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胡惠霞 《江西医药》2011,46(2):201-202
随着医学知识的不断更新,婴儿按摩正在被更多的中国妈妈接受。婴儿抚触不仅可促进新生儿生长发育,还可刺激大脑中枢神经系统,增加免疫力,提高抗病能力,满足新生儿的需要,是一项简便有效的实用护理技术。现通过相关资料的分析:报告我们在这方面的体会。  相似文献   

徐莲 《中国医药指南》2008,6(5):138-139
婴儿抚触也称婴儿触摸、按摩,是一种经科学指导的、有技巧的抚触。它通过抚触者的双手对被抚触婴儿的皮肤和肌体进行有秩序、有手法、有技巧的抚摩,使大量温和良好的刺激通过皮肤感受器传到中枢神经系统,产生一系列的生理效应,促进婴儿身心健康的发育。据国外的研究表明,抚触可促进婴儿体重的增长及应激能力的提高。目前在许多国家抚触已被认为是对婴儿健康最有益最自然的一种医疗技术,并开展了多方面的研究,我国在这方面刚刚起步。我院自2005年10月开展婴儿抚触取得了良好效果,护理体会如下。  相似文献   

婴儿抚触是通过抚触者双手对被抚触者皮肤各部分进行有次序、有手法技巧的按摩[1]。自然分娩即母体产道对胎儿的特殊抚触。胎儿娩出后面对陌生的环境、温度、湿度均发生了变化,使新生儿产生不安全感甚至病理症状。抚触可使婴儿感觉安全、自信,进而养成独立不依赖的个性。  相似文献   

浅谈婴儿抚触   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
我院自2000年2月成立抚触中心以来 ,已为上千名婴儿进行了抚触 ,深受广大产妇和家属的喜爱。为了抚触能高质量的开展 ,必须做到以下几点 :1让产妇了解抚触的好处及必要性婴儿抚触作为母婴之间联络的纽带 ,密切了两者的情感交流 ,从而避免婴儿惊吓、恐惧不安 ;促进婴儿呼吸、循环功能 ,刺激其消化功能 ,并使安静睡眠的时间增加 ;使婴儿应激能力提高 ,从而增强其免疫功能 ,促进健康成长。2对环境的要求中心抚触室应是一间充满童趣的婴儿按摩室。随时保持环境整洁 ,操作前调好室温 (28℃ ) ,湿度 (55 %~65 % ) ,操作完毕打开门窗…  相似文献   

抚触是一种通过婴儿皮肤进行科学的温和刺激,促进婴儿健康发育的方法。目前在许多国家,抚触已被认为是婴儿最有益的自然的一种医疗技术,能使其身心受到抚慰,引起全身一系列良性反应,是符合“社会-心理学模式”的。本研究发现,科学抚触使婴儿体重较快增加,促进其生长发育。  相似文献   

随着婴儿抚触的普及 ,医护人员不仅直接对婴儿进行抚触 ,而且还担负着抚触培训任务。 2 0 0 3年1~ 6月我们回访了 10 0位曾受过抚触培训的婴儿父母 ,其抚触方法准确 ,效果满意 ,现报告如下。抚触培训在产前产后都可进行 ,可采用集体教育与个别指导相结合的方法。集体教育可始于产前 ,采取讲课、播放录像带等形式讲解抚触的意义及操作方法。个别指导一般在产后进行 ,在婴儿身上实施 ,这样才能动情。培训时间不宜过长 ,内容不宜过多 ,应循序渐进 ,持续时间一般以 30分钟为宜 ,因为从心理学角度看 ,一次性完成过多的内容不利于学习对象的理解…  相似文献   

婴儿游泳抚触对婴儿神经行为能力的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着人们生活水平的不断提高以及对下一代智力发育的重视,婴儿游泳抚触越来越受到广大年轻父母的欢迎。本文通过对我院2008年1月至2008年8月出生并系统回访的100例婴儿的研究,显示婴儿游泳抚触这种婴儿智能发育干预方式对婴儿神经行为能力有显著的促进作用,接受干预的婴儿积分明显高于对照组婴儿。婴儿游泳抚触已代替了传统单一的躯体保健,得到社会的认可。  相似文献   

目的:探讨婴儿抚触的护理效果。方法选取本院2014年1~12月的200例婴儿作为研究对象,依据是否进行抚触分为抚触组和对照组,各100例。抚触组给予抚触护理,对照组给予常规护理,比较两组的护理效果。结果抚触组的42 d婴儿体重、神经行为评分显著高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。抚触组的每天排便次数、经皮胆红素指数、睡眠时间显著低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。抚触组的早产、缺氧缺血性脑病、新生儿硬肿症、新生儿黄疸发生率显著低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论婴儿抚触可以促进婴儿的生长发育,改善睡眠,降低并发症发生率,值得临床推广应用。  相似文献   

The use of topical formulation is popular over the past decade due to extensive researches made in the field of transdermal drug delivery. As a result, an increasing number of drugs are being added to the list of therapeutic agents that can be delivered to systemic circulation through the skin. Commonly available dosage forms for the topical application are creams, ointments, gels, patches etc. The therapeutic benefits of the above topical formulations are limited due to barrier property of stratum corneum (SC). The use of chemical penetration enhancers (CPEs) is one of the long standing approach to overcome the barrier property of SC. Numerous class of novel compounds have been evaluated for penetration enhancement activity, including soft enhancement for percutaneous absorption (SEPA), for example, 2 N-nonyl-1,3- dioxolanes, N-acetyle prolinate esters (such as pentyl- and octyl-N-acetyle prolinate), alkyldiloxanes (e.g., 1-Alkyl-3-b-D glucopyranosyl-1,1,3,3-tetramethyl disiloxanes), transcarbam (such as 5-(dodecyloxycarbonyl) pentylammonium-5- (dodecyloxycarbonyl) pentylcarbamate), iminosulfurane (like N-hexyl,N-benzoyl-S,S-dimethylimino-sulfuranes), capsaicin derivatives (e.g., Nonivamide), cinnamene compounds (such as cinnamic acid, cinnamaldehyde etc), terpenes (like clove and basil oil) and synergestic combination of penetration enhancers (SCOPE). We briefly describe about the anatomy of skin. Potential mechanisms of action of above novel PEs along with adverse reactions associated with traditional PEs are also considered in this review.  相似文献   

头孢菌素类抗生素是一类疗效和安全性好、临床应用广泛的抗菌药物,但由于可能引发过敏反应,故有学者认为须在注射给药前进行皮肤敏感试验(以下简称为“皮试”)。但对头孢菌素类抗生素是否必须进行皮试、如何进行皮试和皮试的临床意义等问题,目前国内、外均还无定论。本文介绍头孢菌素类抗生素导致过敏反应发生的机制,归纳国外对临床使用头孢菌素类抗生素前进行皮试的必要性的研究结果,发现虽观点不一,但认为进行头孢菌素类抗生素皮试意义不大的依据较强。  相似文献   

转基因药物研究简介   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1 转基因动物与植物 1976年,Jaenisch利用反转录病毒感染胚胎方法进行转基因.1980年,Gordon首次利用原核注射方法开展动物转基因研究.1982年,Palmiter将大鼠生长激素基因注射到小鼠的原核中获得了体形明显大于正常小鼠的"超级鼠"[1].1984年魏格纳等报道,将兔DNA片段(基因)注射到鼠受精卵中,再将注射过的鼠受精卵移植到假孕母鼠子宫内,结果生出的某些小鼠全部组织均含有兔的某一基因.这种带有外来基因的动物就是转基因动物.转基因动物可以按孟德尔遗传规律将外来基因遗传给后代,并且外源基因可在转基因鼠中发挥正常功能.1987年,美国和英国科学家又创立了激活转基因鼠乳腺中的外源基因的方法.诱导小鼠产生的外源蛋白分子,成功地在小鼠乳汁产生了人组织纤酶原活化因子(TPA)和绵羊β-乳球蛋白,而且这种技术推广到产乳动物(绵羊、山羊、牛、猪等)也获得了成功.  相似文献   

Background Ceftaroline is a parentally administered cephalosporin that has an in vitro expanded spectrum of activity compared with other cephalosporins yet data is conflicting regarding its place in therapy. Aim of the Review To compare the efficacy and safety of ceftaroline against standard antibiotic regimens for community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) and complicated skin and skin structure infections (cSSSIs). Method The databases of MEDLINE, EBSCO, and Embase were searched up to June 2016. Manual review of references was completed and experts in the field were contacted for unpublished data. Randomized controlled trials of ceftaroline in CAP or cSSSI populations were included. Outcomes included clinical cure, mortality, adverse events, serious adverse events, and discontinuation due to adverse events. Meta-analysis was used to pool results for these outcomes. We performed subgroup analyses for gram positive infections in CAP and infections caused by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in cSSSIs. Risk of bias was assessed for all studies. Results Six trials (three for each indication) were included, each of which had an unclear or high risk of bias in at least one domain. For CAP, ceftaroline was significantly more efficacious in achieving clinical cure than ceftriaxone [risk ratio (RR) 1.11, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.04–1.19; I2 = 47%]. For cSSSIs, there was no significant difference in clinical cure between ceftaroline and vancomycin plus aztreonam (RR 1.01, 95% CI 0.97–1.05; I2 = 0%). No differences were found for overall mortality, serious adverse events, discontinuation due to adverse events, and overall adverse events. Conclusion Ceftaroline is a viable therapeutic alternative for patients with CAP and cSSSIs, yet identified risks of bias and poor external validity preclude it from being recommended as a first-line agent.  相似文献   

抚触对低体重儿神经精神及体格发育的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨抚触对低体重儿神经精神及体格发育的影响。方法 20项新生儿行为神经评分法对观察组23例低体重儿抚触组、20例低体重儿未抚触对照组进行测评,对比观察两组婴儿身长、体重增长。结果 抚触组20项新生儿行为神经评分优于未抚触组,两者差异有显著意义(P<0.05),体重增长差异亦有显著意义。结论 抚触对低体重儿的神经精神发育有明显的促进作用,且影响比对体格发育的影响更明显。  相似文献   

功能性训练的核心在于提高运动员身体的功能,注重身体协调性、稳定性、柔韧性等能力的发展。运动员可以通过有针对性的功能性训练,在提高运动竞技能力的同时,有效预防和减少运动损伤的发生,延长运动寿命,对运动员的可持续发展具有积极的现实意义。  相似文献   

Literature pertaining to decentralization of drug distribution in hospitals since 1972 is reviewed. A chronological list of the articles cited, as well as information on the type of decentralization and outcomes in each article, was compiled. Advantages of decentralization reported in the literature include allowance for expansion of clinical services, more-efficient medication handling, improved communication between pharmacists and medical and nursing staff, decreased floor stock, and decreased medication-related nursing time. Some studies reported that the system minimally increased costs. Although the literature reviewed confirms that decentralization improves the quality of pharmaceutical services, more evidence of cost-effectiveness is needed.  相似文献   

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