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The response characteristics of neurons at the origin of the postsynaptic dorsal column (PSDC) pathway were determined in unanesthetized, decerebrated, spinalized rats. Sixty-four percent of PSDC neurons responded only to innocuous mechanical stimuli. Thirty-six percent responded to innocuous stimuli but were more powerfully activated by noxious pinch. Ninety-three percent of the tested PSDC neurons were not activated by any of several intensities of sustained, repeated noxious heating of their receptive fields. The failure of pinch-responsive PSDC cells to respond to thermal stimulation, even in sensitized skin, suggests that they do not receive a functionally significant input from C polymodal nociceptors, heat nociceptors, or mechanical-heat nociceptors. We conclude, therefore, that the postsynaptic dorsal column pathway is not importantly involved in nociception in the rat.  相似文献   

The dorsal column and its nuclei exhibit a considerable number of fibers containing neuropeptides, such as calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) and substance P (SP), whose origins and functional roles are as yet unknown. The present study attempts to determine the origin and nature of these fibers by means of immunohistochemistry combined with several experimental manipulations. A similar study was done on scattered substance P (SP) fibers whose presence was confirmed in this study. Transection of the upper cervical cord of rats resulted in an accumulation of CGRP, sometimes with SP also, in the caudal aspect of the lesion, thus indicating the presence of peptide-containing ascending fibers. Hemitransection of the dorsal column at the level of C2-3 caused reduction of CGRP-containing fibers in the dorsal column and its nuclei on the operated side. Electron microscopic observation of the nucleus gracilis revealed that CGRP-like immunoreactive terminals made direct axodendritic synaptic contacts. Medium- to large-sized neurons in the dorsal root ganglia were labeled with Fast blue dye which was injected into the dorsal column nuclei. These included medium- to large-sized neurons exhibiting immunoreactivity to CGRP-like substances, and neurons of a medium size which were immunoreactive to SP-like compounds. The incidence of the former was higher at the thoracic level than at the cervical and lumbar levels, while that of the latter was very low. Electron microscopic observation of CGRP-containing fibers in the cervical region of the dorsal column revealed that 88% of these fibers were unmyelinated and the remainder were thinly myelinated.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The morphology, synaptic contacts, and neurotransmitter enrichment of postsynaptic dorsal column terminals in the cuneate nucleus of rats were investigated and compared with those of identified primary afferents. For this purpose, anterograde transport of horseradish peroxidase–based tracers injected in the spinal cord was combined with postembedding immunogold labeling for glutamate and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). Anterogradely labeled postsynaptic dorsal column terminals were morphologically homogeneous: they were small (mean area = 1. 37 μM2) and dome-shaped, contacted single dendritic shafts or cell bodies, and were not involved in axoaxonic synapses. The majority of them were not enriched in glutamate or GABA immunoreactivity compared with other tissue components. Their morphology, size, and neurotransmitter content thus differed from that of primary afferents. These differences are consistent with distinct functional roles for the two main afferent systems ascending to the cuneate nucleus. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The spinal segmental distribution and intersegmental course of primary afferent fibers were studied by injecting (by pressure or iontophoresis) tritiated amino acids (L-proline or L-leucine) into spinal ganglia of coccygeal and sacral segments and autoradiographically analyzing histological sections of the spinal cord, particularly those regions lying dorsal to the central canal. The results from eight cats and three monkeys are described. A heavy projection of primary afferent fibers to the marginal zone (lamina I), the substantia gelatinosa Rolandi (lamina II), and throughout the nucleus proprius (laminae III-IV) was demonstrated. The projections to these three areas appeared to be substantially independent. Primary afferent fibers were found to course rostrally and caudally within the marginal zone, in the midline dorsal to the central canal, in Lissauer's tract, and in the dorsal columns. A crossed projection passed by way of the dorsal commissure to the contralateral marginal zone and to a region ventrolateral to the contralateral nucleus proprius. There was a distinct medial-to-lateral shift in the termination of primary afferent fibers in the substantia gelatinosa and in the dorsal portion of the nucleus proprius. The most medial distribution occurred immediately caudal to the entry zone of the primary afferent fibers, and the most lateral at the cephalad end of the segment immediately rostral to the entry level. Small (iontophoretic) injections revealed circumscribed fields of termination, approximately 40 micrometers by 70 micrometers (dorsoventrally) by 400 micrometers or more (rostrocaudally) in the substantia gelatinosa.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to determine the numbers of primary afferent and propriospinal fibers in the dorsal and dorsolateral funiculi of the rat. The reason for concentrating on these areas is that they contain large numbers of unmyelinated axons. Our data are axonal numbers from the S2 segment of spinal cord in animals that had unilateral dorsal rhizotomies or spinal cord isolations. The major conclusions are 1) that 23% of the primary afferent fibers in the dorsal funiculus are unmyelinated; 2) that there are approximately 12,500 unmyelinated primary afferent fibers in the dorsolateral funiculus, which is more than the number of primary afferent fibers in the dorsal funiculus and tract of Lissauer combined, and 3) that approximately 25% of the axons in the dorsal funiculus and 44% of the axons in the dorsolateral funiculus are propriospinal. These data modify and extend previous ideas of the organization of spinal white matter.  相似文献   

The primary purpose of the present study is to obtain evidence as to the destination of the recently discovered unmyelinated primary afferent fibers in the mammalian dorsal funiculus. To do this rat dorsal roots were transected unilaterally from segments T8 or T9 caudally, and the numbers of axons were determined in the C3 fasciculus gracilis in normal animals and from both sides of the rhizotomied animals. In addition, C3 fasciculus gracilis counts were done in animals that had complete T6 or T10 spinal transections. The data indicate that there is an 80% loss of unmyelinated axons ipsilaterally and a 60% loss contralaterally in the fasciculus gracilis of the rhizotomied animals. These findings are interpreted as indicating that a significant fraction of the unmyelinated fibers in the fasciculus gracilis ascend, presumably to the nucleus gracilis in the brain stem, and also that a significant number of these fibers branch. We also provide evidence for contralateral myelinated primary afferent fiber projection in the fasciculus gracilis and show that the myelinated primary afferent fibers seem to be a more diverse population than the unmyelinated primary afferent fibers in the C3 fasciculus gracilis.  相似文献   

The effect of Etomidate, a general anaesthetic, on sensory afferent transmission was measured in the dorsal column pathway in urethane-anaesthetized rats. Extracellular recordings were made of peripherally evoked responses by single cells in the cuneate nucleus, ventroposterolateral nucleus of the thalamus and laminae IV-VI of the primary somatosensory cortex. Cortical mass responses were also recorded. In further experiments, cortical mass responses were evoked antidromically by stimulation in the pyramidal tract. The effect of incremental administration of Etomidate on evoked responses was recorded. These results are compared with the previously reported effects of urethane, a 'conventional' anaesthetic. Etomidate did not alter cuneate or ventroposterolateral thalamic cell responses but it caused a dose-dependent reduction in cortical cell responsiveness. It failed to alter antidromically evoked cortical mass responses. Etomidate differs from the majority of anaesthetics, which act in the thalamus, and appears to cause perturbation at the cortical level.  相似文献   

Primary afferent projections from cutaneous afferents in the forelimb and hindlimb digits to the dorsal horn (DH) were examined using 4 tracers: (1) 25% free horseradish peroxidase (HRP), (2) 2.5% wheat-germ agglutinin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase (WGA-HRP), (3) a mixture of 25% free HRP and 2.5% WGA-HRP (WGA-HRP/HRP) or (4) 0.1% HRP conjugated to cholera toxin (B-HRP). The tracer was injected intracutaneously into the digits. Three to 4 days later, the rats were perfused transcardially, transverse sections (60-microns thick) were cut and the HRP was reacted using the tetramethyl benzidine (TMB) method. The location of the label was reconstructed by camera lucida drawings. In rats which received an injection of HRP alone, no label was detected in the DH. Rats injected with WGA-HRP had projection patterns similar to those injected with WGA-HRP/HRP. Patterns of labelling with WGA-HRP differed markedly from those with B-HRP. WGA-HRP labelled cutaneous afferents projecting to Rexed's laminae I-III, with the densest label in lamina II; in contrast, B-HRP labelled cutaneous afferents projecting to laminae II-V, with the densest label in laminae III-IV. These results indicate that, for cutaneous primary afferents projecting to the DH, WGA-HRP and B-HRP labelled different subpopulations of fibers, with the B-HRP-labelled subpopulation biased toward afferents of larger diameter. Rostrocaudally, the extent of the densest fiber projections, whether labelled by WGA-HRP or by B-HRP, was essentially the same, but the extent of the less densely labelled projections was much greater with B-HRP than with WGA-HRP. Comparisons of the projection maps from each of the five digits, using either WGA-HRP or B-HRP, indicated that, as seen in transverse sections through the DH, there was extensive overlapping among the labelled cutaneous afferent fibers from adjacent, or even non-adjacent digits.  相似文献   

More than two-thirds of the axons in the tract of Lissauer at mid-thoracic and lumbosacral levels of the rat spinal cord are primary afferent fibers. The proportions of primary afferents in the tract are approximately the same at the two spinal levels. A slightly higher percentage of the unmyelinated, as opposed to the myelinated, fibers are primary afferents. There is a somewhat greater percentage of primary afferent axons in medial parts of the mid-thoracic levels, but all areas of the tract that were examined contain a majority of primary afferent fibers. The primary afferent axons appear to travel less than a segment in the tract at mid-thoracic levels but for several segments in the tract at lumbo-sacral levels. These data indicate that the tract of Lissauer is predominately a primary afferent fiber system in these segments of the rat.  相似文献   

The distribution of cholecystokinin octapeptide immunoreactive fibers and puncta in the adult rat thalamus was studied using immunocytochemical methods. Small to moderate numbers of immunoreactive fibers were present in the lateral habenular nucleus, ventral lateral geniculate nucleus, zona incerta, parataenial, mediodorsal, medioventral, and submedial nuclei, the rhomboid, paracentral, central lateral and parafascicular nuclei, and in the medial geniculate and dorsal lateral geniculate nuclei. Moderate to large numbers of cholecystokinin (CCK)-positive fibers were present in the paraventricular nuclei, the reticular nucleus, the anteroventral, anteromedial, and central medial nuclei, and in the rostral extension of the internal medullary lamina between the parataential and anteroventral nuclei. Dense concentrations of immunoreactive fibers were also found in a principal sensory relay nucleus, the ventroposterolateral nucleus (VPL), of the ventrobasal complex. The number of CCK-positive fibers in VPL showed a marked unilateral decrease in rats which had received lesions of the contralateral gracile and cuneate nuclei. The results of this study demonstrate that CCK-immunoreactive fibers and puncta are widely distributed in the rat thalamus, and that the source of these fibers in VPL is probably the dorsal column nuclei.  相似文献   

A transection lesion of the suprasacral spinal cord results in a decreased density of calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP)-immunoreactive (I) primary afferent nerve fibers in the rat urinary bladder. The fiber density can be restored by postsurgical treatment with the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antagonist MK-801. We are attempting to determine the level of the primary afferent neuron at which MK-801 might have a restorative effect on CGRP immunostaining. Thus, the purpose of this study was to determine if MK-801 had a similar restorative effect on immunostaining for CGRP in bladder nerves after a direct lesion of the sacral afferent system, i.e., rhizotomy of the L6 and S1 dorsal roots. To assess the effect of the lesion, the mean length and number of bladder CGRP-I nerve fibers, as well as the number of CGRP-I perikarya in the L6 and S1 dorsal root ganglia (DRG), were measured following bilateral L6 and S1 dorsal rhizotomies. Both the mean length and the numbers of CGRP-I bladder fibers were significantly decreased by the lesion. However, the number of CGRP-I primary afferent perikarya in the L6 and S1 DRG was unchanged from control values. Rats which received rhizotomies and subsequent treatment with MK-801 did not exhibit restoration of the density of CGRP-I bladder fibers nor an alteration in the number of CGRP-I primary afferent perikarya. These data suggest that MK-801-induced restoration of bladder CGRP-I primary afferent nerve fibers may rely on an intact central process.  相似文献   

Intra-axonal recordings were obtained in the dorsal columns of the rat lumbosacral spinal cord. Dorsal root or dorsal column stimulation at levels subthreshold for the impaled axon elicited a prolonged depolarization corresponding to the primary afferent depolarization (PAD). The depolarization was preceded by a brief hyperpolarizing potential during which excitability was decreased. The hyperpolarization corresponds temporally to the extracellularly recorded DRP IV component of the dorsal root potential described by Lloyd and McIntyre, and may represent the intracellular correlate of this potential. Possible mechanisms for this hyperpolarization include electrical interactions between neuronal elements, a biphasic GABA response, or attenuation of background afferent axonal depolarization.  相似文献   

The chemosensory glomus cells of the carotid body (CB) detect changes in O2 tension. Carotid sinus nerve fibers, which originate from peripheral sensory neurons located within the petrosal ganglion, innervate the CB. Release of transmitter from glomus cells activates the sensory afferent fibers to transmit information to the nucleus of the solitary tract in the brainstem. The ion channels expressed within the sensory nerve terminals play an essential role in the ability of the terminal to initiate action potentials in response to transmitter-evoked depolarization. However, with a few exceptions, the identity of ion channels expressed in these peripheral nerve fibers is unknown. This study addresses the expression of voltage-gated channels in the sensory fibers with a focus on channels that set the resting membrane potential and regulate discharge patterns. By using immunohistochemistry and fluorescence confocal microscopy, potassium channel subunits and HCN (hyperpolarization-activated) family members were localized both in petrosal neurons that expressed tyrosine hydroxylase and in the CSN axons within the carotid body. Channels contributing to resting membrane potential, including HCN2 responsible in part for I(h) current and the KCNQ2 and KCNQ5 subunits thought to underlie the neuronal "M current," were identified in the sensory neurons and their axons innervating the carotid body. In addition, the results presented here demonstrate expression of several potassium channels that shape the action potential and the frequency of discharge, including Kv1.4, Kv1.5, Kv4.3, and K(Ca) (BK). The role of these channels should be considered in interpretation of the fiber discharge in response to perturbation of the carotid body environment.  相似文献   

Based on WGA-apo-HRP-gold (WG) retrograde tracing, the present study revealed that different subdivisions of the dorsal raphe (DR) such as dorsomedial, ventromedial, lateral wing, and caudal regions receive unique, topographically organized afferent inputs, that are more restricted than previously reported. Phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin anterograde tracing studies confirmed that the medial prefrontal cortex provides the major afferent input to each subdivision of the DR. Double-labeling studies combining WG tracing and glutamate immunostaining indicated that the medial prefrontal cortex, various hypothalamic nuclei including perifornical, lateral, and arcuate nuclei, and several medullary regions such as lateral and medial parabrachial nuclei, and laterodorsal tegmental nucleus provide the major glutamatergic input to each subregion of the DR. It should be noted that the degree of glutamatergic input from these afferent sites was specific for each DR subdivision. The present findings indicated that dorsomedial, ventromedial, lateral wing, and caudal subdivisions of the DR receive excitatory inputs from both cortical and subcortical sites which might be involved in regulation or modulation of a broad range of systems, including sensory and motor functions, arousal and sleep-wake cycle, biorhythmic, cognitive, and affective behaviors.  相似文献   

Ascending projections from the dorsal raphe nucleus (DR) were examined in the rat by using the anterograde anatomical tracer, Phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin (PHA-L). The majority of labeled fibers from the DR ascended through the forebrain within the medial forebrain bundle. DR fibers were found to terminate heavily in several subcortical as well as cortical sites. The following subcortical nuclei receive dense projections from the DR: ventral regions of the midbrain central gray including the 'supraoculomotor central gray' region, the ventral tegmental area, the substantia nigra-pars compacta, midline and intralaminar nuclei of the thalamus including the posterior paraventricular, the parafascicular, reuniens, rhomboid, intermediodorsal/mediodorsal, and central medial thalamic nuclei, the central, lateral and basolateral nuclei of the amygdala, posteromedial regions of the striatum, the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, the lateral septal nucleus, the lateral preoptic area, the substantia innominata, the magnocellular preoptic nucleus, the endopiriform nucleus, and the ventral pallidum. The following subcortical nuclei receive moderately dense projections from the DR: the median raphe nucleus, the midbrain reticular formation, the cuneiform/pedunculopontine tegmental area, the retrorubral nucleus, the supramammillary nucleus, the lateral hypothalamus, the paracentral and central lateral intralaminar nuclei of the thalamus, the globus pallidus, the medial preoptic area, the vertical and horizontal limbs of the diagonal band nuclei, the claustrum, the nucleus accumbens, and the olfactory tubercle. The piriform, insular and frontal cortices receive dense projections from the DR; the occipital, entorhinal, perirhinal, frontal orbital, anterior cingulate, and infralimbic cortices, as well as the hippocampal formation, receive moderately dense projections from the DR. Some notable differences were observed in projections from the caudal DR and the rostral DR. For example, the hippocampal formation receives moderately dense projections from the caudal DR and essentially none from the rostral DR. On the other hand, virtually all neocortical regions receive significantly denser projections from the rostral than from the caudal DR. The present results demonstrate that dorsal raphe fibers project significantly throughout widespread regions of the midbrain and forebrain.  相似文献   

The present study tests the hypothesis that there are numerous unmyelinated primary afferent fibers in cat posterior funiculi. The animals have unilateral dorsal rhizotomies from L6 to Ca3. One week later the axons of both S2 dorsal funiculi are counted. The data indicate that there are approximately 22,500 myelinated and 8,500 unmyelinated axons on the unoperated side and 11,000 myelinated and 3,900 unmyelinated axons on the operated side. On this basis, we suggest that 51% of the myelinated and 54% of the unmyelinated axons in cat dorsal funiculi arise from dorsal root ganglion cells and thus are primary afferent axons. If this is correct, then 71% of the primary afferent axons in the cat dorsal funiculus are myelinated and 29% are unmyelinated. The function of this large group of previously unsuspected fine sensory axons remains to be determined.  相似文献   

The dorsal column nuclei include the gracile and cuneate nuclei, which receive somatosensory information from the periphery and project to the ventroposterior nucleus of the contralateral thalamus. The aim of this study was to determine the electrophysiological and morphological characteristics of the neurons of the dorsal column nuclei and to identify synaptic events evoked by electrical stimulation of the dorsal column, using an in vitro slice preparation. The results show two types of neurons, termed type I and II. A repolarizing sag distinguished type I cells during hyperpolarizing current injection, suggesting the activation of a Q-current. Moreover, type I cells, but not type II cells, were capable of maintaining spontaneous rhythmic activity at 9-15 Hz. Both types of cells displayed a delay in their return to the resting membrane potential following hyperpolarizing current pulses, indicating the existence of an A-current. Electrical stimuli applied to the dorsal column elicited brief EPSPs and IPSPs in both cell types. EPSPs were abolished by 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione, indicating that they were mediated through non-NMDA receptors. IPSPs were blocked by picrotoxin, implying the activation of GABAA receptors. Intracellular staining with carboxyfluoresceine revealed that type I neurons had elongated somas and primary dendrites that extended radially. Type II cells were smaller and had round somas with few primary dendrites, most of them emerging from one pole of the soma. The axon of many type I neurons was stained and could be followed running ventrally and in rostral direction.  相似文献   

Development of the peripheral innervation patterns of the L1-S1 lumbosacral ganglia and motor segments in embryonic day 12-17 (E12-17) rat embryos was examined using carbocyanine dyes. Individual dorsal root ganglia (DRGs) and/or isolated ventral horn (VH) segments, or individual peripheral nerves, were isolated in rat embryos fixed at different stages and filled with one of three carbocyanine dyes; DiI, DiA, and DiO. Individual experimental preparations included labeling of (1) single DRGs; (2) multiple DRGs with alternating dyes, DiO, DiI, and DiA; (3) single isolated VH segments; (4) multiple VH segments with alternating dyes; (5) single VH segments and the corresponding segmental DRGs with different dyes; and (6) two or more individual peripheral nerves labeled with different dyes. Results from these preparations have shown that the first fibers exited the lumbar ventral horn and DRGs at E12. At E13 major nerve trunks (e. g., femoral and sciatic) were visible as they exited the plexus region. By E14 afferent fibers were present in the epidermis of the proximal hindlimb, and the major nerve trunks extended into the leg. Fibers originating from L3 to L5 (DRG and VH) reached the paw by E14. 5-E15, and the epidermis of the most distal toes was innervated by E16-E16. 5. While afferent fibers and motor axons of the same segmental origin mixed extensively in the spinal nerve, fibers of different segmental origin combined in the plexus and major nerve trunks with little or no interfascicular mixing. Dermatomes observed at E 14 were in general spotty and non-contiguous. However, by E 16 the dermatomes resembled mature forms with substantial overlap only between adjacent ones. Thus the adult pattern of spatial relationships between cutaneous afferent fibers in the periphery is established early in development.  相似文献   

These studies were designed to determine the pattern of initial afferent fiber ingrowth into the prenatal spinal gray matter and the establishment of the topographic organization of the presynaptic neuropil in the dorsal horn. A total of 113 lumbar dorsal root ganglia were labeled with carbocyanine fluorescent dye DiI or DiA in 67 rat embryos and neonatal pups aged embryonic day 13 to postnatal day O (E13–PO). The initial fiber penetration of the lumbar spinal gray began at E15 and was restricted to the segments of entry. Subsequent growth of fibers into gray matter of adjacent segments began approximately one day later, and this delay was continued, about one day for each successive segment. A second wave of ingrowth of putative small-diameter afferents into the substantia gelatinosa began at E19 and also displayed the same rostrocaudal delay. Fiber ingrowth was specific and occupied the somatotopic area appropriate for the adult, from the earliest stages (E 18) in which dorsal horn laminae could be adequately defined. The somatotopic organization of the presynaptic neuropil in laminae III and IV did not change significantly throughout embryonic development as the amount of overlap between adjacent and non-adjacent ganglion projections remained constant throughout embryonic development. In addition, it was found that fibers innervating the proximal and distal hindlimb entered the spinal gray simultaneously at E 15 before the innervation of the distal toes was established. The results of these studies indicate that the somatotopic organization of the presynaptic neuropil is established very early in development and requires little refinement to match that seen in the adult. The simultaneous penetration of the fibers originating from the proximal and distal areas of the limb before innervation is complete suggests that this ingrowth may be independent of the establishment of specific peripheral connections.  相似文献   

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