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STUDY OBJECTIVE: The impact of isolated gate-keeping on health care costs remains unclear. The aim of this study was to assess to what extent lower costs in a gate-keeping plan compared with a fee for service plan were attributable to more efficient resource management, or explained by risk selection. DESIGN: Year 2000 costs to the Swiss statutory sick funds and potentially relevant covariates were assessed retrospectively from beneficiaries participating in an observational study, their primary care physicians, and insurance companies. To adjust for case mix, two-part regression models of health care costs were fitted, consisting of logistic models of any costs occurring, and of generalised linear models of the amount of costs in persons with non-zero costs. Complementary data sources were used to identify selection effects. SETTING: A gate-keeping plan introduced in 1997 and a fee for service plan, in Aarau, Switzerland. PARTICIPANTS: Of each plan, 905 randomly selected adult beneficiaries were invited. The overall participation rate was 39%, but was unevenly distributed between plans. MAIN RESULTS: The characteristics of gate-keeping and fee for service beneficiaries were largely similar. Unadjusted total costs per person were Sw fr 231 (8%) lower in the gate-keeping group. After multivariate adjustment, the estimated cost savings achieved by replacing fee for service based health insurance with gate-keeping in the source population amounted to Sw fr 403-517 (15%-19%) per person. Some selection effects were detected but did not substantially influence this result. An impact of non-detected selection effects cannot be ruled out. CONCLUSIONS: This study hints at substantial cost savings through gate-keeping that are not attributable to mere risk selection.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To develop an instrument to characterize public sector managed behavioral health care arrangements to capture key differences between managed and "unmanaged" care and among managed care arrangements. STUDY DESIGN: The instrument was developed by a multi-institutional group of collaborators with participation of an expert panel. Included are six domains predicted to have an impact on access, service utilization, costs, and quality. The domains are: characteristics of the managed care plan, enrolled population, benefit design, payment and risk arrangements, composition of provider networks, and accountability. Data are collected at three levels: managed care organization, subcontractor, and network of service providers. DATA COLLECTION METHODS: Data are collected through contract abstraction and key informant interviews. A multilevel coding scheme is used to organize the data into a matrix along key domains, which is then reviewed and verified by the key informants. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: This instrument can usefully differentiate between and among Medicaid fee-for-service programs and Medicaid managed care plans along key domains of interest. Beyond documenting basic features of the plans and providing contextual information, these data will support the refinement and testing of hypotheses about the impact of public sector managed care on access, quality, costs, and outcomes of care. CONCLUSIONS: If managed behavioral health care research is to advance beyond simple case study comparisons, a well-conceptualized set of instruments is necessary.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To assess the effect of a mental health carve-out on treatment patterns and quality of care for outpatient treatment of depression. DATA SOURCES: Outpatient and pharmaceutical claims from September 1993 through March 1997 for one large managed care organization in the Midwest that carved-out mental health and substance abuse benefits in September 1995. RESEARCH DESIGN: Using the treatment episode as the unit of analysis (n = 1,747), changes in treatment patterns associated with the change to a carve-out were evaluated. Logistic regression was used to assess whether in the postperiod a treatment episode was more likely to be treated with (1) an antidepressant and (2) a type and intensity of treatment with proven efficacy. To strengthen confidence in a causal relationship, I search for structural breaks in treatment patterns across a wide range of dates, assuming no a priori knowledge of the timing of the impact of the carve-out. RESULTS: I find the carve-out to be associated with an increase in the use of drug treatments. Although I find a decrease in the use of guideline-level treatment over the entire study period, there is an increase in the number of episodes treated with guideline-level treatment over what would be the case in the absence of the carve-out. CONCLUSIONS: The increase in the use of drug treatments suggests previous research that excluded these costs may have overestimated the savings attributable to carve-outs. Guideline-level care appeared to increase as a result of carve-out implementation suggesting the use of management and specialization to reduce costs is not antithetical to quality improvement.  相似文献   

Despite a shift in care delivery from inpatient to ambulatory care, performance measurement efforts for the different levels in ambulatory care settings such as individual physicians, individual clinics and physician organizations have not been widely instituted in the United States (U.S.). The Health Plan Employer Data and Information Set (HEDIS), the most widely used performance measurement set in the U.S., includes a number of measures that evaluate preventive and chronic care provided in ambulatory care facilities. While HEDIS has made important contributions to the tracking of ambulatory care quality, it is becoming increasingly apparent that the measurement set could be improved by providing quality of care information at the levels of greatest interest to consumers and purchasers of care, namely for individual physicians, clinics and physician organizations. This article focuses on the improvement opportunities for quality performance measurement systems in ambulatory care. Specific challenges to creating a sustainable performance measurement system at the level of physician organizations, such as defining the purpose of the system, the accountability logic, information and reporting needs and mechanisms for sustainable implementation, are discussed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To estimate the effects of Medicaid managed care (MMC) programs on Medicaid enrollees' access to and use of health care services at the national level. DATA SOURCES/STUDY SETTING: 1991-1995 National Health Interview Surveys (NHIS) and a 1998 Urban Institute survey on state Medicaid managed care programs. STUDY DESIGN: Using multivariate regression models, we estimated the effect of living in a county with an MMC program on several access and use measures for nonelderly women who receive Medicaid through AFDC and child Medicaid recipients. We focus on mandatory programs and estimate separate effects for primary care case management (PCCM) programs, health maintenance organization (HMO) programs, and mixed PCCM/HMO programs, relative to fee-for-service (FFS) Medicaid. We control for individual and county characteristics, and state and year effects. DATA COLLECTION/EXTRACTION METHOD: This study uses pooled individual-level data from up to five years of the NHIS (1991-1995), linked to information on Medicaid managed care characteristics at the county level from the 1998 MMC survey. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We find virtually no effects of mandatory PCCM programs. For women, mandatory HMO programs reduce some types of non-emergency room (ER) use, and increase reported unmet need for medical care. The PCCM/HMO programs increase access, but had no effects on use. For children, mandatory HMO programs reduce ER visits, and increase the use of specialists. The PCCM/HMO programs reduce ER visits, while increasing other types of use and access. CONCLUSIONS: Mandatory PCCM/HMO programs improved access and utilization relative to traditional FFS Medicaid, primarily for children. Mandatory HMO programs caused some access problems for women.  相似文献   

Objective  To demonstrate how a discrete choice experiment (DCE) can be used to elicit individuals' preferences for health care and how these preferences can be incorporated into a cost–benefit analysis.
Methods  A DCE which elicited preferences for three perinatal services: specialist nurse appointments; home visits from a trained lay visitor; and home-help. Cost was included to obtain a monetary measure of the value that individuals place on the services. In total, 292 women who had previously participated in a randomized trial of alternative forms of pre-natal care were interviewed.
Results  The most preferred service configuration consisted of three nurse appointments and two home visits before birth and 4 h of home-help per week for the first 4 weeks after birth. On average, women are willing to pay $371 for this package. A package that excluded home-help was valued at $122 whilst provision of three nurse appointments only was valued at $97. The predicted uptake of the services ranged from 37% to 93% depending on the woman's experience with the service, whether or not it was her first child and her level of education.
Conclusion  The willingness to pay values were much higher than the costs for nurse appointments, suggesting this service produces a net social benefit. The willingness to pay for the package including both the nurse appointments and home visits only just exceeded the costs of the package, suggesting there is a relatively high chance that this package produces a net social loss.  相似文献   

Disease coding errors in claims data can cause serious problems for financing, reimbursement systems, public health surveillance and health research. This study analysed a government intervention to improve coding accuracy of health care organizations in South Korea. The intervention was implemented in 1997 by 226 organizations that had submitted erroneous claims in 1996 for five selected diseases. In 1998, 94% of these organizations eliminated coding errors for these diseases. Those organizations least responsive to the intervention were tertiary hospitals, those publicly owned, and those with other complex organizational characteristics. Overall, this simple intervention appeared extremely effective, and wider adoption of such techniques should be explored.  相似文献   

Hauck K  Shaw R  Smith PC 《Health economics》2002,11(8):667-677
Traditionally, most health care systems which pretend to any sort of rationality and cost control have sought to allocate their limited funds in order to secure equal opportunity of access for equal need. The UK government is implementing a fundamental change of resource allocation philosophy towards 'contributing to the reduction of avoidable health inequalities'. The purpose of this essay is to explore some of the economic issues that arise when seeking to allocate health care resources according to the new criterion. It indicates that health inequalities might arise because of variations in the quality of health services, variations in access to those services, or variations in the way people produce health, and that the resource allocation consequences differ depending on which source is being addressed. The paper shows that an objective of reducing health inequalities is not necessarily compatible with an objective of equity of access, nor with the objective of maximising health gain. The results have profound consequences for approaches towards economic evaluation, the role of clinical guidelines and performance management, as well as for resource allocation methods.  相似文献   


From retail health clinics and online appointment scheduling to (mobile) kiosks that enable patient check-in and automate the collection of copays and open balances, convenience has become an important topic in the health care sector over the last few years. While service convenience has also gained much interest in academia, one common limitation is that authors have adopted a “goods-centered” perspective focusing primarily on retail settings. Results of this exploratory study reveal that health care service convenience encompasses seven different dimensions: decision, access, scheduling, registration and check-in, transaction, care delivery, and postconsultation convenience. Implications and future research suggestions are discussed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the association between Medicaid managed care pediatric behavioral health programs and unmet need for mental health care among children with special health care needs (CSHCN). DATA SOURCE: The National Survey of CSHCN (2000-2002), using subsets of 4,400 CSHCN with Medicaid and 1,856 CSHCN with Medicaid and emotional problems. Additional state-level sources were used. STUDY DESIGN: Multilevel models investigated the association between managed care program type (carve-out, integrated) or fee-for-service (FFS) and reported unmet mental health care need. DATA COLLECTION/EXTRACTION METHODS: The National Survey of CSHCN conducted telephone interviews with a sample representative at both the national and state levels. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In multivariable models, among CSHCN with only Medicaid, living in states with Medicaid managed care (odds ratio [OR]=1.81; 95 percent confidence interval: 1.04-3.15) or carve-out programs (OR=1.93; 1.01-3.69) were associated with greater reported unmet mental health care need compared with FFS programs. Among CSHCN on Medicaid with emotional problems, the association between managed care and unmet need was stronger (OR=2.48; 1.38-4.45). CONCLUSIONS: State Medicaid pediatric behavioral health managed care programs were associated with greater reported unmet mental health care need than FFS programs among CSHCN insured by Medicaid, particularly for those with emotional problems.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine the effect of nonprice competition among managed care plans on the quality of care in the New York SCHIP market. DATA SOURCES: U.S. Census 2000; 2002 New York State Managed Care Plan Performance Report; and 2001 New York State Managed Care Annual Enrollment Report. STUDY DESIGN: Each market is defined as a county, and competition is measured as the number of plans in a market. Quality of care is measured in percentages using three Consumer Assessment of Health Plans Survey and three Health Plan Employer Data and Information Set scores. Two-stage least squares is applied to address the endogeneity between competition and the quality of care, using population as an instrument. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We find a negative association between competition and quality of care. An additional managed care plan is significantly associated with a decrease of 0.40-2.31 percentage points in four out of six quality measures. After adjusting for production cost, a positive correlation is observed between price and quality measures across different pricing regions. CONCLUSIONS: It seems likely that pricing policy is a constraint on quality production, although it may not be interpreted as a causal relationship and further study is needed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate a Better Outcomes of Mental Health Care Access to Allied Psychological Services Program for general practice patients referred for high-prevalence mental disorders. METHODS: Participants were South Australian general practitioners (GPs; n=26) and their patients referred for treatment of high-prevalence psychological disorders, of whom 229 provided baseline measures, 106 provided post-treatment measures, and 85 provided follow-up data three months after termination of treatment. Interventions were Focused Psychological Strategies supplied by mental health specialists; outcome variables included GP satisfaction, patient satisfaction, psychological distress, life impairment, and health service usage. RESULTS: Satisfaction with the treatment program was high for both the GPs and the referred patients. Patients who attended three or more treatment sessions showed reduced distress and disability, and gains were maintained three months later. Health service usage declined with acceptance of referral regardless of treatment experience. CONCLUSIONS: Lack of controls and missing data were methodological weaknesses. Results support the effectiveness of integrated primary mental health care to reduce psychological distress and disability, while impact on service usage warrants further investigation. IMPLICATIONS: Reduction of suffering and increased economic productivity may both result from this public health initiative to increase access to effective treatments for common chronic mental conditions.  相似文献   

Clinical guidelines and quality measures are important new paradigms for conceptualizing and managing quality in the United States. Researchers have proposed that professional elites—including members of academic medicine—were an important cause of the shift to guidelines and measures. This paper draws on content analysis of abstracts focused on quality in major American medical journals between 1975 and 2009 to empirically assess whether and how paradigms for managing quality changed in academic medicine. The content analysis shows that guidelines- and measures-based approaches to quality increased in prominence. Individual expertise-based approaches to quality, however, remain important. Concurrent with changing paradigms in academic medicine, there was a reorientation of policy toward increased use of guidelines and measures the late 1980s and early 1990s in the United States. This policy reorientation was informed by earlier work by medical researchers proposing new approaches to quality. The policy reorientation was followed by an increase in the prominence of guidelines and measures in medical research.  相似文献   

Objective. To evaluate whether a specialty care payment "carve-out" from Medicaid managed care affects caseloads and expenditures for children with chronic conditions.
Data Source. Paid Medicaid claims in California with service dates between 1994 and 1997 that were authorized by the Title V Children with Special Health Needs program for children under age 21.
Study Design. A natural experiment design evaluated the impact of California's Medicaid managed care expansion during the 1990s, which preserved fee-for-service payment for certain complex medical diagnoses. Outcomes in time series regression include Title V program participation and expenditures. Multiple comparison groups include children in managed care counties who were not mandated to enroll, and children in nonmanaged care counties.
Data Collection/Extraction Methods. Data on the study population were obtained from the state health department claims files and from administrative files on enrollment and managed care participation.
Principal Findings. The carve-out policy increased the number of children receiving Title V-authorized services. Recipients and expenditures for some ambulatory services increased, although overall expenditures (driven by inpatient services) did not increase significantly. Cost intensity per Title V recipient generally declined.
Conclusions. The carve-out policy increased identification of children with special health care needs. The policy may have improved children's access to prevailing standards of care by motivating health plans and providers to identify and refer children to an important national program.  相似文献   

Rural health providers have looked to telemedicine as a technology to reduce costs. However, virtual access to physicians and specialists may alter patients' demand for face-to-face physician access. We develop a model of service demand under managed care, and apply the model to a telemedicine application in rural Alaska. Provider-imposed delays and patient costs were highly significant predictors of patient contingent choices in a survey of ENT clinic patients. The results suggest that telemedicine increased estimated patient benefits by about $40 per visit, and reduced patients' loss from rationing of access to physicians by about 20%.  相似文献   

Primary care psychology services (PCPS) represent an important resource in meeting the various health needs of our communities. This study evaluated the PCPS in a two‐county area within the Republic of Ireland. The objectives were to (i) examine the viewpoints of the service for both psychologists and stakeholders (healthcare professionals only) and (ii) examine the enactment of the stepped care model of service provision. Separate surveys were sent to primary care psychologists (n = 8), general practitioners (GPs; n = 69) and other stakeholders in the two counties. GPs and stakeholders were required to rate the current PCPS. The GP survey specifically examined referrals to the PCPS and service configuration, while the stakeholder survey also requested suggestions for future service provision. Psychologists were required to provide information regarding their workload, time spent on certain tasks and productivity ideas. Referral numbers, waiting lists and waiting times were also obtained. All 8 psychologists, 23 GPs (33% response rate) and 37 stakeholders (unknown response rate) responded. GPs and stakeholders reported access to the PCPS as a primary concern, with waiting times of up to 80 weeks in some areas. Service provision to children and adults was uneven between counties. A stepped care model of service provision was not observed. Access can be improved by further implementation of a stepped care service, developing a high‐throughput service for adults (based on a stepped care model), and employing a single waiting list for each county to ensure equal access.  相似文献   

The study objective was to examine quality oversight efforts by Medicaid managed care organizations (MCOs) for children in a sample of ambulatory care institutions and private practices in New York City. This was a cross-sectional study of quality assurance priorities and strategies of MCOs and their impact date in institutions in New York City. Data were from structured interviews administered in 1997 to medical directors in the eight largest MCOs; and medical directors, heads of ambulatory pediatrics, and institutional pediatricians in a random sample of 15 institutions and 20 private office-based providers. Medical directors in MCOs reported that their main priority areas were the preventive care measures (e.g., immunization and lead screening) that they must report to the state. Knowledge of these MCO priority areas and monitoring activities was high for medical directors in the random sample, but decreased from these medical directors to heads of ambulatory pediatrics to institutional pediatricians, with the differences between the medical directors and institutional pediatricians significant (P<.05). However, 96% of the institutional pedians reported knowing their own institution's priorities and monitoring activities. In contrast, most private pediatricians reported they knew MCO priorities and monitoring activities (80%). Less than 33% of any group reported activities as “very effective” or felt any incentive to improve performance. There was a high level of overlap in provider networks, with institutions and private providers having children in many MCOs, and MCOs having children in many sites. This study was funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention through contract 97B2644 between researchers and the New York City Department of Health. This paper was presented at the 1999 Health Services Research Symposium sponsored by the Greater New York Hospital Association/United Hospital Fund on November 16, 1999.  相似文献   

New research integrating expertise in financing and quality assurance is critical at times when resource constraints threaten to undermine the sustainability of effective healthcare services. Cost-effectiveness is related to the quality of the health-care intervention. In the economics literature, health-care demand studies generally indicate that quality is an important determinant of utilization patterns, but do not clearly identify those components of quality most important to the patient. On the supply side, cost analyses have not closely examined cost-quality tradeoffs, nor the net costs of quality. Policy makers must determine the affordability of cost-recovery mechanisms, which include both increases in price and quality. Further research should identify those aspects of quality which will maximize effectiveness at the least cost, thus helping to promote the financial sustainability of the health service.  相似文献   

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