑… 相似文献
镇江市1138例老年人缺牙及修复情况的调查分析 总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3
目的 了解老年人缺牙及修复情况。方法 对镇江市 1138例 6 0岁以上老年人进行口腔检查 ,从牙列缺损、牙列缺失及修复情况三方面进行统计分析。结果 受检者中有 10 5 8例存在缺牙 ,其中 10 7例全口无牙 ;失牙均数女性 (16 0 7)高于男性 (12 6 8) ;缺牙随年龄的增加而增加 ;第一磨牙缺失最多 ,尖牙缺失最少 ;牙列缺失的修复率高于牙列缺损的修复率 ,不合格的修复体占较大比重。结论 缺牙在老年人中有相当高的发病率 ,老年人缺牙有其自身规律。? 相似文献
口腔修复的发展趋势 总被引:7,自引:6,他引:7
刘洪臣 《口腔颌面修复学杂志》2002,3(1):1-2
口腔修复学在近一个世纪得到迅速地发展,而随着科学技术的进步,高科技将作为口腔修复的主导。本文从保存修复的任务、口腔修复与全身的关系、修复观念的变革、口腔修复材料、社会化医疗模式、信息互联网技术与口腔修复、口腔修复的产业化等方面对口腔修复学的发展趋势作了论述。 相似文献
张家口市老年人牙列缺损和缺失与修复的调查分析 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
牙列缺损、牙列缺失是老年人常见的口腔疾患 ,我们于1997年至 1998年分次对张家口市城乡 60岁以上老年人进行了不等比随机抽样调查 ,报道如下。 一、调查对象和方法1.调查对象 :共调查 6712例 ,市区 5 12 0例 ( 76.2 8% ) ,农村 15 92例 ( 2 3 .72 % ) ;其中男性 3 888例 ( 5 7.93 % ) ,女性2 82 4例 ( 4 2 .0 7% ) ;干部 2 5 3 6例 ( 3 7.78% ) ,农民 15 92例( 2 3 .72 % ) ,工人 15 2 4例 ( 2 2 .71% ) ,知识分子 976例( 14 .5 4 % ) ,军人 84例 ( 1.2 5 % )。年龄 60~ 94岁 ,平均 68.6岁 ;60岁组 3 4 77例 ( 5 1.80 % ) ,70岁组 2 81… 相似文献
目的 了解绍兴市教师牙列缺失、牙列缺损的特点及修复状况。方法 由固定的3位口腔医生,采用统一标准,对绍兴市教师进行口腔检查。共调查2112人,其中男629人(32.39%);女1483人(67.61%)。调查结果 采用SPSS11.5软件统计分析。结果 牙列缺损、牙列缺失的总患病率为41.34%,上颌的缺牙数多于下颌,磨牙缺失率显著高于前磨牙和前牙;缺牙患病率在男女性别上差异无显著性;缺牙修复率为55.56%,固定义齿修复占55.00%。结论 应在教师中积极开展口腔健康教育,提高缺牙修复率,同时口腔医师应不断学习新知识和新技术,提高义齿修复水平。 相似文献
目的: 调查上海市嘉定区65~74岁老年人群的牙列缺损、缺失情况和修复需求,为政府的口腔保健项目提供依据。方法: 对上海市嘉定区嘉定镇、安亭镇、南翔镇65~74岁老年人进行整群抽样,抽取3260人进行一般情况与口内情况调查,从牙列缺损、缺失人群中随机抽取824人,采用EpiData 3.1软件对修复需求、未修复原因和口腔修复知识进行描述性统计分析。结果: 上海市嘉定区65~74岁老年人有80.4%牙列缺损,4.8%牙列缺失。牙列缺损的修复率为60.8%,牙列缺失的修复率为91.0%。其中28.0%为固定修复,39.5%为活动修复,24.4%为固定+活动修复,8.2%为全口义齿修复。牙缺失和修复情况无性别差异(P>0.05)。未修复的首要原因为价格过高,占32%;其余依次为医院挂号困难(24%)、担心拔牙疼痛及并发症(20%)、行动不便(10%)。关于修复需求,29.7%需要种植牙,64.8%需要烤瓷牙;43.2%选择医院就诊,51.0%选择私人门诊;25.5%选择费用自付,42.2%希望部分减免费用,32.3%希望全部免费。绝大多数老年人口腔修复知识匮乏,仅有18.2%得分在3分以上,15.5%得分为0~3分,66.3%得分为0分以下。结论: 上海市嘉定区老年人缺牙和修复情况面临严重挑战,老年人口腔修复知识匮乏,需要政府加大口腔保健科普教育,投入资金,改善缺牙修复状况,提高老年人的口腔保健水平。 相似文献
2112例绍兴市教师缺牙及修复情况的调查分析 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1
目的:了解绍兴市教师牙列缺失、牙列缺损的特点及修复状况。方法:由专职口腔医生,统一标准,采取一例一表制,对2112名绍兴市教师进行口腔检查。调查结果采用SPSS11.5软件统计分析。结果:牙列缺损、牙列缺失的总患病率为41.34%,缺牙均数与年龄的增长成正比;缺牙患病率在男女性别上差异无显著性;缺牙修复率为55.56%。结论:应在教师中积极开展口腔卫生保健和缺牙后修复必要性的健康教育宣传,义齿设计及制作应符合口腔健康要求。 相似文献
目的调查分析张家港市妊娠妇女孕前口腔检查情况及其影响因素。方法选择张家港市妇幼保健所产前门诊初次孕检的783名妊娠妇女进行问卷调查:人口统计学资料、孕前口腔检查情况、未进行孕前口腔检查的原因等;通过问卷结果进行统计分析。结果 783名妊娠妇女中共有104名进行了孕前口腔健康检查,占13.3%,孕前是否进行口腔健康检查与年龄段、文化程度、月收入水平、有无职业相关(P<0.05),与口腔健康知识的认知明显相关(P<0.001),与口腔健康态度相关性不明显。679名未进行口腔检查的主要原因依次是:牙齿没问题、没必要、没有时间、害怕看牙疼痛。结论张家港市孕前口腔检查率较低,建议加强育龄妇女的口腔卫生宣教,同时把孕前口腔检查严格纳入孕前保健的基本项目中,促进孕妇和胎儿健康。 相似文献
影响口腔种植及修复成功的因素分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
种植修复已被越来越多的人接受,种植体直径和长度、种植体的植入位置、种植体的受力分析和角度基台的设计、种植体龈缘美学效应的设计以及修复体的牙尖斜度等是影响种植与修复成功的重要因素.本文就影响种植及修复成功的因素作一综述. 相似文献
An investigation of the oral status and reported oral care of children with heart and heart-lung transplants 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
al-Sarheed M Angeletou A Ashley PF Lucas VS Whitehead B Roberts GJ 《International journal of paediatric dentistry / the British Paedodontic Society [and] the International Association of Dentistry for Children》2000,10(4):298-305
Aim . To investigate the oral health status and oral microflora of children who have received heart and heart-lung transplants. Parental knowledge and current practice of oral health procedures by the child were also investigated.
Sample and method . Thirty-five children attending the Cardio-Thoracic Transplant Unit, Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children were included. Measurements were compared with children matched by age and gender attending the trauma clinic at the Department of Paediatric Dentistry, Eastman Dental Hospital. Teeth were examined for the presence or absence of caries or enamel defects. Plaque deposition, gingivitis, gingival bleeding and gingival enlargement were measured and a swab was taken to look at the oral microbial flora. A questionnaire was used to assess parental knowledge of dental health procedures and the current practice of these.
Results . There were no significant differences between transplant and control children in caries experience, plaque or gingivitis. Children with heart or heart-lung transplants had significantly greater numbers of enamel defects and more gingival enlargement than control children, children in the heart transplant group had significantly more gingival bleeding. There was little difference in the dental knowledge and reported behaviour of the transplant group compared to the control group.
Conclusion . The dental needs of heart and heart-lung transplant patients treated at the Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children were similar to those of the control group in this study, however further improvement could be made in educating parents and children on the importance of caries prevention and good oral hygiene. 相似文献
Sample and method . Thirty-five children attending the Cardio-Thoracic Transplant Unit, Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children were included. Measurements were compared with children matched by age and gender attending the trauma clinic at the Department of Paediatric Dentistry, Eastman Dental Hospital. Teeth were examined for the presence or absence of caries or enamel defects. Plaque deposition, gingivitis, gingival bleeding and gingival enlargement were measured and a swab was taken to look at the oral microbial flora. A questionnaire was used to assess parental knowledge of dental health procedures and the current practice of these.
Results . There were no significant differences between transplant and control children in caries experience, plaque or gingivitis. Children with heart or heart-lung transplants had significantly greater numbers of enamel defects and more gingival enlargement than control children, children in the heart transplant group had significantly more gingival bleeding. There was little difference in the dental knowledge and reported behaviour of the transplant group compared to the control group.
Conclusion . The dental needs of heart and heart-lung transplant patients treated at the Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children were similar to those of the control group in this study, however further improvement could be made in educating parents and children on the importance of caries prevention and good oral hygiene. 相似文献
目的:研究广州市部分中高收入人群的口腔健康状况,为该市中高收入人群口腔疾病的防治措施提供依据。方法:对2010-03-10在南方医院贵宾体检中心查体的1 091名人员进行口腔健康状况调查,以患龋、失牙数、补牙数,牙周健康、口腔健康习惯问卷调查等情况作为统计指标,用SPSS 11.5软件对所得数据进行统计学分析。结果:该人群患龋率为41%,男女存在统计学差异(P<0.05),龋均2.27,女性高于男性;牙石检出率92.5%,男性牙周状况优于女性(P<0.05);每天刷牙≥2次的人数占78%,有食糖习惯者为31.3%,男性吸烟(45.4%)显著高于女性(6.1%)。结论:广州市中高收入人群的患龋率及龋均均低于全国,有一定的口腔保健意识,但是口腔健康状况仍不容乐观,尤其是吸烟、嗜甜食等口腔不良习惯,需进行口腔健康指导,提高有效刷牙率,降低龋病、牙周疾病的发生。 相似文献
I Watanabe 《Nippon Shika Ishikai zasshi》1981,34(9):935-938
This pilot study was designed to assess the oral health status of homebound elderly and determine their dental care needs. Fifty-one subjects enrolled in a hospital-based home care program were recruited for this study. Subjects were visited in their homes by both a dentist and a physician. Care plans and medications were reviewed for each subject. Initial assessments to receive informed written consent were conducted by the physician. Oral health assessments by the dentist included comprehensive examinations for sot? tissue pathology, periodontal health, caries, restoration, and tooth condition, as well as existing prosthesis assessment, plaque index, and grip strength. A Physical Self-Maintenance Scale was administered in order to determine the level of dependence of this population for their oral hygiene self-care. The oral health status of these homebound elderly was found to be poor, with 84% of the subjects requiring dental care. 相似文献