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目的调查老年人心血管疾病认知情况。方法 2018年1月对某地区998名老年人群进行调查,采用现场调查的方式,选择《心血管病流行病学调查方法手册》中的心血管疾病知识调查量表,了解其心血管病相关知识认知情况。结果 (1)998例老年人,高盐饮食占71.8%,缺乏锻炼占65.7%,体重指数超过24,占49.6%,吸烟、饮酒占34.6%,高脂饮食占34.3%。男性人群的饮酒率86.4%、吸烟率83.5%显著高于女性,P0.05。(2)被调查者对高血压危险因素知晓情况良好,对不良饮食、运动、生活习惯的危害认知较好。(3)被调查者对心血管疾病症状的认知情况:消化道症状占19.8%,高血压症状占12.1%,冠心病症状占13.6%。(4)被调查者希望获得心血管疾病知识的途径:社区门诊及医护人员介绍占77.5%,电视、广播占70.4%,宣传手册占23.1%。结论老年人心血管疾病认知情况较低,需采取针对性措施。  相似文献   

鲁彦  杜宁  周宪君 《中国老年学杂志》2012,32(10):2128-2129
目的了解老年人对预防跌倒知识的知晓情况及需求,以制定城市社区老年人预防跌倒健康教育策略。方法整群抽样法抽取佳木斯市向阳区7个社区,对辖区内60岁以上老年人进行面对面的调查。调查内容包括老年人预防跌倒知识知晓状况及需求情况。结果社区内老年人预防跌倒知识知晓总率为57.31%,老年人预防跌倒知识知晓合格率为34.20%,71.02%老年人获取预防跌倒知识的途径是电视、电台,87.49%的老年人想知道预防跌倒的知识,54.62%老年人希望通过电视、电台途径进一步获取预防跌倒知识。结论老年人预防跌倒知识知晓合格率不高,社区可通过老年人易于接受的方式对社区老年人进行预防跌倒知识的健康教育,降低跌倒伤害,实现"健康老龄化"目标。  相似文献   

目的调查分析机关人群高血压相关知识的知晓程度及生活方式现状。方法通过问卷调查杭州市5个区级机关116例工作人员知信行情况。结果机关人群自我血压知晓率为87.07%,高血压知识知晓率为77.59%;生活方式多项条目得分正常血压人群组高于高血压人群组,特别是在高脂食物摄入、中等量以上饮酒、生活规律方面,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);有91.38%的机关人群表示对高血压防治知识有需求。结论机关人群生活方式有待进一步改进。  相似文献   

老年人是冠心病的高发人群.又是冠心病病死率的高危人群。美国急性心肌梗死(AMI)中65岁以上的老年人占45%.占致命性AMI的80%。老年人各个系统呈退行性变化.多种疾病并存,使心血管疾病的预后较差。同时.其症状不典型,对治疗的反应与年轻人不同.因此.了解老年人冠心病的特点及其治疗,对于提高老年冠心病的诊疗水平有一定意义。  相似文献   

绵阳市农村狂犬病防治知识调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解绵阳市农村人群对狂犬病防治知识的知晓情况,为开展有效健康教育提供依据。方法采用自行设计调查问卷分层抽样,以绵阳市9个县市区农村居民和学生为调查对象,进行入屋调查。结果共有效调查894人,学生331人,农民563人。调查对象狂犬病基本知识知晓率为86.99%;狂犬病伤口处理和疫苗注射相关知识知晓率为55.13%;养犬相关法规知识知晓率为71.67%。结论绵阳市农村人群狂犬病的知晓率偏低,是健康教育的重点人群。  相似文献   

目的 探讨离退休干部群体心血管疾病患病情况、心血管疾病知识知晓情况和生活行为方式之间的关系。方法 用随机抽样方法,在知情同意原则下抽取240名男性调查对象,用问卷调查获得心血管疾病患病、心血管疾病知识知晓、生活习惯和行为方式情况,并进行分析。结果 心血管疾病患病率为75.83%,高于一般人群。心血管疾病知识知晓率全部答对率仅12.6%,各项知识知晓率非病人均低于病人。活动少于一般人群,吸烟率、饮酒率高于一般人群,病人与非病人间比较有显著性。结论 某市男性离退休干部心血管疾病患病率高于一般人群,心血管疾病知识不足和缺乏健康的生活方式和行为习惯可能是原因之一。  相似文献   

侯爱江 《地方病通报》2015,(3):85-87,91
目的了解新疆生产建设兵团五家渠市居民经过多年健康素养66条知识巡讲和媒体宣传后的健康素养状况,为促进居民健康素质的全面提升、更好地开展健康教育工作提供科学依据。方法采用随机抽样的方法,从五家渠市3个社区卫生服务中心共抽取544名调查对象进行问卷调查。结果五家渠市社区居民健康素养知识知晓率为88.6%;健康生活方式与行为形成率为93.2%;教育前相关健康行为知识知晓率为76.3%~88.4%,教育后健康行为知识知晓率提高到89.2%~98.7%;教育前相关健康行为形成率为69.9%~88.8%,教育后健康行为形成率提高到86.8%~96.7%;不同人群健康素养知识知晓情况差别最大的问题是"较大较深伤口去医院前可采用的急救止血方法",一般居民知晓175人、知晓率89.7%,学生知晓240人、知晓率95.2%,企业职工知晓67人、知晓率69.1%,差异有统计学意义(χ2=47.88,P0.05);健康教育效果最好的健康行为知识是"预防一些传染病最有效、最经济的措施",教育前知晓452人、知晓率83.1%,教育后知晓535人、知晓率98.3%,教育前后差异有统计学意义(χ2=71.6,P0.05);健康行为形成最多的是"平时洗手的方式",教育前形成423人、形成率77.8%,教育后形成515人、形成率94.7%,健康教育前后形成率差异有统计学意义(χ2=61.7,P0.05)。结论五家渠市社区居民的健康素养知识与能力虽有一定程度的提高,但还有待于进一步的巩固和加强,今后应针对本次调查发现的问题及时制定综合性干预措施,努力提高社区居民的整体健康素养水平。  相似文献   

目的调查不同文化程度的首次脑梗死住院患者对疾病预防知识的知晓水平,为开展健康教育和制定干预治疗计划提供依据。方法采用自行设计的脑卒中一级预防知识问卷对186例不同文化程度的首次脑梗死患者于住院期间进行脑卒中预防知识调查。结果首次住院患者中不知晓脑卒中、脑血管疾病或中风的占16.8%;脑卒中一级预防知识的平均知晓率为35.2%;问卷中3个维度脑卒中首发临床症状、主要危险因素和主要危害的平均知晓率分别为33.2%、26.8%和30.4%;不同文化程度患者对脑卒中一级预防知识知晓率差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论首次脑梗死患者对脑卒中疾病预防知识的认知水平普遍缺乏,特别是低、中学历患者存在不良生活方式及行为,需要对不同学历人群进行针对性的脑卒中预防知识教育。  相似文献   

目的了解乌鲁木齐市禽类从业人员对人禽流感相关知识知晓情况及态度行为状况,为制定相应防控措施提供科学依据。方法对乌鲁木齐市205名家禽从业人员进行人禽流感的知识、态度、行为的问卷调查。结果禽类从业人员对禽流感的防治知识有了一定的了解,但对知识的全面性掌握的比例仍然不高,仍有22.0%的人不知道"人禽流感的传染源是什么?,"只有5.9%和9.8%的被调查者知道禽流感还会通过消化道和眼结膜及破损皮肤传播。有16.1%的人不知道哪些人是人禽流感的高危人群。有6.8%的人不知道人得了禽流感有什么症状。结论加强健康教育和健康促进,提高禽类从业人员的防控知识水平,倡导流感疫苗接种,指导从业人员的职业防护技能。  相似文献   

目的了解新疆六类人群梅毒预防知识的知晓现状,为制定有针对性的健康教育及干预策略提供参考依据。方法按照中国疾病预防控制中心性病控制中心编写的统一问卷,对新疆四地州的七县市(区)的调查对象进行匿名调查,分析比较六类人群的梅毒预防知识知晓情况。结果共调查六类人群3318人。各人群梅毒预防知识平均知晓率为62.4%,其中男男性行为人群(MSM)知晓率为80.1%,暗娼人群为77.5%,流动人口(农民工)为61.4%,城市居民为56.2%,青年学生为53.3%,农村居民为48.8%,各类人群间知晓率差异有统计学意义(χ2=157.53,P0.05)。不同民族间知晓率有差异,其中汉族较高,维吾尔族较低(χ2=106.24,P0.05)。结论此次调查中的新疆不同人群梅毒预防知识知晓率普遍较低,均低于国家规划的要求,亟待加强各类人群中梅毒预防知识的宣传工作。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Limited knowledge of heart attack symptoms may prevent patients from seeking time-dependent thrombolytic therapy, an intervention that offers impressive survival benefit. Previous studies carried out in developed countries demonstrated a deficit of knowledge about a wide range of heart attack symptoms. The aim of this study was to describe knowledge of heart attack, knowledge of heart attack symptoms, and anticipated first response to symptoms among the lay public in Nepal. METHODS: A total of 1192 participants (657 men and 535 women age 16 to 88 years old) were interviewed in a cross-sectional manner. Those <16 years of age, all health professionals, and individuals with a history of heart attack were excluded. RESULTS: A total of 862 (72.3%) participants had heard of heart attack. Significantly more male than female participants had heard of heart attack (P <.001). Of the respondents, 91.7% with >or=10 years of education (ED-2) had heard of heart of attack, whereas only 54% respondents with <10 years of education or who were illiterate (unable to read and write) (ED-1) had heard of heart attack, and in both the male and female populations, a higher percentage of the ED-2 group had heard of heart attack than the ED-1 group (92.6% vs. 60% and 85.6% vs. 49.6%, respectively). A significantly higher number of respondents from 31 to 50 years of age (AGE-2) had heard of heart attack than those 16 to 30 years of age (AGE-1) and those >50 years of age (AGE-3) (P <.001). Among 862 respondents who had heard of heart attack, 21.3% could not name any heart attack symptoms. A total of 16 different heart attack symptoms were named. Fainting or collapsing (48%), chest pain (22.4%), shortness of breath (9%), dizziness (8.4%), palpitations (7.4%), and sweating (7.4%) were the leading symptoms named by respondents. Fainting or collapsing and chest pain and shortness of breath were named more frequently among the ED-2 group respondents and the AGE-3 group men. Only 3.7% could name >or=2 typical heart attack symptoms. A significantly larger number of the ED-2 group named >or=2 typical symptoms than their counterparts (P <0.001). A large number (77.6%) of respondents preferred immediate hospital referral and/or doctor consultation after a heart attack. CONCLUSIONS: In Nepal, better-educated men are more aware of heart attack. Fainting or collapsing and chest pain and shortness of breath were leading heart attack symptoms named by the general population. Public heart attack awareness is not adequate and knowledge of wide range of heart attack symptoms is deficient in the Nepalese general population.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate how women label and intend to respond to common and less common symptoms of acute myocardial infarction (AMI). DESIGN: Telephone interviews were conducted with 862 women older than age 50 years in the state of Washington.Outcome Measures: Intended coping strategies, labeling of hypothetical symptoms, perceived risk of AMI, knowledge of AMI symptoms, medical and family history of AMI and demographics. RESULTS: Women who labeled common or less common symptoms as a heart attack (65% and 36%, respectively) were more likely to report they would call 911 or go to a hospital right away than women who labeled these symptoms as something else. The results of a multiple logistic regression analysis suggests that knowledge of less common AMI symptoms, AMI information seeking, and personal risk perceptions were significant predictors of labeling less common symptoms as a heart attack. CONCLUSIONS: The findings suggest that many women might be in danger of mislabeling their symptoms and not taking appropriate action. Women need to be educated about the less common symptoms of AMI and need to be encouraged to seek out information regarding AMI.  相似文献   

Objectives: The current study was conducted to determine levels of cardiac knowledge and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) training in older people in Queensland, Australia. Methods: A telephone survey of 4490 Queensland adults examined respondents’ knowledge of coronary heart disease (CHD) risk factors, knowledge of heart attack symptoms, knowledge of the local emergency telephone number, as well as respondents’ rates and recency of training in CPR. Results: Older participants, aged 60 years and over, were approximately one and a half times more likely than the 30–39 year‐old reference group to have limited knowledge of heart disease risk factors (OR = 1.53), and low knowledge of heart attack symptoms (OR = 1.60). Knowledge of the local emergency telephone number also decreased with age. Older participants had significantly lower rates of training in CPR, with almost three quarters (71.7%) reporting that they had never been trained. Older people who had completed CPR training were significantly less likely to have done so recently. Conclusions: Cardiac knowledge levels and CPR training rates in older Queensland persons were lower than those found in the younger population.  相似文献   



Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) is a common manifestation of systemic atherosclerosis and is associated with a high risk of stroke, myocardial infarction and cardiovascular death. PAD also fosters major morbidity by causing claudication, functional impairment, disability and amputation. PAD is largely unrecognized and under-treated compared with other cardiovascular diseases. The public health impact of PAD, as a contributor to Canadian national rates of heart attack, stroke, amputation, death and disability, will be challenging to address if the public is unaware of this common cardiovascular disease.


To assess public knowledge of PAD in Canada.


A cross-sectional, population-based telephone survey of 501 adults 50 years of age and older (mean age 64.4 years) was conducted using random digit dialing. The survey assessed demographics and risk factors of the study population and knowledge of PAD causes and consequences.


Survey respondents reported a high prevalence of atherosclerotic risk factors including high blood pressure (43%), high blood cholesterol (37%), diabetes (12%) and smoking history (18% current and 49% former smokers). Only 36% of respondents reported familiarity with PAD, which was significantly lower than other cardiovascular diseases or risk factors. Knowledge of perceived consequences of PAD was low and knowledge gaps were more pronounced in older, less educated and lower income respondents.


The Canadian public is largely unaware of PAD as a prevalent systemic manifestation of atherosclerosis and its associated morbidity and mortality. National PAD awareness programs should be instituted to increase PAD knowledge to levels comparable with other cardiovascular diseases and risk factors.  相似文献   



According to Statistics Canada’s 2001 census, the Chinese make up the largest (27.5%) visible minority population in Canada. The cardiovascular health information for this population is therefore important for the allocation of health care and promotion resources.


In the present pilot study, the authors sought to define the degree of awareness and knowledge of cardiovascular disease, as well as their risk factors, among the Chinese Canadian population.


A 16-item telephone survey was conducted among 1004 ethnic Chinese subjects (18 years of age and older) in the greater Toronto area of Ontario (n=503) and the greater Vancouver area of British Columbia (n=501) in February 2004.


Among the respondents, 73% spoke Cantonese at home and 21% spoke Mandarin. Ninety-seven per cent were immigrants, and 53% had been in Canada for less than 10 years. A history of hypertension was reported in 9.2% of respondents, diabetes in 3.2% and high cholesterol in 14.5%. Thirty-two per cent and 40% of respondents were unable to name at least one symptom of heart attack or stroke, respectively, unaided. Thirty-two per cent and 35% of respondents named at least one incorrect symptom of heart attack and stroke, respectively. When asked about their immediate response in a hypothetical case of a heart attack or stroke, only 20% would have called 911.


The present study is the first to address the awareness of cardiovascular health and disease among Chinese Canadians. These data suggest that Chinese Canadians have a relatively low awareness of the warning symptoms for common cardiovascular emergency situations. The findings presented here have important implications for the development of future health promotion and research initiatives targeted to visible minority populations in Canada.  相似文献   

A community-based study of 425 older African Americans assessed whether their knowledge and behaviors were consistent with current recommendations regarding out-of-hospital sudden heart attack. More than 90% of the study participants were able to recognize major symptoms of sudden heart attack such as chest pain, shortness of breath, weakness, fatigue, fainting, and sweating, and, to a lesser extent, atypical pain, nausea, lightheadedness, and unexplained anxiety. When asked what they would do first in case they witness sudden heart attack, 97% responded that they would call emergency medical services. In contrast, of the participants who actually witnessed sudden heart attack, 80% called emergency medical services, whereas 20% waited to see if the symptoms would go away; called a neighbor, relative, or a friend before contacting emergency medical services; or took the victim to the hospital. These findings show that reported behavioral intentions were satisfactory, but actual bystanders' actions were not always consistent with current recommendations regarding sudden heart attack.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Early treatment can reduce mortality from heart attacks. However, patient delay, especially among the elderly, has slowed progress in this area. One of the reasons for delay may be because of a lack of knowledge about symptoms of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and treatment benefits. The Internet is a new and promising source of heart health information, but we know little about how elderly people use this medium. METHODS: This study investigates the demographic and psychosocial variables that are related to Internet access, health information seeking, and information seeking about heart attacks from the Internet among seniors. We interviewed seniors (N = 323) aged more than 65 years and asked them questions about Internet access, health information seeking, and information seeking on heart attacks, as well as demographic information, risk perceptions for AMI, and personal experience with AMI. RESULTS: The results showed that several demographic variables were related to access to the Internet. Only 7% of the seniors who reported access to the Internet had sought information on heart attacks from the Internet. Age, history of AMI, and family history of AMI were significant predictors of information seeking on heart attacks. This suggests that to date only a very small, high-risk group of seniors actually seeks information on heart attack emergencies from the Internet.  相似文献   

Lyme disease, caused by the tick-transmitted bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi, is the most common vector-borne disease in the United States. We surveyed residents of three Connecticut health districts to evaluate the impact of intensive community-wide education programs on knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors to prevent Lyme disease. Overall, 84% of respondents reported that they knew a lot or some about Lyme disease, and 56% felt that they were very or somewhat likely to get Lyme disease in the coming year. During 2002-2004, the percentage of respondents who reported always performing tick checks increased by 7% and the percentage of respondents who reported always using repellents increased by 5%, whereas the percentage of respondents who reported avoiding wooded areas and tucking pants into socks decreased. Overall, 99% of respondents used personal protective behaviors to prevent Lyme disease. In comparison, 65% of respondents reported using environmental tick controls, and increased use of environmental tick controls was observed in only one health district. The majority of respondents were unwilling to spend more than $100 on tick control. These results provide guidance for the development of effective Lyme disease prevention programs by identifying measures most likely to be adopted by residents of Lyme disease endemic communities.  相似文献   

Aim of the workTo assess knowledge of Egyptian family physicians about the diagnostic criteria and treatment modalities of fibromyalgia.Subjects and methodsA questionnaire and an informed consent were sent by email to family physicians working in primary health care centers in Egypt. The questionnaire assessed 3 areas: sociodemographic and professional data; knowledge about diagnosis; and knowledge about treatment modalities. Scoring system was used to categorize levels of knowledge into very low, low, moderate, high and very high.ResultsA total of 108 family physicians responded, with a response rate of 60%.The respondents were 27 consultants, 54 specialists and 27 residents, with a median age of 33 years and a median experience of 12 years. Very low, low and moderate levels of familiarity with fibromyalgia were perceived by 28.7%, 30.6% and 28% respectively. Close to half of participants (46.2%) gained their knowledge about fibromyalgia through self-study. According to the scoring system, 39.8% had low level of knowledge about clinical presentation and 37% had the same level of knowledge about treatment modalities. About three quarters (76%) of participants agreed that patients with fibromyalgia should be referred to rheumatologists. The most common selected clinical presentations were widespread pain (94.4%) and excessive fatigue (91.7%), while the most selected treatment modalities were non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (89.8%) and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (47.2%).ConclusionKnowledge about clinical presentation and treatment modalities of fibromyalgia among Egyptian family physicians is low. Continuing medical education about fibromyalgia is needed to improve quality of health care.  相似文献   

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