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目的:探讨七氟烷单纯吸入麻醉和丙泊酚全凭静脉麻醉对肺癌患者围术期细胞因子平衡的影响.方法:选择90例择期开胸行单纯性肺叶切除术的肺癌患者,随机分为两组:A组采用七氟烷单纯吸入麻醉;B组采用丙泊酚全凭静脉麻醉,每组45例.分别于麻醉诱导前即刻(T0)、单肺通气开始前即刻(T1)、单肺通气结束前即刻(T2)、手术关胸后即刻...  相似文献   

目的 评价丙泊酚与七氟烷用于无痛人流术的疗效.方法 选择拟行无痛人流术患者80例,随机分为丙泊酚组(P组)和七氟烷组(S组)各40例.P组静注丙泊酚3mg/kg,,给药速度10 mg/s;S组面罩紧闭吸入8%七氟烷.结果 循环稳定性比较S组优于P组;呼吸抑制和呛咳反射发生率P组较S组高;Aldrete改良评分麻醉后恢复总分≥9时所需时间S组明显少于P组;麻醉后满意度P组优于S组.结论 丙泊酚接受度更好,苏醒愉悦感更强;七氟烷术中更平稳,术后苏醒更完全.  相似文献   

目的比较丙泊酚和七氟醚对老年患者术后早期认知功能的影响。方法筛选年龄≥65岁,ASAⅠ~Ⅱ级的患者62例行择期胸腹部手术,随机分为丙泊酚组和七氟醚组,每组31例。患者术前及术后6 h、12 h、24 h和48h均采用MMSE评价认知功能。结果术后6h、12h、24h丙泊酚组和七氟醚组MMSE评分比较,差异显著(P<0.05),且随时间的延长,POCD得到改善,术后48 h ,基本恢复正常。结论丙泊酚和七氟醚均可降低老年患者术后早期的认知功能,但七氟醚比丙泊酚认知功能恢复快。  相似文献   

 目的:比较丙泊酚全麻诱导时滴定给药和传统给药对患者血流动力学的影响,以探求更安全、合理的麻醉诱导方案。方法:60例美国麻醉医师学会(American Society of Anesthesiology,ASA)分级Ⅰ~Ⅱ级、拟气管插管全麻下行择期手术的患者,随机分成2组,每组30例。Ⅰ组为传统给药组,按丙泊酚传统量2 mg·kg-1以250 mg·min-1的速度静脉泵注;Ⅱ组为滴定给药组,丙泊酚以1 mg·kg-1·min-1的速度静脉泵注,滴定至患者镇静警觉(OAA/S)评分1分,改为1  mg·kg-1·h-1维持。2组均在泵注丙泊酚的同时,给予芬太尼4 μg·kg-1以注射泵注入。传统组给丙泊酚后1 min、滴定组入睡后给予顺阿曲库铵2  mg·kg-1静推,4 min后行气管插管。记录诱导插管期间各个时点的收缩压(SBP)、舒张压(DBP)、平均血压(MBP)、心率(HR)和脉搏氧饱和度(SpO2)。记录血压下降超过30%的例数。术后第2 d询问患者对插管过程是否有记忆。结果:2组均在一次试插即完成气管插管,术后随访均对插管过程无记忆。Ⅱ组SBP和MBP在给药后1 min、3 min及DBP在给药后1 min下降幅度均较Ⅰ组小(P<0.01)。Ⅱ组血压下降超过30%的例数较Ⅰ组少(P<0.01)。结论:和传统的给药方法相比,全麻诱导时丙泊酚滴定给药既能满足气管插管所需要的麻醉深度,又能避免血流动力学的剧烈波动。  相似文献   

王丹  谢婷婷  张莉 《医学信息》2018,(9):133-134,142
目的 比较七氟醚复合静脉麻醉与丙泊酚静脉麻醉对老年髋关节置换术患者认知功能的影响。方法 择期拟行髋关节置换术老年患者60例,采用随机数字表法分为七氟醚组和丙泊酚组,各30例,七氟醚组常规麻醉诱导后予2.5%~3.5%七氟醚,丙泊酚组常规麻醉诱导后予丙泊酚静脉靶控输注,分别于术前1 d 和术后7 d行镇静/警觉评分和简明精神状态量表评分评价患者认知功能。结果 丙泊酚组OAA/s评分(4.21±0.40)分,高于七氟醚组(3.98±0.35)分,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);术后7 d丙泊酚组MMSE评分、语言能力,高于七氟醚组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),定向力、记忆力、注意力和计算力、回忆能力与七氟醚组,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论 丙泊酚静脉麻醉引起的术后认知功能损害低于七氟醚复合静脉麻醉,是老年患者更为理想的麻醉方案。  相似文献   

目的:观察并探讨新生大鼠接受七氟烷麻醉后,生长至断乳期的学习记忆功能的变化以及海马区神经元细胞凋亡的变化。方法:健康6 ~8日龄新生SD大鼠100只,随机数字表法分成5组,每组20只:Ⅰ组大鼠吸入体积分数为3%的七氟烷以及25%氧气2 h;Ⅱ组大鼠仅吸入25%氧气2 h;Ⅲ组大鼠分别在出生后第6、7、8天接受一次体积分数为3%的七氟烷以及25%氧气2 h;Ⅳ组大鼠仅吸入3次25%氧气2 h;Ⅴ组大鼠仅放入麻醉箱,不做任何处理。麻醉后待大鼠生长至16 ~21 d时,采用Morris水迷宫实验检测大鼠的空间学习和记忆能力,并且取大鼠海马区检测caspase-3的表达,用TUNEL法观察海马区凋亡细胞的变化。结果:①Morris水迷宫实验显示16 ~21鼠生长至16 ~21 d时进行定向航行实验,与第Ⅳ组大鼠相比,第Ⅰ组大鼠的逃避潜伏期无明显变化,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);第Ⅲ组大鼠的逃避潜伏期明显延长,和其他组相比,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);②在水迷宫的空间探索实验中,与第Ⅳ组相比,第Ⅰ组大鼠的穿越平台的次数无明显的变化;第Ⅲ组大鼠穿越平台的次数明显减少,并且较第Ⅰ组以及其他各组大鼠也显著减少,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);③第Ⅲ组大鼠的游泳速度明显慢于其他组别;④与第Ⅳ组大鼠比,Ⅰ组大鼠caspase-3的表达稍有增加,Ⅲ组大鼠caspase-3的表达明显增加,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。⑤仅接受一次七氟烷麻醉的大鼠海马区染色阳性的细胞稍有增加,而接受三次七氟烷麻醉的大鼠海马区染色阳性的细胞明显增加,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:新生6 ~8 d的大鼠接受三次七氟烷麻醉后,待其生长至16 ~21 d,其空间学习记忆能力明显受到影响,可能与海马区神经元细胞凋亡有关。  相似文献   

目的:对比不同麻醉方式对妇科腹腔镜手术患者的影响。方法将我院收治的145例手术患者依据麻醉方式差异分组,其中对照组72例行瑞芬太尼丙泊酚全凭静脉麻醉,观察组73例行丙泊酚复合异氟醚麻醉,对比两组麻醉效果。结果麻醉诱导前两组血压与心率各指标均差异不大(>0.05),T2时段观察组的收缩压(SBP)、舒张压(DBP)与心率(HR)分别为(100±3、59±5、51±4),T3时段为(97±6、57±4、52±5),显著低于T0和T1时段;对照组T2时段SBP、DBP与HR分别为(116±7、64±5、63±5),T3时段为(115±5、62±6、62±5),诱导后两组血压与心率各项指标均明显降低,且组间各指标差异大(<0.05)。结论丙泊酚复合异氟醚麻醉可有效控制术者麻醉后的应激反应,且该种麻醉手段更利于保持术者血流动力学的稳定。  相似文献   

目的比较不同呼气末含量七氟烷对开颅手术癫痫及非癫痫患者皮层脑电图的影响。以探讨七氟烷是否适合癫痫手术过程中麻醉的维持,并且确定其最佳麻醉维持剂量。方法24例癫痫患者和15例非癫痫需要开颅手术患者常规麻醉后,切开硬膜后置入皮层电极,分别控制呼气末七氟烷含量0.7,1.0,1.3,1.5MAC,稳定15min后记录皮层脑电图,记录并分析棘波和其它脑波变化。结果癫痫组患者在1.0,1.3MAC七氟烷含量时,棘波数量和导联数与0.7MAC时无明显变化,而1.5MAC棘波频数和导联数明显高于0.7MAC时(P〈0.05)。非癫痫组患者在0.7,1.0,1.3MAC时均无棘波出现,在1.5MAC部分病例出现棘波,且导联弥散。随着七氟烷含量的增加,患者其它脑电波形变化相似,α和β波频率减少,δ波频率增加,而θ波频率变化不明显。结论癫痫患者手术时,如果进行皮层脑电监测,七氟烷含量控制在低于1.3MAC为宜。如果术中脑电监测时,无论是否癫痫患者,七氟烷含量大于1.5MAC均可能影响监测结果。  相似文献   

袁曦 《医学信息》2018,(12):136-138
目的 对比罗库溴铵与七氟烷用于气管插管全麻中的效果。方法 选取2017年7月~12月我院108例行气管插管全麻的手术患者,采用随机数字表法分为实验组和参照组,各54例。实验组予以罗库溴铵进行麻醉,参照组予以七氟烷进行麻醉,对比两组患者的插管条件评分、平均动脉压及心率。结果 实验组患者的插管条件评分为(5.21±0.52)分,优于参照组的(7.85±0.83)分,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。实验组患者的MAP及HR波动范围小于参照组,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 在气管插管全身麻醉中选用罗库溴铵,插管条件优于七氟烷,且罗库溴铵对患者的血流动力学影响较小。  相似文献   

Objective To assess the effects of concentration of sevoflurane on the electrocorticogram (ECoG) of intractable epileptic patients or non-epileptic patients undergoing surgery and investigate the suitable concentration of sevoflurane for epilepsy surgery. Methods Of 24 patients with intractable epilepsy and 15 patients with non-epilepsy but brain diseases, ECoG were recorded under sevoflurane anesthesia with 0.7 minimum alveolar anesthetic concentration (MAC), 1.0 MAC, 1.3 MAC, and 1.5 MAC, respectively, under similar ventilatory conditions. Spike activity and other frequency brain waves were evaluated. Results The frequencies and leads of spike waves (or spike-form waves) were similar with 0.7-1.3 MAC sevoflurane anesthesia in epileptic patients, whereas the spike waves were significantly increased at 1.5 MAC in epileptic patients and 5 of 15 non-epileptic patients (P<0.05). The change of other frequencies brain waves was similar in both group: the frequency of α and β waves decreased, δ waves increased and θ waves changed a little. Conclusion The maintenance of anesthesia with 0.7-1.3 MAC sevoflurane is safe and suitable for the craniotomy surgery of epileptic patients with ECoG monitoring. Careful attention should be paid to the higher concentration of sevoflurane (>1.5 MAC) used when intraperative ECoG is used in both epileptic patients and non-epilepsy patients.  相似文献   

Objective To assess the effects of concentration of sevoflurane on the electrocorticogram (ECoG) of intractable epileptic patients or non-epileptic patients undergoing surgery and investigate the suitable concentration of sevoflurane for epilepsy surgery. Methods Of 24 patients with intractable epilepsy and 15 patients with non-epilepsy but brain diseases, ECoG were recorded under sevoflurane anesthesia with 0.7 minimum alveolar anesthetic concentration (MAC), 1.0 MAC, 1.3 MAC, and 1.5 MAC, respectively, under similar ventilatory conditions. Spike activity and other frequency brain waves were evaluated. Results The frequencies and leads of spike waves (or spike-form waves) were similar with 0.7-1.3 MAC sevoflurane anesthesia in epileptic patients, whereas the spike waves were significantly increased at 1.5 MAC in epileptic patients and 5 of 15 non-epileptic patients (P<0.05). The change of other frequencies brain waves was similar in both group: the frequency of α and β waves decreased, δ waves increased and θ waves changed a little. Conclusion The maintenance of anesthesia with 0.7-1.3 MAC sevoflurane is safe and suitable for the craniotomy surgery of epileptic patients with ECoG monitoring. Careful attention should be paid to the higher concentration of sevoflurane (>1.5 MAC) used when intraperative ECoG is used in both epileptic patients and non-epilepsy patients.  相似文献   

Objective To assess the effects of concentration of sevoflurane on the electrocorticogram (ECoG) of intractable epileptic patients or non-epileptic patients undergoing surgery and investigate the suitable concentration of sevoflurane for epilepsy surgery. Methods Of 24 patients with intractable epilepsy and 15 patients with non-epilepsy but brain diseases, ECoG were recorded under sevoflurane anesthesia with 0.7 minimum alveolar anesthetic concentration (MAC), 1.0 MAC, 1.3 MAC, and 1.5 MAC, respectively, under similar ventilatory conditions. Spike activity and other frequency brain waves were evaluated. Results The frequencies and leads of spike waves (or spike-form waves) were similar with 0.7-1.3 MAC sevoflurane anesthesia in epileptic patients, whereas the spike waves were significantly increased at 1.5 MAC in epileptic patients and 5 of 15 non-epileptic patients (P<0.05). The change of other frequencies brain waves was similar in both group: the frequency of α and β waves decreased, δ waves increased and θ waves changed a little. Conclusion The maintenance of anesthesia with 0.7-1.3 MAC sevoflurane is safe and suitable for the craniotomy surgery of epileptic patients with ECoG monitoring. Careful attention should be paid to the higher concentration of sevoflurane (>1.5 MAC) used when intraperative ECoG is used in both epileptic patients and non-epilepsy patients.  相似文献   

Objective To assess the effects of concentration of sevoflurane on the electrocorticogram (ECoG) of intractable epileptic patients or non-epileptic patients undergoing surgery and investigate the suitable concentration of sevoflurane for epilepsy surgery. Methods Of 24 patients with intractable epilepsy and 15 patients with non-epilepsy but brain diseases, ECoG were recorded under sevoflurane anesthesia with 0.7 minimum alveolar anesthetic concentration (MAC), 1.0 MAC, 1.3 MAC, and 1.5 MAC, respectively, under similar ventilatory conditions. Spike activity and other frequency brain waves were evaluated. Results The frequencies and leads of spike waves (or spike-form waves) were similar with 0.7-1.3 MAC sevoflurane anesthesia in epileptic patients, whereas the spike waves were significantly increased at 1.5 MAC in epileptic patients and 5 of 15 non-epileptic patients (P<0.05). The change of other frequencies brain waves was similar in both group: the frequency of α and β waves decreased, δ waves increased and θ waves changed a little. Conclusion The maintenance of anesthesia with 0.7-1.3 MAC sevoflurane is safe and suitable for the craniotomy surgery of epileptic patients with ECoG monitoring. Careful attention should be paid to the higher concentration of sevoflurane (>1.5 MAC) used when intraperative ECoG is used in both epileptic patients and non-epilepsy patients.  相似文献   

Objective To assess the effects of concentration of sevoflurane on the electrocorticogram (ECoG) of intractable epileptic patients or non-epileptic patients undergoing surgery and investigate the suitable concentration of sevoflurane for epilepsy surgery. Methods Of 24 patients with intractable epilepsy and 15 patients with non-epilepsy but brain diseases, ECoG were recorded under sevoflurane anesthesia with 0.7 minimum alveolar anesthetic concentration (MAC), 1.0 MAC, 1.3 MAC, and 1.5 MAC, respectively, under similar ventilatory conditions. Spike activity and other frequency brain waves were evaluated. Results The frequencies and leads of spike waves (or spike-form waves) were similar with 0.7-1.3 MAC sevoflurane anesthesia in epileptic patients, whereas the spike waves were significantly increased at 1.5 MAC in epileptic patients and 5 of 15 non-epileptic patients (P<0.05). The change of other frequencies brain waves was similar in both group: the frequency of α and β waves decreased, δ waves increased and θ waves changed a little. Conclusion The maintenance of anesthesia with 0.7-1.3 MAC sevoflurane is safe and suitable for the craniotomy surgery of epileptic patients with ECoG monitoring. Careful attention should be paid to the higher concentration of sevoflurane (>1.5 MAC) used when intraperative ECoG is used in both epileptic patients and non-epilepsy patients.  相似文献   

Objective To assess the effects of concentration of sevoflurane on the electrocorticogram (ECoG) of intractable epileptic patients or non-epileptic patients undergoing surgery and investigate the suitable concentration of sevoflurane for epilepsy surgery. Methods Of 24 patients with intractable epilepsy and 15 patients with non-epilepsy but brain diseases, ECoG were recorded under sevoflurane anesthesia with 0.7 minimum alveolar anesthetic concentration (MAC), 1.0 MAC, 1.3 MAC, and 1.5 MAC, respectively, under similar ventilatory conditions. Spike activity and other frequency brain waves were evaluated. Results The frequencies and leads of spike waves (or spike-form waves) were similar with 0.7-1.3 MAC sevoflurane anesthesia in epileptic patients, whereas the spike waves were significantly increased at 1.5 MAC in epileptic patients and 5 of 15 non-epileptic patients (P<0.05). The change of other frequencies brain waves was similar in both group: the frequency of α and β waves decreased, δ waves increased and θ waves changed a little. Conclusion The maintenance of anesthesia with 0.7-1.3 MAC sevoflurane is safe and suitable for the craniotomy surgery of epileptic patients with ECoG monitoring. Careful attention should be paid to the higher concentration of sevoflurane (>1.5 MAC) used when intraperative ECoG is used in both epileptic patients and non-epilepsy patients.  相似文献   

七氟烷用于癫痫手术麻醉及其对脑电图的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Objective To assess the effects of concentration of sevoflurane on the electrocorticogram (ECoG) of intractable epileptic patients or non-epileptic patients undergoing surgery and investigate the suitable concentration of sevoflurane for epilepsy surgery. Methods Of 24 patients with intractable epilepsy and 15 patients with non-epilepsy but brain diseases, ECoG were recorded under sevoflurane anesthesia with 0.7 minimum alveolar anesthetic concentration (MAC), 1.0 MAC, 1.3 MAC, and 1.5 MAC, respectively, under similar ventilatory conditions. Spike activity and other frequency brain waves were evaluated. Results The frequencies and leads of spike waves (or spike-form waves) were similar with 0.7-1.3 MAC sevoflurane anesthesia in epileptic patients, whereas the spike waves were significantly increased at 1.5 MAC in epileptic patients and 5 of 15 non-epileptic patients (P<0.05). The change of other frequencies brain waves was similar in both group: the frequency of α and β waves decreased, δ waves increased and θ waves changed a little. Conclusion The maintenance of anesthesia with 0.7-1.3 MAC sevoflurane is safe and suitable for the craniotomy surgery of epileptic patients with ECoG monitoring. Careful attention should be paid to the higher concentration of sevoflurane (>1.5 MAC) used when intraperative ECoG is used in both epileptic patients and non-epilepsy patients.  相似文献   

Objective To assess the effects of concentration of sevoflurane on the electrocorticogram (ECoG) of intractable epileptic patients or non-epileptic patients undergoing surgery and investigate the suitable concentration of sevoflurane for epilepsy surgery. Methods Of 24 patients with intractable epilepsy and 15 patients with non-epilepsy but brain diseases, ECoG were recorded under sevoflurane anesthesia with 0.7 minimum alveolar anesthetic concentration (MAC), 1.0 MAC, 1.3 MAC, and 1.5 MAC, respectively, under similar ventilatory conditions. Spike activity and other frequency brain waves were evaluated. Results The frequencies and leads of spike waves (or spike-form waves) were similar with 0.7-1.3 MAC sevoflurane anesthesia in epileptic patients, whereas the spike waves were significantly increased at 1.5 MAC in epileptic patients and 5 of 15 non-epileptic patients (P<0.05). The change of other frequencies brain waves was similar in both group: the frequency of α and β waves decreased, δ waves increased and θ waves changed a little. Conclusion The maintenance of anesthesia with 0.7-1.3 MAC sevoflurane is safe and suitable for the craniotomy surgery of epileptic patients with ECoG monitoring. Careful attention should be paid to the higher concentration of sevoflurane (>1.5 MAC) used when intraperative ECoG is used in both epileptic patients and non-epilepsy patients.  相似文献   

Objective To assess the effects of concentration of sevoflurane on the electrocorticogram (ECoG) of intractable epileptic patients or non-epileptic patients undergoing surgery and investigate the suitable concentration of sevoflurane for epilepsy surgery. Methods Of 24 patients with intractable epilepsy and 15 patients with non-epilepsy but brain diseases, ECoG were recorded under sevoflurane anesthesia with 0.7 minimum alveolar anesthetic concentration (MAC), 1.0 MAC, 1.3 MAC, and 1.5 MAC, respectively, under similar ventilatory conditions. Spike activity and other frequency brain waves were evaluated. Results The frequencies and leads of spike waves (or spike-form waves) were similar with 0.7-1.3 MAC sevoflurane anesthesia in epileptic patients, whereas the spike waves were significantly increased at 1.5 MAC in epileptic patients and 5 of 15 non-epileptic patients (P<0.05). The change of other frequencies brain waves was similar in both group: the frequency of α and β waves decreased, δ waves increased and θ waves changed a little. Conclusion The maintenance of anesthesia with 0.7-1.3 MAC sevoflurane is safe and suitable for the craniotomy surgery of epileptic patients with ECoG monitoring. Careful attention should be paid to the higher concentration of sevoflurane (>1.5 MAC) used when intraperative ECoG is used in both epileptic patients and non-epilepsy patients.  相似文献   

目的:探讨无创血流动力学监测在评估早期左室射血分数保留型心力衰竭(Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction,HFpEF)患者肺血流动力学指标及心室功能中的应用价值.方法:选取2018年1月至2019年8月来我院心内科就诊的99例患者为研究对象,按左室舒张功能分为HFp...  相似文献   

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