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We described the ASiManager-AT digital flocculation reader to demonstrate concordance between visual and digital readings of the rapid plasma reagin test for detection of antibodies in the serum of patients with syphilis. A qualitative and quantitative rapid plasma reagin was performed on each serum samples giving a concordance of 98.6% and 99.7%, respectively, for reactives and 100% for nonreactives.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Rapid syphilis screening could facilitate case-identification during U.S. outbreaks. GOAL: The goal of this study was to determine the performance of 3 rapid syphilis tests in whole blood specimens in the laboratory and in patients at a sexually transmitted disease (STD) clinic. STUDY: We tested whole blood samples from STD clinic patients with 3 rapid tests and compared results with the serum treponemal pallidum particle agglutination (TP-PA) test. We evaluated the best performing of the 3 rapid tests on fingerstick specimens from STD clinic patients. RESULTS: The Abbott Determine TP (n = 127) had the highest sensitivity (88%; 95% confidence interval [CI], 81-96%) and lowest rate of indeterminate tests (0.8%), followed by Guardian Biosciences One Step (n = 116) (sensitivity 72%; 95% CI, 60-84%; indeterminate 6.5%), and Phoenix Biotech Trep-Strip IV (n = 71) (sensitivity 70%; 95% CI, 54-85%; indeterminate 30.3%). All 3 tests were 100% specific. The Abbott Determine TP showed excellent performance on fingerstick specimens (n = 99), exhibiting 100% sensitivity (95% CI, 93-100%), 100% specificity, and 2.9% indeterminate. CONCLUSIONS: The Abbott Determine TP test was an easy and accurate test that could facilitate rapid detection of syphilis in at-risk patients.  相似文献   

目的:评估4种以重组梅毒螺旋体抗原为基础的梅毒快速诊断试剂盒的敏感性和特异性,及其在临床应用中的可操作性。方法:选择860例性传播疾病(STD)门诊患者,签署知情同意书并采集其静脉血。分别取全血和血清进行梅毒螺旋体血凝试验(TPHA)及4种试剂盒的检测。检测方法分别按照说明书进行。结果:以TPHA为标准,结果分别为:①Abbott Determine Syphilis TP test:血清敏感性为100%,特异性为98、9%;全血敏感性为81.9%,特异性为99.4%。②SDBIOLINE Syphilis 3.0 test:血清敏感性为95.5%,特异性为97.9%;全血敏感性为87.6%,特异性为99.4%。③VISITECT-SYPHILIS test:血清敏感性为94.0%,特异性为98.1%;全血敏感性为73.5%,特异性为99.7%。④Syphicheck-WB test:血清敏感性为67.4%,特异性为98.8%:全血敏感性为64.0%,特异性为99.7%。结论:4种试剂盒均具有优良的临床操作性能,适用于STD门诊的梅毒快速检测。而且这4种快速诊断试剂盒在血清中的检测比全血具有更高的敏感性。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To estimate the cost effectiveness of on-site antenatal syphilis screening and treatment in Mwanza, Tanzania. To compare this intervention with other antenatal and child health interventions, specifically the prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV (PMTCT). METHODS: The economic costs of adding the intervention to routine antenatal care were assessed. Cost effectiveness (CE) ratios of the intervention were obtained for low birth weight (LBW) live births and stillbirths averted and cost per DALY saved. Cost per DALY saved was also estimated for previous CE studies of syphilis screening. The CE of the intervention at different syphilis prevalence rates was modelled. RESULTS: The economic cost of the intervention is $1.44 per woman screened, $20 per woman treated, and $187 per adverse birth outcome averted. The cost per DALY saved is $110 with LBW as the only adverse outcome. When including stillbirth, this estimate improves 10-fold to $10.56 per DALY saved. The cost per DALY saved from all syphilis screening studies ranged from $3.97 to $18.73. CONCLUSIONS: Syphilis screening is shown to be at least as cost effective as PMTCT and more cost effective than many widely implemented interventions. There is urgent need for scaling up syphilis screening and treatment in high prevalence areas. The CE of screening interventions is highly dependent on disease prevalence. In combination, PMTCT and syphilis screening and treatment interventions may achieve economies of scope and thus improved efficiency.  相似文献   

目的:分析并比较甲苯胺红不加热血清试验(TRUST)、梅毒螺旋体明胶凝集试验(TPPA)以及酶联免疫吸附试验(TP—ELISA)三种梅毒血清学试验在梅毒诊断中的应用价值。方法:选择我院2011年1月至2013年3月收治的220例梅毒患者以及同期在我院进行健康体检的600名健康成人为研究对象,采用TRUST、TPPA、TP—ELISA方法对其进行梅毒血清学试验,比较三种检测方法测定的灵敏度、特异性和正确率。结果:TRusT、IPPA和TP—ELISA三种梅毒血清学检查方法的检测特异性均较高,而TPPA和TP—ELISA方法的检测灵敏度显著高于TRUST法,差异具有统计学意义(P〈0。05)。结论:TP—ELISA方法操作简便,检测准确率较高,灵敏度和特异性均较好,可用于梅毒筛选;TRIST方法可用于对既往存在梅毒的患者进行血清筛选;TPPA方法可用于梅毒确诊。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the use of dark ground microscopy (DGM) and treponemal serological tests in the diagnosis of primary (PS) and secondary (SS) syphilis. METHODS: A retrospective case note review of patients with early syphilis who attended our department between January 2001 and December 2002. Data were collected on demographics, results of treponemal serology and DGM. RESULTS: 50 individuals had PS and 36 individuals had SS. DGM was performed in 31/50 (62%) of PS cases and this was positive in 97%. In 17 (34%) cases of PS, treponemal EIA was negative initially. DGM was performed on 13 of these, all of which were positive. Therefore, EIA had a sensitivity of 57% when compared to DGM. In 27 patients where EIA-IgM was performed, this was positive in 22 (81%), of which 12 were EIA negative on initial screening. All SS cases had positive EIA. DGM was performed in 19/36 (52%) of SS cases and was positive in 16/19--that is, a sensitivity of 84% when compared to EIA. The major reason why DGM was not performed in the cases of PS was that herpes was the presumed diagnosis and in SS the rash was attributed to other causes. CONCLUSIONS: DGM is a rapid and sensitive test while EIA takes time for results and is less sensitive in PS. EIA-IgM is a useful adjunct in PS. DGM allows immediate diagnosis, treatment, and partner notification preventing further transmission. Genitourinary medicine clinics should have trained staff to perform DGM on all anogenital ulcers and suspected syphilitic lesions.  相似文献   

The performance of three serological tests manufactured in Belarus for the diagnosis of syphilis, i.e. a microprecipitation reaction (MPR) and two enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) were compared with internationally recognized assays, namely the rapid plasma reagin test and the Treponema pallidum passive particle agglutination assay (TPPA). Sera from 392 consecutive patients attending Brest (Belarus) regional dermatovenereological dispensaries were tested. The sensitivity of the MPR test was low (77.3%) compared with the rapid plasma reagin test, while the specificity was high (100%). In contrast, both Belarusian ELISAs performed well when compared with the TPPA (sensitivities of 99.2% and 100%, specificities of 98.7% and 99.0%, respectively). There is a clear need to improve the sensitivity of the existing Belarusian MPR test or to use a more sensitive screening test in order to improve diagnosis of the disease in Belarus.  相似文献   

【摘要】 目的 系统评价苄星青霉素联合头孢曲松治疗早期梅毒对血清快速血浆反应素环状卡片试验/甲苯胺红不加热血清试验(RPR/TRUST)转阴率的疗效。方法 检索PubMed、Web of science、Embase、Cochrane、中国知网、万方、维普数据库中关于苄星青霉素联合头孢曲松治疗早期梅毒的病例对照研究。使用Newcastle-Ottawa量表(NOS)评估纳入研究文献的质量,使用RevMan5.3软件分析患者RPR/TRUST转阴率。结果 共纳入14个病例对照研究1 160例梅毒患者,联合组585例,单用组575例。结果显示,联合组血清RPR/TRUST转阴率明显高于单用组[OR = 3.70,95% CI(2.71,5.06),P < 0.001]。按随访时间进行亚组分析,联合治疗组在治疗后3个月[OR = 3.68,95% CI(2.26,5.98),P < 0.001]、6个月[OR = 3.11,95% CI(2.26,4.27),P < 0.001]及12个月时[OR = 4.35,95% CI(2.81,6.73),P < 0.001]RPR/TRUST转阴率均高于单用组。结论 与苄星青霉素相比,苄星青霉素联合头孢曲松治疗早期梅毒能更有效地促进血清RPR/TRUST转阴。  相似文献   

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