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OBJECTIVE: To document infection with HIV type 1 (HIV-1) group M non-B subtypes in individuals living in New York City. DESIGN: From October 1999 through April 2003, HIV-1-seropositive individuals were selected from 3 clinics in New York City based on having risk factors for infection with HIV-1 non-B subtypes. METHODS: HIV-1 RNA was extracted from plasma samples, and partial gag, pol, or env genes were amplified by PCR analysis. The infecting HIV-1 group M subtype was determined based on results of either heteroduplex mobility assay or sequencing and phylogenetic analysis. RESULTS: Ninety-seven subjects were enrolled in the study. Of the 97 subjects, 91 (94%) were selected based on having emigrated from a non-European country, while 6 (6%) were native United States citizens. Subtypes were successfully determined in 53 (55%) of the 97 plasma samples tested. The subtypes in 2 plasma samples were unclassifiable. HIV-1 infections were classified as those due to the following group M subtypes: A (n = 4; 7%), B (n = 12; 22%), C (n = 8; 15%), F (n = 2; 4%), CRF01_AE-like (n = 7; 13%), CRF02_AG-like (n = 19; 34%), an intersubtype recombinant form G/A (n = 1; 2%), and unclassifiable viruses (n = 2; 4%). CONCLUSION: This study reveals infection with a broad variety of HIV-1 group M subtypes mostly in the immigrant population of New York City as well as how several non-B subtypes are being introduced into the United States.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Asthma morbidity increases every year, especially among children, and exposure to high levels of indoor allergens is a very important factor. We evaluated the prevalence and exposure to cockroach (CR) allergen in asthmatic children in Poland, and also tested the hypothesis that asthma with allergy to CR is more severe than with allergy to other antigens. METHODS: One hundred and sixty children with asthma were examined, had skin prick tests (SPT) with common and CR allergens, underwent spirometry, and provocation tests to histamine. Children with positive SPT to CR had measured specific IgE levels to this antigen and Bla g 2 concentrations were measured in their homes. RESULTS: The most common allergen, was dust mite 51.3%, followed by pollen 48.8% and CR allergen 24.3%. In children with CR sensitivity, 13% had mild asthma, 26% moderate and 61% had severe asthma. Their levels for forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1), and the provocative concentration of histamine that caused a 20% fall in FEV1 (PC20), were statistically lower than in the group of children with other than CR allergies. Bla g 2 antigen was detected in 55.13% samples. The highest levels of Bla g 2 were found in old houses, without central heating, and in houses with lower income. CONCLUSION: In Polish children, CR allergen is a very important factor of sensitivity. Concentrations of Bla g 2 in homes are higher than previously reported in other European countries, and are strongly related to the houses' characteristics. Also, children with CR hypersensitivity have severe asthma more often than children with other allergies.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Although mouse allergen is known to cause occupational asthma in laboratory workers, its potential significance in home environments has never been studied. OBJECTIVE: This study was designed to define the prevalence of mouse sensitivity and its relationship to mouse allergen exposure and disease activity in inner-city children with asthma. METHODS: A subset of 499 subjects from the National Cooperative Inner-City Asthma Study had dust samples adequate for mouse allergen analysis, as well as valid puncture skin test (PST) results. Data were analyzed to relate mouse allergen exposure and other risk factors to mouse sensitization and asthma morbidity. RESULTS: Eighty-nine (18%) of the 499 children had a positive mouse skin test response. Children whose homes had mouse allergen levels above the median (1.60 microg/g) in the kitchen had a significantly higher rate of mouse sensitization (23% vs 11%, P =. 007). Atopy was also significantly related to mouse sensitization, with 40% of those with more than 4 positive PST responses having mouse sensitivity compared with 4% of those with no other positive PST responses (P <.0001). When atopy and exposure were considered together, 53% of those with more than 4 positive PST responses and allergen levels above the median had a positive PST response to mouse allergen compared with 22% of those with more than 4 positive PST responses and allergen levels below the median (P <.0001). The relationship among mouse allergen exposure, sensitization, and any measures of asthma morbidity was not statistically significant. CONCLUSIONS: Mouse allergen may be an important indoor allergen in inner-city children with asthma, with exposure and atopy contributing to mouse sensitization.  相似文献   

The present study attempts to ascertain the effectiveness of the health education component of the Queens Hospital Center Sickle Cell Education & Screening Program. The study is limited to children in grades four through six in the New York City public school system. Such elementary school students, representing a large segment of the population, are easily accessible and can be effectively educated about sickle cell disease. The findings indicate that professional sickle cell educators can successfully teach young children about the disease and can do so more effectively than the average schoolteacher.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The domestic cockroach has been identified as an important source of indoor aeroallergens worldwide in both temperate and tropical climates. Because cockroach populations are highest in crowded urban areas, some have suggested that the increased asthma morbidity and mortality rates in inner cities could be related in part to cockroach allergen exposure. We have examined cockroach allergen exposure in the homes of children with asthma in both urban and suburban locations and have related the rates of exposure and sensitization to socioeconomic, racial, and demographic factors. OBJECTIVE: The study was designed to determine the independent contribution of race, socioeconomic status, and place of residence to the risk of cockroach allergen exposure and sensitization in children with asthma. METHODS: Eighty-seven children with moderate to severe allergic asthma, aged 5 to 17 years, participating in a prospective trial of immunotherapy, were evaluated. Extracted dust samples from three home locations were analyzed by using two-site monoclonal immunoassays for major cockroach allergens (Bla g 1 and Bla g 2). A puncture skin test with a mixed cockroach allergen extract was performed in 81 of the 87 subjects. RESULTS: In the 87 homes evaluated, 26% of the bedroom dust samples had detectable levels of cockroach allergen. In homes with detectable bedroom cockroach allergen levels, mean Bla g 1 and Bla g 2 concentrations in urban and suburban homes were similar. Over 80% of children with bedroom Bla g 1 or Bla g 2 of 1 U/gm or greater demonstrated skin sensitivity to cockroach allergen. The rate of cockroach sensitization was directly related to the level of bedroom exposure. African-American race was the only factor that was independently associated with cockroach allergen exposure (p = 0.05). Lower socioeconomic status, age greater than 11 years, cockroach exposure, and African-American race were all independently associated with cockroach allergen sensitization on the basis of stepwise multiple linear regression analysis. CONCLUSIONS: African-American race and low socioeconomic status were both independent, significant risk factors for cockroach allergen sensitization in children with atopic asthma. Cockroach allergen is detectable throughout the house, including the critical bedroom environment. (J ALLERGY CLIN IMMUNOL 1996;97:1393-1401.)  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Inner-city children experience disproportionate asthma morbidity, and suspected reasons include indoor environmental exposures. OBJECTIVE: To determine if mouse allergen exposure is a risk factor for asthma morbidity. METHODS: Preschool children with asthma were recruited from inner-city Baltimore, MD. Skin testing was performed and blood was collected at the baseline visit for quantification of mouse allergen specific IgE. A questionnaire evaluated symptoms, medication, and health care use at baseline, 3 months, and 6 months. A trained technician collected dust samples from the child's home for analysis of Mus m 1 at baseline, 3 months, and 6 months. Outcomes were compared between mouse-sensitized, highly exposed children and all other children. RESULTS: A total of 127 children had complete data for mouse sensitization status and bedroom settled dust mouse allergen levels at baseline. The mean age of the children was 4.4 years, 92% were African American, and 26% were sensitized to mouse. Mouse-sensitized children exposed to higher levels of Mus m 1 (>0.5 microg/g) had 50% more days of symptoms (incidence rate ratio [IRR], 1.5; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.1-2.1) and 80% more days of beta-agonist use than other children (IRR, 1.8; 95% CI, 1.3-2.5). Children in the sensitized and highly exposed group were also more likely to have an unscheduled physician visit (odds ratio [OR], 3.1; 95% CI, 1.6-6.3), emergency department visit (OR, 2.1; 95% CI, 1.1-4.1), and hospitalization (OR, 36.6; 95% CI, 4.1-327.3) than other children. These associations between mouse allergen exposure and asthma symptoms and morbidity remained statistically significant after adjusting for potential confounders, including atopy and cockroach sensitization and exposure. CONCLUSIONS: In mouse-sensitized inner-city children, exposure to mouse allergen may be an important cause of asthma morbidity.  相似文献   

Coping with AIDS. The special problems of New York City   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

New York City (NYC) is one of the original foci of the HIV-1 epidemic and has a greater number of AIDS cases than any other city in the United States. NYC also hosts the highest number of immigrants among the nation's cities: more than 2 million among a total population of 8 million. Such a high rate of immigration could act as a potential source for introducing and disseminating novel HIV-1 strains into the United States. Our current study focuses on the genetic characterization of HIV-1 strains circulating in an immigrant population in NYC. Of the 505 HIV-1-positive specimens obtained, 196 were available for viral sequencing from the C2 to V3 region of env. Phylogenetic analysis using maximum-likelihood and neighbor-joining methods demonstrated that non-B subtypes and circulating recombinant forms (CRFs) accounted for 43.4% (85 of 196 cases), whereas the remaining 56.6% (111 of 196) cases had viral variants similar to the typical North American subtype B virus. Of those non-B subtypes and CRFs, subtype A and CRF02 dominated (63.5% combined); other subtypes, including C, D, F1, G, CRF01_AE, and CRF06_cpx, were also detected. Two HIV-1 sequences do not cluster with any known subtypes or CRFs. Furthermore, the distribution of non-B subtypes and CRFs was consistent with the countries of origin, suggesting that many of the study subjects were likely infected in their home country before they entered the United States. Subtype B viruses identified in the immigrant population showed no significant differences from the typical North American B subtype, however, indicating that a significant proportion of the immigrants must have been infected after they came to the United States. Public health officials and physicians should be aware of the growing genetic diversity of HIV-1 in this country, particularly in areas with sizable immigrant populations.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Congenital solitary kidney affects 1 in 1000 persons, whereas bilateral renal agenesis affects 1 in 5000. Because congenital solitary kidney is increased in parents of infants with bilateral renal agenesis and fetuses with renal anomalies on ultrasound, offspring of patients with congenital solitary kidney may be at risk of both unilateral and bilateral renal anomalies. The goal was to establish empiric risk estimates for counseling individuals with congenital solitary kidney. METHODS: Through a computerized review of records, subjects with congenital solitary kidney (defined as presumably congenital absence or severely reduced function of one kidney) were identified and asked to complete a questionnaire regarding urogenital anomalies in relatives. RESULTS: Empiric risks of 7% for offspring, 4% for parents, and 2.5% for siblings are minimal because not all relatives underwent ultrasound studies. The incidence of bilateral renal agenesis in offspring of congenital solitary kidney probands is 0.8%, which is much greater than the population risk but less than that for families with previous bilateral renal agenesis. Concordance for type of anomaly in affected relatives is only 50%, suggesting that various anomalies included in congenital solitary kidney (agenesis, dysplasia, cystic dysplasia) may overlap. Horseshoe kidney has 80% concordance and may be a separate autosomal dominant condition. CONCLUSION: Offspring and other relatives of individuals with congenital solitary kidney have significantly increased renal disease. Ultrasound is recommended for first-degree relatives, including fetuses at risk.  相似文献   

In a cohort of 5833 subjects in whom the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) was diagnosed in New York City before 1986, the cumulative probability of survival (mean +/- SE) was 48.8 +/- 0.7 percent at one year and 15.2 +/- 1.8 percent at five years. The group with the most favorable survival rate--white homosexual men 30 to 34 years old who presented with Kaposi's sarcoma only--had a one-year cumulative probability of survival of 80.5 percent; that group was used as the reference group in assessing the effect of five variables: sex, race or ethnic background, age, probable route of acquiring AIDS (risk group), and manifestations of AIDS at diagnosis. The range in the mortality rate was greater than threefold, depending on these variables. Black women who acquired the disease through intravenous drug abuse, for example, had a particularly poor prognosis. The manifestations of disease at diagnosis had the most influence on survival, accounting on average for 56.3 percent of the excess risk. This variable was followed in importance by age (12.2 percent), race or ethnicity (10.6 percent), risk group (8.4 percent), and sex (8.0 percent), with 4.5 percent of the risk attributable to interactions between variables. When we compared subcohorts based on the year of diagnosis (1981 through 1985), we found a significant improvement in the one-year cumulative probability of survival among subjects with Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia, but not among subjects without P. carinii pneumonia.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Exposure to mouse allergen is prevalent in inner-city homes and is associated with an increased risk of mouse skin test sensitivity in inner-city children with asthma. OBJECTIVE: To determine the distribution of mouse allergen and its relationship to mouse skin test sensitivity in a primarily suburban, middle-class population of asthmatic children. METHODS: Children with asthma, 6 to 17 years old, were recruited from 3 pediatric practices located in counties surrounding the city of Baltimore and from 1 practice located within the city limits. Participants underwent skin prick testing and completed a baseline questionnaire. Their homes were inspected, and settled dust samples were collected for allergen analysis. RESULTS: Two hundred fifty-seven of 335 (76.7%) participants resided outside the city, and 53.7% had annual incomes >$50,000. Mouse allergen was detected in 74.9% of bedrooms, and 13.1% were sensitized to mouse. Lower maternal education (odds ratio [OR], 2.17; 95% CI, 1.28-3.67), city residence (OR, 5.39; 95% CI, 2.23-13.02), and higher bedroom cockroach allergen levels (OR, 9.61; 95% CI, 1.17-79.03) were independent predictors of high bedroom mouse allergen. The risk of mouse skin test sensitivity increased with increasing bedroom Mus m 1 exposure (OR, 1.43; 95% CI, 1.04-1.96, with each increase in quartile), and dog skin test sensitivity was a strong independent predictor of mouse skin test sensitivity (OR, 7.23; 95% CI, 3.03-17.22). CONCLUSION: Mouse allergen exposure is common among suburban, middle-class asthmatic children. Increasing bedroom levels of Mus m 1 and dog skin test sensitivity are risk factors for mouse skin test sensitivity.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: We examined pregnancy outcomes in New York City (NYC) and upstate New York after the September 11, 2001 World Trade Center disaster. METHODS: Using birth certificate data for NY residents (n = 1,660,401 births), we estimated risk of low birthweight (LBW: <2,500 g) and preterm birth (<37 weeks) one week after September 11th versus three weeks before, and for 10 four-week intervals post-disaster versus these intervals in the two previous years. To corroborate regression results, we used time-series analysis. RESULTS: One week after September 11th in NYC, we observed an adjusted odds of 1.44 for births <1,500 g (P = 0.07) and 1.67 for births 1,500-1,999 g (P = 0.01), but a decreased odds of 2,000-2,499 g. We found no immediate change in LBW upstate or preterm in either location. In extended analyses, we found, in both locations, increased odds of <1,500-g births around New Year and 33-36 weeks post-disaster and decreased odds of moderate preterm for several weeks post-disaster. Time-series analyses yielded similar findings. CONCLUSIONS: The events of September 11, 2001 in NYC were associated with immediate increases in births <2,000 g, slightly delayed decreased preterm delivery, and delayed increases in LBW among infants exposed periconception or in the first two trimesters. Stress may contribute to observed associations.  相似文献   

Gentamicin- and methicillin-resistant strains of Staphylococcus aureus have been isolated from Spring 1979 to the present from many hospitals in New York City. A large proportion of the strains were resistant to the majority of antistaphylococcal antibiotics. The ratio of multiply resistant strains was highest among tetracycline-resistant strains. There were significant differences in phage susceptibility patterns and the resistance spectrum of strains isolated at different hospitals, whereas strains isolated at the same hospital often showed a marked degree of similarity. This suggests multiple origins of gentamicin- and methicillin-resistant strains isolated in New York City.  相似文献   

Background In past research, children with older siblings were more likely than others to wheeze at age 2 years, but less likely by age 6 years. Higher infection transmission and a down‐regulated allergic immune response as a result of these infections, respectively, were suggested as the causes. However, in a study of children aged 0–3 years in a low‐income urban community in New York City, USA, with high asthma prevalence, we observed no birth‐order effect. Objective To evaluate the association between birth order and atopy and respiratory symptoms in 4‐year‐old children attending Head Start programs in NYC. Methods Respiratory symptoms were assessed by questionnaire for 1005 children (mean age 4.0 years) living in high asthma prevalence neighbourhoods. Serum was collected from a subgroup of the children (n=494) and specific IgE responses to dust mite, cockroach, mouse, and cat allergens were measured. Results Prevalence of specific IgE (0.35 IU/mL) did not differ significantly among first (35%), second (35%), and later‐born children (28%) (P=0.23). Increasing birth order was associated with increasing prevalence of respiratory symptoms in the prior year, including wheeze (first 20%, second 27%, third or later 35%; P<0.001), being awakened at night by cough (28%, 33%, 38%; P=0.005), emergency department visits (14%, 17%, 21%; P=0.02) and hospitalizations for difficulty breathing (6.1%, 6.6%, 10%; P=0.04). The associations of birth order with respiratory symptoms were statistically significant only for the non‐seroatopic children and those without an asthmatic parent. Conclusions Non‐seroatopic children with older siblings were more likely than those without older siblings to have respiratory symptoms at age 4 years. Although the stability of these associations over time remains to be determined, the differences in findings between this study and our previous NYC birth cohort study suggest that patterns of asthma development may vary even among low‐income populations within the same city.  相似文献   

During an 8.5-year period (1974 to 1982), 56 Yersinia enterocolitica isolates from patients residing mainly in the New York City area were studied. Evaluation of these isolates revealed a marked increase in bacteremic episodes caused by strains of serogroups of O:3 and O:5,27 and the overall emergence of serogroup O:3, biotype 4, phage type 9b Y. enterocolitica. Of the serogroup O:3 stool isolates, 59% (19/32) were recovered from patients in their first year of life. One of these subjects had concurrent serogroup O:3 bacteremia. The apparent establishment of serogroup O:3 Y. enterocolitica in urban communities raises the potential for widespread outbreaks of disease caused by these strains.  相似文献   

Data were obtained from the tax records and the Professional Registry maintained by the New York City Department of Health as well as from the Biographical Directory of the American Psychiatric Association to determine which psychiatrists were providing care under the Medicaid Program and how they compare with the pool of psychiatric practitioners in New York City. The data reveal that psychiatrists educated in foreign medical schools provide disproportionately more care to Medicaid recipients than would be anticipated from their numbers, and are a majority of those who received more than +30,000 in payments in 1976. Furthermore, these psychiatrists account for 80 per cent of those delivering care at the two largest "shared health facilities," commonly referred to as "Medicaid mills." These findings indicate that although the Title XIX Program has facilitated the access of the poor to the private psychiatric sector, in New York City their access is biased toward treatment by foreign-educated psychiatrists.  相似文献   

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