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目的:了解唾液溶菌酶水平与口腔念球菌感染的关系。方法:以正常人群作对照,用琼脂糖含菌平板法测量口腔念珠菌病患者混合唾液溶菌酶含量。结果:口腔念球菌感染者唾液溶菌酶含量高于非感染者对照组。  相似文献   

唾液中肿瘤标志物诊断口腔鳞癌的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肿瘤标志物的研究已成为肿瘤学中一个重要的新学科,唾液是与口腔密切相关的体液,含有口腔组织细胞及其代谢分泌物,作为检测中介具有许多优点,故在唾液中寻找肿瘤标志物以早期诊断口腔鳞癌已成为研究的重点。本文对唾液中c-erbB-2(neu)、p53、p16、端粒酶、微卫星、癌胚抗原、CA-50等肿瘤标志物的生物学特征,及其在口腔鳞癌患者中的表达和检测进行综述。  相似文献   

肿瘤标志物的研究已成为肿瘤学中一个重要的新学科,唾液是与口腔密切相关的体液,含有口腔组织细胞及其代谢分泌物,作为检测中介具有许多优点,故在唾液中寻找肿瘤标志物以早期诊断口腔鳞癌已成为研究的重点。本文对唾液中c-erbB-2(neu)、p53、p16、端粒酶、微卫星、癌胚抗原、CA-50等肿瘤标志物的生物学特征,及其在口腔鳞癌患者中的表达和检测进行综述。  相似文献   

唾液中的分泌型IgA(SIgA)是外分泌液中盼主要免疫球蛋白,参与口腔局部防御机能。其对微生物的作用已有较多研究并已充分肯定。但是,与肿瘤的发生和发展的关系,则尚不很清楚。本文报道我科对口腔颌面部恶性肿瘤患者全唾液SIgA检测的结果。  相似文献   

口腔颌面部肿瘤与唾液表皮生长因子关系的初步研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
目的:探讨唾液表皮生长因子(EGF)含量与口腔颌面部肿瘤之间的关系及其临床意义。方法:以^125I-EGF为配体,用放射免疫法,对123例口腔面部肿瘤及炎症患者唾液EGF(sEGF)含量进行测定分析,同时以40例健康成年人sEGF为对照。结果:腺恶性肿瘤sEGF含量显著性高于良性肿.,一两者均明显高于正常对照组。粘膜鳞癌及复发,癌前病变患者sEGF均较正常对照组明显升高,但各组间无显著性差异,仅呈上升趋势(淋巴结转移患者较正常对照组升高无显著性)。口腔颌面部炎症患者sEGF较对照组升高有高度显著性。论:sEGF含量在涎腺肿瘤及粘膜鳞癌,炎症中均有不同程度的升高。  相似文献   

目的 :通过对患者放疗后早期与放疗前的血液,进行免疫细胞检测及外周血基因表达谱芯片检测,分析放疗早期对机体免疫功能的影响。方法:22例口腔颌面肿瘤患者,检测放疗前1周和后1周的血液中,CD3+T、CD4+T、CD8+T、B、NK细胞数量及比例变化。通过表达谱芯片检测筛选放疗前后血液标本的差异基因,用R语言及DAVID数据库行功能分类和信号传导通路相关性分析。结果:患者淋巴细胞及其亚类数目在放疗后明显下降。表达谱芯片筛选出368个免疫炎症相关基因。涉及的信号通路主要是T细胞受体信号通路、黏附分子、NK介导细胞毒效应等相关通路。结论:放疗能部分激活CD8+T及NK细胞介导的杀伤免疫,同时抑制T细胞和NK细胞的分化及其信号传导通路。  相似文献   

目的:探讨改良人工唾液对鼻咽癌放疗患者全唾液pH值和缓冲能力的影响。方法:选择8例因鼻咽癌放疗并伴有口干症的患者为受试者,收集唾液时间为上午9点至11点。用改良人工唾液含漱1 m in,收集基线时及含漱后2分钟静止性及刺激性全唾液,对含漱前后静止性唾液的pH值和含漱前后刺激性唾液的缓冲能力进行测定。结果:经改良人工唾液含漱后,患者静止性全唾液pH值较含漱前为高,经统计学检验其差异具有显著性(P<0.05);患者刺激性全唾液缓冲能力大于含漱前,经统计学检验其差异具有高度显著性意义(P<0.01)。结论:改良人工唾液具有改善鼻咽癌放疗患者全唾液pH值和缓冲能力的作用。  相似文献   

来用免疫放射分析法测定了70例口腔恶性肿瘤和40例口腔良性肿瘤患者唾液中CA-50抗原,并与70例正常人作对照,同时还对恶性肿瘤组中60例作血清CA-50测定.结果:恶性肿瘤组中唾液CA-50值明显高于正常人组(P<0.001)和良性肿瘤组(P<0.01).60例恶性肿瘤组血清CA50值仅见3例升高.提出唾液中CA—50检测对口腔癌的诊断较血清敏感.  相似文献   

可溶性白细胞介素2受体存在于血液和淋巴细胞培养上层液中,与细胞膜IL-2R相比,sIL-2R的临床应用非常广泛,目前已成为恶性肿瘤、移植免疫、自身免疫性疾病和某些感染性疾病的论断、预后和治疗效果检测的重要指标。  相似文献   

目的 探讨玉屏风13服液对口腔扁平苔藓(aral lichen planus,OLP)患者唾液表皮生长因子(salivary epidermal growth factor,sEGF)含量的影响,进一步探讨玉屏风口服液治疗OLP的药理机制.方法 采用放射免疫法检测20例OLP患者服用玉屏风口服液前后sEGF的含量,并与20名口腔黏膜正常者的sEGF含量进行比较.结果 OLP患者用药前sEGF的含量为(409±3.64)μg/L,明显高于正常黏膜组[(2.15±1.62)μg/L],差异有统计学意义(P=0.013);用药后sEGF的含量为(257±1.19)μg/L,显著低于用药前(P=0.05).结论 玉屏风13服液对OLP患者sEGF含量有调节作用.  相似文献   

作者用双抗体夹心法酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA法)检测了46例颌面部肿瘤患者血清可溶性白细胞介素-2受体(SIL-2R)水平,并与25例正常健康人进行对照比较,结果显示,口腔颌面部恶性肿瘤患者血清SIL-2R水平显著高于颌面部良性肿瘤患者血清SIL-2R水平(P〈0.01)及正常健康人血清SIL-2R水平(P〈0.01),而颌面部良性肿瘤患者血清SIL-2R水平与正常健康人血清SIL-2R水平之间  相似文献   

Objective To examine the effect of mouthwash Yupingfeng on the level of salivary epidermal growth factor(sEGF)in ora]lichen planus(OLP).Methods The level of sEGF Was measured by mdioimmunoassay with ligand 125I-EGF.The saliva samples were taken from the normal control group and the OLP patients before and after treatment with Yupingfeng.Results The levels of sEGF in OLP patients before treatment with Yupingfeng were(4.09±3.64)μg/L,which was significantly hisher than that in normal control[(2.15±1.62)μg/L,P=0.013],and(2.57±1.19)μg/L after treatment,which was significantly lower than before treatment(P=0.05).Condusions Yupingfeng can modulate the level of sEGF in OLP patients.  相似文献   

Objective To examine the effect of mouthwash Yupingfeng on the level of salivary epidermal growth factor(sEGF)in ora]lichen planus(OLP).Methods The level of sEGF Was measured by mdioimmunoassay with ligand 125I-EGF.The saliva samples were taken from the normal control group and the OLP patients before and after treatment with Yupingfeng.Results The levels of sEGF in OLP patients before treatment with Yupingfeng were(4.09±3.64)μg/L,which was significantly hisher than that in normal control[(2.15±1.62)μg/L,P=0.013],and(2.57±1.19)μg/L after treatment,which was significantly lower than before treatment(P=0.05).Condusions Yupingfeng can modulate the level of sEGF in OLP patients.  相似文献   

Objective To examine the effect of mouthwash Yupingfeng on the level of salivary epidermal growth factor(sEGF)in ora]lichen planus(OLP).Methods The level of sEGF Was measured by mdioimmunoassay with ligand 125I-EGF.The saliva samples were taken from the normal control group and the OLP patients before and after treatment with Yupingfeng.Results The levels of sEGF in OLP patients before treatment with Yupingfeng were(4.09±3.64)μg/L,which was significantly hisher than that in normal control[(2.15±1.62)μg/L,P=0.013],and(2.57±1.19)μg/L after treatment,which was significantly lower than before treatment(P=0.05).Condusions Yupingfeng can modulate the level of sEGF in OLP patients.  相似文献   

Objective To examine the effect of mouthwash Yupingfeng on the level of salivary epidermal growth factor(sEGF)in ora]lichen planus(OLP).Methods The level of sEGF Was measured by mdioimmunoassay with ligand 125I-EGF.The saliva samples were taken from the normal control group and the OLP patients before and after treatment with Yupingfeng.Results The levels of sEGF in OLP patients before treatment with Yupingfeng were(4.09±3.64)μg/L,which was significantly hisher than that in normal control[(2.15±1.62)μg/L,P=0.013],and(2.57±1.19)μg/L after treatment,which was significantly lower than before treatment(P=0.05).Condusions Yupingfeng can modulate the level of sEGF in OLP patients.  相似文献   

Objective To examine the effect of mouthwash Yupingfeng on the level of salivary epidermal growth factor(sEGF)in ora]lichen planus(OLP).Methods The level of sEGF Was measured by mdioimmunoassay with ligand 125I-EGF.The saliva samples were taken from the normal control group and the OLP patients before and after treatment with Yupingfeng.Results The levels of sEGF in OLP patients before treatment with Yupingfeng were(4.09±3.64)μg/L,which was significantly hisher than that in normal control[(2.15±1.62)μg/L,P=0.013],and(2.57±1.19)μg/L after treatment,which was significantly lower than before treatment(P=0.05).Condusions Yupingfeng can modulate the level of sEGF in OLP patients.  相似文献   

Objective To examine the effect of mouthwash Yupingfeng on the level of salivary epidermal growth factor(sEGF)in ora]lichen planus(OLP).Methods The level of sEGF Was measured by mdioimmunoassay with ligand 125I-EGF.The saliva samples were taken from the normal control group and the OLP patients before and after treatment with Yupingfeng.Results The levels of sEGF in OLP patients before treatment with Yupingfeng were(4.09±3.64)μg/L,which was significantly hisher than that in normal control[(2.15±1.62)μg/L,P=0.013],and(2.57±1.19)μg/L after treatment,which was significantly lower than before treatment(P=0.05).Condusions Yupingfeng can modulate the level of sEGF in OLP patients.  相似文献   

Objective To examine the effect of mouthwash Yupingfeng on the level of salivary epidermal growth factor(sEGF)in ora]lichen planus(OLP).Methods The level of sEGF Was measured by mdioimmunoassay with ligand 125I-EGF.The saliva samples were taken from the normal control group and the OLP patients before and after treatment with Yupingfeng.Results The levels of sEGF in OLP patients before treatment with Yupingfeng were(4.09±3.64)μg/L,which was significantly hisher than that in normal control[(2.15±1.62)μg/L,P=0.013],and(2.57±1.19)μg/L after treatment,which was significantly lower than before treatment(P=0.05).Condusions Yupingfeng can modulate the level of sEGF in OLP patients.  相似文献   

Objective To examine the effect of mouthwash Yupingfeng on the level of salivary epidermal growth factor(sEGF)in ora]lichen planus(OLP).Methods The level of sEGF Was measured by mdioimmunoassay with ligand 125I-EGF.The saliva samples were taken from the normal control group and the OLP patients before and after treatment with Yupingfeng.Results The levels of sEGF in OLP patients before treatment with Yupingfeng were(4.09±3.64)μg/L,which was significantly hisher than that in normal control[(2.15±1.62)μg/L,P=0.013],and(2.57±1.19)μg/L after treatment,which was significantly lower than before treatment(P=0.05).Condusions Yupingfeng can modulate the level of sEGF in OLP patients.  相似文献   

Objective To examine the effect of mouthwash Yupingfeng on the level of salivary epidermal growth factor(sEGF)in ora]lichen planus(OLP).Methods The level of sEGF Was measured by mdioimmunoassay with ligand 125I-EGF.The saliva samples were taken from the normal control group and the OLP patients before and after treatment with Yupingfeng.Results The levels of sEGF in OLP patients before treatment with Yupingfeng were(4.09±3.64)μg/L,which was significantly hisher than that in normal control[(2.15±1.62)μg/L,P=0.013],and(2.57±1.19)μg/L after treatment,which was significantly lower than before treatment(P=0.05).Condusions Yupingfeng can modulate the level of sEGF in OLP patients.  相似文献   

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