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An experiment was carried out in the key laboratory for Technique Diagnosis and Function Assessment of Winter Sports of China to investigate the differences in gait characteristics between healthy children and children with spastic hemiplegic cerebral palsy.With permission of their parents,200 healthy children aged 3 to 6 years in the kindergarten of Northeastern University were enrolled in this experiment.Twenty children aged 3 to 6 years with spastic hemiplegic cerebral palsy from Shengjing Hospital,China were also enrolled in this experiment.Standard data were collected by simultaneously recording gait information from two digital cameras.DVracker was used to analyze the standard data.The children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy had a longer gait cycle,slower walking speed,and longer support phase than did the healthy children.The support phase was longer than the swing phase in the children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy.There were significant differences in the angles of the hip,knee,and ankle joint between children with cerebral palsy and healthy children at the moment of touching the ground and buffering,and during pedal extension.Children with hemiplegic cerebral palsy had poor motor coordination during walking,which basically resulted in a short stride,high stride frequency to maintain speed,more obvious swing,and poor stability.  相似文献   

Aim Children with cerebral palsy (CP) are reported to have learning and social problems. The aim of the present study was to examine whether children with CP have impairments in attention or executive function. Method We examined attention and executive function with standardized neuropsychological measures in a group of children with unilateral (n=15) or bilateral (n=18) spastic CP (14 females, 19 males, mean age 11y 4mo, SD 1y 1mo, range 9y 1mo–13y 7mo; Gross Motor Function Classification System level I n=22, II n=3, III n=6, and IV n=2). Performance was compared with test norms. Results Verbal cognitive functioning fell within the normal range, whereas sustained (p=0.001) and divided attention (p<0.001) were found to be impaired. Greater impairment was observed in executive function in general (p<0.001) and in inhibition (p=0.038) and shifting (p<0.001) in particular. No significant difference was found between types of CP (unilateral and bilateral). Performance of all timed tasks was slower than the test norm (p<0.00). Interpretation The finding of slower performances across tasks may indicate a general impairment in efficiency of information processing in relation to white‐matter lesions. Impairments in attention and executive functions are present in children with CP and may help to explain why these children have increased social and learning problems.  相似文献   


Purpose: To investigate the relationship between trunk control in sitting and functionality in children with spastic cerebral palsy (CP).

Methods: Fifty-eight children with spastic CP were included in the study. Functional abilities were evaluated with the Gross Motor Function Measurement-88 (GMFM-88) and the Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory Functional Skills domain (PEDI-FSD). Trunk control in sitting was tested with the Trunk Control Measurement Scale (TCMS) and the Trunk Impairment Scale (TIS). The scores of the TCMS and TIS were compared with GMFM-88 and PEDI-FSD with Spearman correlation analysis.

Results: The total score of GMFM-88 was signi?cantly correlated with the total score of TCMS (rho = 0.90, p < 0.01) and TIS (rho = 0.78, p < 0.01). The total score of PEDI-FSD was also signi?cantly correlated with the total score of TCMS (rho = 0.76, p < 0.01) and TIS (rho = 0.72, p < 0.01).

Conclusions: The evaluation of trunk control can provide valuable information for functional abilities of children with spastic CP.  相似文献   

In clinical settings, the spastic catch is judged subjectively. This study assessed the psychometric properties of objective parameters that define and quantify the severity of the spastic catch in children with cerebral palsy (CP). A convenience sample of children with spastic CP (N = 46; age range: 4–16 years) underwent objective spasticity assessments. High velocity, passive stretches were applied to the gastrocnemius (GAS) and medial hamstrings (MEH). Muscle activity was measured with surface electromyography (sEMG), joint angle characteristics using inertial sensors and reactive torque using a force sensor. To test reliability, a group of 12 children were retested after an average of 13 ± 9 days. The angle of spastic catch (AOC) was estimated by three biomechanical definitions: joint angle at (1) maximum angular deceleration; (2) maximum change in torque; and (3) minimum power. Each definition was checked for reliability and validity. Construct and clinical validity were evaluated by correlating each AOC definition to the averaged root mean square envelope of EMG (RMS-EMG) and the Modified Tardieu Scale (MTS). Severity categories were created based on selected parameters to establish face validity. All definitions showed moderate to high reliability. Significant correlations were found between AOC3 and the MTS of both muscles and the RMS-EMG of the MEH, though coefficients were only weak. AOC3 further distinguished between mild, moderate and severe catches. Objective parameters can define and quantify the severity of the spastic catch in children with CP. However, a comprehensive understanding requires the integration of both biomechanical and RMS-EMG data.  相似文献   

儿童痉挛型脑性瘫痪的神经外科治疗   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的 探讨神经外科治疗痉挛型脑性瘫痪的方法和效果.方法 对351例2~14岁(平均4.8岁)痉挛型脑瘫患者施行选择性脊神经后根切断术(SPR)135例,其中颈胸段26例,腰骶段109例;选择性周围神经缩窄术(SPN)216例,其中单神经干92例,多神经干124例.结果 随访期间6-31个月,平均17.8个月.颈胸段和腰骶段SPR痉挛改善率:上下肢分别为82.7%和91.4%,肢体运动功能改善率:上下肢分别为83.7%和72.5%.SPN痉挛改善率:上下肢分别为67.4%和92.7%,运动功能改善率:上下肢分别为54.9%和84.3%.结论 神经外科治疗痉挛型脑瘫为有效的康复训练创造了机会和条件.术前正确的评估,选择恰当的手术方式,掌握手术技巧,方能提高手术效果减少并发症.  相似文献   

Magnetic resonance imaging in 122 children with spastic cerebral palsy   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The interrelationship between magnetic resonance imaging findings, types of cerebral palsy, and gestation was studied. We analyzed the magnetic resonance imaging of brain in 122 children with spastic cerebral palsy. Forty-three patients had spastic hemiplegia, 61 had spastic diplegia, and 18 had spastic tetraplegia. Magnetic resonance imaging abnormalities were observed in 75% of patients. Periventricular leukomalacia accounted for 66% of abnormalities observed in patients with spastic diplegia; other types of brain lesions were uncommon. In patients with spastic tetraplegia, two types of magnetic resonance imaging abnormalities predominated: congenital brain anomalies and term-type brain injuries, 42% and 33% respectively. Types of magnetic resonance imaging abnormalities were more heterogeneous in patients with spastic hemiplegia. Preterm brain injuries (periventricular leukomalacia and posthemorrhagic porencephaly) were observed often in patients born at preterm but were also observed in patients born at term. Term-type brain injuries (term-type border-zone infarct, basal ganglia-thalamic lesion, subcortical leukomalacia, and multicystic encephalomalacia) were observed only in patients born at or near term. We conclude that magnetic resonance imaging findings for patients with spastic cerebral palsy were closely related to types of cerebral palsy and gestation at birth. Magnetic resonance imaging in patients with perinatal brain injury may reflect pathologic changes and is useful in understanding and evaluating cerebral palsy.  相似文献   

Alterations were monitored of somatosensory evoked potentials in children with bilateral spastic cerebral palsy and these findings correlated with relevant clinical and laboratory parameters. Fifty-one children with bilateral spastic cerebral palsy (31 boys, 20 girls; age range 24-168 months) participated in the study. Abnormal somatosensory evoked potentials latencies were recorded in 23 of 34 (67.6%) cortical recordings of the median nerve and in 38 of 51 (74.5%) cortical recordings of the tibial nerve. Abnormal tibial nerve somatosensory evoked potentials were strongly correlated with abnormal electroencephalogram (P=0.014), while impaired median nerve recordings were correlated with abnormal visual evoked potentials (P = 0.02) and a history of perinatal or neonatal infection (P=0.016). Furthermore, perinatal/neonatal infection adversely effected the recordings in both tibial and medial nerves in quadriplegic patients (P=0.023). Sensory impairment is strongly related with abnormal visual evoked potentials, abnormal electroencephalogram, and a history of perinatal or neonatal infection.  相似文献   

In this study bimanual grip-force coordination was quantified using a novel “Gripper” system that records grip forces produced while holding a lower and upper unit, in combination with the lift force necessary to separate these units. Children with unilateral cerebral palsy (CP) (aged 5-14 years, n = 12) were compared to age matched typically developing (TD) children (n = 23). Compared to TD, the CP-group is much slower and takes 50% more time to generate grip and lift forces with more fixating force before lifting the upper unit. In addition the coordination between forces in both hands is reduced. The CP-group increases the lift force in the upper hand 2.5 times more than the holding force when pulling the two units apart, while this is only 1.5 times in TD. Moreover, the correlation between forces generated in both hands in the CP-group is lower. The lack of fine tuning of the forces, measured by the linearity error is increased, especially when the magnet load keeping the unit together is low. The results indicate an impaired pull-hold synergy between upper and lower hand and the lift force. Bimanual tasks evaluating bimanual grip and lift forces in children with CP and can give us new insights in the underlying force control mechanisms of the spastic hand.  相似文献   

In work with children with cerebral palsy at Ashirvad, Child Development and Research Centre, Chennai, India, the authors were confronted with fretful children who resisted any attempt to mobilize their limbs due to hypertonia and muscle spasm. It was found that administering a bedtime dose of diazepam to reduce hypertonia and muscle spasm alongside passive stretching exercises significantly improved the behaviour of the child. There was significant improvement in the well-being of the child during the activities of daily living and this reduced the family's burden of caring for the child. In this double blind, placebo-controlled, randomized clinical trial, each child received a bedtime dose of diazepam or placebo. The bedtime diazepam relaxed the muscles and this made the passive stretching easy and the movements sustained the muscle relaxation during the day. There were fewer unwarranted crying spells during the day and less wakefulness during the night. The adverse effect of day time sedation was not observed with the use of a single dose of diazepam at bedtime.  相似文献   

Gross motor patterns in children with cerebral palsy and spastic diplegia   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Rolling, sitting, and crawling patterns were motoscopically analyzed in 72 children with cerebral palsy and spastic diplegia; the relation between these patterns and the severity of the locomotive disability was studied. In rolling, trunk rotation and elbow support were difficult for the most severely diplegic children. When sitting, most patients had a between-heel sitting pattern in which the thighs were adducted and the knees were flexed. When crawling, the reciprocal thigh movements were insufficient and accompanied by lateral bending of the trunk in many patients. In the more impaired patients, the thighs supported the weight in flexion and did not move reciprocally. Creeping on the elbows without reciprocal leg movements was demonstrated in the most severely affected children after 2 years of age.  相似文献   

Ankle spasticity and strength in 27 children with spastic diplegic cerebral palsy (CP) (mean age 9 years, range 3 to 18 years) and a group of 12 children without CP (comparison group) (mean age 9 years, range 5 to 18 years) were observed. To measure spasticity, a KinCom dynamometer dorsiflexed the passive ankle at five different speeds and recorded the resistive plantarflexion torques. Work values for the torque-angle data were calculated at each speed. Using this data, linear regression was used to measure spasticity. To measure strength, the dynamometer rotated the ankle from maximum dorsiflexion to maximum plantarflexion at a speed of 10 degrees/s while the child performed a maximum plantarflexion concentric contraction. The movement was reversed to record maximum dorsiflexion. Maximum torques and work by the plantarflexors and dorsiflexors were calculated. The group with CP had significantly more spasticity in the plantarflexors and significantly less strength in the plantarflexors and dorsiflexors than the group without CP. Results provide objective information quantifying ankle spasticity and strength in children with CP.  相似文献   

Standardized scales to evaluate qualities of trunk movements in children with dysfunction are sparse. An examination of the reliability of scales that may be useful in the clinic is important. The aim of this study was to examine the reliability of the Trunk Impairment Scale (TIS) for children with cerebral palsy (CP). Standardized scales are useful for treatment planning and evaluation. This was an intra- and inter-observer reliability study. Video recordings of 25 children, 20 with CP and 5 with no motor impairment, in the age group 5-12 years of age, were analyzed by three observers on two occasions. Intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC [1,1] and [3,1]) with 95% confidence intervals, standard error of measurement, kappa values and percent agreement, and Bland-Altman Plots were calculated. The relative reliability (intra- and inter-observer reliability) was very high for the total score and subscale score of the TIS: ICC [1,1] and [3,1] varied between .94 and 1.00. Kappa values for the items ranged from .45 to 1.00. The absolute reliability values for the parameters are reported. The Bland-Altman analysis showed consistency of scores. This study indicates that TIS is a reliable measure of trunk control for children, 5-12 years of age, with CP.  相似文献   

目的:探讨痉挛型脑瘫患儿发病的相关因素。方法收集我院2009-06-2013-06就诊的痉挛型脑瘫患儿89例为研究对象。通过问卷调查获取相关信息,分析痉挛型脑瘫患儿发病与遗传因素、环境因素、孕期母亲因素及新生儿因素的关系。结果新生儿出生体质量、母亲学历、出生时的肌张力、皮肤颜色、孕妇是否经历过严重刺激、居住环境、孕期是否使用过解热镇痛药、孕期是否阴道出血、出生时是否有颅内出血、是否有出生窒息及是否有宫内窘迫这11项因素与痉挛型脑瘫的发生有关。结论遗传因素、环境因素、孕期母亲因素及新生儿因素与痉挛型脑瘫发生均有密切的关系,为减少脑瘫的发生加强孕产期的保健及新生儿的管理非常有必要。  相似文献   

Anticipatory gaze behaviour during interceptive movements was investigated in children with Spastic Unilateral Cerebral Palsy (SUCP), and related to the side of the intracerebral lesion. Five children with lesions of the right hemisphere (RHL) and five children with lesions of the left hemisphere (LHL) had to walk towards and intercept a ball that moved perpendicular to the walking path. Interception accuracy and gaze patterns were measured in a no-occlusion and occlusion condition, in which the ball was occluded from view for half of its trajectory. There was a clear support for a relationship between gaze behaviour and success in interception performance, with some evidence for the presence of anticipatory gaze behaviour. There were also differences in gaze behaviour between children with RHL and children with LHL that might be related to planning, but these did not affect interception accuracy. It is concluded that gaze behaviour during interceptive movements is anticipatory, and at least partly dependent on the lesional side.  相似文献   

This study aimed to identify clinical characteristics of impaired trunk control in hundred children with spastic CP (mean age 11.4 ± 2.1 years, range 8–15 years). Assessment of trunk control was performed with the Trunk Control Measurement Scale (TCMS). Trunk control was clearly impaired, indicated by a median total TCMS score of 38.5 out of 58 (66%). Median subscale scores were 18 out of 20 (90%) for the subscale static sitting balance, 16 out of 28 (57%) for the subscale selective movement control and 6 out of 10 (60%) for the subscale dynamic reaching. Total TCMS and subscale scores differed significantly between topographies and severity of motor impairment according to the Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS). Children with hemiplegia obtained the highest scores, followed by children with diplegia and children with quadriplegia obtained the lowest scores. TCMS scores significantly decreased with increasing GMFCS level. In conclusion, trunk control is impaired in children with CP to a various extent, depending on the topography and severity of the motor impairment. The findings of this study also provide specific clues for treatment interventions targeting trunk control to improve their functional abilities.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the major comorbidities in patients with spastic quadriplegic (SQ) cerebral palsy (CP) and their possible clinical associations. Medical records of patients with SQ CP from a pediatric neurology practice over a 14-year period were retrospectively and systematically reviewed. Variables examined included demographics, prenatal, perinatal, and postnatal risk factors. Comorbidities documented included those involving hearing, vision, feeding status, and epilepsy. Binomial logistic regression analyses were applied to identify clinical associations of the comorbidities. Ninety-two children were included in this study of whom 39 were born preterm. Mean age of presentation was 2 months (SD 3.5) and males comprised 60% of the group. A total of 57% had a Gross Motor Function Classification Score (GMFCS) of Level IV or V. The four documented comorbidities occurred at a high frequency: 66 out of 83 children (80%) had a visual impairment with 13 (21%) having a substantial impairment; 37 out of 86 children (40%) had a hearing deficit; 43 out of 92 children (47%) had epilepsy; and 29 (33%) required assisted feeding. A GMFCS Level of IV or V and documented microcephaly was associated with the need for assisted feeding (odds ratio [OR] 8.1; 95% confidence interval [CI] 2.1-29.8, p=0.002 and OR 4.9, 95% CI 1.7-14.8, p=0.004 respectively). Epilepsy was associated with the occurrence of neonatal encephalopathy (OR 2.3, 95% CI 1.0-55; p=0.05), microcephaly (OR 4.9, 95% CI 1.6-14.8; p=0.004), periventricular leukomalacia (OR 7.4, 95% CI 1.6-35.0; p=0.012), and perinatal asphyxia (OR 3.6, 95% CI 1.5-8.9; p=0.005). There is a high frequency of comorbidity in the setting of SQ CP which can impact on quality of life and burdens of care. Few clinical associations of this burden appear, thus necessitating systematic programmatic follow-up of these children to facilitate early identification and intervention.  相似文献   

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