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Lake Mariut has suffered over the years from the untreated sewage, agricultural and industrial wastes dumped into it. Lake Mariut fish quality and quantity were adversely affected eventually being unfit for human consumption due to its poor water quality. The present study was carried out to evaluate the levels of metals in the fish caught from Lake Mariut main basin and its fitness for human consumption, and the water quality after the enforcement of the Egyptian Law for Environmental Protection (Law 4/1994). Fish and water samples were collected form Lake Mariut main basin through out the period from May to December 2000. The results showed that mercury was totally undetected in fish and water samples. The levels of Fe obtained were very low compared to previous studies. Fe and Cr contents in fish flesh were higher compared to their levels in water samples. Also Cu has shown a decrease in both fish and water samples. Zn and Cd contents in water samples have decreased compared with former studies. However, they have not changed in fish flesh. Pb content in both fish flesh and water samples has shown a great decrease compared to previous studies. The Cd and Pb mean values in fish flesh of the present study (0.81 and 0.14 mg/kg) exceeded the Egyptian Standards No. 2360/1993 value (should not exceed 0.1 mg/kg for each). The results also showed that the water quality has changed compared with previous studies. BOD has increased in north of Main Basin, east of Main Basin, South of Main Basin, and southwest of Main Basin; and deCreased in WTP effluent; and Qalaa Drain. There has been an increase in TSS, TVSS, and NO3 levels compared to pervious studies. There has been a decrease in TS, TDS, COD,hardness, and chloride levels. This decrease, especially in COD, may be attributed to the enforcement of the Egyptian Law 4/1994. The pH and alkalinity were in agreement with the values shown by previous studies except for east of Main Basin which showed higher values. The study included some recommendations aiming at improving both water quality and fish of the Main Basin.  相似文献   

目的 了解环太湖水体中微囊藻毒素(MC-LR)的污染和分布状况,为生活饮用水安全性预警提供决策依据,为自来水的深度处理提供理论支持.方法 在太湖水体中设置15个采样点,2009年7月~2010年6月期间每月采集一次样品,采用高灵敏时间分辨荧光免疫分析法(TRFIA)检测各样品中MC-LR的浓度情况.结果 太湖水体中MC-LR浓度高峰出现在10月份,枯水期浓度显著高于丰水期.此外,太湖北部和西部水体中MC-LR的污染状况较东部、南部以及中部严重.结论 太湖水体已受到MC-LR的污染且污染程度存在时间和地域差异,为保障饮用水安全,应改善自来水深度处理工艺和加强枯水期水质监测.  相似文献   

A comprehensive assessment is presented of the ecotoxicological situation in the Volga River basin from the viewpoint of ecosystem health. Concentrations of organic and inorganic toxic substances in water are reported. Basic clinical and postmortem signs of fish intoxication are described; changes in the cellular structure of their organs and tissues, as well as disturbances in hemogenesis, developing under the effect of toxic agents, are characterized. The comparative characteristics of several microelements (Ni, Cu, Sr, Al, Zn, Co, Mn, Pb, Cd, Hg, As) found in fish are presented. The main disturbances to fish caused by the accumulation of microelements in their organs and tissues are also considered. Based on dose–effect dependencies calculated with respect to the total concentration of toxic substances, standardized to MPC, and fish health criteria, cases that exceed the critical levels of pollutants are demonstrated for the investigated river sections.  相似文献   

In the present study, we investigated the distribution of 17β-estradiol (E2), 17α-ethynylestradiol (EE2), alkylphenol ethoxylates (APEs) and organochlorine pesticides (DDE/DDT) in water and sediment samples in the Eastern Anatolia of Turkey, Lake Van, which is the largest soda lake in the world. The procedure consisted of solid phase extraction performed with OASIS HLB cartridges followed by non-competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA). The endocrine disrupting compounds E2, EE2, and DDT/DDE were detected in most of the lake samples with mean concentrations of 0.996 ± 0.304, 0.050 ± 0.022, and 0.749 ± 0.658 ng/L in water, respectively. Mean concentrations of E2, EE2 and DDT/DDE in sediment were 0.098 ± 0.053, 0.091 ± 0.072, and 1.281 ± 0.754 ng/g, respectively. APEs were not measured in the sediment samples. The EDCs levels in surface water and sediment samples were lower than that of other countries. The EDCs were also found in effluent and influent municipal sewage samples. Van city municipal wastewater treatment plant has no removal efficiency for EDCs.  相似文献   

目的 评估2015年重庆市农村集中式供水中化学污染物对人体健康存在的潜在危害,为风险管理提供科学依据。方法 选择22个区县,每个区县选择70%的乡镇,每个乡镇选择1~2个农村集中式供水监测点,于2015年丰水期采集出厂水水样,按照美国环保署健康风险评价模型对17项化学污染经饮水途径所致的健康风险进行评价。结果 重庆农村集中式供水出厂水年均健康总风险为1.59×10-6(a-1),非致癌健康风险占总风险比例不到1%,风险主要来源于水中化学致癌物铬、砷和三氯甲烷,占健康总风险的比例依次为48.5%、45.4%、5.2%;重庆市农村集中式供水出厂水健康风险在国际辐射防护委员会推荐的最大可接受风险水平范围5×10-5(a-1)内,但又略超过瑞典环境保护局规定的最大可接受风险水平1×10-6(a-1)。结论 重庆市农村集中式供水出厂水健康总风险超过了瑞典环保局推荐的可接受风险水平,需要引起重视。对于健康总风险超过1×10-6(a-1)的农村集中式供水,要继续加强对相应化学污染物的监测和控制。在重庆市农村集中式供水风险管理中,应优先控制的污染指标依次为铬、砷及三氯甲烷指标。  相似文献   

Baihua Lake, a man-made reservoir, is one of the five drinking water sources for Guiyang City in China's southwestern province of Guizhou. In the present research, the distribution and accumulation characteristics of heavy metals (Pb, Cd, As, Cu and Zn) for the sediment of this lake were analyzed by examination of 10 recently collected samples. A method based on toxic-response factor was applied to assess the potential ecological risk of these heavy metals to the water body. For comparison, the two sets of reference data representing the pre-industrial and the local baseline pollution levels were employed to derive the accumulating coefficients for the heavy metals under study. The calculated potential ecological risk indices show that the lake was polluted by heavy metals and both cadmium and arsenic loadings were critical factors responsible for the ecological hazards posed to Baihua Lake by the five elements.  相似文献   

A toxicological assessment of water quality conditions (30 physical-chemical parameters and a screening of organic pollutants by reverse-phase HPLC) was performed in Algeciras Bay, Cadiz, Spain in relation to problems in six floating ponds for gilthead (Sparus auratus) growth. The study was completed with a short-termArtemia toxicity test, and the measurement of heavy metal concentrations in molluscs from different sites of the Bay. Cadmium, lead, and cyanide at sublethal toxic concentrations were found in most of the analyzed samples, and very high concentrations of ammonia, phenols, nitrites, cyanide, and sulphide were found in some sampling sites. In addition, seven water samples showed toxicity onArtemia. The problems in the floating ponds (low growth rates, high mortality, and infectious diseases) can be related, in part, to the very bad water quality conditions.  相似文献   

In the future, extrapolation procedures will become more and more important for the effect assessment of compounds in aquatic systems. For achieving a reliable method these extrapolation procedures have to be evaluated thoroughly. As a first step three extrapolation procedures are compared by means of two sets of data, consisting of (semi)chronic and acute toxicity test results for 11 aquatic species and 8 compounds. Because of its statistical basis the extrapolation procedure of Van Straalen and Denneman is preferred over the procedures of the EPA and Stephan et al. The results of the calculations showed that lower numbers of toxicity data increase the chance of underestimating the risk of a compound. Therefore it is proposed to extend the OECD guidelines for algae, Daphnia, and fish with chronic (aquatic) toxicity tests for more species of different taxonomic groups.  相似文献   

目的 调查某市农饮水重金属污染情况,评价农饮水中有害元素的健康风险,从环境健康风险角度提出安全管理措施,为农饮水改造提供科学依据。方法 采集2016、2017年某市农饮水改造工程水样,检测重金属元素:汞、六价铬、镉、砷、铅、硒、锰的含量,应用美国环境保护局(US EPA)推荐的健康风险模型,计算、分析、评价农饮水中有害元素的健康风险。结果 3种致癌金属的风险值从高到低为Cr6+>As>Cd,致癌总风险值95%置信区间1.26E - 04~1.88E - 04 a - 1,主要是Cr6+、As引起的健康风险;4种非致癌金属的风险值从高到低为Se>Mn>Hg>Pb,非致癌总风险值95%置信区间2.34E - 10~4.20E - 10 a - 1,对个体的健康风险效应很小。结论 通过健康风险评价确定Cr6+、As是某市农饮水监测的重点。为确保该地农饮水的安全,应加强水源管理,有条件的可以进行水质净化处理,健康风险特别高的地方建议改换水源。  相似文献   

This study utilized tracer gas methods, influent source analysis, and simulation techniques to develop a method for predicting air concentrations of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in a barscreen room at a water pollution control plant. Water pollution control plant workers are potentially exposed to numerous VOCs during routine tasks including wastewater sampling, equipment maintenance, and cleaning. Since air concentrations of VOCs within the barscreen room are assumed to be related to the VOC loading of the wastewater, exposures are expected to be variable. Due to the limitations of plant staff, limited resources, and the large number of sampling days required to adequately characterize exposures, traditional industrial hygiene monitoring methods were not judged to be feasible for exposure evaluation. This study incorporated source analysis and Monte Carlo simulation techniques to address the variability and uncertainty associated with the air contaminant emissions and to evaluate the risks associated with exposure to this area of the plant. The study was successful in developing a method for estimating barscreen room air concentrations of dissolved VOCs.  相似文献   

A suggested standard test protocol for the short term14C assimilation algal toxicity test method (photosynthesis inhibition test) has been evaluated with natural phytoplankton and cultures of the marine diatomSkeletonema costatum. A number of test technical factors as well as the variability in the sensitivity of natural phytoplankton have been investigated, using potassium dichromate as a reference toxicant in all tests. Some supplementary experiments were carried out with pentachlorophenol and with an industrial effluent. The sensitivity of the test increased with increasing incubation time, but for practical reasons 6 hours of incubation time is recommended.The method showed good reproducibility. The sensitivity of natural phytoplankton, however, varied considerably, both between sampling locations and with time. For testing of effluents it was found necessary to measure the CO2 alkalinity and correct for changes in the specific14C activity caused by the deviating alkalinity of the effluent.Advantages and disadvantages of using natural phytoplankton or cultured algal species in toxicity tests for water pollution assessment and control are discussed. Tests with natural phytoplankton are not suitable for use in effluent control schemes or for similar regulatory purposes because their sensitivity is too variable. However, such tests are considered realistic indicators of the actual acute toxic effects on the phytoplanktonic community of a receiving water body. Laboratory tests with cultures ofSkeietonema costatum are reproducible and can be performed all year round and are therefore well suited for regulatory uses.  相似文献   

Little information is available on the occurrence and fate of persistent organic pollutants in lakes of Turkey. The present study was performed as a first step to assess the occurrence, spatial distribution, and potential sources of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in surface sediments of Lake Eymir located in a special protection area. Σ41PCB concentrations range from 1.09 to 2.33 ng g?1 in 62 sediment samples collected from the lake. The spatial homogeneity of the PCBs along the whole lake suggests the resuspension or redistribution of historic PCB contamination. A chemical mass balance (CMB) receptor model was used to identify the possible sources of PCBs, for which a limited number of congeners are available for modeling purposes. Results indicated Clophen A60 to be the major PCB source in lake sediments. CMB analysis also showed the importance of a number of compounds used for the assessment of source contributions.  相似文献   

近年来饮用水中有机物污染及其对人体健康的影响已日益引起国内外学者的关注.调查目前饮用水中有机物污染现状,研究有机物污染与人群健康水平的相关关系,探索并建立全面准确的饮用水安全检测技术具有重要的社会意义.该文就我国饮用水有机物污染现状和安全评价技术进行了综述,着重从理化检验、遗传毒性和急性毒性检测三方面对各项技术的优势、应用及研究进展进行了详细的介绍,提出建立一套全面、准确、科学的安全评价体系的设想.  相似文献   

Heavy metal content of agricultural topsoils has been experimentally determined at 14 areas in the German Leipzig-Halle-Bitterfeld region covering ca. 3700 km2. For most of the locations and elements, the contamination levels are comparable to those of other agricultural sites in Germany and Europe. Application of a sequential extraction technique revealed relatively low contamination levels in the mobile fractions, which indicates a correspondingly low degree of bioavailability of the heavy metals under the current milieu conditions. In contrast, acidification of the soil due to a drastic decrease in the deposition of calciferous fly ash would lead to a significantly increased ecotoxicological hazard potential, as is analyzed by a probabilistic distribution method that quantifies the overlap of normalized exposure and effect data. The discussion includes recommendations for further improvement of risk assessment schemes addressing soil contamination.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to assess the 'Health Transformation Programme' (HTP) in Turkey announced in 2003. This assessment has been made according to the ultimate performance goals of a health care system, such as improvement in health status, financial risk protection and satisfaction with health care. This study provides a brief history of health policy since 1980, when the Turkish health care system began to transform with the introduction of both structural adjustment and market-oriented reform policy. The main aim of these reforms was increasing efficiency. Reform proposals of the 1990s focused on the introduction of a general health insurance (GHI) system, decentralization, introduction of a family medicine scheme, purchaser-provider split, contracting-out, quasi-markets and improvement of management information systems. Like the reform proposals of the 1990s, HTP has eight components, the major ones being a new role for the Ministry of Health (MoH), introduction of a GHI system, reorganization of health service delivery and human resources development. No component of HTP has yet been sufficiently realized. Therefore, despite some improvements, Turkish people continue to face low health status and a low level of financial risk protection. More research needs to be done for the determination of satisfaction with health services.  相似文献   

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