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背驮式原位肝移植术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
标准的原位肝移植手术,受体的肾静脉以上至横隔以下的腔静脉段,作为肝切除的一部分而被切除。有时,由于静脉侧支循环的建立,该段腔静脉后的分离和随后的止血都极困难。所以,1989年Tzakis等报道了一种保留下腔静脉全长的原位肝移植手术,称为背驮式原位肝移植术(PiggybackorthotopicLiverTransplantation)。此后,学者们对这种术式又进行了某些改良,使得这一技术更趋完善。有人认为,背驮式手术技术是肝移植的最重要发展项目之一。我院于1996年5月至今,已分别对成人和儿童3例患者成功地施行了背驮式原位肝移植术。1手术方法我院3…  相似文献   

<正>1浅谈自体肝移植的现状1988年Pichlmayr等[1]成功报道了离体肝占位病变切除术,首次将体外肝占位病变切除与肝移植的理念相结合,创建了自体肝移植技术。此后,Oldhafer等[2]和Nuzzo等[3]也陆续报道了离体、半离体自体肝移植的技术改进和临床疗效。由于早期的研究者们仅注意手术技术的改良,对保留肝缺血再灌注综合征认识不足,因而疗效不尽人意。自体肝移植在早期手术后近期死亡率高达18.2%~21.8%,  相似文献   

自体肝移植技术作为肝胆外科最复杂、技术水平要求最高的手术操作,其在缓解肝移植供体短缺与切除难治性肝脏占位病灶等方面具有独特优势。本文兹就自体肝移植的概况、术前评估及技术改进等问题作一简介。概述自体肝移植是汲取肝移植技术和相应流程,对罹患肝占位病变的肝脏进行离体或半离体分离,然后在不同温度灌注情况下完成病灶的切除和保留肝的修整,最终将修整好的保留肝重新移植回病人体内的手术技术。自体肝移植技术因包含肝脏  相似文献   

肝移植手术的要点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
80年代以前 ,肝移植手术因出血量大、手术持续时间长 ,围手术期并发症及死亡率高 ,曾一度使我国肝移植研究处于停滞状态。 90年代起随着肝移植麻醉技术的提高、医疗设备的更新以及新的手术方式的出现等使肝移植的手术安全性大大提高 ,目前在我国一些大医院已成为一种治疗终末期肝病的有效手段 ,但毕竟肝移植手术是技术复杂、难度很高的大手术 ,处理好手术过程中的每个细节 ,将会大大降低手术的风险。结合我院2 6例肝移植经验对肝移植受体手术的要点归纳如下。  一、病肝切除1 .麻醉及术中监护根据手术步骤 ,麻醉分为肝切除期、无肝期及移…  相似文献   

目前,对于常规手术无法根治的终末期肝泡型包虫病,国内外学者实施的异体肝移植已超过65例,疗效肯定.我国肝包虫病患者多为农牧民,难以承受异体肝移植的高昂费用.因此,体外肝切除+自体肝移植不失为治疗该病的一种理想选择.2010年8月22日,我们为1例巨大肝泡型包虫病患者施行体外肝切除+自体肝移植,取得较好疗效.  相似文献   

目的 探讨半离体肝部分切除、自体肝移植应用技术.方法 对2例难以常规切除的病人施行半离体肝部分切除自体肝移植术,2例手术分别在转流和非转流术下完成,在持续低温灌洗过程完成肝部分切除、修整,最后恢复残肝再灌注和再植术.结果 2例病人术后残肝代偿好,无小肝综合征.结论 半离体肝切除自体肝移植术中应用转流更完全,为难以常规肝切除的病人提供了可行性技术径路.  相似文献   

成人活体肝移植的若干问题   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
自1989年[1]成功进行小儿活体肝移植以来,随着手术技术的不断创新和完善,新型免疫抑制剂的不断问世,小儿活体肝移植已取得稳定和良好的疗效,已被认为是治疗儿童终末期肝病的有效手段。为了解决供肝来源的缺乏,成人活体肝移植也应运而生,移植例数逐年增加,目前出现京都、华盛顿和香港等成人活体肝移植中心。活体肝移植的主要优势:①供肝具有良好功能;②最小的灌注损伤;③能够掌握手术时机。而不利因素是除了使健康的供肝捐献者置于肝切除的手术风险外,还有以下几个问题值得商酌。  相似文献   

肝移植作为各种类型不可逆急、慢性肝病的有效治疗手段,已被广泛接受。经过几十年稳步持续的发展,肝移植技术逐渐成熟和稳定。目前,我国各大移植中心均能完成各项肝移植技术,但存在发展不平衡、技术参差不齐等情况。为进一步规范我国成人肝移植术操作,中华医学会器官移植学分会组织肝移植专家,总结国内外相关研究最新进展,并结合国际指南和临床实践,针对供肝修整、病肝切除、供肝植入以及再次肝移植技术规范化操作,制订《中国肝移植术操作规范(2019版)》。  相似文献   

肝移植术式改进是提高其疗效的重要措施之一,近年来,对目前流行的背驮式原位肝移植、活体肝移植和正在兴起的肝联合移植都有了许多的新发展。一、背驮式肝移植肝静脉回流术式1989年 Tzakis 等首次报告背驮式肝移植,其特点是切除受者病变全肝时,保留受者肝后下腔静脉,肝右静脉端结扎,保留肝中、肝左静脉共干。植入新肝也将肝右静脉残端结扎,同样保留了肝中、肝左静  相似文献   

外科手术被认为是最有效的肝癌治疗方式。相对于肝切除,肝移植在5年存活率和复发方面具有明显优势。但由于临床上肝脏供体短缺等因素,故提出了挽救性肝移植(SLT)概念。即在供肝紧缺的情况下,肝癌病人先行肝切除术,术后肝癌复发或发生肝功能衰竭时再行肝移植的治疗策略。国内外各大移植中心对于SLT手术的时机、标准、疗效及影响因素仍然在不断完善和发展。对术前存在门静脉高压症、严重肝硬化、肝功能储备较差的肝癌病人尽可能首选一期肝移植。而对肝功能储备较好、肿块可切除的低危复发风险病人可选择先行一期肝切除,同时进行严密的随访和监测,如证实为肝癌复发符合肝移植标准可行SLT。如果肝癌切除术后病理学检查显示高危复发风险病人应尽快行SLT,不需等到肿瘤复发。  相似文献   

Split-Liver and living-related donor liver transplantation are the newest and both technically and ethically most challenging developments in liver transplantation and have contributed to a reduction in donor shortage. We report the technical aspects of surgical procedures performed to achieve a partial graft from a cadaveric and a live donor.  相似文献   

劈离式肝移植术是一种理想的扩大供肝利用和缓解供肝短缺矛盾的方法,可以缩短受者等待时间,降低等待期间患者病死率.劈离式肝移植与全肝移植比较,在供肝及受者选择、移植物血管分配、供肝劈分技术要点及移植物保护等方面的要求更严格,是影响劈离式肝移植效果的关键因素.随着对部分肝移植认识的加深,器官保存技术、外科技术的不断发展,并发症预防手段的进步,劈离式肝移植必将拥有更广泛的发展空间.  相似文献   

目的总结两个阶段开展临床肝移植的经验和体会。方法分析8例人体原位肝移植,包括1例肝肾联合移植的治疗结果。供肝保存第一阶段采用门静脉及肝动脉离体灌注,第二阶段采用腹主动脉及肠系膜上静脉UW液快速原位灌注。受体手术采用原位肝脏植入,吻合次序为肝上下腔静脉、门静脉、肝下下腔静脉、肝动脉和胆管,完成门静脉吻合后即开放门静脉结束无肝期。两个阶段均使用了免疫抑制剂但方法不同。结果第一阶段移植生存期最短39天,最长203天。除1例死于肿瘤复发外,全部死于败血症及严重感染。第二阶段移植病人1例半年后死于肿瘤转移,另3例仍健存,其中肝肾联合移植者生存已超过3年,在社会上正常生活工作。结论第二阶段取得了较好的效果。其中合理选择适应症,良好的供肝保存以及免疫抑制剂的使用等对肝移植的成功有重要影响。  相似文献   

目的 总结人工肝脏支持系统(ALSS)应用于人体原位肝脏移植围手术期的经验体会。方法 回顾性分析1993年4月至2001年5月连续实施的55例肝脏移植中9例病人在移植前后进行ALSS治疗的临床资料。结果 55例肝脏移植中有9例病人在移植前和(或)后进行了36例次的ALSS治疗。其中移植前有8例病人进行共24例次的ALSS治疗。原发疾病为慢性重型肝炎4例,终末期肝硬化4例。治疗后病人病情好转,肝功能等各项指标显著改善,顺利实施肝脏移植。移植术后3例病人出现排斥反应,在调整免疫抑制剂方案同时辅以共12例次的ALSS治疗,此后肝功能趋于好转,排斥反应得以扭转。结论 ALSS能纠正机体术前的内环境失衡,为供肝等待和增加手术耐受创造条件,应作为肝脏移植前积极准备的重要部分;ALSS为术后移植物功能发挥欠佳者提供了有力支持和恢复功能的机会。  相似文献   

The first 49 consecutive patients who underwent orthotopic liver transplantation between 1984 and 1989 in our department were studied with regard to symptomatic and asymptomatic post-transplantation infections. The major infections carrying a risk of fatal outcome are presented. During the first 4 weeks, fungal and bacterial infections predominated, the percentages of patients affected being 27% and 35%, respectively. Eight patients (17%) suffered from bacterial septicemia, which in six cases was due to gram-negative micro-organisms. The bacterial septicemia was often associated with severe ischemic damage to the graft, rejection, or cholangitis. In addition, a concomitant invasive fungal infection supervened in seven out of eight septic patients, further aggravating the patients' condition. Seventeen of the 49 patients (35%) died after transplantation within 3.3 years. Infection was the cause of death in nine patients (18%), with bacterial septicemia and/or fungemia in eight of these. Cytomegalovirus (CMV) disease was the dominant cause of illness after the 1st month. While only 5 of the 49 patients developed CMV disease during the 1st month (10%), as many as 16 of the 40 recipients who survived beyond that time suffered from symptomatic CMV viremia (40%). CMV mismatching, i.e., the donation of a CMV-positive organ to a CMV-seronegative recipient, entailed the highest risk for CMV disease. Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia occurred within 4 months in 10% of the patients. The four liver recipients affected were among the 20 patients not receiving trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole prophylaxis. None of the 28 patients who received this prophylaxis over a 12-month period developed this complication (P<0.05). The time-related panorama of infectious complications observed in this study has immediate clinical implications for the screening, prophylaxis, and therapy of infections following liver transplantation.  相似文献   

The impetus for the devolopment of living related liver programmes lies with donor shortage, which relates inversely to the success of generating cadaveric donors. A shrinking or non-existent cadaveric donor pool leads to an increased death rate among potential recipients awaiting transplantation. The living related liver programmes have by and large been successful, though it is accepted that there is potentially a significant risk to the donors. The technique of live donor liver transplantation is clearly here to stay, but the selection of suitable donors is between the family and the unit. Consequently, because of the lack of international guidelines, the programmes are open to abuse. Steps should be taken to establish either mechanisms of control or a worldwide register to combat this potential.  相似文献   

Donor safety is the paramount concern of living donor liver transplantation (LDLT). Although LDLT is employed worldwide, there is little data on rates and causes of ‘no go’ hepatectomies—patients brought to the operating room for possible donor hepatectomy whose procedure was aborted. We performed a single‐center, retrospective review of all patients brought to the operating room for donor hepatectomy between October 2000 and November 2008. Of 257 right lobe donors, the donor operation was aborted in 12 cases (4.7%). The main reasons for stopping the operation were aberrant ductal or vascular anatomy (seven cases), unsuitable liver quality (three cases) or unexpected intraoperative events (two cases). Over the median period of follow‐up of 23 months, there were no long‐term complications of patients with aborted donor procedures. This report focuses exclusively on an important issue: the frequency and causes of no go decisions at a single large volume North American LDLT center. The rate of no go donor hepatectomies should be as low as possible without compromising donor safety—however, even with rigorous preoperative evaluation the rate of donor abortions will be significant. The default surgical position should always be to abort the donor operation if there is an unexpected finding that places the donor at increased risk.  相似文献   

Sixteen recipients of neonatal liver grafts were compared with 114 contemporaneous pediatric recipients of grafts from older donors. Graft and patient survival were worse in the neonatal group although the differences were not statistically significant. Patients with neonatal livers who had no technical complications required a longer time postoperatively to correct jaundice and a prolonged prothrombin time. These functional differences were limited to the 1st postoperative month and the end result was the same as with liver transplantation from older donors.  相似文献   

活体肝部分移植术供肝的处理   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
目的 探讨活体肝移植术供肝的处理方法。方法 以日本京都大学经治的9例活体肝部分移植供者为对象,对供肝的灌洗时机、方法和供肝的修整及保存等方面进行观察。结果 9例供肝顺利切取,肝切除量平均占全肝的20% ̄29%,受肝者存活良好。结论 供肝的灌洗时机、方法和供肝的修整及保存都是活体体肝部分移植术中应重视的问题。  相似文献   

Piggy-back liver transplantation is a useful technical variant of orthotopic liver transplantation. Its success can, however, be compromised by severe stenosis or obstruction of the recipient's inferior vena cava at the level of the anastomosis. A technique is described — side-to-side cavocavostomy — to resolve this difficult intraoperative situation.  相似文献   

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