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不同月龄儿童不同剂量麻疹疫苗免疫效果研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为评价不同月龄儿童不同剂量麻疹疫苗免疫效果,我们于1986年5月选择有代表性的十总镇及正场乡4~12个月龄儿童进行麻疹抗体测定,同时对这些儿童分别接种0.2毫升、0.5毫升冻干麻疹疫苗,观察初免效果。现将结果  相似文献   

为了评价麻疹疫苗质量、接种质量及初免后儿童的免疫应答能力,根据我市“九五”控制麻疹规划,开展本次麻疹疫苗的免疫原性调查研究。现把调查结果报告如下:1材料与方法11调查对象市(县)区选择出生已满8足月龄尚未接种麻疹疫苗的儿童各30~50人;12标本...  相似文献   

麻疹疫苗初免血清学效果观察陈文超为了解我地段婴儿麻疹基础免疫的成功率及免疫后近期内的抗体水平,我们于1989年10~11月,抽查了33名未作过基础免疫及未患过麻疹的婴儿,进行麻疹初免前后的血清学效果观察,现将结果整理如下。1材料与方法1.1疫苗麻疹疫...  相似文献   

关于麻疹疫苗免疫起始月龄的探讨   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的探讨麻疹疫苗接种起始月龄。方法ELISA法测定麻疹IgG抗体。结果2002年对58对25-30岁产妇及其婴儿的麻疹抗体的研究表明,58对母婴中有51对母婴麻疹抗体滴度相同,7对不同,但只相差1个滴度,且两者抗体均处于低水平,说明母婴抗体间有密切关系。通过对胎传抗体追踪观察发现,新生儿抗体水平不高,3月龄时抗体阳性率已降至48.3%,6月龄和8月龄时分别降至19.0%和15.0%,6月龄和8月龄婴儿接种麻疹疫苗后免疫成功率分别为84.5%和85.0%。结论建议麻疹疫苗初免提前到6月龄时进行。  相似文献   

吴昕  翁毓秋 《应用预防医学》1996,2(4):F003-F003
柳州市儿童麻疹疫苗免疫效果观察吴昕翁毓秋1996年3月5~20日我们对接种过麻疹疫苗一针及两针的儿童164名进行免疫效果观察。1材料与方法在我市城区、郊县抽取1994年出生并明确记录8月龄接种一针麻疹疫苗儿童73名,8月龄接种一针麻疹疫苗,112岁再...  相似文献   

潮州市湘桥区麻疹疫苗初免效果观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了解广东省潮州市麻疹疫苗免疫接种质量 ,有效地预防和控制麻疹疫情 ,于 2 0 0 1年 8、9月份在该市湘桥区的 4个街道进行麻疹疫苗基础免疫效果观察。现将结果报告如下。1 材料和方法1 1 观察对象 基础免疫观察对象为出生 8~ 12个月龄未接种过麻疹疫苗的 6 5名健康儿童。在麻疹疫苗初始免疫前和免疫后 1个月 ,分别用灭菌微量采血管每人 (次 )采手指末端血 0 3ml,分离血清 ,低温保存待检。1 2 麻疹疫苗 免疫用麻疹疫苗为卫生部兰州生物制品研究所产生的冻干麻疹减毒活疫苗 (批号为 2 0 0 0 0 32 0 - 4 ,失效期前使用 )和卫生部武汉生…  相似文献   

麻疹疫苗初免月龄及接种针次的探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
1993年广西84个麻疹暴发点的流行病学和血清学调查发现,暴露后1~3月龄、4-5月龄、6~7月龄、8-11月龄的未接种麻疹疫苗(MV)儿童的发病率分别为2.5%.13.0%.16.3%、19.7%。血凝抑制抗体阴性率分别为0%、71.2%.79.2%.85.9%。而1一7岁未接种儿童MV暴露后的发病率为24.4%。根据所得资料,作者建议MV免疫可采用两针法,第1针提前到4一6月龄,可降低婴幼儿麻疹发病率,第2针在15-23月龄,可弥补因第1针免疫不成功或漏种的易感儿。  相似文献   

麻疹疫苗最佳免疫月龄的研究   总被引:60,自引:2,他引:58  
对58对25~30岁产妇及其婴儿的麻疹抗体的研究表明,58对母婴中有51对母婴麻疹抗体滴度相同,7对不同,但只相差1个滴度,且两者抗体均处于低水平,说明母婴抗体间有密切关系。通过对胎传抗体追踪观察发现,新生儿抗体水平不高,3月龄时抗体阳性率已降至48.3%,6月龄和8月龄时分别降至19.0%和15.0%,6月龄和8月龄婴儿接种麻疹疫苗后免疫成功率分别为84.5%和85.0%,因此可考虑将麻疹疫苗初免提前到6月龄时进行。  相似文献   

广州市洪桥街麻疹疫苗再免疫效果分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

1 对象与方法1.1 对象 济宁市 8月龄~ 14岁儿童共 46 2 35 2人 ,其中无免疫史 3495 4人 ,有免疫史 42 7398人。1.2 方法(1)在规定时间内对本市 8月龄~ 14岁儿童进行麻疹疫苗的初始强化免疫 ,注射方法为上臂三角肌下缘皮下接种疫苗 0 .2 ml,并按多阶段分层随机方法 ,分别于强化免疫前和免疫后 4~ 6周采集 8月龄~ 14岁儿童血清 16 80份 (男82 7、女 85 3)和 172 6份 (男 914、女 812 ) ,由济宁市卫生防疫站统一检测。(2 )标本检测 :采用酶联免疫吸附试验 (EL ISA)检测麻疹 Ig G抗体 ,效价≥ 1∶ 2 0 0为阳性 ,试剂由山东省卫生防疫…  相似文献   

随着计划免疫工作的深入开展,8月龄内婴儿麻疹发病构成和发病率呈上升趋势。其临床表现与其他年龄人群麻疹基本相同。其发病主要与疫苗免疫原性下降,稳定性差,母亲抗体低、胎传抗体衰减、人群免疫覆盖率低等因素有关,或是以上因素综合作用的结果。为此,当前控制8月龄内婴儿麻疹可从以下几个方面着手:一是提高常规免疫接种率和接种质量,提高大年龄组儿童的接种率来保证<8月龄婴儿不至暴露于麻疹感染中;二是加快适合8月龄以下婴儿适用的新型疫苗的研制;三是将育龄妇女MV复种纳入控制小月龄婴儿麻疹的措施中;四是婴儿减少暴露于医疗机构的机会。  相似文献   

孕妇麻疹抗体水平及婴儿麻疹疫苗免疫效果分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
目的 了解孕妇麻疹免疫状况和婴儿麻疹疫苗免疫效果。方法 对 1 1 2名孕妇产前和5 0名 6月龄婴儿及 72名 8月龄婴儿免前免后采用酶联免疫吸附试验 (ELISA)检测麻疹抗体IgG。结果  1 1 2名孕妇麻疹抗体阳性 1 0 7例 ,阳性率 95 5 % ,抗体滴度 (GMRT)为 84 9 9;未达到保护水平有 30例 ,占 2 6 8% ;6月龄和 8月龄婴儿免疫成功率分别为 88 0 %、97 2 % ,免前麻疹抗体GMRT分别为4 1、1 1 ,差异均有显著性 (均P <0 0 5 ) ,而免后麻疹抗体GMRT分别为 782 0、976 5 ,差异无显著性(P >0 0 5 )。结论  8月龄婴儿免疫效果稍好于 6月龄婴儿 ,主要表现在免疫成功率方面 ,而免后抗体水平差异无显著性。  相似文献   

BackgroundIn settings where measles has been eliminated, vaccine-derived immunity may in theory wane more rapidly due to a lack of immune boosting by circulating measles virus. We aimed to assess whether measles vaccine effectiveness (VE) waned over time, and if so, whether differentially in measles-eliminated and measles-endemic settings.MethodsWe performed a systematic literature review of studies that reported VE and time since vaccination with measles-containing vaccine (MCV). We extracted information on case definition (clinical symptoms and/or laboratory diagnosis), method of vaccination status ascertainment (medical record or vaccine registry), as well as any biases which may have arisen from cold chain issues and a lack of an age at first dose of MCV. We then used linear regression to evaluate VE as a function of age at first dose of MCV and time since MCV.ResultsAfter screening 14,782 citations, we identified three full-text articles from measles-eliminated settings and 33 articles from measles-endemic settings. In elimination settings, two-dose VE estimates increased as age at first dose of MCV increased and decreased as time since MCV increased; however, the small number of studies available limited interpretation. In measles-endemic settings, one-dose VE increased by 1.5% (95% CI 0.5, 2.5) for every month increase in age at first dose of MCV. We found no evidence of waning VE in endemic settings.ConclusionsThe paucity of data from measles-eliminated settings indicates that additional studies and approaches (such as studies using proxies including laboratory correlates of protection) are needed to answer the question of whether VE in measles-eliminated settings wanes. Age at first dose of MCV was the most important factor in determining VE. More VE studies need to be conducted in elimination settings, and standards should be developed for information collected and reported in such studies.  相似文献   

Objective: Childhood immunization programs have been suggested as an infrastructure to deliver vitamin A supplements to children in developing countries. The effects of giving vitamin A, a potent immune enhancer, with measles immunization to nine-month-old infants is unknown.Methods: A randomized, double-masked, placebo-controlled clinical trial of vitamin A, 100 000 IU at the time of standard titer Schwarz measles immunization was conducted with nine-month-old infants in Bogor District, West Java, Indonesia. Antibody titers to measles were measured at baseline and one and six months following immunization.Results: 394 infants received measles immunization, and 37 infants (9.4%) had baseline antibody titers > 1:120, which is consistent with previous natural measles infection. Of the remaining infants, 98.8% seroconverted to measles, and 99.3% had titers consistent with protection against measles six months postimmunization. Seroconversion rates were similar in vitamin A and placebo treatment groups.Conclusion: High dose vitamin A supplementation can be given without reducing seroconversion to standard titer Schwarz measles immunization in nine-month-old infants.  相似文献   

Despite nationwide measles vaccination coverage in Israel of over 90%, repeated outbreaks of measles have spread from isolated communities with poor immunization uptake. Some severely affected individuals were children under 1 year of age, including premature infants. We evaluated the serological status of 195 newborn infants and their 161 mothers divided into four groups: vaccinated mothers (VMs) and premature infants, VM and full term infants, naturally immunized mothers (NIMs) and premature infants, NIM and full term infants. Maternal and cord blood measles antibody titers were determined by haemagglutination inhibition (HI) test and microneutralization test (mNT). Fewer than 40% of preterm infants of VM and less then 70% of preterm infants of NIM had protective titers at birth. The results of this study may aid in formulating new measles vaccination recommendations for preterm infants.  相似文献   

为了解计划免疫第三个85%达标后的现状及制约计划免疫持续发展的因素和问题,为制定免疫规划发展的策略和措施提供科学依据,推动计免工作的持续发展,对广州市1996~1998年的计划免疫工作进行综合评审.  相似文献   

目的分析贵州省麻疹减毒活疫苗(MV)后续强化免疫效果,探讨消除麻疹策略。方法综合分析后续强化免疫接种率、人群抗体水平和麻疹监测系统资料。结果本次强化免疫共接种目标儿童3279288人,报告接种率和快速评估接种率均95%,免疫后人群麻疹IgG抗体阳性率、保护率和几何平均滴度显著升高,麻疹发病率较后续强化免疫前下降79.1%。结论贵州省MV后续强化免疫效果显著,适时开展后续强化免疫是保持麻疹低发病率水平的重要措施。为实现消除麻疹目标,应加强常规免疫和麻疹监测,适时开展麻疹疫苗查漏补种或后续强化免疫,保证2剂次麻疹疫苗接种率≥95%。  相似文献   

目的研究麻疹减毒活疫苗强化免疫效果,探讨预防控制措施,为消除麻疹提供依据。方法用描述性流行病学方法,分析2009年麻疹疫苗强化免疫活动开展情况,收集2009与2010年麻疹发病资料并对强化免疫接种效果进行分析。结果 2009年麻疹疫苗强化免疫活动适龄儿童接种报告接种率98.66%,调查接种率99.21%,各年龄组儿童接种率均在97%以上;2009年与2010年麻疹报告发病率分别为8.45/10万和0.53/10万,麻疹疫苗强化免疫前后麻疹发病率下降了93.73%;发病人群麻疹IgM抗体阳性率2009年80.00%,2010年28.57%。结论2009年麻疹强化免疫活动效果显著,应进一步研究麻疹免疫策略,以适应消除麻疹的需要。  相似文献   

High overall vaccination levels sometimes hide pockets of poor coverage. We adopted a meta-population framework to model local aggregation of populations, and used this to investigate the effects of vaccination heterogeneity. A recent survey of antibody levels in a community with low vaccination levels in The Netherlands enabled us to assess the relative importance of local and long-range infective contacts, and thus identify feasible levels of aggregation in the meta-population model. In the aggregated model, we found that heterogeneity in vaccination coverage can lead to a much increased rate of infection among unvaccinated individuals, with a simultaneous drop in the average age at infection.  相似文献   

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