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Advancement in sequencing technology enables the study of association between complex disorder phenotypes and single‐nucleotide polymorphisms with rare mutations. However, the rare genetic variant has extremely small variance and impairs testing power of traditional statistical methods. We introduce a W‐test collapsing method to evaluate rare‐variant association by measuring the distributional differences between cases and controls through combined log of odds ratio within a genomic region. The method is model‐free and inherits chi‐squared distribution with degrees of freedom estimated from bootstrapped samples of the data, and allows for fast and accurate P‐value calculation without the need of permutations. The proposed method is compared with the Weighted‐Sum Statistic and Sequence Kernel Association Test on simulation datasets, and showed good performances and significantly faster computing speed. In the application of real next‐generation sequencing dataset of hypertensive disorder, it identified genes of interesting biological functions associated to metabolism disorder and inflammation, including the MACROD1, NLRP7, AGK, PAK6, and APBB1. The proposed method offers an efficient and effective way for testing rare genetic variants in whole exome sequencing datasets.  相似文献   

Genome‐wide association (GWA) studies have proved to be extremely successful in identifying novel common polymorphisms contributing effects to the genetic component underlying complex traits. Nevertheless, one source of, as yet, undiscovered genetic determinants of complex traits are those mediated through the effects of rare variants. With the increasing availability of large‐scale re‐sequencing data for rare variant discovery, we have developed a novel statistical method for the detection of complex trait associations with these loci, based on searching for accumulations of minor alleles within the same functional unit. We have undertaken simulations to evaluate strategies for the identification of rare variant associations in population‐based genetic studies when data are available from re‐sequencing discovery efforts or from commercially available GWA chips. Our results demonstrate that methods based on accumulations of rare variants discovered through re‐sequencing offer substantially greater power than conventional analysis of GWA data, and thus provide an exciting opportunity for future discovery of genetic determinants of complex traits. Genet. Epidemiol. 34: 188–193, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Genome‐wide association studies are helping to dissect the etiology of complex diseases. Although case‐control association tests are generally more powerful than family‐based association tests, population stratification can lead to spurious disease‐marker association or mask a true association. Several methods have been proposed to match cases and controls prior to genotyping, using family information or epidemiological data, or using genotype data for a modest number of genetic markers. Here, we describe a genetic similarity score matching (GSM) method for efficient matched analysis of cases and controls in a genome‐wide or large‐scale candidate gene association study. GSM comprises three steps: (1) calculating similarity scores for pairs of individuals using the genotype data; (2) matching sets of cases and controls based on the similarity scores so that matched cases and controls have similar genetic background; and (3) using conditional logistic regression to perform association tests. Through computer simulation we show that GSM correctly controls false‐positive rates and improves power to detect true disease predisposing variants. We compare GSM to genomic control using computer simulations, and find improved power using GSM. We suggest that initial matching of cases and controls prior to genotyping combined with careful re‐matching after genotyping is a method of choice for genome‐wide association studies. Genet. Epidemiol. 33:508–517, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Whole genome sequencing (WGS) and whole exome sequencing studies are used to test the association of rare genetic variants with health traits. Many existing WGS efforts now aggregate data from heterogeneous groups, for example, combining sets of individuals of European and African ancestries. We here investigate the statistical implications on rare variant association testing with a binary trait when combining together heterogeneous studies, defined as studies with potentially different disease proportion and different frequency of variant carriers. We study and compare in simulations the Type 1 error control and power of the naïve score test, the saddlepoint approximation to the score test, and the BinomiRare test in a range of settings, focusing on low numbers of variant carriers. We show that Type 1 error control and power patterns depend on both the number of carriers of the rare allele and on disease prevalence in each of the studies. We develop recommendations for association analysis of rare genetic variants. (1) The Score test is preferred when the case proportion in the sample is 50%. (2) Do not down‐sample controls to balance case–control ratio, because it reduces power. Rather, use a test that controls the Type 1 error. (3) Conduct stratified analysis in parallel with combined analysis. Aggregated testing may have lower power when the variant effect size differs between strata.  相似文献   

Next‐generation DNA sequencing technologies are facilitating large‐scale association studies of rare genetic variants. The depth of the sequence read coverage is an important experimental variable in the next‐generation technologies and it is a major determinant of the quality of genotype calls generated from sequence data. When case and control samples are sequenced separately or in different proportions across batches, they are unlikely to be matched on sequencing read depth and a differential misclassification of genotypes can result, causing confounding and an increased false‐positive rate. Data from Pilot Study 3 of the 1000 Genomes project was used to demonstrate that a difference between the mean sequencing read depth of case and control samples can result in false‐positive association for rare and uncommon variants, even when the mean coverage depth exceeds 30× in both groups. The degree of the confounding and inflation in the false‐positive rate depended on the extent to which the mean depth was different in the case and control groups. A logistic regression model was used to test for association between case‐control status and the cumulative number of alleles in a collapsed set of rare and uncommon variants. Including each individual's mean sequence read depth across the variant sites in the logistic regression model nearly eliminated the confounding effect and the inflated false‐positive rate. Furthermore, accounting for the potential error by modeling the probability of the heterozygote genotype calls in the regression analysis had a relatively minor but beneficial effect on the statistical results. Genet. Epidemiol. 35: 261‐268, 2011. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In the setting of genome‐wide association studies, we propose a method for assigning a measure of significance to pre‐defined sets of markers in the genome. The sets can be genes, conserved regions, or groups of genes such as pathways. Using the proposed methods and algorithms, evidence for association between a particular functional unit and a disease status can be obtained not just by the presence of a strong signal from a SNP within it, but also by the combination of several simultaneous weaker signals that are not strongly correlated. This approach has several advantages. First, moderately strong signals from different SNPs are combined to obtain a much stronger signal for the set, therefore increasing power. Second, in combination with methods that provide information on untyped markers, it leads to results that can be readily combined across studies and platforms that might use different SNPs. Third, the results are easy to interpret, since they refer to functional sets of markers that are likely to behave as a unit in their phenotypic effect. Finally, the availability of gene‐level P‐values for association is the first step in developing methods that integrate information from pathways and networks with genome‐wide association data, and these can lead to a better understanding of the complex traits genetic architecture. The power of the approach is investigated in simulated and real datasets. Novel Crohn's disease associations are found using the WTCCC data. Genet. Epidemiol. 34: 222–231, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Many complex diseases are influenced by genetic variations in multiple genes, each with only a small marginal effect on disease susceptibility. Pathway analysis, which identifies biological pathways associated with disease outcome, has become increasingly popular for genome‐wide association studies (GWAS). In addition to combining weak signals from a number of SNPs in the same pathway, results from pathway analysis also shed light on the biological processes underlying disease. We propose a new pathway‐based analysis method for GWAS, the supervised principal component analysis (SPCA) model. In the proposed SPCA model, a selected subset of SNPs most associated with disease outcome is used to estimate the latent variable for a pathway. The estimated latent variable for each pathway is an optimal linear combination of a selected subset of SNPs; therefore, the proposed SPCA model provides the ability to borrow strength across the SNPs in a pathway. In addition to identifying pathways associated with disease outcome, SPCA also carries out additional within‐category selection to identify the most important SNPs within each gene set. The proposed model operates in a well‐established statistical framework and can handle design information such as covariate adjustment and matching information in GWAS. We compare the proposed method with currently available methods using data with realistic linkage disequilibrium structures, and we illustrate the SPCA method using the Wellcome Trust Case‐Control Consortium Crohn Disease (CD) data set. Genet. Epidemiol. 34: 716‐724, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A major challenge in genome‐wide association studies (GWASs) is to derive the multiple testing threshold when hypothesis tests are conducted using a large number of single nucleotide polymorphisms. Permutation tests are considered the gold standard in multiple testing adjustment in genetic association studies. However, it is computationally intensive, especially for GWASs, and can be impractical if a large number of random shuffles are used to ensure accuracy. Many researchers have developed approximation algorithms to relieve the computing burden imposed by permutation. One particularly attractive alternative to permutation is to calculate the effective number of independent tests, Meff, which has been shown to be promising in genetic association studies. In this study, we compare recently developed Meff methods and validate them by the permutation test with 10,000 random shuffles using two real GWAS data sets: an Illumina 1M BeadChip and an Affymetrix GeneChip® Human Mapping 500K Array Set. Our results show that the simpleM method produces the best approximation of the permutation threshold, and it does so in the shortest amount of time. We also show that Meff is indeed valid on a genome‐wide scale in these data sets based on statistical theory and significance tests. The significance thresholds derived can provide practical guidelines for other studies using similar population samples and genotyping platforms. Genet. Epidemiol. 34:100–105, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Next generation sequencing technology has enabled the paradigm shift in genetic association studies from the common disease/common variant to common disease/rare‐variant hypothesis. Analyzing individual rare variants is known to be underpowered; therefore association methods have been developed that aggregate variants across a genetic region, which for exome sequencing is usually a gene. The foreseeable widespread use of whole genome sequencing poses new challenges in statistical analysis. It calls for new rare‐variant association methods that are statistically powerful, robust against high levels of noise due to inclusion of noncausal variants, and yet computationally efficient. We propose a simple and powerful statistic that combines the disease‐associated P‐values of individual variants using a weight that is the inverse of the expected standard deviation of the allele frequencies under the null. This approach, dubbed as Sigma‐P method, is extremely robust to the inclusion of a high proportion of noncausal variants and is also powerful when both detrimental and protective variants are present within a genetic region. The performance of the Sigma‐P method was tested using simulated data based on realistic population demographic and disease models and its power was compared to several previously published methods. The results demonstrate that this method generally outperforms other rare‐variant association methods over a wide range of models. Additionally, sequence data on the ANGPTL family of genes from the Dallas Heart Study were tested for associations with nine metabolic traits and both known and novel putative associations were uncovered using the Sigma‐P method.  相似文献   

Genome‐wide association studies have been successful in identifying loci contributing effects to a range of complex human traits. The majority of reproducible associations within these loci are with common variants, each of modest effect, which together explain only a small proportion of heritability. It has been suggested that much of the unexplained genetic component of complex traits can thus be attributed to rare variation. However, genome‐wide association study genotyping chips have been designed primarily to capture common variation, and thus are underpowered to detect the effects of rare variants. Nevertheless, we demonstrate here, by simulation, that imputation from an existing scaffold of genome‐wide genotype data up to high‐density reference panels has the potential to identify rare variant associations with complex traits, without the need for costly re‐sequencing experiments. By application of this approach to genome‐wide association studies of seven common complex diseases, imputed up to publicly available reference panels, we identify genome‐wide significant evidence of rare variant association in PRDM10 with coronary artery disease and multiple genes in the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) with type 1 diabetes. The results of our analyses highlight that genome‐wide association studies have the potential to offer an exciting opportunity for gene discovery through association with rare variants, conceivably leading to substantial advancements in our understanding of the genetic architecture underlying complex human traits.  相似文献   

For analyzing complex trait association with sequencing data, most current studies test aggregated effects of variants in a gene or genomic region. Although gene‐based tests have insufficient power even for moderately sized samples, pathway‐based analyses combine information across multiple genes in biological pathways and may offer additional insight. However, most existing pathway association methods are originally designed for genome‐wide association studies, and are not comprehensively evaluated for sequencing data. Moreover, region‐based rare variant association methods, although potentially applicable to pathway‐based analysis by extending their region definition to gene sets, have never been rigorously tested. In the context of exome‐based studies, we use simulated and real datasets to evaluate pathway‐based association tests. Our simulation strategy adopts a genome‐wide genetic model that distributes total genetic effects hierarchically into pathways, genes, and individual variants, allowing the evaluation of pathway‐based methods with realistic quantifiable assumptions on the underlying genetic architectures. The results show that, although no single pathway‐based association method offers superior performance in all simulated scenarios, a modification of Gene Set Enrichment Analysis approach using statistics from single‐marker tests without gene‐level collapsing (weighted Kolmogrov‐Smirnov [WKS]‐Variant method) is consistently powerful. Interestingly, directly applying rare variant association tests (e.g., sequence kernel association test) to pathway analysis offers a similar power, but its results are sensitive to assumptions of genetic architecture. We applied pathway association analysis to an exome‐sequencing data of the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and found that the WKS‐Variant method confirms associated genes previously published.  相似文献   

Although a standard genome‐wide significance level has been accepted for the testing of association between common genetic variants and disease, the era of whole‐genome sequencing (WGS) requires a new threshold. The allele frequency spectrum of sequence‐identified variants is very different from common variants, and the identified rare genetic variation is usually jointly analyzed in a series of genomic windows or regions. In nearby or overlapping windows, these test statistics will be correlated, and the degree of correlation is likely to depend on the choice of window size, overlap, and the test statistic. Furthermore, multiple analyses may be performed using different windows or test statistics. Here we propose an empirical approach for estimating genome‐wide significance thresholds for data arising from WGS studies, and we demonstrate that the empirical threshold can be efficiently estimated by extrapolating from calculations performed on a small genomic region. Because analysis of WGS may need to be repeated with different choices of test statistics or windows, this prediction approach makes it computationally feasible to estimate genome‐wide significance thresholds for different analysis choices. Based on UK10K whole‐genome sequence data, we derive genome‐wide significance thresholds ranging between 2.5 × 10?8 and 8 × 10?8 for our analytic choices in window‐based testing, and thresholds of 0.6 × 10?8–1.5 × 10?8 for a combined analytic strategy of testing common variants using single‐SNP tests together with rare variants analyzed with our sliding‐window test strategy.  相似文献   

Genome‐wide association studies (GWAS) have been successful in finding numerous new risk variants for complex diseases, but the results almost exclusively rely on single‐marker scans. Methods that can analyze joint effects of many variants in GWAS data are still being developed and trialed. To evaluate the performance of such methods it is essential to have a GWAS data simulator that can rapidly simulate a large number of samples, and capture key features of real GWAS data such as linkage disequilibrium (LD) among single‐nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and joint effects of multiple loci (multilocus epistasis). In the current study, we combine techniques for specifying high‐order epistasis among risk SNPs with an existing program GWAsimulator [Li and Li, 2008] to achieve rapid whole‐genome simulation with accurate modeling of complex interactions. We considered various approaches to specifying interaction models including the following: departure from product of marginal effects for pairwise interactions, product terms in logistic regression models for low‐order interactions, and penetrance tables conforming to marginal effect constraints for high‐order interactions or prescribing known biological interactions. Methods for conversion among different model specifications are developed using penetrance table as the fundamental characterization of disease models. The new program, called simGWA, is capable of efficiently generating large samples of GWAS data with high precision. We show that data simulated by simGWA are faithful to template LD structures, and conform to prespecified diseases models with (or without) interactions.  相似文献   

Genotype imputation is a critical technique for following up genome‐wide association studies. Efficient methods are available for dealing with the probabilistic nature of imputed single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in population‐based designs, but not for family‐based studies. We have developed a new analytical approach (FBATdosage), using imputed allele dosage in the general framework of family‐based association tests to bridge this gap. Simulation studies showed that FBATdosage yielded highly consistent type I error rates, whatever the level of genotype uncertainty, and a much higher power than the best‐guess genotype approach. FBATdosage allows fast linkage and association testing of several million of imputed variants with binary or quantitative phenotypes in nuclear families of arbitrary size with arbitrary missing data for the parents. The application of this approach to a family‐based association study of leprosy susceptibility successfully refined the association signal at two candidate loci, C1orf141‐IL23R on chromosome 1 and RAB32‐C6orf103 on chromosome 6.  相似文献   

Meta-analyses of genome-wide association studies require numerous study partners to conduct pre-defined analyses and thus simple but efficient analyses plans. Potential differences between strata (e.g. men and women) are usually ignored, but often the question arises whether stratified analyses help to unravel the genetics of a phenotype or if they unnecessarily increase the burden of analyses. To decide whether to stratify or not to stratify, we compare general analytical power computations for the overall analysis with those of stratified analyses considering quantitative trait analyses and two strata. We also relate the stratification problem to interaction modeling and exemplify theoretical considerations on obesity and renal function genetics. We demonstrate that the overall analyses have better power compared to stratified analyses as long as the signals are pronounced in both strata with consistent effect direction. Stratified analyses are advantageous in the case of signals with zero (or very small) effect in one stratum and for signals with opposite effect direction in the two strata. Applying the joint test for a main SNP effect and SNP-stratum interaction beats both overall and stratified analyses regarding power, but involves more complex models. In summary, we recommend to employ stratified analyses or the joint test to better understand the potential of strata-specific signals with opposite effect direction. Only after systematic genome-wide searches for opposite effect direction loci have been conducted, we will know if such signals exist and to what extent stratified analyses can depict loci that otherwise are missed.  相似文献   

Most common hereditary diseases in humans are complex and multifactorial. Large‐scale genome‐wide association studies based on SNP genotyping have only identified a small fraction of the heritable variation of these diseases. One explanation may be that many rare variants (a minor allele frequency, MAF <5%), which are not included in the common genotyping platforms, may contribute substantially to the genetic variation of these diseases. Next‐generation sequencing, which would allow the analysis of rare variants, is now becoming so cheap that it provides a viable alternative to SNP genotyping. In this paper, we present cost‐effective protocols for using next‐generation sequencing in association mapping studies based on pooled and un‐pooled samples, and identify optimal designs with respect to total number of individuals, number of individuals per pool, and the sequencing coverage. We perform a small empirical study to evaluate the pooling variance in a realistic setting where pooling is combined with exon‐capturing. To test for associations, we develop a likelihood ratio statistic that accounts for the high error rate of next‐generation sequencing data. We also perform extensive simulations to determine the power and accuracy of this method. Overall, our findings suggest that with a fixed cost, sequencing many individuals at a more shallow depth with larger pool size achieves higher power than sequencing a small number of individuals in higher depth with smaller pool size, even in the presence of high error rates. Our results provide guidelines for researchers who are developing association mapping studies based on next‐generation sequencing. Genet. Epidemiol. 34: 479–491, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Neighboring common polymorphisms are often correlated (in linkage disequilibrium (LD)) as a result of shared ancestry. An association between a polymorphism and a disease trait may therefore be the indirect result of a correlated functional variant, and identifying the true causal variant(s) from an initial disease association is a major challenge in genetic association studies. Here, we present a method to estimate the sample size needed to discriminate between a functional variant of a given allele frequency and effect size, and other correlated variants. The sample size required to conduct such fine‐scale mapping is typically 1–4 times larger than required to detect the initial association. Association studies in populations with different LD patterns can substantially improve the power to isolate the causal variant. An online tool to perform these calculations is available at http://moya.srl.cam.ac.uk/ocac/FineMappingPowerCalculator.html . Genet. Epidemiol. 34:463–468, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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