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Characterisation of cytolethal distending toxin (CDT) mutants of Campylobacter jejuni 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Purdy D Buswell CM Hodgson AE McAlpine K Henderson I Leach SA 《Journal of medical microbiology》2000,49(5):473-479
In order to assess the contribution of cytolethal distending toxin (CDT) to the toxigenicity and pathogenicity of Campylobacter jejuni, the C. jejuni 81-176 and C. jejuni NCTC 11168 CDTs were inactivated by insertional mutation of the cdtB toxin subunit. Cell-free sonicates from isogenic C. jejuni 81-176 cdtB- strains were found to be greatly attenuated in HeLa cytotoxicity assays, whilst still retaining some toxigenicity. Sonicates from a C. jejuni NCTC 11168 cdtB- strain produced no detectable cytotoxicity. When orally administered to adult severe combined immunodeficient (SCID) mice, C. jejuni cdtB mutant strains were unaffected in enteric colonisation abilities but demonstrated impaired invasiveness into blood, spleen and liver tissues. These data suggest that CDT may be the principal toxin produced by this species and that some C. jejuni strains may generate additional toxigenic factor(s) distinct from CDT. 相似文献
Talukder KA Aslam M Islam Z Azmi IJ Dutta DK Hossain S Nur-E-Kamal A Nair GB Cravioto A Sack DA Endtz HP 《Journal of clinical microbiology》2008,46(4):1485-1488
From 300 stool samples, 58 Campylobacter strains were isolated by standard microbiological and biochemical methods. Of these, 40 strains were identified as Campylobacter jejuni and 5 as Campylobacter coli. The presence of flaA (100%), cadF (100%), racR (100%), dnaJ (100%), pldA (100%), ciaB (95%), virB11 (0%), ceuE (82.5%), cdtA (97.5%), cdtB (97.5%), cdtC (97.5%), and wlaN (7.5%) genes was detected in C. jejuni by PCR. All C. jejuni strains but one produced cytolethal distending toxin in a HeLa cell assay. 相似文献
A. Tazumi K. Hayashi E. Tasaki M. Asakura S. Yamasaki J. E. Moore B. C Millar Professor M. Matsuda 《Journal of basic microbiology》2012,52(5):559-565
We aimed to clarify if Campylobacter lari exerts a cytolethal distending toxin (CDT) effect on HeLa cells. Campylobacter cell lysates (CCLys) from C. jejuni 81–176 and urease‐positive thermophilic Campylobacter (UPTC) CF89‐12 and UPTC NCTC12893 isolates were shown to exert a CDT effect on HeLa cells with morphological changes examined by Giemsa staining and microscopy. However, Campylobacter lari JCM2530T isolate showed no effect. In addition, Campylobacter cell culture supernatant wash gave low or absent toxic effects with both C. jejuni and C. lari organisms. When western blot analysis was carried out to clarify if there was a CDTB effect in the CCLys and soluble fractions from Campylobacter isolates, which had a CDT effect on HeLa cells or did not have any effect, anti‐recombinant CjCDTB antibodies identified an immunoreactively positive signal at around approximately 25 kDa on all the C. lari isolates examined, as well as the C. jejuni 81116 strain. Thus, all the Campylobacter isolates including those without any CDT effect were shown to express CDTB at the translational level. (© 2012 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim) 相似文献
Asakura M Samosornsuk W Taguchi M Kobayashi K Misawa N Kusumoto M Nishimura K Matsuhisa A Yamasaki S 《Microbial pathogenesis》2007,42(5-6):174-183
The cytolethal distending toxin (cdt) gene clusters of Campylobacter coli strain Co1-243 and C. fetus strain Col-187 were cloned and sequenced to understand the importance of Cdt as a virulence factor. The cdt genes of C. coli and C. fetus consist of three closely linked genes termed cdtA, cdtB, cdtC whose sizes are 774, 801, and 570 bp, and 702, 798, and 546 bp, respectively. The homologies of each subunit of cdt genes between C. jejuni and C. coli, C. jejuni and C. fetus, or C. coli and C. fetus are 59.6%, 40.3%, or 46.5% for cdtA, 70.2%, 62.4%, or 61.3% for cdtB, 61.3%, 52.3%, or 50.1% for cdtC, respectively. Colony hybridization assay revealed that the genes homologous to the cdtABC gene were distributed in all 27, 19, 20 strains of C. jejuni, C. coli, and C. fetus, respectively, isolated from patients and animals in species-specific manner. Furthermore, nucleotide sequence of the cdt operon, including flanking region, of 10 strains of each species indicated that though the size of the cdtB gene was conserved in each species, those of cdtA and cdtC genes varied particularly among C. coli strains. Amino acid residues demonstrated to be important for toxin activity in CdtB, corresponding to H152, D185, D222, D258, H259 in Cj-CdtB, were also conserved in Cc-CdtB and Cf-CdtB. The cdt gene cluster was located in different sites among different species but in the same site of genomes of the same species. Cdt activity produced by C. jejuni and C. fetus varied among strains, however, any C. coli strains exhibited Cdt activity on HeLa cells. These data indicate that the cdt gene may have a potential for virulence factor at least in C. jejuni and C. fetus. 相似文献
Prevalence of cytolethal distending toxin production in Campylobacter jejuni and relatedness of Campylobacter sp. cdtB gene. 总被引:15,自引:3,他引:15

C L Pickett E C Pesci D L Cottle G Russell A N Erdem H Zeytin 《Infection and immunity》1996,64(6):2070-2078
Campylobacter jejuni produces a toxin called cytolethal distending toxin (CDT). The genes encoding this toxin in C. jejuni 81-176 were cloned and sequenced. The nucleotide sequence of the genes revealed that there are three genes, cdtA, cdtB, and cdtC, encoding proteins with predicted sizes of 30,11-6, 28,989, and 21,157 Da, respectively. All three proteins were found to be related to the Escherichia coli CDT proteins, yet the amino acid sequences have diverged significantly. All three genes were required for toxic activity in a HeLa cell assay. HeLa cell assays of a variety of C. jejuni and C. coli strains suggested that most C. jejuni strains produce significantly higher CDT titers than do C. coli strains. Southern hybridization experiments demonstrated that the cdtB gene is present on a 6.0-kb ClaI fragment in all but one of the C. jejuni strains tested; the cdtB gene was on a 6.9-kb ClaI fragment in one strain. The C. jejuni 81-176 cdtB probe hybridized weakly to DNAs from C. coli strains. The C. jejuni 81-176 cdtB probe did not hybridize to DNAs from representative C. fetus, C. lari, C. "upsaliensis," and C. hyointestinalis strains, although the HeLa cell assay indicated that these strains make CDT. PCR experiments indicated the probable presence of cdtB sequences in all of these Campylobacter species. 相似文献
A new heat-labile cytolethal distending toxin (CLDT) produced by Campylobacter spp 总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20
A new heat-labile toxin cytolethal to CHO, Vero, HeLa, and HEp-2 cells and negative in Y-1 cells has been demonstrated in culture filtrates of many strains of Campylobacter spp. This new toxin was termed a cytolethal distending toxin (CLDT) to reflect the progressive cell distention and eventual cytotoxicity observed in all sensitive tissue cells. CLDT was distinct from previously reported cytotoxins and cholera-like enterotoxin produced by some Campylobacter spp. Since CHO elongation induced by either the Campylobacter enterotoxin or CLDT could not be differentiated after 24 h incubation, continuation of the assay for 96 h was essential for observation of CLDT-associated progressive morphological changes and cytolethal events. Specific assay conditions were required for demonstration of CLDT in Vero, HeLa, and HEp-2 cells. A 31-fold increase in cyclic AMP levels was observed in CHO cells exposed for 24 h to CLDT of catalase negative or weak positive Campylobacter. CLDT was detected in culture filtrates from strains of Campylobacter jejuni, C. coli, C. fetus subsp. fetus, C. laridis and catalase negative or weak positive Campylobacter. Of 718 strains investigated from both human and animal isolations, 295 (41%) were found to produce this toxin. Campylobacter CLDT was negative in adult rabbit ligated ileal loops, suckling mouse and rabbit skin tests. Hemorrhagic responses were observed in rat ligated ileal loop tests of CLDT-positive cultures. The new CLDT toxin could only be neutralized by homologous rabbit antitoxin, was trypsin-sensitive, nondialyzable and over 30,000 in molecular weight. CLDT-producing strains were observed in many serogroups and biotypes of Campylobacter spp. The strains tested originated from many countries and no clear association of toxigenicity with serotype or biotype could be established. 相似文献
Yamano R Ohara M Nishikubo S Fujiwara T Kawamoto T Ueno Y Komatsuzawa H Okuda K Kurihara H Suginaka H Oswald E Tanne K Sugai M 《Journal of clinical microbiology》2003,41(4):1391-1398
Cytolethal distending toxin (CDT) is a newly identified virulence factor produced by several pathogenic bacteria implicated in chronic infection. Seventy three strains of periodontopathogenic bacteria were examined for the production of CDT by a HeLa cell bioassay and for the presence of the cdt gene by PCR with degenerative oligonucleotide primers, which were designed based on various regions of the Escherichia coli and Campylobacter cdtB genes, which have been successfully used for the identification and cloning of cdtABC genes from Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans Y4 (M. Sugai et al., Infect. Immun. 66:5008-5019, 1998). CDT activity was found in culture supernatants of 40 of 45 tested A. actinomycetemcomintans strains, but the titer of the toxin varied considerably among these strains. PCR experiments indicated the presence of Y4-type cdt sequences in these strains, but the rest of A. actinomycetemcomitans were negative by PCR amplification and also by Southern blot analysis for the cdtABC gene. In the 40 CDT-positive strains, Southern hybridization with HindIII-digested genomic DNA revealed that there are at least 6 restriction fragment length polymorphism types. This suggests that the cdtABC flanking region is highly polymorphic, which may partly explain the variability of the CDT activity in the culture supernatants. The rest of tested strains of periodontopathogenic bacteria did not have detectable CDT production by the HeLa cell assay and for cdtB sequences by PCR analysis under our experimental conditions. These results strongly suggested that CDT is a unique toxin predominantly produced by A. actinomycetemcomitans among periodontopathogenic bacteria. 相似文献
Escherichia coli is a Gram-negative, nonspore-forming bacillus, usually motile, and a member of the family Enterobacteriaceae. Virulence factors such as CDT and CNF are associated with the capacity of E. coli strains to cause intestinal and extraintestinal infections, and sheep and mutton are important sources for transmission of this infection to human. The purposes of this study were to determine the presence of E. coli at the first step and to examine samples for detection of virulence genes using specific primers in Iranian sheep carcasses. One hundred fifty muttons were collected randomly from slaughterhouse industries in southwest Iran, and bacterial DNA was extracted. For gene amplification, PCR reaction was performed using 16srRNA primer for the presence of E. coli DNA, and then specific primers were used for the detection of cdt and cnf genes in positive samples. The amplification products were analyzed in 1% agarose gel electrophoresis. E. coli DNA was found to be positive in 32/150 (21.33%) mutton specimens, and cdt, cnf, and both genes were identified in 10/32 (31.25%), 16/32 (50%), and 6/32 (18.75%) of positive samples, respectively. The results showed a significantly frequent presence of cdt and cnf genes in E. coli strains isolated from mutton. These findings indicated that sheep is an important carrier of these infectious agents to humans, and examinations of these animals are significant for food safety and public health in Iran. 相似文献
Nakanishi S Tazumi A Moore JE Millar BC Matsuda M 《British journal of biomedical science》2010,67(4):208-215
Oloomi M Bouzari S 《APMIS : acta pathologica, microbiologica, et immunologica Scandinavica》2008,116(2):125-132
Cytolethal distending toxin (CDT)-producing Escherichia coli strains are considered to be a heterogeneous group of E. coli. In the present investigation, 20 CDT-producing E. coli strains, which had already been shown to be cytotoxic necrotizing factor (cnf) gene positive, were selected by PCR. Since these strains proved to be CDT producers on CHO cells but were partially characterized by PCR, they were subjected to PCR analysis to amplify the complete coding region of cdt genes. Moreover, the genetic relatedness of these strains was examined by pulse field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). To check the extent of homogeneity of these strains at the chromosomal level, tRNA insertion site analysis was performed. The CDT-producing E. coli strains under investigation were shown to be heterogeneous and diverse in regard to their genetic analysis. This observed diversity could be an independent acquisition of virulence genes that might occur through horizontal gene transfer by mobile genetic elements. This conclusion is based on the fact that data shown by tRNA insertion site analysis revealed that there is no common pattern of insertion among these isolates although they do share a common trait of CDT production. 相似文献
Ahmed HJ Svensson LA Cope LD Latimer JL Hansen EJ Ahlman K Bayat-Turk J Klamer D Lagergård T 《Journal of medical microbiology》2001,50(10):860-864
The aim of this study was to investigate the presence of the three cdtABC genes responsible for production of cytolethal distending toxin (CDT) in Haemophilus ducreyi and Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans strains. Of 100 H. ducreyi strains from the culture collection of the University of G?teborg (CCUG), 27 strains with low or intermediate cytotoxic titre (< 1 in 10(4)) and 23 of the remaining isolates with a high cytotoxic titre (> or = 1 in 10(4)) were selected. Twenty-nine strains of H. ducreyi were isolated recently from patients with chancroid and 50 A. actinomycetemcomitans strains from patients with periodontitis. The cytotoxic activity on HEp-2 cells and the presence of cdtABC genes were studied by cytotoxicity assay of bacterial sonicates and PCR with primers specific for individual cdtA, B, and C genes of H. ducreyi in bacterial DNA preparations, respectively. All strains that manifested a cytotoxic titre in sonicate > or = 1 in 100 possessed all the three cdt genes. Eighteen of the 50 strains selected from the culture collection were negative and 32 positive for cdt genes. As all strains with a high cytotoxic titre gave positive PCR results, it can be assumed that the remaining 50 strains, which have high cytotoxic titre, would have been positive as well. Thus, it can be estimated that 82% of the culture collection strains had cdtABC genes. Similarly, 24 (83%) of 29 recent H. ducreyi isolates expressed the CDT activity and displayed all cdtABC genes. Forty-three (86%) of 50 strains of the closely related A. actinomycetemcomitans, expressing a cytotoxic activity > or = 1 in 100, also possessed all three genes. Furthermore, the nucleotide sequence of the cdtABC genes was highly conserved among H. ducreyi strains from different geographic areas. These results indicate that the majority of pathogenic H. ducreyi and A. actinomycetemcomitans strains express a CDT activity encoded by all three cdtABC. 相似文献
Campylobacter jejuni cytolethal distending toxin mediates release of interleukin-8 from intestinal epithelial cells

Hickey TE McVeigh AL Scott DA Michielutti RE Bixby A Carroll SA Bourgeois AL Guerry P 《Infection and immunity》2000,68(12):6535-6541
Live cells of Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli can induce release of interleukin-8 (IL-8) from INT407 cells. Additionally, membrane fractions of C. jejuni 81-176, but not membrane fractions of C. coli strains, can also induce release of IL-8. Membrane preparations from 81-176 mutants defective in any of the three membrane-associated protein subunits of cytolethal distending toxin (CDT) were unable to induce IL-8. The presence of the three cdt genes on a shuttle plasmid in trans restored both CDT activity and the ability to release IL-8 to membrane fractions. However, CDT mutations did not affect the ability of 81-176 to induce IL-8 during adherence to or invasion of INT407 cells. When C. jejuni cdt genes were transferred on a shuttle plasmid into a C. coli strain lacking CDT, membrane preparations became positive in both CDT and IL-8 assays. Growth of C. jejuni in physiological levels of sodium deoxycholate released all three CDT proteins, as well as CDT activity and IL-8 activity, from membranes into supernatants. Antibodies against recombinant forms of each of the three CDT subunit proteins neutralized both CDT activity and the activity responsible for IL-8 release. The data suggest that C. jejuni can induce IL-8 release from INT407 cells by two independent mechanisms, one of which requires adherence and/or invasion and the second of which requires CDT. 相似文献
Characterization of cytolethal distending toxin of campylobacter species isolated from captive macaque monkeys

Dassanayake RP Zhou Y Hinkley S Stryker CJ Plauche G Borda JT Sestak K Duhamel GE 《Journal of clinical microbiology》2005,43(2):641-649
An association between certain Campylobacter species and enterocolitis in humans and nonhuman primates is well established, but the association between cytolethal distending toxin and disease is incompletely understood. The purpose of the present study was to examine Campylobacter species isolated from captive conventionally raised macaque monkeys for the presence of the cdtB gene and for cytolethal distending toxin activity. The identity of each isolate was confirmed on the basis of phenotypic and genotypic analyses. The presence of cytolethal distending toxin was confirmed on the basis of characteristic morphological changes in HeLa cells incubated with filter-sterilized whole-cell lysates of reference and monkey Campylobacter isolates and examinations by light microscopy, confocal microscopy, and flow cytometry. Although cdtB gene sequences were found in both Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli, the production of cytolethal distending toxin correlated positively (P < 0.0001) only with C. jejuni. We concluded that cytolethal distending toxin activity is a characteristic of C. jejuni. Our C. jejuni cdtB gene-specific PCR assay might be of assistance for differentiating toxigenic C. jejuni from C. coli in clinical laboratories. 相似文献
Chien CC Taylor NS Ge Z Schauer DB Young VB Fox JG 《Journal of medical microbiology》2000,49(6):525-534
A bacterial toxin that causes progressive distension and death of Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells and HeLa cells, termed cytolethal distending toxin (Cdt), has been identified in several diarrhoeagenic bacteria, including Campylobacter spp. (C. jejuni and Cq coli), some pathogenic strains of Escherichia coli and Shigella spp. Genes encoding this toxin were identified as a cluster of three adjacent genes cdtA, cdtB and cdtC. Homologues of cdtB from five species of enterohepatic helicobacters (Helicobacter hepaticus, H. bilis, H. canis and two novel Helicobacter spp. isolated from mice and woodchuck, respectively) were identified by means of degenerative PCR primers, cloned and sequenced. The similarities of these partial cdtB nucleotide sequences from these Helicobacter spp. to those of cdtB genes known to be present in other bacteria were: C. jejuni, 58.3-64.8%; E. coli, 52.3-57.8%, Haemophilus ducreyi, 53.4-58.4% and Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans, 52.7-58.1%. Bacterial lysates from four of these helicobacters caused characteristic cytolethal distension of HeLa cells. Cdt caused cell cycle arrest at G2/M phase as measured by flow cytometry. The results demonstrated the presence of a toxin in these Helicobacter spp. belonging to the family of Cdt. 相似文献
Mortensen NP Schiellerup P Boisen N Klein BM Locht H Abuoun M Newell D Krogfelt KA 《APMIS : acta pathologica, microbiologica, et immunologica Scandinavica》2011,119(9):626-634
The role of Campylobacter jejuni cytolethal distending toxin (CDT) on clinical outcome after gastroenteritis was investigated. Clinical data, blood serum samples, and Campylobacter spp. isolated, from each of 30 patients were collected over a period of 6 months. The CDT encoding genes, cdtABC, characterized by PCR, revealed that all but one of the C. jejuni strains had the wild-type sequence. Sequencing of cdtABC from this strain showed two major deletions. From all of the strains, CDT titers were determined, and toxin neutralizing antibodies were documented using an in vitro assay. Three of the thirty clinical isolates, including the one with the mutant cdtABC coding genes, did not have a detectable CDT activity. Analyzing the relationship between CDT titer, serum neutralization of CDT, and the clinical outcome showed that campylobacteriosis caused by CDT-negative strains was clinically indistinguishable from that of patients infected with an isolate that produced high levels of CDT. These results suggest that CDT does not solely determine severity of infection and clinical outcome. 相似文献
Interactions of Campylobacter jejuni cytolethal distending toxin subunits CdtA and CdtC with HeLa cells

Campylobacter jejuni produces a toxin, called cytolethal distending toxin (CDT), which causes direct DNA damage leading to invocation of DNA damage checkpoint pathways. The affected cells arrest in G(1) or G(2) and eventually die. CDT consists of three protein subunits, CdtA, CdtB, and CdtC, with CdtB recently identified as a nuclease. However, little is known about the functions of CdtA or CdtC. In this work, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay-based experiments were used to show, for the first time, that both CdtA and CdtC bound with specificity to the surface of HeLa cells, whereas CdtB did not. Varying the order of the addition of subunits for reconstitution of the holotoxin had no effect on activity. In addition, mutants containing deletions of conserved regions of CdtA and CdtC were able to bind to the surface of HeLa cells but were not able to participate in holotoxin assembly. Finally, both Cdt mutant subunits were able to effectively compete with CDT holotoxin in the HeLa cell binding assay. 相似文献
Cloning, sequencing, and expression of the Escherichia coli cytolethal distending toxin genes. 总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7

A limited number of Escherichia coli isolates which produce an apparently novel toxin, termed cytolethal distending toxin (CDT), have been reported. The toxic activity produced by these strains causes certain cultured cell lines to become slowly distended and then disintegrate. DNA was isolated from the CDT-producing E. coli strain, 9142-88, and cloned into a cosmid vector. Plasmid DNA from a toxin-positive transductant was further subcloned until a plasmid with a 4-kb insert which still encoded the toxin activity was obtained. Nucleotide sequencing of a portion of this insert revealed the presence of three adjacent open reading frames. Further subcloning and deletion analysis suggested that the products of all three open reading frames may be required for toxin activity. Minicell experiments identified the products of all three open reading frames. The three proteins had predicted sizes of 27,753,29,531, and 19,938 Da, and all three appeared to have strong consensus leader sequences. None of the three predicted proteins had significant homology to known proteins. 相似文献