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对我国药品广告存在的主要问题进行了分析,就违法药品广告泛滥的现象,揭示了我国药品广告监管体系中存在的漏洞和盲点,提出了完善和发展我国药品广告监管体系的建议。  相似文献   

浅谈我国虚假药品广告的监管对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
药品广告作为医药企业整合营销的重要载体,其真实性和可靠性直接关系到消费者的合法权益.近年来,虚假药品广告等违法现象屡禁不止,严重干扰了药品市场的秩序,对人民群众的身体健康和用药安全构成了威胁.文章通过分析我国药品广告管理现状,从法律和体制层次探究了虚假药品广告产生的根源,并就政府对药品广告的监管提出了对策建议.  相似文献   

国家食品药品监督管理局近日发布了2007年第3期违法药品广告公告汇总,对各省级药监部门监测到的违法情节严重厂违法发布广告频次高的10个药品广告予以曝光。这些广告中均含有大量不科学表示功效的断言和保证,严重欺骗和误导消费者。根据《违法广告公告制度》的有关规定,国家食品药品监督管理局对各省(区、市)食品药品监督管理部门监测到的违法情节严重、违法发布广告频次高的药品广告进行了汇总。  相似文献   

目的:为了解决药品监管决策的制定、执行和反馈过程中诸多的困惑与难题,探讨如何在矛盾中寻求科学的监管决策。方法:运用社会控制理论分析药品监管决策过程,结合我国药监决策的实际情况,从影响因素角度展开探讨。结果与结论:为了保证药品监管决策系统稳定、动态地运行,药监部门应当改变监管理念,充实决策主体;建立信息的评价和反馈制度,选择恰当的监管手段,合理投放监管力量,做出科学决策。  相似文献   

在分析基层违法药品广告成因的基础上,提出建议:消除违法药品广告,需要广告主、药品监督管理部门、媒体、消费者共同努力.  相似文献   

目的:提高基层药品稽查装备水平。其存在不足之处。结果与结论:落实科学发展观,的行政效能。方法:讨论当前基层药监部门稽查装备的现状,分析运用现代化的设备装备药品监管队伍。提高药品稽查  相似文献   

正1997年全国卫生大会指出"要积极探索药品监管体制改革,逐步形成统一、权威、高效的管理体制",这是我国药品监管体制向统一、权威迈进的起点和政策基础。1998年,国家药品监督管理局(SDA)成立,隶属国务院,开始统一负责药品研制、生产、流通、使用的行政和技术监管。这是中国政府第一次建立独立于药品生产管理体系的药品监督机构,意味着中国药品安全监管进入了政府专门部门监  相似文献   

农村药品供应网络和监管机制历来是我国药监工作中最薄弱的环节 ,保证农村药品供应网络的健全和用药质量 ,直接关系到广大农民群众的身体健康和生命安全 ,关系到党和政府与农民群众的血肉联系 ,体现党和政府对农村、农民的关注与关怀。加强农村药品供应网络建设、完善监管机制 ,既是我们药监工作重点 ,也是药监工作一项系统性工程 ,更是基层药监工作重中之重。因此 ,我市药监系统对完善农村药品供应网络、强化农村用药监管 ,进行了有益的实践与探索。1 建立和完善农村药品供应网络的实践针对我市药品零售企业在城市区域内相对集中的实际 ,…  相似文献   

方法:运用分层随机抽样法,于2011年5月对江西省40个县进行基层医疗机构和药品经营企业基本药物流通的现场调查,并将采集数据录入Excel进行统计分析。结论:总体情况较好,表现为农村药品监督网络健全,实现药品信息化管理程度高,建立多部门的监管协作机制。问题:有过期失效药品,未按要求配备技术人员,药品储存不规范;基层医疗机构"规范药房"建设不平衡;药监部门电子监管发挥作用不够,执法能力有待提高。建议:完善企业诚信评定体系,提升监管部门监管能力,加大各部门间的协作,强化"规范药房"建设。  相似文献   

各国药品监管体制比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、问题的缘起 2000年6月7日,我国药监系统机构改革做出第二次重大调整,省级以下药监系统从隶属各个地方行政机构变为垂直管理,省一级药监部门的财权和人权仍在地方政府,但由国家药监局实行统一的行业管理。截至2003年底,全国31个省(区、市)、335个地级市、1950个县设立了药监部门。“机构设置”、“人员编制”、“职能规定”和“资产经费上划”基本到位。一个全国集中统一、省以下处置管理的药品监管机制初步形成。  相似文献   

药品集团采购是目前国内区域药品集采的典型模式,与国家集采常态化运行的协同发展,对建立国家药品市场化采购体系具有重要意义。本文通过分析国内药品集团采购模式的发展现状,从管理机制、价格策略、市场竞争、采购规则四个方面比较分析了国家药品集中带量采购与药品集团采购的差异,重点围绕监管机制、服务功能、市场竞争与协同发展,讨论了国内药品集团采购的未来发展挑战,并给出了相应的发展对策。研究成果能够为优化药品集团采购管理实践、促进药品带量集采高质量协同发展提供助力。  相似文献   



To review the scientific literature on pharmaceutical advertising aimed at health professionals in order to determine whether gender bias has decreased and the quality of information in pharmaceutical advertising has improved over time.


We performed a content analysis of original articles dealing with medical drug promotion (1998-2008), according to quality criteria such as (a) the number, validity and accessibility of bibliographic references provided in pharmaceutical advertising and (b) the extent to which gender representations were consistent with the prevalence of the diseases. Databases: PUBMED, Medline, Scopus, Sociological Abstract, Eric and LILACS.


We reviewed 31 articles that analyzed advertising in medical journals from 1975-2005 and were published between 1998 and 2008. We found that the number of references used to support pharmaceutical advertising claims increased from 1975 but that 50% of these references were not valid. There was a tendency to depict men in paid productive roles, while women appeared inside the home or in non-occupational social contexts. Advertisements for psychotropic and cardiovascular drugs overrepresented women and men respectively.


The use of bibliographic references increased between 1998 and 2008. However, representation of traditional male-female roles was similar in 1975 and 2005. Pharmaceutical advertisements may contribute to reinforcing the perception that certain diseases are associated with the most frequently portrayed sex.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Our main objective is to examine whether the Japanese government's pharmaceutical price reduction policy has reduced the size of pharmaceutical profit traditionally enjoyed by health care providers. We discuss alternative measures that the government could introduce in an attempt to control drug costs. METHODS: We review Japan's pharmaceutical reimbursement system. We then analyse published and unpublished data in an attempt to reach our main objective. Calculations are made from raw data, provided by the National Hospital Federation of Japan, in order to discover the extent to which hospitals are experiencing financial difficulties. RESULTS: Due to pharmaceutical product shifting by hospitals from older, less profitable drugs to newer, more profitable ones, drug profit margins may not have fallen to the extent that is often reported in the Japanese press. Furthermore, increased prescribing, possibly due to the ageing of the population, may have maintained the total drug profits of hospitals, to a large extent, despite any reduction in profit margins. CONCLUSIONS: Although drug price reduction policy has had some success in controlling pharmaceutical expenditure, there is little evidence to suggest that total pharmaceutical profits for the provider units have been seriously undermined, despite the prevalence of this notion among hospital administrators. Nevertheless, in order to promote the more efficient and effective manufacture and utilization of pharmaceuticals, the government should seriously consider alternative methods for controlling pharmaceutical costs.  相似文献   

目的:分析基本药物制度对基层医疗机构收入结构的影响。方法:对山西省实施基本药物制度的58家乡镇卫生院的收入状况与结构变化趋势进行分析。结果:随着政府对基层医疗机构投入的增加,基本药物制度基本实现全覆盖,基本药物收入占药品收入比重从2009年的20.45%上升到2013年97.03%,药品收入占总收入的比重下降了18.4%;与此同时,财政补助收入占总收入的比重从2009年的25.77%上升到2013年的54.16%,但业务收入占总收入比重总体呈下降趋势。结论:基本药物制度需要政府财政的大力支持,在进一步完善基层基本药物清单和基层财政补助政策的同时,完善医生薪酬和激励机制并改革不合理的医生劳务定价和补偿机制。  相似文献   

ObjectivesCorruption is one of several factors that may hinder the access to pharmaceuticals. Since Kuwait has the highest per-capita spending on pharmaceuticals in the region, we wanted to evaluate the level of transparency in its pharmaceutical sector using an established assessment tool adapted by the World Health Organization.MethodsStandardized questionnaires were conducted via semi-structured interviews with key informants to measure the level of transparency in eight functions of the public pharmaceutical sector.ResultsThe scores for the degree of vulnerability to corruption reflected marginal to moderate venerability to corruption for most pharmaceutical sectors. The perceived strengths included availability of appropriate laws, the presence of clear standard operating procedures, and the use of an efficient registration/distribution system. Weaknesses included lack of conflict of interest guidelines and written terms of reference, absence of pharmacoeconomic studies, and inconsistencies in law enforcement.ConclusionsFindings reveal that few functions of Kuwait pharmaceutical sector remain fairly vulnerable to corruption. However, the willingness of Kuwait Ministry of Health to adopt the assessment study and the acknowledgement of the weaknesses of current processes of the pharmaceutical sector may assist to achieve a transparent pharmaceutical system in the near future.  相似文献   

It should come as no surprise that the ancient Greek word for drug, pharmakon, meant remedy. But this same word also meant poison as well as magical charm. We speak of heart attacks and of a long road to recovery. These meanings and phrases are reflective of how society conceives of illness and medical therapies. Metaphors and myths of magic, sports and journey are prevalent in medical terminology and they permeate pharmaceutical advertising. This research investigates the conceptual metaphors that are present in advertisements for pharmaceuticals, both those directed to consumers as well as those directed to physicians, for a broad range of drugs and medical conditions. This research employed a content analysis of advertisements appearing in popular consumer magazines as well as in physician journals and an analysis of online consumer drug reviews. The research concludes with a discussion of the similarities and differences among the conceptual metaphors in consumer versus physician ads, across different medical conditions, and the impact of specific metaphors on consumers' understanding of illness and drug therapies.  相似文献   

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