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Chen Gongsun 陈巩荪(Department ofAcupuncture and Moxibustion,Jiangsu Pro-vincial People's Hospital)The first report on treatment ofcholelithiasis by Semen Vaccariaeauriculo-point pressing method was madeand published in 1977 by Jiangsu Provincial  相似文献   

The aim of the present experiment is to find out whether there exist any differences in tissue expression of aryl  相似文献   

To evaluate the possibility and efficiency of nanoparticle as a new vector in specific gene transference.Methods. Nanoparticle-DNA complex was prepared with Poly- eM-lactic-co-glycolic acid (PLGA) bearing anti-sense monocyte chemotactic protein-1 (A-MCP-1), a specific expression gene, and the package efficiency, release progress in vitro, and the size of the complex were determined. The possibility of the new vector was evaluated with genomic DNA PCR by transferring gene into cultured smooth muscle cells (SMC), cationic lipids as a control. For study in vivo, jugular vein-to-artery bypass grafting procedures were performed on 20 New Zealand white rabbits, of which 6 grafts were transferred with nanoparticle-A-MCP-1 (200 μg), 6 with A - MCP - 1 (200 μ g) by cationic liposome, 4 with LNCX plasmid, and 4 as control. Fourteen days after the grafts were harvested, the expression of A-MCP-1 and its effect on MCP-1 in vein grafts were detected by dot blot, and the morphologic evaluation of grafts was performe  相似文献   

To obtain high efficiency of cleavage of thrombin in fusion protein containing α-ANP fused to Ref peptides,the linker sequence designed as VIAGR which was different from GVRGPR formerly used was studied, Plasmid pilL carrying the fusion gene Ref-NT-ANP downstream from Pc promoter was derived from expression vector pLY1 by inserting the fragment of NT-ANP into it. The expression of fusion gene was induced at 42℃,and the interested protein Ref-NT-ANP accumulated as inclusion bodies was isolated by gradient centrifuge and then dissolved in 7 mol/L guanidinehydrochloride(Gdn-HCl). After dilutlon,renaturation and dlalyzatlon,the cleavage of thrombln was examined using samples with 1.1 mol/L Gdn-HC1and samples free of Gdn-HC1 respectively. Digestion result showed that the novel-adopted cleavage scquence was highly sensitive to thrombin when the substrate dissolved in 1.1 mol/L Gdn-HC1.The time needed for 87% cleavage(the ratio of substrate to thrombin was 50 μg/u)was less than 24 hours. This sequence described here which was specifically recognized hy thrombin might be broadly applied in other fusion systems.  相似文献   

The effect of Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae (RSM) on the gene expression of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) in rat brains daring ischemia was studied with in situ hybridization and the results were analyzed with IBAS 2000 Image Analysis System. It was found that NOS gene expression of cerebral cortex and caudate-putamen was markedly increased in 24 hours in ischemia group (P< 0.01). In RSM-treated rats, although the NOS gene expression of ischemic side was also increased as compared with contralateral cortex and caudate-putamen, it was significantly lower in RSM-treated rats than those of the controls (P< 0.05, P< 0.01). The present study indicates that RSM can partly inhibit NOS gene ex pression of cerebral cortex and caudate-putamen during ischemia. This may be one of the protective mechanisms of RSM on cerebral ischemia.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONChemotherapyplaysamajorroleinthetreatmentofmalignantdiseases.Resultsoftreatmentwithanticanceragentshavesteadilyimprovedovertheyearsfollowingtheintroductionofmoreeffectivedrugsandtheestablishmentofbetterdesignedchemotherapystrategies.However,chemotherapyfailureduetocellulardrugresistanceremainsamajorprobleminmostcancerpatients.Manyfactorsaffecttheresponsetoanticancerdrugs.Thepresenceand/ordevelopmentofdrug--resistanttumorcellsareamongthemostimportantfactorsthatlimittheefficienc…  相似文献   

INTRoDUCTIoNPhenylketonuria(PKU)isanautosomalrecessivediseasecausedbythedeficiencyofaliver-specificen-zyme,phenylalaninehydroxylase(PAH).Itisoneofthemostcommoninbornerrorsofmetabolismwithaprevalenceof1in17OOOnewbornChinese(l).Recent-ly,theuseofalternativemolecularapproachesforstudy-ingPKUpatientsfromvariousethnicgroupsworldwidehasrevealedatleast14OdifferentpointmutationsinthehumanPAHgene(2,3),andmorethanl3mutationshavebeenreportedinChinesepopulations(4~9)'Tofurtherinvestigatethemol…  相似文献   



A cosmid construct μLCRAγψβδβ were induced into mouse erythroleukemia cell lines 585 that expresses murine adult globin only and MEL GM-979 that expresses both murine embryonic and adult globins.Similar patterns of human globin gene expression were displayed in the two MEL cell lines transfected with the construct.Inducible expression of the Aγ-and β-gene was observed during induced cell differentiation.However,the expression level of the Aγ-globin gene is much higher than that of the β-globin gene in either uninduced or induced MEL transformants.No γ to β switching happened in the stable MEL transformants following a continuous culture.The much more effective enhance of the μLCR on the Aγ-globin gene than that on the β-globin gene is resulted probably from the fact that the distance between the LCR and the β-globin gene is much longer than that between the LCR and the Aγ-globin gene in the construct,in comparison with other constructs containing HS2 or μLCR linked to both of γ- and β-globin genes in different order.Two suggestions can be derived from these results:1) A competition between the γ- and β-globin gene for interaction with the LCR may indeed present,but only an enough long distance difference between the LCR to the γ-and to the β-gene can effectively influence the competition;2) Unlike transgenic mice,MEL cells are incapable of reconstructing the regulatory information involved in developmental control when it is provided by a fragment of the β-globin gene cluster with limited length.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the role of activin on osteogenesis during mandibular distraction.Methods Rabbit mandibular distraction model was used and the new regenerating tissue in the distraction zone were harvested at different time points, lmmunohistochemical technique for activin A was performed in the harvested tissues. Results Positive stain was noted in early phases of distraction. At the end of distraction phase osteoblasts and osteoid in primary mineralization front were strongly stained and osteoblasts and osteocytes in peripheral new bone zone were moderately stained. There were also broad activin A stains in osteoblasts and active osteocytes in early consolidation phase. Conclusion The expression of activin is increased during mandibular distraction. It could play an important role in the process of osteoblastic cells secretion, differen-tiation to osteocytes and bone formation during mandibular distraction.  相似文献   

R啨sum啨   Objectif Analyserlamutationdug埁neNF2 (extron 2 ,4,6et 13)chezlesschwannomes.M啨thodes Lamutationdu g埁neNF2chez 36schwannomes啨taitobserv啨e parPCR SSCPetl analyses啨quentielledel AND .L indicede prolif啨rationduschwannome啨taitd啨tect啨 parl immunohistochimie .R啨su…  相似文献   

Objective. To investigate the effect of apolipoprotein B (apoB) and E (apoE) genetic variations on lipid profile at baseline (before treatment), and also on the subsequent response to simvastatin therapy.Methods. Eighty-eight patients with hyperlipidemia were treated with simvastatin 5mg daily. The plasma levels of total cholesterol (TC) and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), triglyceride (TG) and apo B were measured pre-treatment and at the end of the 4th, 8th and 12th post-treatment week. Polymorphisms of apoB at XbaI locus and apoE were determined by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP).Results. In all patients, relative frequencies of X- allele and X + allele were 0. 943 and 0. 057 for apoB gene respectively. For apoE gene the relative frequency of ε 2 allele was determined as 0. 182, ε3 as 0. 580 and ε4 as 0. 238. The reduction in TC level was more prominent in patients carrying X- allele than in those with X + allele following treatment (-23. 9% vs. -13. 6% , P < 0. 05). Co  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONGapjunctionsaresmallaqueouschannelsthatcon-nectneighboringcellsandallowthepassageofmoleculewhosemolecularweightisnotmorethan1000Da.Invertebrates,gapjunctionsareformedbytheconjunctionoftwoconnexons,eachconsistingofahexamerofcon-nexinpr  相似文献   

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