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医学生是未来医学科研和临床工作的主力军,社会的进步要求医学生不仅需要精湛的专业技能还应从医学、社会、道德和伦理等不同角度去思考问题,树立以人为本以病人为中心的高尚医德,具备良好的与人沟通的能力,深入的了解服务对象的需求,以帮助患者走出身心困境。要达到这一目标,单纯的专业教育是远远不够的,必须同时加强人文教育,这是社会发  相似文献   

医学教育实践中强化人文教育的作用初探   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
在医学教育过程中,长期以来,过分强调医学知识的传授,忽视人文素质的培养。没有自觉地培养学生的人文关怀,导致从业者的道德修养水平、自身成就感下降。因此,在医学教育中加强人文教育是非常必要的。1能力培养需要人文教育面对世界教育的发展趋势和我国经济建设、社会发展对人才的需求,改善学生的知识结构,加强能力培养,应当作为转变教育思想和观念、深化教学改革的重要方面。过去只注重专业知识的学习,忽视人文素质的修养,毕业生最突出的弱项是缺乏人文的知识和素养。医科毕业生应该是基础强、品德高、有文化的人才。针对上述问题,在当前修…  相似文献   

医学是一门自然科学与人文社会科学高度结合的综合性学科,其本质特点是人文关怀。本文分析了当前医学教育中人文关怀精神的缺失问题,并阐述了通过转变医学教育观念、强化医学生的人文关怀意识及营造良好的校园文化氛围等方式,来加强对医学生人文关怀精神的教育。  相似文献   

目的了解临床医学生对医疗实践中医学人文素养现状的认知并提出改进建议。方法对已参与临床实践的临床医学本科生、研究生和博士生采用问卷调查的方法收集信息(共回收184份问卷)。结果 1)医患沟通以及医际沟通过程中医务人员存在人文素养不足;2)目前医学院校对临床医学生人文教育投入不足;3)大多数医学生愿意并且希望通过多途径进一步提高自身人文素质。结论医学生对临床医学人文素养的诸多问题有相当清楚的认识,增设人文相关课程、定期举办讲座、提高薪资待遇、增大考核力度具有必要性和可行性。  相似文献   

医学是一门最富人文关怀和人性温暖的科学,然而现代医学丢失的正是这种至为宝贵的人性温暖。解剖学因其自身的特殊性,应该成为医学人文教育的基地。我们在解剖教学中通过加强教师人文素养、课堂融入人文内容、常规性举办人文活动等方式开展医学人文素质教育,使解剖学成为一门专业与人文相互渗透的课程。  相似文献   

叶人体解剖学》是每一名护生步入医学院校后接触到的第一门课程,由于其课程内容的独特性,很容易引发护生对生命和人性的思考,它无疑是对护生进行人文医学教育的绝佳场所。本文旨在从人文教育视角对我国护理专业解剖课提出一些改进措施,使护生的人文教育更好地开展。  相似文献   

皮瓣移植术作为修补缺损、重建组织器官的重要手段,已在烧(创)伤科、整形外科、骨科、口腔科等广泛应用。皮瓣外科已成为外科领域的重要部分,形成了自己系统化的学科体系,成为许多外科医生必须具备的临床技能[1]。但由于临床医学生并没有接触过皮瓣的基础与理论知识,对皮瓣的解剖、相关血管的走行、血管与皮瓣的连接方式、血管与皮瓣血供范围的关系等不了解,导致临床医生只有重新通过书本、临床操作、进修学习等途径去弥补这些不足。本文就皮瓣解剖在临床医学生解剖学教育体系中的地位探讨如下。  相似文献   

潘卫  秦永德 《医学信息》2007,20(9):1626-1627
循证医学作为20世纪90年代引入临床医学领域的新概念,不仅对医生的临床实践活动产生了影响,对医学教育模式也有着深远的影响。本文简述了循证医学的概念以及如何在医学教育中引入循证医学。  相似文献   

医学人文素质教育是现代高等医学教育不可缺少的组成部分,在医学教育中具有重要的基础性地位.它的实现要靠教育者在教育的各个环节中主动施行。积极探讨加强医学生人文素质教育的有效实施途径具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

本科护理教育人文课程设置的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张继兴 《医学信息》2006,19(6):969-971
当前,整体护理如何进一步向纵深发展、如何把握促其发展的关键问题,已引起护理界的广泛关注。人文知识,它始终是整体护理发展的内在动力和灵魂。所以护理高等教育应该从护生开始予以重视。笔者从以人为本的整体护理;我国高等医学教育中人文课程的基本情况;人文知识精神的内涵与特征;培植人文精神的环节;强化人文社会科学知识的学习等方面论述后,认为人文与社会科学知识的学习是最重要、最有效的方法。课程设置中加大人文与社会科学知识课程的比例。可按不同阶段开设如《护理社会学》、《护理社会医学》、砒户理伦理学》、砒户理伦理分析与决策》、《护理心理诊断》、《护理美学》等课程,并定期举办相关内容新知识、新观念、新进展的讲座。收集临床实践中一些典型的护理案例,进行心理、社会、伦理、文化的综合讨论分析,这是提高护生认识和应用这些知识能力行之有效的方法。  相似文献   

To study anxiety levels in first‐year medical students taking gross anatomy. Thirty medical students per year, for 2 years, completed the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) 10 times during a 13‐week gross anatomy course. In addition, behavioral observations were made by a psychiatrist during gross anatomy for demonstrations of assertive, destructive, neutral, or passive behavior. Additional qualitative outcome measures were group exit interviews with the faculty and students. The mean BAI for all 60 students per year, for 2 years, was 2.19 ± 3.76, 93% of the scores indicated minimal anxiety, and 89% of BAI values were less than five which confirmed a minimal level of anxiety. The low level of reported BAI contrasted sharply with verbal reports by the same students and face‐to‐face exit interviews with the psychiatrist. Symptoms of stress and anxiety emerged as a result of these conversations. The high levels of subjective stress and anxiety revealed by the interviews were unknown to the gross anatomy faculty. The low scores of students on the BAI's stand in sharp contrast to the BAI's reported for medical students in other published reports. Although it is possible that our students were truthfully devoid of anxiety, it is more likely that our students were denying even minimal anxiety levels. There have been reports that medical students feel that admitting stress, depression, or anxiety put their competitiveness for a residency at risk. We conclude that students may be in frank denial of experiencing anxiety and, if so, this behavior is not conducive to good mental health. Clin. Anat. 27:835–838, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Many studies have been undertaken to assess the attitudes of medical students to the clinical importance of gross anatomy. However, much less is known about their attitudes toward the clinical importance of histology. Using Thurstone and Chave methods to assess attitudes, over 2,000 early stage medical students across Europe provided responses to a survey that tested the hypothesis that the students have a high regard for histology's clinical relevance. Regardless of the university and country surveyed, and of the teaching methods employed for histology, our findings were not consistent with our hypotheses, students providing a more moderate assessment of histology's importance compared to gross anatomy but more positive than their attitudes toward embryology. Histology should play a significant role in medical education in terms of appreciating not just normal structure and function but also pathology. We conclude that teachers of histology should pay special attention to informing newly‐recruited medical students of the significant role played by histology in attaining clinical competence and in underpinning their status as being learned members of a healthcare profession. This work was conducted under the auspices of the Trans‐European Pedagogic Research Group (TEPARG). Clin. Anat. 30:635–643, 2017. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   



To evaluate the impact of brief training in motivational interviewing (MI) from a non-specialist professional for medical students.


Students (n?=?20) received three four-hour sessions of MI training over one week. They interviewed caregivers acting as patients in two standardised medical situations, six weeks before and three weeks after training. Global scores from the MITI-3.1.1 code, including “MI- Spirit”, were attributed to the audiotaped interviews by two independent coders, blind the pre- or post-training status of the interview. Secondary outcomes were: caregivers’ perception of students’ empathy (CARE questionnaire), students’ evaluation of self-efficacy to engage in a patient-centred relationship (SEPCQ score), and students’ satisfaction with their own performance (analogue scale).


MI-Spirit score increased significantly after training (p?<?0.0001, effect size 1.5). Limited improvements in CARE score (p?=?0.034, effect size 0.5) and one of the SEPCQ dimensions (sharing information and power with the patient; p?=?0.047, effect size 0.5) were also noted. Students’ satisfaction score was unaffected (p?=?0.69).


These findings suggest that brief MI training can improve communication skills in medical students.

Practice implications

Such an intervention is feasible and could be generalised during medical studies.  相似文献   

目的 有效提高医学生的医患沟通技能.方法 北京协和医学院2009年3月至2011年10月期间对165名八年制高年级医学生教授临床沟通课程,使用学生自评问卷的方式对教学效果进行评估.结果 医学生在课后大部分临床沟通技能高于课前,大部分医患沟通能力评分高于课前,以患者为中心的理念得到强化.课程整体满意度为96.2%.结论 临床沟通技能课程达到了提高沟通技能的目的,沟通技能的客观考核方式需要进一步探索.  相似文献   

Students on entering medical school are faced with acquiring new, and voluminous, anatomical and medical terminologies. A reason why acquiring these terminologies may be problematic relates to the fact that many terms are derived from classical Greek and Latin; languages nowadays that are rarely taught at school. It might also be supposed that the often reported reduction in exposure to anatomy, and time spent in the dissection room, impairs the students' knowledge and understanding of anatomical relationships, and thus further complicates the acquisition of the terminologies. To date, there have been no studies that have quantified the attitudes of medical students toward the importance of understanding classical Greek and Latin during their medical training. In order to assess these attitudes, this study was undertaken for the newly‐recruited (First Year) medical students and for the Final Year medical students at Cardiff University. They were provided with a brief questionnaire that was devised in accordance with Thurstone and Chave (1951) principles and with ethical approval. One hundred and eighty First Year students and one hundred and nineteen Final Year students responded. Our initial hypothesis was that students throughout the medical curriculum have an unfavorable attitude toward the importance of classical Greek and Latin. This hypothesis was supported by the attitudes of the Final Year students but not by the First Year medical students. While we would still advocate that First Year medical students should acquire some understanding of and have some formal or informal instruction in, classical Greek and Latin as they pertain to medical terminologies, we acknowledge that Final Year students are likely to have become reasonably well‐versed in the origins of medical terminologies without formal instruction. Clin. Anat. 29:696–701, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

目的:分析指长比与地方院校医学生心理健康状态的关系。方法:采用体质测量法及症状自评量表-90 (SCL-90)问卷调查,比较469 例高校男、女大学生( 男性211 例,女性258 例)左右手指长比各均值的差异性, 并分析男、女生指长比与SCL-90 的相关性。结果:女性医学生左、右手2D∶3D、2D∶4D、 2D∶5D、3D∶5D 指长比均高于男性,其左手4D∶5D指长比高于男性;女性医学生左手指长比2D∶4D与躯体化、强迫症、抑郁、 恐惧呈正相关,3D∶4D与躯体化、恐惧呈负相关,其右手指长比2D∶3D与躯体化、焦虑、敌对、其他呈正相关, 2D∶5D与精神病性呈正相关;男性医学生左手指长比2D∶4D与躯体化、抑郁、焦虑、敌对呈正相关,其右手 指长比2D∶4D 与躯体化、抑郁呈正相关,其他指长比与SCL-90 因子无相关性。结论:地方院校医学生男、女 指长比具有性别差异,男、女性医学生指长比与心理健康状况均有一定相关性。  相似文献   

精准医学作为一种新的医疗模式,是生命医学发展的方向。目前临床医生普遍对其认识不足,需正确认识精准医学,并加强学习及应用。通过分析精准医学对医学生的要求,可以发现一个能胜任岗位的医学生必须具备以下特质:临床与科研能力并重、注重团队及合作精神、积极创新、拥有人文精神。对带教医师的培训、多学科协作联合教学查房、引入导师制和联合导师制等措施,可以让医学生既锻炼了临床能力,又学习和掌握了科研思维与相关的研究方法。  相似文献   

目的:了解医学院校大学生2年新出现心理症状的检出率及影响因素。方法:选取某医科院校大一全体新生2910人,用大学生人格问卷(UPI)对其中心理症状阴性的大学生(n=2376)进行大三后测,采用自编人口学问卷、抑郁自评量表(SDS)、自杀行为问卷(SBQ-R)、家庭功能量表(APGAR)、心理复原力量表(ERS)、痛苦表露指数(DDI)评估心理症状的相关因素。结果:大三心理症状阳性率为15.3%。Logistic回归结果显示,女性(OR=1.60,95%CI:1.22~2.10)、精神疾病家族史(OR=1.83,95%CI:1.11~3.02)、熟人自杀史(OR=1.52,95%CI:1.01~2.28)心理咨询史(OR=2.63,95%CI:1.50~4.62)及SBQ-R得分越高(OR=1.15,95%CI:1.05~1.25)是医学院校大学生心理症状阴性转阳性的危险因素,而DDI得分越高是其保护因素(OR=0.98,95%CI:0.96~0.99)。结论:医学院校大学生入学2年后超过15%的人新出现心理症状,对有精神疾病家族史、熟人自杀史、心理咨询史、高自杀风险及低自我表露程度的学...  相似文献   

Among educators who teach in the human anatomy laboratory, there has been lively debate about sharing information about anatomical donors. One consideration in this debate is concern about the emotional effect of personalizing donors on the students. The purpose of this study was to evaluate student responses to being exposed to donor information (DI). Three cohorts of first‐year medical students (n = 284) were surveyed at four time points throughout the year. Surveys queried students about positive and negative responses to working in the laboratory, wanting to know specific DI, and if knowing this DI would/did affect their responses to working with donors. Analyses examined the relationships between desire to know DI and indices of the following: positive response index (PRI), negative response index (NRI), avoid‐approach index (AAI), and compassion‐respect index. Across all surveys, a majority of respondents wanted to know some form of DI. At all time points, a majority of respondents felt that knowing all types of DI would increase their positive responses to working with donors. A greater PRI and AAI tended to be associated with wanting to know more personal DI (e.g., names and personal histories). A greater NRI tended to be associated with anticipating that learning personal DI would increase their negative responses before entering the laboratory, which did not persist after dissection began. These data suggest that for a majority of students, knowing personal DI increases their positive response and does not elicit negative responses to dissection or working with anatomical donors. Clin. Anat. 32:1019–1032, 2019. © 2019 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   



Dermatological disorders are common in medical practice. In medical school, however, the time devoted to teaching dermatology is usually very limited. Therefore, online educational systems have increasingly been used in medical education settings to enhance exposure to dermatology.


The present study was designed to develop an e-learning program for medical students in dermatology and evaluate the impact of this program on learning.


This prospective study included second year medical students at the University of Technology and Science, Salvador, Brazil. All students attended discussion seminars and practical activities, and half of the students had adjunct online seminars (blended learning). Tests were given to all students before and after the courses, and test scores were evaluated.


Students who participated in online discussions associated with face-to-face activities (blended learning) had significantly higher posttest scores (9.0±0.8) than those who only participated in classes (7.75±1.8, p <0.01).


The results indicate that an associated online course might improve the learning of medical students in dermatology.  相似文献   

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