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为掌握羊鼻蝇蛆病在石河子地区的感染情况,历时1年通过每月剖检羊头观察羊鼻蝇幼虫寄生情况,结果显示石河子地区绵羊鼻蝇蛆病月均感染率为38.33%,感染强度为2.08~17.33条;动态监测各龄幼虫全年均表现出两个感染高峰期,说明石河子地区羊鼻蝇存在两个繁殖世代.  相似文献   

根据豫南罗索虫和罗索线虫未定种(R.SP)的生物学特性,参考Petersen(1972)和Platzer等(1978)的方法,成功地建立了豫南0084株和R.SP的规格化大量养殖技术。选用致倦库蚊作养殖宿主时,宿主与寄生线虫之比为1:3,其05感0染率为82~91.3%。用1克线虫(约3000条)培养于30eraX20era×5era沙盘内t 40~150天共可孵出寄生前期幼虫200,000~800,000条。用中华按蚊作R.sP.的养殖宿主,其感染比例为l·5时·中华按蚊幼虫的感染率为55.7~71.2%。培养3000条寄生后期幼虫共孵出寄生前期幼虫110。000~400,000条。此项技术不仅为本研究提供了大量虫源,且在国内对索线虫的研究和开发、应用的重要作用。  相似文献   

目的:了解SEN病毒D亚型在我国不同肝炎患者和献血人员中的感染情况。方法:采用巢式聚合酶链反应对收集的健康献血者和各型肝炎患者(包括甲肝、乙肝、丙肝和非甲非戊型肝炎患者)进行SENV—D亚型DNA检测。结果:无偿献血者中SENV—D感染率为25.9%,急性甲肝患者中的感染率为14.5%,慢性乙肝患者中的感染率为46%,丙肝患者中的感染率为65%,在非甲-非戊型肝炎患者中的感染率为51.2%。结论:SENV可能与HCV和HBV具有一样的传播方式,但并不是肝病发生的原因。  相似文献   

目的:观察以传染源控制为主的血吸虫综合防治措施的防治效果。方法选择本地区血吸虫病重度流行的区域作为研究对象,全面实施改水改厕和居住环境改造以及封洲禁牧、以机代牛,辅助健康教育和人畜化疗的全面传染源控制措施,连续实施3年,比较实施前后该地区人群的肠道寄生虫、水体危险性、钉螺感染率、虫卵污染环境状况的变化情况。结果实施综合防治措施3年后,人群吸血虫感染率由2.57%降低至0.19%,下降幅度超过97.36%;人群鞭虫和蛔虫的感染率分别由原来的53.92%和26.54%下降至7.31%和3.64%;感染螺点数由防治前的39个降低至0个。钉螺感染率、感染螺平均密度、水体危险性、感染螺点数均明显降低。结论以传染源控制为主的血吸虫病防治措施可在短期内有效控制人群感染率,,通过改变疫区农民的生产好生活方式有效净化草洲,控制传染源,同时有效控制其他肠道寄生虫的流行。  相似文献   

军人上消化道疾病与幽门螺杆菌感染关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨军人上消化道疾病与幽门螺杆菌(H.pylori)感染的关系。方法:1995~2007年我院就诊的部队上消化道疾病患者2472例,均接受胃镜及胃粘膜病理组织学检查,采用美蓝染色检测H.pylori感染状况,观察胃粘膜组织炎症活动程度。结果:2472例H.pylor/感染率为61.7%。胃溃疡、十二指肠溃疡、十二指肠球炎H.pylori感染率分别为84.2%、92.2%、83.3%。萎缩性胃炎、肠化、异型增生、胃癌患者H.pylori感染率分别为64.6%、67.7%、71.8%、70.0%,明显高于浅表性胃炎组的49.7%(P〈0.01—0.05)。在前3年随着军龄的增加,Hpylori感染率逐渐增加(P〈0.01—0.05),3年以上军龄H.pylori感染率无显著差异。慢性胃炎患者胃粘膜组织炎症活动从轻度→中度→重度,其H.pylori感染率逐级增加,分别为42.7%、54.4%、73.1%,差异显著(P〈0.01—0.05)。结论:军人胃、十二指肠疾病患者H.pylori感染率高,军人的生活特点可能有利于H.pylori的感染。  相似文献   

本文报告了兰州市妊娠8个月孕妇1155人血清乙肝病毒标志(HBVM)检测结果。检测项目包括HBsAg、抗—HBs、抗—HBc、HBeAg及抗—HBe。HBVM五项全阴性者649例。占56.19%;一项或多项阳性者除40例抗—HBs阳性曾接受过乙肝疫苗注射外,确认为受乙肝病毒感染者共466名,感染率为40.35%。五项标志中以抗—HBc阳性率为最高。检查结果基本上可以代表兰州市人民群众的乙肝感染率。  相似文献   

目的:掌握青海省南部地区高原地区家畜和野生动物两型包虫病的感染情况。方法:采用捕杀、剖检、病理切片等方法进行两型棘球绦虫中间宿主和终末宿主调查。结果:检查绵羊、山羊、牦牛共7562头(只),其中细粒棘球蚴感染率分别为63.12%、34%、74.52%。绵羊、牦牛多房棘球蚴的感染率分别为5.38%、4.69%。在野生动物中高原鼠兔存在多房棘球蚴感染,感染率为8.29%。终宿主调查中,犬体内发现两种棘球绦虫感染,其中细粒棘球绦虫感染率为61.22%,多房棘球绦虫感染率为3.06%。共检查狐6只,其中1只存在多房棘球绦虫感染。结论:青南地区高原地区动物中存在广泛的两型包虫病流行。  相似文献   

目的:调查了解农四师66团精神病院113名住院病人、TB—Ab、ABsAg、抗—HCV、抗—HIV感染情况的调查。方法:釆用流调方法,按照设计表格的内容进行逐项填写并抽血检验。结果:检出TB—Ab阳性率为14%,HBsAg阳性率为10.6%,抗—HCV阳性率为7.1%,抗—HIV阳性率为0.9%,四种传染病男女感染率均差别不显著(P值均>0.05)。结论:对院内感染管理提出了新的整改建议。加强精神病院内传染病管理刻不容缓。  相似文献   


目的对比观察湿润烧伤膏(MEBO)与凡士林治疗纹身削切术后创面的临床疗效。方法纹身皮肤削切术后创面分别采用湿润烧伤膏纱条和凡士林纱条换药治疗,分为湿润烧伤膏组和凡士林组,分别观察愈合时间、局部明显疼痛例数、创面感染率及瘢痕增生率。结果皮肤纹身削切术后,创面分别用湿润烧伤膏纱条和凡士林纱条换药治疗,创面均愈合,但湿润烧伤膏组(14.5d±3.6d)较凡士林组(21.5d±4.5d)愈合时间显著缩短(P〈0.01),明显疼痛患者例数显著降低(6.5%与65.7%)(P〈0.01),创面感染率明显降低(2.4%与25.6%)(P〈0.01),瘢痕增生率明显降低(5.4%与16.2%)(P〈0.01)。结论应用湿润烧伤膏纱条治疗纹身削切术后创面能够明显缩短愈合时间,减少患者疼痛,降低创面感染率及瘢痕增生率,临床疗效显著。  相似文献   

本文用ELISA方法对110名住院病儿指末端毛细血管血和静脉血配对血标本中巨细胞病毒(CMV)抗体进行了对照研究。配对血标本检测CMV IgM、IgG抗体的一致性分别为99.09%和96.36%;敏感性分别为87.5%和95.58%;特异性分别为100%和98.48%。反复多次重复检测配对血标本中CMV抗体,结果均呈正相关。本结果表明:指末端毛细血管血可代替静脉血检测儿科病血中CMV抗体.这对儿科CMV感染病儿进行动态血清学监测具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The establishment of a formal paediatric screening programme in an Army group practice in West Germany is described. In the first year, three hundred and fifteen children were seen and thirty two abnormalities were recorded. This 'pick-up' rate of approximately ten per cent dysfunction accords well with previously published work. The scheme has proved successful and popular. It has improved primary health care team work, health education and patient satisfaction within the practice. It is suggested as model for wider introduction into Army general practice.  相似文献   

阿维菌素长效缓释油胶对绵羊胃肠道线虫病的防治试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用新研制的阿维菌素长效缓释油胶进行了绵羊胃肠道寄生性线虫病的防制试验。通过绵羊直肠粪便克粪便虫卵数(EPG)检测发现,用药后7d,两个剂量的阿维菌素长效缓释油胶组和常规驱虫药阿福丁组驱净率均为100%。用药120d,阿维菌素长效缓释油胶组感染率均在15%以下,而阿福丁组和对照组感染率分别达60%和90%;用试制荆分别在另外两个地区进行的绵羊胃肠道寄生虫病的防制试验也显示出了良好的长效缓释防制效果。  相似文献   

介绍运用颅骨切开加额骨漂浮推进技术治疗颅狭症14例,有效率为92.1%(13/14);对照组应用单纯颅骨切开术,有效率为53.3%(8/15)。X~2=3.857,P<0.05,差异有显著意义,提示该手术方法较单纯颅骨切开术疗效好。本文还就颅狭症手术治疗方法的沿革,本手术方法改进的依据进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Alpine skiing injuries.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Alpine skiing accidents admitted to the Trondheim Regional and University Hospital during one year were recorded. Of the 339 injured, 67 per cent were male and 33 per cent were female. Eighty-seven per cent were outpatients, and 13 per cent were hospitalized. Falling accidents (67 per cent), followed by collision accidents (17 per cent), were the most common cause of injury. The injuries in the lower extremities were caused by falling and the head injuries were mostly caused by collisions. Knee ligament strains were the most common injuries, and 17 per cent of these were hospitalized and required operative treatment. Of the minor knee strains, all 44 per cent were not fully recovered after two and a half years. Seventeen patients sustained tibial fractures, eleven of them spiral fractures and six transverse fractures. The patients with spiral fractures were younger than the patients with transverse fractures. Head injuries were the most severe injuries, with eleven concussions and two epidural haematomas.  相似文献   

Non-elite marathon runners: health, training and injuries   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
A questionnaire was given to all participants of the Wonderful Copenhagen Marathon 1986 regarding demographic information, health, training, previous injuries and methods used to prevent these. A total load of 2158 Danish runners participated and 1426 (68 per cent) replied. Fifty per cent of the runners were training 30-60 km per week and 25 per cent more than 60 km per week. Forty-one per cent were members of running clubs. The runners were equally distributed between all social groups. Most runners were slim (mean BMI 22.3 +/- 1.87 (SD)), healthy, non-smokers who rarely suffered from serious injuries, but 31 per cent had had injuries that prevented them from training during the last year. Nearly all performed stretching exercises and methods to avoid injuries. Fifty per cent of the runners tried to optimize their performance by changing their diet in the days before the run. Seventeen per cent used the classical high carbohydrate diet and 33 per cent other special diets.  相似文献   

Injuries in sailboard enthusiasts.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
This study was carried out to determine the rate and types of injuries experienced by boardsailors. Results derive from: (a) a review of hospital medical records for water sports injuries, and (b) a questionnaire-interview of 73 athletes windsurfing on waters in the Galveston area during a hurricane and in moderate and light wind conditions. Windsurfers reported 0.22 injuries per 1,000 participant hours. Seventy-six per cent of athletes reported injuries while boardsailing, but only 15 per cent reported significant injuries. The most common reported injuries included lacerations, jellyfish stings, abrasions, muscle strain, sunburn, contusions, and blisters. A small number of athletes reported ligament sprain, ear infection, knee injury, eye injury, and splinters. The large majority of injuries reported are preventable by wearing protective gear, applying sunscreen, avoiding overpowering winds, and selecting safe sailing areas. Four per cent of water-sport injuries requiring hospitalisation resulted when epileptic water-sports participants had a seizure in or near the water.  相似文献   

Many Koreans were forced to move to Japan while Korea was occupied by Japan. Consequently, when the atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki an estimated 40,000 Koreans died and 30,000 survived. In 2004, 2,235 Koreans were registered as A-bomb survivors in South Korea. A mail questionnaire survey to evaluate the present status and self-reported diseases of the Korean survivors was conducted. In total, 1,256 questionnaires were returned and analysed. The most frequent chronic diseases reported by Korean survivors were hypertension (40.1 per cent), peptic ulcer disease (25.7 per cent), anaemia (23.3 per cent) and cataracts (23.1 per cent). The most frequent malignant diseases were stomach cancer (1.9 per cent), colon cancer (0.5 per cent) and leukaemia/multiple myeloma (0.4 per cent). This study suggests that further investigations are needed into the health concerns of the survivors and into health protection measures.  相似文献   

More than 12,000 women have been examined thermographically in the Breast Unit of the Royal Marsden Hospital, London. Of these women 1,464 had biopsy and histology; 363(25 per cent) were found to have carcinoma and of these 68 per cent had abnormal thermograms, 13 per cent has some thermal asymmetry of doubtful significance and 19 per cent had normal thermal patterns. Fifty-seven per cent and 62 per cent of patients with Stage I and Stage II cancer, respectively, had abnormal thermograms whereas 83 per cent of patients with Stage III cancer had abnormal thermograms. Of 1,101 women who had benign lesions, 63 per cent had normal thermal patterns, 15 per cent had thermal asymmetry of doubtful significance and 22 per cent had abnormal thermograms. The subsequent histories of 172 cancer patients examined thermographically have been analysed and three-year survival rates have been correlated with thermography report, the clinical stage of the disease and the histotogical grade (Bloom, 1950) of the excised tumour. The mean three-year survival rates for patients with Stage II or Stage III cancer are 84 per cent for those with normal and 61 per cent for those with abnormal thermograms.  相似文献   

Many Koreans were forced to move to Japan while Korea was occupied by Japan. Consequently, when the atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki an estimated 40,000 Koreans died and 30,000 survived. In 2004, 2,235 Koreans were registered as A-bomb survivors in South Korea. A mail questionnaire survey to evaluate the present status and self-reported diseases of the Korean survivors was conducted. In total, 1,256 questionnaires were returned and analysed. The most frequent chronic diseases reported by Korean survivors were hypertension (40.1 per cent), peptic ulcer disease (25.7 per cent), anaemia (23.3 per cent) and cataracts (23.1 per cent). The most frequent malignant diseases were stomach cancer (1.9 per cent), colon cancer (0.5 per cent) and leukaemia/multiple myeloma (0.4 per cent). This study suggests that further investigations are needed into the health concerns of the survivors and into health protection measures.  相似文献   

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