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Our objective was to find a possible correlation between telomerase activity, mean telomere length and human papillomavirus (HPV) presence and type in genital condylomata acuminata. Fifteen biopsies from women with genital condylomata acuminata and nine control tissue samples were tested for telomerase activity, mean telomere length, and HPV presence and type. All condylomata exhibited telomerase activity, compared to 78% of the control samples. The mean telomere length of condylomata was significantly (P<0.002) shorter compared to telomere length in control tissue samples. All condylomata lesions were infected with HPV types 6/11, and more than half had additional infection with HPV 16/18. Mixed HPV 6/11 with 16/18 infection correlated with shorter telomeres than presence of HPV 6/11 alone in the lesions (4.68 +/- 0.44 kb vs 4.97 +/- 0.57 kb). None of the control tissue samples showed presence of HPV DNA. Telomerase activity may be a marker of proliferation rather than malignancy, whereas the mean telomere length could better serve as a marker for the progression of HPV lesions toward malignancy.  相似文献   

Nuclear reprogramming requires the removal of epigenetic modifications imposed on the chromatin during cellular differentiation and division. The mammalian oocyte can reverse these alterations to a state of totipotency, allowing the production of viable cloned offspring from somatic cell nuclei. To determine whether nuclear reprogramming is complete in cloned animals, we assessed the telomerase activity and telomere length status in cloned embryos, fetuses, and newborn offspring derived from somatic cell nuclear transfer. In this report, we show that telomerase activity was significantly (P < 0.05) diminished in bovine fibroblast donor cells compared with embryonic stem-like cells, and surprisingly was 16-fold higher in fetal fibroblasts compared with adult fibroblasts (P < 0.05). Cell passaging and culture periods under serum starvation conditions significantly decreased telomerase activity by approximately 30-50% compared with nontreated early passage cells (P < 0.05). Telomere shortening was observed during in vitro culture of bovine fetal fibroblasts and in very late passages of embryonic stem-like cells. Reprogramming of telomerase activity was apparent by the blastocyst stage of postcloning embryonic development, and telomere lengths were longer (15-23 kb) in cloned fetuses and offspring than the relatively short mean terminal restriction fragment lengths (14-18 kb) observed in adult donor cells. Overall, telomere lengths of cloned fetuses and newborn calves ( approximately 20 kb) were not significantly different from those of age-matched control animals (P > 0.05). These results demonstrate that cloned embryos inherit genomic modifications acquired during the donor nuclei's in vivo and in vitro period but are subsequently reversed during development of the cloned animal.  相似文献   

Strategies for expanding hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) could have significant utility for transplantation-based therapies. However, deleterious consequences of such manipulations remain unknown. Here we examined the impact of HSC self-renewal divisions in vitro and in vivo on their subsequent regenerative and continuing ability to sustain blood cell production in the absence of telomerase. HSC expansion in vitro was obtained using a NUP98-HOXA10hd transduction strategy and, in vivo, using a serial transplant protocol. We observed ~ 10kb telomere loss in leukocytes produced in secondary mice transplanted with HSCs regenerated in primary recipients of NUP98-HOXA10hd-transduced and in vitro-expanded Tert(-/-) HSCs 6 months before. The second generation leukocytes also showed elevated expression of γH2AX (relative to control) indicative of greater accumulating DNA damage. In contrast, significant telomere shortening was not detected in leukocytes produced from freshly isolated, serially transplanted wild-type (WT) or Tert(-/-) HSCs, suggesting that HSC replication posttransplant is not limited by telomere shortening in the mouse. These findings document a role of telomerase in telomere homeostasis, and in preserving HSC functional integrity on prolonged self-renewal stimulation.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the clinical significance of telomerase activity and telomere length in T and B lymphocytes from patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). METHODS: CD3+ (T cell) and CD19+ (B cell) lymphocytes were isolated from the peripheral blood of SLE patients and healthy controls by means of magnetic bead-coupled antibodies. SLE patients were classified as active or inactive cases according to the SLE Disease Activity Index (SLEDAI). Telomere activity of lymphocytes was measured by telomeric-repeat amplification protocol. Telomere length was measured by flow cytometry-fluorescence in situ hybridization. RESULTS: T cell telomerase activity was significantly higher in patients with both active and inactive SLE than in controls, but was lower than B cell telomerase activity in patients with active SLE, and was not correlated with SLEDAI results. B cell telomerase activity was only significantly higher than in controls in patients with active SLE, and was strongly correlated with SLEDAI. Four laboratory results, anti-dsDNA antibody titer, IgG level, C3 level, and CH50 level, were correlated with B cell telomerase activity. Telomere length in T cells was significantly shorter than in controls. In contrast, the telomere length in B cells did not differ significantly from controls. CONCLUSION: In patients with SLE, many T cells divide continuously. Their telomerase activity was higher than that in control T cells, but not so high as to prevent telomere shortening. In contrast, B cells do not divide abnormally in the inactive phase of SLE, but divide rapidly in the active phase.  相似文献   

The length of telomeres is believed to critically influence cellular aging processes and disease development. In order to reliably monitor telomere length and the corresponding cellular telomerase activity by optimized procedures, either based on flow cytometry or quantitative PCR technique, we here propose three commonly used cell lines, HEK293, K562 and TCL1301 as standards. In this contribution, efficient methods to determine mean telomere length of eukaryotic chromosomal DNA and determination of the corresponding telomeras activity are outlined. In particular, wide-range standard curves for a precise assessment of telomere length of genomic DNA by quantitative PCR technique are presented, measures, which greatly simplify the evaluation of respective functional roles of telomeres when studying biological processes such as disease progression and aging.  相似文献   

It has been reported that telomerase activity and telomeric reduction can be detected in many human cancers. Although it is well known that telomerase activity and telomere length have important implications for cancer biology, their clinical usefulness in the preoperative diagnosis of gastric and colorectal cancer has not been elucidated. Therefore, we examined telomerase activity and telomere length in gastric and colorectal cancer using tissue samples obtained by fiberscopy. Telomerase activity was measured by a telomeric repeat amplification protocol (TRAP). Although telomerase activity was detected in 1/12 (8%) cases of gastric polyp and in 2/9 (22%) cases of colorectal polyp, its positivity in gastric cancer and colorectal cancer was 7/10 (70%) and 21/26 (81%; P < 0.0003 and P < 0.0001, respectively). Telomere length was analyzed by Southern blotting, and telomeric reduction in gastric cancer was significantly greater than that in gastric polyp (P < 0.0003). However, there was no telomeric reduction between colorectal cancer and colorectal polyp. The results of the present study indicate that determination of telomerase activity and telomere length may serve as a useful method for preoperative diagnosis of gastric and colorectal cancer. Received: 16 October 1998 / Accepted: 2 February 1999  相似文献   

Telomere shortening and telomerase activation in human somatic cells have been implicated in cell immortalization and cellular senescence. To further study the role of telomerase in immortalization, we assayed telomere length and telomerase activity in primary mouse fibroblasts, in spontaneously immortalized cell clones, and in mouse tissues. In the primary cell cultures, telomere length decreased with increased cell doublings and telomerase activity was not detected. In contrast, in spontaneously immortalized clones, telomeres were maintained at a stable length and telomerase activity was present. To determine if telomere shortening occurs in vivo, we assayed for telomerase and telomere length in tissues from mice of different ages. Telomere length was similar among different tissues within a newborn mouse, whereas telomere length differed between tissues in an adult mouse. These findings suggest that there is tissue-specific regulation of mouse telomerase during development and aging in vivo. In contrast to human tissues, most mouse tissues had active telomerase. The presence of telomerase in these tissues may reflect the ease of immortalization of primary mouse cells relative to human cells in culture.  相似文献   

CONTEXT: Adrenocortical cancer (ACC) is a rare disease with an often fatal outcome. The clinical and pathological diagnosis of a malignant vs. benign adrenocortical tumor is sometimes challenging. Telomere maintenance mechanisms (TMMs) are critical for the persistence of the malignant phenotype, but little is known about these mechanisms or their diagnostic value in adrenocortical lesions. OBJECTIVE: Tissue samples of diagnostically known adrenocortical neoplasms were evaluated for parameters of known TMMs, telomerase activity (TA), and alternative telomere lengthening (ALT). DESIGN: The study analyzed retrospectively collected frozen adrenocortical tissue samples from the University of Michigan Health System. PATIENT SAMPLES: Samples included 24 ACCs, 11 adrenocortical adenomas (ACAs), and three normal adrenal tissues. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Telomerase activity (telomerase activity protocol assay), alternative telomere lengthening (telomere restriction fragment analysis, telomere associated promyelocyte leukemia bodies) were measured. RESULTS: A total of 22 of 24 ACCs (92%) could be definitively assigned to a TMM. The TMM classification was: 19 of 24 TA (79%), two of which displayed very long telomeres, one of 24 ALT (4%) and two of 24 (8%) TA and ALT. Results of two of 24 (8%) were inconclusive (one negative for TA and positive in one ALT assay, one negative in all assays). None of the normal adrenal tissues (none of three) or ACA (none of 11) samples had signs of an active TMM. CONCLUSIONS: TA is the main TMM in the majority of ACCs, but subsets of ACCs additionally or exclusively exhibit signs of ALT. Determination of telomere maintenance mechanisms in diagnostically challenging adrenocortical tumors might be of additional diagnostic value in the pathological diagnosis of malignant vs. benign lesions.  相似文献   

Although sustained production of committed human hematopoietic progenitor cells in long-term bone marrow cultures (LTBMC) is well documented, evidence for the generation and expansion of human primitive hematopoietic progenitor cells (PHPC) in such cultures is lacking. For that purpose, we attempted to determine if the human high proliferative potential colony-forming cell (HPP-CFC), a primitive hematopoietic marrow progenitor cell, is capable of generation and expansion in vitro. To that effect, stromal cell-free LTBMC were initiated with CD34+ HLA-DR-CD15- rhodamine 123dull bone marrow cells and were maintained with repeated addition of c-kit ligand and a synthetic interleukin-3/granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor fusion protein. By day 21 of LTBMC, a greater than twofold increase in the number of assayable HPP-CFC was detected. Furthermore, the production of HPP-CFC in LTBMC continued for up to 4 weeks, resulting in a 5.5-fold increase in HPP-CFC numbers. Weekly phenotypic analyses of cells harvested from LTBMC showed that the number of CD34+ HLA-DR- cells increased from 10(4) on day 0 to 56 CD34+ HLA-DR- cells increased from 10(4) on day 0 to 56 x 10(4) by day 21. To examine further the nature of the in vitro HPP-CFC expansion, individual HPP- CFC colonies were serially cloned. Secondary cloning of individual, day 28 primary HPP-CFC indicated that 46% of these colonies formed an average of nine secondary colony-forming unit--granulocyte-macrophage (CFU-GM)--derived colonies, whereas 43% of primary HPP-CFC gave rise to between one and six secondary HPP-CFC colonies and 6 to 26 CFU-GM. These data show that CD34+ HLA-DR- CD15- rhodamine 123dull cells represent a fraction of human bone marrow highly enriched for HPP-CFC and that based on their regeneration and proliferative capacities, a hierarchy of HPP-CFC exists. Furthermore, these studies indicate that in the presence of appropriate cytokine stimulation, it is possible to expand the number of PHPC in vitro.  相似文献   

The total number of clonogenic cells present in 5-week-old long-term cultures (LTC) initiated by seeding normal human marrow cells on competent adherent cell feeder layers allows for the quantitation of a more primitive hematopoietic input precursor cell type referred to as an LTC-initiating cell (LTC-IC). Previous studies have suggested that LTC-IC also circulate because production of clonogenic cells continues for many weeks when cells from the light-density (< 1.077 g/mL), T-cell-depleted fraction of normal blood are maintained on irradiated, marrow-derived feeder layers in LTC medium. We now show that the number of clonogenic cells present in such reconstructed LTC after 5 weeks is linearly related to the input number of peripheral blood (PB) cells over a wide range of cell concentrations, thereby permitting the quantitation of circulating LTC-IC by limiting dilution analysis. Using this approach, we have found the concentration of LTC-IC in the circulation of normal adults to be 2.9 +/- 0.5/mL. This is approximately 75-fold lower than the concentration of circulating clonogenic cells (ie, burst-forming units-erythroid plus colony-forming units [CFU] granulocyte-macrophage plus CFU-granulocyte, erythroid, monocyte, megakaryocyte) and represents a frequency of LTC-IC relative to all nucleated cells that is approximately 100-fold lower than that measured in normal marrow aspirate samples. Characterization studies showed most circulating LTC-IC to be small (low forward light scatter and side scatter), CD34+, Rh-123dull, HLA-DR-, and 4-hydroperoxycyclophosphamide-resistant cells, with differentiative and proliferative potentialities indistinguishable from LTC-IC in normal marrow. Isolation of the light-density, T-cell-depleted, CD34+, and either HLA-DR(low) or Rh-123(dull) fraction of normal blood yielded a highly enriched population of cells that were 0.5% to 1% LTC-IC (approximately 1,500-fold enriched beyond the light-density, T-cell-depletion step), a purity comparable to the most enriched populations of human marrow LTC-IC reported to date. However, purification of PB LTC-IC on the basis of these properties did not allow them to be physically separated from a substantial proportion (> 30%) of the clonogenic cells in the same samples, in contrast to previous findings for LTC-IC and clonogenic cells in marrow. These studies show the presence in the blood of normal adults of a relatively small but readily detectable population of functionally defined, primitive hematopoietic cells that share properties with marrow LTC-IC, a cell type thought to have in vivo reconstituting potential.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Neering  SJ; Hardy  SF; Minamoto  D; Spratt  SK; Jordan  CT 《Blood》1996,88(4):1147-1155
We have examined the ability of recombinant adenoviral vectors to transduce human hematopoietic cells. Our findings indicate that adenovirus readily infects a large proportion of CD34+ cells. Using adenovirus vectors that transduce either a lacZ or an alkaline phosphatase reporter gene, we observed up to 45% of total CD34+ cells infected. Upon more detailed analysis, we observed comparable levels of transduction for CD34+/CD38- cells and for CD34+ cells in G(zero) phase of the cell cycle. Importantly, exposure to adenovirus resulted in negligible levels of toxicity as assayed by propidium iodide staining and colony-forming ability. Using adenovirus vectors, we also describe a model system for regulated gene expression in early hematopoietic tissues. CD34+ cells were simultaneously infected with two viruses, one carrying a TetR/VP16 transactivator (tTA) and the second carrying a tTA- dependent lacZ reporter gene. Using this approach, beta-gal expression was only observed upon coinfection with the transactivator vector. In addition, as shown previously (Gossen and Bujard, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 89:5547, 1992), tetracycline was able to inhibit tTA mediated induction, thereby providing an effective means to regulate expression of the reporter gene. We conclude that recombinant adenovirus is an effective vehicle for transiently expressing genes in primitive human hematopoietic cells.  相似文献   

The correlation between telomerase activity and human tumors has led to the hypothesis that tumor growth requires reactivation of telomerase and that telomerase inhibitors represent a class of chemotherapeutic agents. Herein, we examine the effects of inhibition of telomerase inside human cells. Peptide nucleic acid and 2'-O-MeRNA oligomers inhibit telomerase, leading to progressive telomere shortening and causing immortal human breast epithelial cells to undergo apoptosis with increasing frequency until no cells remain. Telomere shortening is reversible: if inhibitor addition is terminated, telomeres regain their initial lengths. Our results validate telomerase as a target for the discovery of anticancer drugs and supply general insights into the properties that successful agents will require regardless of chemical type. Chemically similar oligonucleotides are in clinical trials and have well characterized pharmacokinetics, making the inhibitors we describe practical lead compounds for testing for an antitelomerase chemotherapeutic strategy.  相似文献   

We evaluated the clinical significance of the telomerase activity and telomere length of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). PBMC were isolated from 55 patients with SLE and the telomerase activity was measured by TRAP assay. The telomere length of PBMC was also measured in 30 of these subjects. As a control group, 45 healthy adults with no particular clinical history were studied. The results were compared with clinical data. In patients with active SLE, the telomerase activity of PBMC was significantly increased compared with the control group. In patients with inactive SLE, the PBMC telomerase activity was not different compared with the controls in their 20s, 30s and 40s, but it was significantly increased compared with the controls in their 50s. In SLE patients, the telomerase activity of PBMC was significantly correlated with modified SLEDAI. The telomere length of PBMC in younger SLE patients tended to be shorter than that in the controls, but no difference was observed in older patients. The correlation coefficient between the telomerase activity and telomere length of PBMC in SLE patients was not significant. Abnormalities in the telomerase activity and telomere length observed in SLE patients are considered to be important findings for evaluation of the pathology of SLE.  相似文献   

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