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Drugs with the principal effects of dis-persing pathogenic factors from thesuperficies of the body and relieving exteriorsyndromes are called drugs for treating exte-rior syndromes,or diaphoretics.Most of the drugs in this class are pun-gent in flavour,used to expel pathogenic fac-tors from the superficies of the body or re-  相似文献   

THE PROCESSING ANDAPPLICATION OF DRUGSDrug processing is the process of treat-ing natural drugs in accordance with thetherapeutical,dispensing andpharmaceutical requirements before they areused or further made into various prepara-tions.All the traditional Chinses drugs must  相似文献   

HEAT-CLEARING ANDDAMPNESS-DRYING DRUGSMost drugs of this type are bitter in fla-vour and cold in property with the actionsof removing heat and dampness.They arechiefly indicated for damp-heat syndromes,manifesting dysphoria,bitter taste in themouth,greasy tongue coating,a feeling of  相似文献   

HEAT-CLEARING ANDBLOOD-COOLING DRUGSMost drugs of this type are bitter,sweet,salty,and cold.They have the effectsof dispelling pathogenic heat from the yingand blood systems,and are chiefly indicatedfor epidemic febrile diseases with thepathogenic heat already in the ying and  相似文献   

HEAT-CLEARING ANDDETOXICATING DRUGSThis type of drugs have the actions ofclearing away pathogenic fire and heat andsubduing pyogenic infections.They aremainly indicated in syndromes caused bynoxious heat,such as epidemie febrile dis-  相似文献   

Most drugs of this kind are cold inproperty and have the effects of resolvingheat-phlegm.They are indicated for cough,thick and yellow sputum,difficulty inexpectoration,epilepsy,convulsions,scrofula,and multiple or metastatic ab-scesses,and are often combined withheat-clearing drugs.  相似文献   

Drugs used for clearing away the inter-nal heat are called heat-clearing drugs.Heat-clearing drugs are cool or cold inproperty with the effects of clearing awayheat,purging fire,removing heat from theblood,detoxicating,and clearing away heatof the deficiency type.They are chiefly indi-cated for febrile diseases with high fever,dys-entery of the heat type,suppurative infec-  相似文献   

Drugs which can induce diarrhea andpromote laxation of the bowels are definedas purgative or purgativest drugs.Purgative drugs have the effects of re-laxing the bowels,clearing away heat,purg-ing fire,dispelling retained fluid and re-ducing edema.They are indicated for interi-or syndromes of excess type marked by drystool,constipation,food stagnation,accu-mulation of heat of excess type in the interi-or,edema and fluid retention.Purgative drugs are divided into three  相似文献   

Drugs of this category have the effectsof nourishing the lung to relieve cough andlowering the adverse flow of q(?) to relieveasthma.They are indicated for syndrome ofcough and dyspnea which is very complicat-ed and may be manifested as cough withoutsputum,cough with watery thin sputum orwith yellow thick sputum,cough withdyspnea due to affection by exopathogens,or cough with dyspnea due to consumptivediseases.Appropriate drugs should be chos-en with regard to the different syndromes,  相似文献   

DRUGS FOR CLEARING HEATOF DEFICIENCY TYPEThis type of drugs have the effect ofclearing heat away from the blood andcleansing heat of deficiency type.They areprincipally indicated for hectic or tidal feverdue to yin deficiency,feverish sensation inthe palms and soles,or nocturnal and linger-ing low-grade fever.These drugs are often  相似文献   

An upper respiratory tract infection is acatarrhal inflammation of the upperrespiratory tract caused by viruses or bacte-ria.The chief clinical manifestations arestuffy nose,nasal discharge,sneezing,coughing and sore-throat,as well as aver-sion to wind,fever and headache.Tradi-tional Chinese medicine calls it“gan mao(common cold)”.  相似文献   

Chronic gastritis is of non-specificchroic inflammation of the gastric mucosa.The chief clinical manifestations includesuch symptoms as chronic epigastralgia anddyspepsia.  相似文献   

Traditional Chinese Medicine regards thekidney as the foundation of innateness,with suchfemale reproductive functions as the menstrualcycle,ovulation,conception and delivery closelyrelated to that organ.Based on the principle ofoverall analysis of symptoms and signs,ChineseMedicine in the field of gynecology emphasizesthe importance of exuberance or insufficiency ofkidney vital energy.The Chinese traditionaldrugs(CTD)for invigorating the kidney play asignificant role in the treatment of variousobstetrical and gynecological diseases.In the  相似文献   

The present library,the first of its kind in the world edited chiefly by Dr.Zhang Enqin,directorof the Advanced Studies Department of Shandong College of Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM),has been published in succession starting from May,1989,and will be completed in June,1990,bythe Publishing House of Shanghai College of TCM.  相似文献   

Glomerulonephritis,an importantcause of renal failure,is an immunologicdisease.Allergic reaction and blood coagu-lation abnormality play the main roles in itspathogenesis.Traditional Chinese drugs areoften effective in clinical therapy.Therefore,to explore their therapeutic effect and mech-anism in laboratory is signifieant.In general.  相似文献   

The antitumor activities and tumor necrosis fac-tor(TNF)producibility of traditional Chinese herbalpreparations(Zhu-ling-tang,Xiao-chai-hu-tang,Wu-ling-san,Bu-zhong-yi-qi-tang and Shi-quan-da-bu-tang),crode drugs(Polyporos,Hoelen,Bupleuri Radix,An-gelica Radix,Cnidii Rhizoma,Cinnamomum Cortex,Pinelliae Tuber)and Krestin(PSK)were investigatedusing mice.These drugs were given to DDY micein the drinking water before and after transplanta-tion of Ehrlich tumors,and the development of theintradermally transplanted Ehrlich tumors and sur-vival rate were observed.A high survival rate andgood inhibition of transplanted Ehrlich tumors wereobserved in the groups administered Bupleuri Radix,Angelica Radix,Cinnamomum Cortex or Shi-quan-da.bu-tang,while the group given Hoelen showed poorinhibition.To examine the TNF producibility,thesedrugs were given to DDY mice orally as first stimu-lating agents to stimulate the reticuloendothelialsystem(RES),prior to lipopolysaccharide injection.The TNF activity was tested by the cytotoxicityagainst L cells.Significant differences in TNF pro-ducibility were observed among the drugs.Rela-tively high levels of TNF activity were noted in thegroups given Angelica Radix,Bupleuri Radix,Cinna-momum Cortex or Cnidii Rhizoma,very low activi-ties in the groups given Xiao-chai-hu-tang,Zhu-ling-tang,Wu-ling-san,Bu-zhong-yi-qi-tang,Shi-quan-da-bu-tang or Krestin and no TNF activities in thegroups given Polyporus,Hoelen or Pinelliae Tuber.The TNF producibility broadly paralleled the degreeof survival rate in the mice transplanted with Ehr-lich tumors.Based on our findings,it is consideredthat one mechanism underlying the antitumor acti-vities of these drugs is the stimulation of the RESand TNF is produced as the result of mitotic RESstimulation and activation.  相似文献   

The incidence of obesity has been ap-parently increasing in recent years.Accord-ing to the statistics of 34,006 individuals in-vestigated in 1987 in Beijing,3,560 wereobese,accounting for 10.47%.The incidenceof obesity in Nanjing in 1986 reached26.95% (971 individuals investigated).Aretrospective analysis of 3,160 newborns inShenyang City of China indicated a 7.05%incidence of obsesity in newborns.Thetreatment of obesity by means of traditionalChinese medicine (TCM) has proved effec-tive and thus drawn increasing attention  相似文献   

Traumatic paraplegia is caused by inju-ry to the spinal cord or nerves in caudaequina due to fracture of the spinal columnor intervertebral dislocation.The result issensory disturbance in the lower limbs andthe accompanying loss of motor functionalong with urinary and defecationdysfunction.During the past thirty years in-vestigation on treating many aspects ofparaplegia with traditional Chinese medi-  相似文献   

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