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立德树人、培养有灵魂的卓越医学创新人才是医教协同背景下医学教育改革的重要推力:医学免疫学作为临床医学专业主干学科承担着重要的育人功能。本文以医学免疫学基础教学为例,探讨课程思政协同育人体系的构建,将思政教学的专业属性和专业教学的思政属性有机融合,以有生命力的思政融入培养学生思维张力,提升课程思政协同育人效果,实现思想和价值引领,旨在推进医学课程思政中的专业传授与德育引导的内在统一。  相似文献   

免疫学检验是医学检验技术专业的核心课程之一,本文对这门课的思政元素进行挖掘,提炼出七大思政主题,将之融入专业课教学,以提升课堂育人的功能,实现立德树人的目的.  相似文献   

殷书磊  李天亮 《中国免疫学杂志》2023,(6):1139-1141+1145
医学免疫学是重要的基础医学课程,课程思政融入理论课教学既能提高学生的学习兴趣,又能使医学免疫学课堂紧跟科学前沿。将免疫学相关的诺贝尔奖案例融入课堂的课程思政设计有效提高了学生的学习积极性,拓宽了学生的科研视野,培养了学生的正确人生观和价值观,取得了良好的教学效果。  相似文献   

目的:探讨后疫情时代背景下,以培养高素质、卓越医学类专业人才为导向的医学免疫学课程思政融入的思考、设计及初步实践效果评价。方法:以医学免疫学课程为载体、立德树人为根本任务设计课程思政,围绕课程内容特点,分析疫情时期的课程思政融入教学现状,提出“一根本、两方面、三针对、四落实”的思路开展教学改革,并设计调查问卷,分析学生对课程思政融入的教学效果反馈。结果:通过分析来自临床、护理及助产等专业的同学对目前免疫课程思政融入的评价情况,80.99%的同学认为课程思政非常好和较好,可明显增强学生的国家意识、社会责任感、科学素养、创新意识及自我保护能力;同时也发现学生更喜欢通过临床案例分析、小组讨论及线上线下教师讲授等形式融入思政内容。结论:经初步的教学评价,在医学免疫学课程中施行“一根本、两方面、三针对、四落实”的课程思政融入方式,很好地实现了以点到面、助力大范围课程思政教学改革的目的,可有效地将价值塑造、知识传授和能力培养三者有机融合,达到“培养优秀、高素质、卓越医学类专业人才”的思政育人效果,为后疫情时代的课程思政教学提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

医学免疫学是一门重要的医学基础课,蕴含着丰富的思政元素。如何理顺课程与思政的关系进而在完成专业课教学的过程中有效地开展思政育人是需要在实践中不断思考的问题。本文阐述了近几年本教学团队在课程思政理念引导下的医学免疫学教学实践体会与思考。  相似文献   

立德树人是开展课程思政最重要的目的,也是新中国新时代对高校人才培养最根本的要求.目前基础医学课程思政教育的实施现状主要体现在思政元素与专业课程的结合并未完全,授课教师的思政育人理念尚未完全形成,学生的主动性与积极性并不突出,整体的课程思政教育格局尚未完全打开几个方面.由于基础医学专业课课程教育具有自身学科特点,面对课程思政这类崭新的教学育人模式的融入具有很大的挑战性,因此要想在基础医学教学中将"知识传授"和"价值引领"有机统一,实现全员、全程、全方位育人的教学目标,就必须认清课程思政教学的不足之处.本文从学生的角度思考现有授课方法体系的缺陷,提出创新优化传统思政育人的理念及形式,以便促进课程思政融入基础医学专业教学.  相似文献   

高校是文化传承的载体,其根本任务是立德树人,以文化人。"课程思政"为当前高校文化育人构建了一种全新的教育样态。将课程思政的理念融入医学专业课生理学课程教学中,构建育人共同体,以文化人,润物无声,在重视医学知识传授的同时,加强课程育人功能。把思想政治工作贯穿医学教育全过程,实现医学基础教学的全程育人、全方位育人作用。  相似文献   

微生物学与免疫学是医药类院校本科生核心专业基础课程之一。笔者结合本课程特点、授课感悟以及课程思政教学大背景,思考将国学经典“三十六计”有机融入本课程教学实践,并阐明其多方面的意义,为其他国学经典引入专业课课程思政教育提供有益借鉴。  相似文献   

为落实高校“立德树人”的育人理念,课程思政已成为高校思想政治教育的重要创新领域。为了解决大学工科专业课课程思政融入难、效果差的问题,“医疗器械系统设计”教学团队基于理工科大学生的特点,对融入思政元素的模式和方法进行了深入的探索与实践。团队教师准确挖掘和提炼专业知识中蕴含的思政元素,通过线上线下混合式教学,采用课前引领、课中实施、课后强化的方法,将思政教育全程隐性渗透到教学过程中,达到了课程思政润物无声、全程育人的目标,并结合自制思政微课、虚拟仿真教学平台,为工科专业课程开展思政教育提供了新的方法和视角。  相似文献   

目的 为了促进全方位育人,医学院校将课程思政理念与医学生理学课程巧妙融合,让思想政治教育与专业课程形成协同效应,提高教学成效,实现全程育人;向"课程思政"理念转变,实现教学模式改革创新;探索课程思政的教学评价体系.方法 选取教学班级2018级临床专业25、26班共50人,采用线上(学习通、QQ教学群)线下(传统PPT教学)混合的教学手段,将课程思政和专业知识相结合进行教学.课堂上由教师设计思政案例,课堂下将接力棒交到学生手上,让学生做课程思政建设的主人;在学习通上建立课程思政体系,引导学生培养生理学中的人生观;学期末以问卷形式初步了解课程思政融入教学对提高专业知识认知的帮助,及正确价值观培育的作用.结论 医学基础课程(以生理学为例)中融入课程思政在一定程度上可提高学生对专业知识的认知,并协同促进高尚医疗情怀和正确人生价值取向的缔造,使原本乏味的专业知识充满了高度、温度和态度.  相似文献   

在高等职业教育发展的今天,高等职业教育如何办出特色一直是关注的热点,其中包括中职与高职的相互衔接。为了对现阶段中高职衔接存在的问题、原因与改进思路进行探讨,我们在福建卫生职业技术学院2010级至2012级医学专科护理、检验、药学系11个高职单招班级学生中开展问卷调查,内容围绕中、高职课程衔接、教育资源衔接等热点问题。经过对数据的分析处理表明,二者之间存在课程体系衔接不够紧、课程内容有重复及文化基础课脱节等情况。基于此,我们提出中高职教育有效衔接的对策:实施分类培养和弹性教学,着重培养学生的实际操作和动手能力,适度扩大对口招生,突破中高职生源衔接的瓶颈,加强中高职一体化的大专直通车的教学管理。  相似文献   

《分子医学技能》课程涵盖了免疫学、生物化学及分子生物学多项实验技术,是一门实用性极强的基础医学实验学科。为了使免疫学与生物化学实验教学更好地融合在一起,利用学生业余科研探索出免疫学和生物化学的综合性实验项目,使学生在系统学习和掌握基本技术的同时,能够综合地分析实验结果,及时联系医学应用,既提高了学生的学习兴趣,又培养学生的动手能力、应用能力和独立工作能力的综合性创新能力。  相似文献   

There has never been a stronger call for authenticity in health professions education than this moment in time. The health inequities laid bare by the COVID-19 syndemic (a concept that describes the clustering of SARS-CoV-2 infection and disease by political, social, and economic factors) compels health professions educators to learn how to best engage in, sustain, and deepen conversations on diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) within our learning environments. Health professions curricula should address such concerns through explicit faculty training programs in dialogue models of communication. In this commentary, I propose that medical improv can help refocus health professions training to the humanistic values of empathy for others and respect for multiple viewpoints. Medical improv refers to teaching methods that adapt improvisation principles and exercises to enhance professional competencies in the health professions, such as communication. I describe a training series implemented at one institution to prepare faculty facilitators to engage in conversations about DEI in a discussion-based core course on the social determinants of health for first year medical students called “Humanity in Medicine.” Key elements of dialogue training, including examinations of identity and positionality, caretaking and team-making, and conversations with a skeptic, are viewed through the lens of improv exercises as a pedagogy in communication. I report on facilitator and medical students' positive response to facilitator training and the Humanity in Medicine course. Potential next steps towards a formal evaluation of the method, and outcomes assessments of the use of improv in health professions training are discussed.  相似文献   

通过医学生前期教育中增设司法鉴定相关的新生研讨课,将真实典型的法医病理案例融合贯通于基础医学理论和实验教育中,进一步开设法医学选修课,引导医学生申请司法鉴定和法医病理相关的科研训练,增加学生学习的兴趣和临床思辨能力,进行早期预警,提升防范和应对突发医疗事件的能力,同时提高老师的业务水平和教学质量,从多方面助力高素质医学人才的培养,减少和防范医疗纠纷的发生。  相似文献   

医学生心理健康教育现状研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解医学生对心理健康教育知识的掌握及对心理健康问题的看法,为提高心理健康教育学选修课教学效果,促进大学生心理健康提供参考。方法自编调查问卷对某医学院87名学生进行调查。结果97.6%的医学生认为心理健康教育学选修课对自身有启发、帮助作用。但在遇到心理困扰难以解决时,57.6%的学生基本不会主动寻求心理健康服务。医学生大多希望采取网上咨询和高校心理辅导中心的心理健康服务形式。结论心理健康教育应结合医学生的特点和实际情况,整合各方面的力量,建立全方位的心理健康服务体系。  相似文献   

Ultrasonography is widely practiced in many disciplines. It is becoming increasingly important to design well‐structured curricula to introduce imaging to students during medical school. This review aims to analyze the literature for evidence of how ultrasonography has been incorporated into anatomy education in medical school curricula worldwide. A literature search was conducted using multiple databases with the keywords: “Ultrasound OR Ultrasonographic examination*” and “Medical student* OR Undergraduate teaching* OR Medical education*” and “Anatomy* OR Living anatomy* OR Real‐time anatomy.*” This review found that ultrasound curricula vary in stage of implementation, course length, number of sessions offered to students as well as staffing and additional course components. Most courses consisted of didactic lectures supplemented with demonstration sessions and/or hands‐on ultrasound scanning sessions. The stage of course implementation tended to depend on the aim of the course; introductory courses were offered earlier in a student's career. Most courses improved student confidence and exam performance, and more junior students tended to benefit more from learning anatomy with ultrasound guidance rather than learning clinical examination skills. Students tended to prefer smaller groups when learning ultrasound to get more access to using the machines themselves. Ultrasonography is an important skill, which should be taught to medical students early in their careers as it facilitates anatomical education and is clinically relevant, though further objective research required to support the use of ultrasound education as a tool to improve clinical examination skills in medical students. Clin. Anat. 30:452–460, 2017. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This article describes a Clinical Anatomy course designed to bridge basic anatomy with clinical clerkships. It is given in the second year, after the traditional dissecting anatomy course. Students revisit anatomy during small group discussions of clinical cases. An example of a case is described together with a summary of a typical group process stimulated by the case. The group process enables students to develop clinical thinking and problem solving skills fundamental to clinical practice. They learn to search for medical knowledge resources, and to work in teams. The tutor evaluates the students’ progress based on their knowledge building, problem solving and development of their interpersonal skills. Problem based learning in this interdisciplinary anatomy course allows students and faculty both horizontal and vertical integration within the curriculum.  相似文献   

How we educate students in the first two years of medical school is changing at many institutions. Effective medical education should be viewed as a continuum, integration of the basic sciences and clinical medicine should occur throughout the curriculum, and self-directed, life-long learning should be emphasized. Curricular revision may be appropriate if these fundamental concepts are absent. The principles of three curricular models are discussed: traditional, problem-based, and systems-oriented. The ideal curriculum may draw from each of these: A truly integrated curriculum. However, the curricular model chosen must meet the needs of the institution and its students. As anatomists we should not shy away from this process of change. With progressive educational approaches, we can be leaders in this climate of curricular reform. Anatomy courses are laboratory based and the laboratory is an outstanding small group, faculty/student interactive opportunity. However, we must show flexibility and innovation in our educational approaches whatever the curricular design being proposed. Anat. Rec. (New Anat.) 253:28–31, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

目的:探讨物理课程在高等医药类专业教育中的作用与地位。方法:对全国部分城市不同类别医院从业医务工作者进行调查,综合国际医学教育标准和我国现实医学教育以及医疗服务行业状况进行分析。结果:探讨了我国高等医药类专业教育中物理课程的设置及目标与定位问题,给出了明确的课程定位与设置标准。结论:现代医学高等教育不应忽视或淡化物理课程在医学人才培养中素质教育和专业水平提高的积极作用与基础地位,在有限的学时空间内合理安排基础性内容和与专业素质培养相关的应用内容。  相似文献   

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