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OBJECTIVES: Health care reforms associated with managed care may adversely affect the health care safety net for disadvantaged populations.This study compared changes in health care use among poor and nonpoor individuals enrolled in managed care. METHODS: Data from 3 waves of a random community sample were collected on approximately 3,000 adults. Changes in use of mental health services were assessed in a pretest-posttest, quasi-experimental design. RESULTS: Managed care increased use of specialty services among the nonpoor while maintaining the same level of use for the poor in the public sector. CONCLUSIONS: Reallocation of mental health services may be a result of expanding Medicaid eligibility.  相似文献   

Continued pursuit of market-oriented reforms in China seems to have resulted in increasing income disparities. This has raised concerns about possible declines in the use of health services by the poor. Using data from three waves of the China Health and Nutrition Survey (1989, 1991, 1993), we examine whether people age 20-45 in eight provinces became less likely to seek care when ill. We carried out three probit estimations of seeking care when ill; the predictor variables include individual and workplace characteristics, a measure of the severity of illness and community level factors. Health care is broadly defined to include basic level clinics as well as urban hospitals. We find no evidence that health care utilization is decreasing. Rather, for people in a community survey reporting mainly mild or moderate illness, health care continues to be accessible. We consider possible limits of our study and discuss extensively the implications of the use of illness reports from the three cross-sectional surveys as health status indicators.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Despite parallels in mental health needs among adolescents and young adults, there is a paucity of evidence regarding use of mental health services in young adulthood. Using a longitudinal sample, this study compares rates of mental health counseling use between adolescents and young adults, examines characteristics and predictors of counseling use for young adults, and identifies reasons for foregone care among those with mental health needs in young adulthood. METHODS: Secondary data analysis was conducted on a nationally representative sample of 10,817 participants from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health. Data were derived from an initial survey collected in 1995 (mean age, 15.8 years) and a follow-up survey collected 7 years later (mean age, 21.5 years). RESULTS: Among individuals with depressive symptomology, young adults reported significantly lower rates of counseling use compared with adolescents. When taking into account the severity of mental health problems, female gender, high maternal education, school attendance, and receipt of routine physical examinations were significantly predictive of counseling use among young adults. Young adults of black ethnicity were significantly less likely to receive counseling compared with those of white ethnicity. Overall, 4% of young adults reported foregoing health care in the past year, despite self-reported mental health needs. Inability to pay, belief that the problem would go away, and lack of time were commonly cited reasons for any type of foregone health care. However, concerns regarding physician's care (i.e., fear of what the doctor would say or do, and belief that the doctor would be unable to help) were more frequently mentioned by those who acknowledged a need for counseling services. CONCLUSIONS: Low rates of mental health counseling persist from adolescence to young adulthood. Findings such as increased counseling service use among those receiving routine physical examinations, as well as reported concerns of physician care, point to possible areas of intervention within the pediatric community.  相似文献   

PurposeIn this study, we describe the characteristics of adolescents with mental health problems among those presenting to primary care clinics in urban areas.MethodsThe sample included 1,076 adolescents aged 12–18 years who presented to federally qualified community health clinics in urban cities in the Midwest. Bivariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were conducted to examine the associations between having a mental health problem with demographic characteristics, health-related variables, and other risk and promotive factors. We also examined the use of health services and involvement in activities among those with mental health problems.ResultsApproximately 14% of adolescents screened positive for a mental health problem; among those with a mental health problem, 42.8% received mental health services in the past 3 months. In the multivariate logistic regression analysis, adolescents who were female, with poorer grades, fair to poor self-reported health, using drugs, and lower parental monitoring were more likely to have a mental health problem. In bivariate analyses, adolescents with mental health problems were less likely to participate in school activities and community activities and more likely to use emergency room services.ConclusionsAdolescents with mental health problems were more likely to have several other difficulties including poor grades, poor self-rated health, drug/alcohol use, and sexual activity. This study highlights the importance of screening youth with multidimensional needs and referring them to the appropriate services.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: This paper describes utilization of mental health services by poor Puerto Ricans living on the island. It examines the utilization rates, within health sectors, and settings for the provision of mental health services. METHODS: Data are based on an islandwide probability sample of 18- to 64-year-old respondents living in low socioeconomic areas. We assessed need with the Psychiatric Symptom and Dysfunction Scales. RESULTS: Approximately one-third of our study population (31.5%) met criteria for need. Of these, only 32% had received any mental health care in the past year. Need was significantly associated with use of physical or mental health services for mental health problems. We found those who needed services to be five times more likely than those who did not need services to have used one or both sectors of care at least once in the past year. Among the first group 21.8% used the physical health sector to deal with mental health problems in contrast with 17.9% who sought care in the mental health sector. In the physical health sector, subjects used the public and private settings equally. In the mental health sector, 70% of subjects used the public setting. CONCLUSIONS: This suggests the nonpsychiatric physician as a main provider for mental health treatment.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To analyze a comprehensive multivariate model of the use of mental health-related ambulatory care services by children ages 6-17. STUDY SETTING: The 1987 National Medical Expenditure Survey, a national probability sample of the U.S. civilian noninstitutionalized population. STUDY DESIGN: A cross-sectional survey of a national probability sample of the U.S. population. Key independent variables include person-level mental health status, health care coverage, family income, and use of mental health services by other family members. DATA COLLECTION: Four in-person interviews were conducted during 1987 using structured questionnaires. A designated family respondent was used to answer questions for other family members, including children. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Children with poor mental health in high-income families were more than three times as likely to have a mental health-related visit than children with poor mental health in low-income families. The number of mental health-related visits and the likelihood of seeing a mental health specialist also increased along with family income. Mental health use by other family members was strongly associated with use. CONCLUSIONS: The results from this study provide strong evidence that the socioeconomic status of children is an important factor in explaining unmet need for mental health services.  相似文献   

Mental health problems are common and costly, yet many individuals with these problems either do not receive care or receive care that is inadequate. Gender and place of residence contribute to disparities in the use of mental health services. The objective of this study was to identify the influence of gender and rurality on mental health services utilization by using more sensitive indices of rurality. Pooled data from 4 panels of the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (1996-2000) yielded a sample of 32,219 respondents aged 18 through 64. Variables were stratified by residence using rural-urban continuum codes. We used logistic and linear regression to model effects of gender and rurality on treatment rates. We found that rural women are less likely to receive mental health treatment either through the general healthcare system or through specialty mental health systems when compared to women in metropolitan statistical areas (MSA) or urbanized non-MSA areas. Rural men receive less mental health treatment than do rural women and less specialty mental health treatment than do men in MSAs or least rural non-MSA areas. Reported mental health deteriorates as the level of rurality increases. There is a considerable unmet need for mental health services in most rural areas. The general health sector does not seem to contribute remarkably to mental health services for women in these areas.  相似文献   

Community health screening programs were originally designed: to stimulate change in family and community knowledge and behavior relating to the prevention of disease; to inform the use of available health resources; and to improve the environmental, economic, and educational factors related to health. Since their inception, however, community health screening programs have primarily used conventional approaches to health improvement for the African-American community. That is, the need is not merely for the provision of more preventative and curative health services or the distribution of services to passive recipients, but for the active involvement of local populations in ways which will preserve or repattern their knowledge, attitudes and motivation concerning major health care issues. Health care professionals such as the clinicians need to expand their biopsychosocial model to include specific sociocultural data concerning African-American health care seeking pattern. Collaborative efforts of this type will therefore enable health care professionals to design future community health screening programs for the African-American community that are practical and culturally-oriented.  相似文献   

This study expands on the Andersen-Newman health services utilization (HSU) model. In a community-based homeless sample (n = 363) baseline predisposing, enabling, and needs-based variables predicted hospitalization and ambulatory outpatient service utilization within 1 year after baseline. Standard predisposing and enabling variables were supplemented with latent constructs representing substance use, mental illness, poor housing status, social support, community support, and barriers to health care. Need is represented by baseline health status. Poor physical health, more barriers, drug use, African American ethnicity, less community support, and less education predicted hospitalization, the least desirable form of HSU. Poor health, female gender, a regular source of care, community support, drug use, and fewer alcohol problems predicted an office visit. Because outpatient visits for acute conditions provide an opportunity for generally neglected preventive services and health screenings, this study suggests convenient multiservice health-related programs for the homeless that include drug and alcohol treatment.  相似文献   

Managed care plans and other health care providers face a difficult task in predicting outpatient mental health services use. Existing research offers some guidance, but our knowledge of which factors influence use is confounded by methodological problems and sampling constraints. Consequently, available findings are insufficient for developing accurate predictions, which managed care plans need in order to formulate fiscally responsible service delivery contracts. This article reviews the primary data sources and research on ambulatory mental health services. On the basis of this review, the probability and intensity of outpatient visits are estimated. The primary predictors of use are also examined because they may help managed care plans forecast use by a given population or group of enrollees. Gender, age, race, education, health status, and insurance coverage are several variables surfacing as statistically significant predictors of use. The implications for planning capitated mental health services are discussed.  相似文献   

In clinical practice, denial has long been thought to be a determinant of treatment initiation and retention; however, little empirical research has focused on denial as a mechanism. For example, denial has not been standardized or operationalized in epidemiological studies for mental health services research and, thus, the magnitude of the effects of denial on mental health care use are unknown. This study makes use of the "Mental Health Care among Puerto Ricans" study, a 3-wave island-based probability epidemiological study conducted from 1992 to 1998. For all the 3 waves, 2928 individuals participated (81.5% response). The analyses were limited to only those participants who were objectively determined to have a severe need for mental health care (n = 742). The findings from this study show that admitting to a mental health problem is related to the increased odds of using any mental health care, any specialty care, psychotropic drugs, and retention in mental health care, after adjusting for potential confounding. Similar patterns were observed even after the data were limited to those participants who did not previously seek mental health care, and the trends persisted when determining changes from denial to admitting a mental health problem. The study confirms that denial is a significant factor for treatment initiation and retention, particularly for Puerto Ricans, and denial should be considered an important mechanism in planning interventions to eliminate mental health care disparities.  相似文献   

This study explores the perspectives of tuberculosis patients on which factors influenced their health seeking behaviour, with special reference to gender differentials in terms of delays in health seeking. In 1996, a multi-disciplinary research team carried out 16 focus group discussions. The study was done in four districts in Vietnam, both in the south and north of the country and in urban and rural areas. Qualitative analysis of data was performed following general principles of modified grounded theory technique. Participants in the focus groups described three main factors as contributing to delay in health seeking. These were fear of social isolation, economic constraints and inadequate staff attitudes and poor quality of health services. A model illustrating different factors influencing health seeking was elaborated and served as a basis for discussion of the findings. The main factor contributing to delay among women was described as fear of social isolation from the family or the community. Stigma was described as closely related to contextual factors such as gender-roles, socio-economic status and level of education and seemed to be mediated via denial and concealment of tuberculosis diagnosis and disease, thus causing delay. The main factor contributing to delay among men was described as fear of individual costs of diagnosis and treatment. Staff attitudes and quality of health service facilities were described as not always corresponding to people's expectations of appropriate health services. Women saw themselves and were seen by others as being more sensitive than men to poor service conditions and staff attitudes. A typical feature of the described health seeking behaviour of men was that they neglected symptoms until the disease reached a serious stage, by which time they tended to go directly to public health services without first visiting private health practitioners. Women, on the other hand, were described as having a tendency to seek out private services and practice self-medication before seeking care at public services. In conclusion, there is a need for better understanding of behavioural factors and for developing strategies, that take these into account. Health workers need to better understand gender and social aspects of tuberculosis control, particularly aspects that influence the likelihood for achieving equity in diagnosis and cure.  相似文献   

Australian women attending community mental health services were surveyed to determine the relationship between sexual trauma, sexual activity, and sexual health seeking behaviors. Self-reported history of “forced sex” was 58.4% (n = 122 out of 220). Latent class analysis revealed a three-class model: “sexually active and health seeking,” “low sexual activity and health seeking” and “low sexual activity and not health seeking.” An association with general practitioner engagement and sexual health seeking behaviors was found. Rates of self-reported sexual trauma reinforce the need for screening and trauma informed care. Groupings may reflect different aspects of recovery associated with sexual health behaviors.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Given that 'equal access for equal need' is a clearly articulated goal of the New Zealand public health system, this study is an attempt to determine if access to public health care services in New Zealand is, for people of equal health need, independent of income. METHOD: Information on health status, income and health service utilisation for just over 6,000 New Zealanders was obtained from the national Household Health Survey 1992-93. Using standardised expenditure concentration curves and a concentration index, the distribution of health service use by individuals in different income groups, as a proxy for access, was illustrated and quantified. RESULTS: The results suggest either appropriate or slightly excess use of services by the poor given their estimated health need. Due to analytical problems caused by data deficiencies, these results must be regarded as tentative. CONCLUSION: For the period under study, no evidence was found to indicate significant access barriers to publicly funded health care for people on different incomes. This study has served to demonstrate one approach to measuring inequality and analysing the relationship between inequality and inequity. Given the reforms to the health sector since 1993, ongoing monitoring of equity of access to health care services is essential. IMPLICATIONS: Given the income-related disparities in health that do exist, the public health community should endeavour to develop techniques to monitor the delivery of publicly funded health care to ensure that further inequity is not borne by the poor.  相似文献   

Current economic constraints necessitats careful planning and evaluation of mental health services. Gender differences in need and use of outpatient mental health services are synthesized based on current epidemiological research. Although overall prevalence rates of mental disorder are similar, women use more outpatient mental health services than do men. This disparity exists largely within the primary care sector. The study of social roles and behavior may help explain these gender differences. Implications for planning and organizing outpatient mental health services are discussed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In recent years the number of women serving in the military has increased substantially, resulting in more demand for VA services by women veterans. This paper describes the characteristics and health status of women veterans who use VA ambulatory services. METHODS: Respondents in the VA Women's Health Project (n = 719) represent a randomly selected subsample from all women who had an ambulatory visit between July 1, 1994 and June 30, 1995 at a large tertiary care VA facility in the Boston area. Summary statistics on eight dimensions of health status (using the SF-36) for women veterans who use VA ambulatory care are provided. Comparisons are made between women veterans and men veterans who use VA services. RESULTS: Women veterans reported consistently low scores on health status across multiple dimensions, reflecting considerable health needs. Among veterans using VA services, women were younger, better educated, and less likely to be married than male veterans. Women veterans who use VA ambulatory services scored lower on every scale except physical functioning and general health perceptions when compared to male VA users. There were more pronounced differences for women on scales measuring emotional health. CONCLUSIONS: Health status among women veterans is moderate to poor. Important differences in health status are observed between men and women who use VA services which have implications for improving health care to women veterans at VA facilities. These findings strongly indicate that increased mental health services need to be available for women veterans seeking VA health care.  相似文献   

Abstract China's new health reform initiative aims to provide quality accessible health care to all, including remote rural populations, by 2020. Public health insurance coverage for the rural poor has increased, but rural women have fared worse because of lower status and lack of voice in shaping the services they need. Use of prenatal care, safe delivery and reproductive tract infections (RTIs) services is inadequate and service seeking for health problems remains lower for men. We present findings from a study of gender and health equity in rural China from 2002 to 2008 and offer recommendations from over a decade of applied research on reproductive health in rural China. Three studies, conducted in poor counties between 1994 and 2008, identified problems in access and pilot tested interventions and mechanisms to increase women's participation in health planning. They were done in conjunction with a World Bank programme and the global Gender and Health Equity Network (GHEN). Reproductive health service-seeking improved and the study interventions increased local government commitment to providing such services through new health insurance mechanisms. Findings from the studies were summarised into recommendations on gender and health for inclusion in new health reform efforts.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This study examined racial/ethnic differences in attitudes toward seeking mental health services. METHODS: Data from the National Comorbidity Survey, which administered a structured diagnostic interview to a representative sample of the US population (N = 8098), were analyzed. Multiple logistic regression was used, and data were stratified by need for mental health services. RESULTS: African Americans with depression were more likely than Whites with depression to "definitely go" (odds ratio [OR] = 1.8, P < .001) seek mental health services. African Americans with severe psychiatric disorders were less likely to be "somewhat embarrassed if friends knew they sought care" (OR = 0.3, P < .001) than were their White counterparts. CONCLUSIONS: African Americans reported more positive attitudes toward seeking mental health services than did Whites.  相似文献   

Partner violence: implications for health and community settings.   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
OBJECTIVE: To assist in the design and implementation of strategies to address partner violence, the objective of this study was to evaluate differences in mental health, health behaviors, and use of health care and specific community services between women who do or do not report experiences of partner violence as an adult. METHODS: During interviews with 392 women enrolled in a Medicaid managed care organization, measures of mental health status, health behaviors, use of health care and community services, and experiences of partner violence were collected. Using bivariate statistical analyses, characteristics between women reporting or not reporting partner violence were compared. Chi-square tests were used to assess significant differences between the groups. The relationships between outcomes of interest and violence were estimated with logistic regression models adjusting for significant demographic and health characteristics. RESULTS: Overall, 28% of women reported experiences of partner violence. Women reporting partner violence had twice the adjusted odds of depression and three times the adjusted odds of negative self-esteem compared with women not reporting experiences of partner violence. Women reporting partner violence, compared with those who did not, indicated higher use of specific types of health and community services such as mental health services [odds ratio (OR) 2.9; confidence interval (CI) 1.5-5.6] and individual counseling (OR 3.6; CI 2.2-6.1). CONCLUSIONS: A communitywide effort that establishes linkages between health care settings and community services may be important in addressing the needs of women who are experiencing partner violence.  相似文献   

Estimates of the physical abuse of women by husbands or boyfriends in the United States range from 85 per 1000 couples to 113 per 1000 couples per year. Victims of abuse are much more likely than nonvictims to have poor health, chronic pain problems, depression, suicide attempts, addictions, and problem pregnancies. Abused women use a disproportionate amount of health care services, including emergency room visits, primary care, and community mental health center visits. Despite its high prevalence and the disproportionate use of health care services it causes, woman abuse is rarely recognized by health care providers. Even when the abuse is recognized, health care professionals often provide inappropriate or even harmful treatment. Because many abused women pass through the health care system, it is important that providers learn how to identify those who are abused, treat all the effects of the abuse, and make appropriate referrals.  相似文献   

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