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Irmak Z, Baybuga MS. International Journal of Nursing Practice 2011; 17 : 151–157 Needlestick and sharps injuries among Turkish nursing students: A cross‐sectional study This cross‐sectional study was performed to investigate the prevalence of and other factors associated with needlestick and sharps injuries (NSIs) among nursing students in Turkey. A total of 60 (19.4%) nursing students reported NSIs during the past 1 year. The most common item causing injury was from a syringe needle (54.0%). Among nursing students, giving intravenous/intramuscular injections (60.0%) was the most common cause of NSIs. In total, 31.7% were not using gloves when injured. A total of 68.3% of NSIs were said to have gone unreported in any official report. A total of 43.5% of the nursing students had not received the hepatitis B vaccine. Finally, no single sociodemographic variables were shown to be significant as a risk factor for needlestick and sharps injury during logistic regression analysis. To decrease NSIs among nursing students, an education programme related to NSIs and standard precautions must be provided and immunized against hepatitis B before beginning clinical practice.  相似文献   

Although needlestick and sharps injuries (NSI) represent a major hazard in nursing practice, most studies rely on officially reported data and none have yet been undertaken in tropical environments. Therefore, we conducted a cross-sectional NSI survey targeting all nurses within a tropical Australian hospital, regardless of whether they had experienced an NSI or not. Our overall response rate was 76.7%. A total of 39 nurses reported 43 NSI events in the previous 12 months. The most common causative device was a normal syringe needle, followed by insulin syringe needles, i.v. needles or kits and blood collection needles. Half of the nurses' NSI events occurred beside the patient's bed: drawing up medication was the most common reason. Nurses working in the maternity/neonatal wards were only 0.3 times as likely to have experienced an NSI as their counterparts in the medical or surgical wards. Overall, our study has shown that NSI events represent an important workplace issue for tropical Australian nurses. Their actual rate might also be higher than official reports suggest.  相似文献   

Aim: To ascertain the number of needlestick and sharps injuries (NSSIs) in nursing and midwifery students and to assess the use of universal precautions among injured and non‐injured students. Methods: A survey of a representative sample of nursing and midwifery students who did clinical practise in a hospital was conducted. In total, 203 students met the inclusion criterion of the study. Of these, 141 (69.46%) provided useable data. The survey form was designed by the researcher after reviewing the relevant literature. The data frequency, percentages, and χ2‐values were examined. Results: According to the data, 35.5% of the participating students had experienced a NSSI, 54% of the students had received one NSSI, and 36.0% had two NSSIs. Sixty‐six percent of the injured students had been injured by an ampoule and the majority of injuries occurred in the treatment room. Most of the students had washed their injury with antiseptic solution and 84% had not told anyone about their injury. While 86.5% of the students threw away used needles in the special sharps containers disposal box, 89.4% also stated that they always recapped used needles. Almost all the students had received the hepatitis B vaccine. Only 14% of the students stated that they always wore gloves. Conclusions: This study shows that a significant percentage of nursing and midwifery students receive NSSIs. It is very important to frequently review information about preventive measures so that the students practise them during clinical practise every semester. Moreover, the instructors should monitor if the students are taking the necessary preventive measures without fail.  相似文献   

目的调查实习护生针刺伤及防护行为的现状。方法选取431名实习护生作为调查对象,调查护生实习10个月内发生针刺伤的情况以及防护知识及防护行为。结果 76.10%的实习护生发生过针刺伤,只有77.03%的实习护生在实习医院接受过职业防护教育,发生针刺伤的实习护生对针刺伤相关职业防护知识和防护行为及依从性得分低于未发生针刺伤的实习护生(P0.01或P0.05)。结论实习护生针刺伤发生率高,对针刺伤防护知识缺乏,防护行为不规范,临床需要加强防护知识的培训,改善职业防护行为。  相似文献   

Needlestick injuries (NSIs) and sharps injuries are a potential source of harm. Such injuries can cause considerable distress and have an economic effect on both the person who is injured and the healthcare organisation. Although data regarding trained nurses are more plentiful, there is a dearth of published information and research on the incidence and causes of NSIs and sharps injuries in the nursing student population, especially in the UK. This article provides an overview of the available evidence. There is a need for better education of nursing students and more effective supervision in relation to NSIs and sharps injuries.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to determine the prevalence and predictors of smoking and attitudes to smoking-related issues among nurses employed by the Central Sydney Area Health Service in Sydney, Australia. A self-administered questionnaire, was distributed via the internal mail system of the Central Sydney Area Health Service in November 1997 to 610 randomly selected nursing staff. Twenty-one per cent (n = 127) of respondents smoked. Smokers were significantly younger than non-smokers and were more likely to speak mainly English at home. There were clear differences between smokers and non-smokers in response to all attitude statements. Interventions specifically directed at nurses who smoke to assist them to stop and maintain cessation are indicated. Future health service workplace tobacco control programmes should address deficits in knowledge about the health effects of passive smoking, should raise awareness among nurses who smoke about their potential to affect the behaviours of others through modelling, and should provide all nurses with the skills required to be smoking educators and advocates for tobacco control.  相似文献   

In this study, we observed the management of sharps by health care workers including physicians, nurses, technicians, and students in the Emergency Department of the University of California-San Diego Medical Center. Twenty-eight percent of 418 observed sharp utilizations were managed in such a way that excess risk was conferred to the user, another person, or both. Twenty-seven percent conferred excess risk to the user and 12% to another person. Twenty percent of 322 recappable needles were recapped using a two-handed technique; 64% were disposed of uncapped. Four sharps (1%) were inadvertently thrown in the trash. Of the 418 observed sharp utilizations, none resulted in a puncture wound, although the four that were thrown in the trash represent a very high risk of injury to others. Physicians were observed handling the highest percentage of sharps in manners associated with excess risk while technicians and students managed sharps with the least risk. Among sharps used on patients who were IV drug abusers with unknown HIV status, 29% (n = 28) were handled with excess risk to the user, another person, or both. Of 24 sharps used on known HIV-infected patients, there were no practices observed that subjected either the user or another person to excess risk.  相似文献   

This study aimed to determine nurse reported organizational risk management and nurses' perceptions of workplace risk associated with sharps-related injuries. A cross-sectional survey was carried out on a sample of nurses from the New South Wales Nurses' Association, Australia in 2007 (n =7423), and there were 1301 eligible participants. Overall, 73% participants reported that organizational policies were followed in the event of a "sharps including needlestick" injury. Participants reported working in sharps safety oriented organizations, routine hepatitis B vaccination, sharps disposal containers at point-of-use locations and availability of safety engineered devices in their organizations. Sharps including needlestick injury data were not routinely provided to staff, many nurses reported recapping and just one-third had recently attended sharps injury prevention training. Nurses' perceptions of risk associated with sharps including needlestick injury were variable. Health-care organizations are responsible for provision of safe workplaces and work practices, policies, workplace culture and prevention strategies, and appropriate responses when nurses are injured. These results have been used to propose recommendations to improve some of these risk management strategies.  相似文献   

Member states of the European Union have until May 112013 to implement the Council Directive 2010/32/EU Implementing the Framework Agreement on Prevention from Sharps Injuries in the Hospital and Healthcare Sector. The aim of this legislation is to achieve a safe working environment and prevent injuries to healthcare professionals caused by all medical sharps, including needlesticks. This article examines the issues surrounding needlestick and sharps injuries, including risk assessment and prevention, information provision, raising awareness, use of safety devices, training and reporting procedures.  相似文献   

目的 调查不同护理人群专业价值观的现状,并探讨影响专业价值观的因素.方法 采用分层与整群相结合的抽样方法抽取本科护生和在职护士共583人作为调查对象,运用护理专业价值观量表进行调查,并对调查结果进行分析.结果 本科护生及护士的专业价值观认同度较高,本科护生的专业价值观得分高于护士,差异有统计学意义;不同层次护生及护士对专业价值观的认同有差异.工作年限和月收入是影响护士专业价值观的重要因素.结论 护理教育和管理者应根据不同护理人群专业价值观的特点,采取针对性措施促进其专业价值观水平的提高.  相似文献   

Although hand dermatitis is known to affect nursing students worldwide, the prevalence among their Australian counterparts has not been elucidated and the relative contribution of tropical environments is unclear. Therefore, we conducted the first investigation of hand dermatitis among 232 female, undergraduate nurses in tropical Australia using a previously validated methodology. Hand dermatitis prevalence rose from 10.8% in the first year to 27.4% by the third year and averaged 18.5% across all three grades. Pre-existing atopic dermatitis caused a 7.8-fold risk increase during logistic regression analysis (odds ratio [OR] 7.8, 95% confidence interval [CI] 3.0-21.1, P < 0.0001). Overall, this study suggests that hand dermatitis is less common among tropical Australian nursing students than their counterparts around the world. The identification of atopic dermatitis as a hand dermatitis risk factor was, however, consistent with previous research conducted in non-tropical areas.  相似文献   

What is the true incidence of needlestick and sharps injuries among health-care professionals in the UK and what is the real cost of such injuries? This article identifies the obvious and not-so-obvious risks to staff in community and hospital settings and examines how such risks can be minimised, drawing on guidance from NICE and the RCN.  相似文献   

实习护生针刺伤发生情况调查与思考   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的:了解某校2002级实习护生实习期间针刺伤及发生情况,为制定实习护生职业防护培训计划提供依据。方法:对2002级184名实习护生采用自行设计问卷进行回顾性调查。结果:实习护生中82.6%曾被针刺伤,发生两次以上的占64.5%,共受伤324人次,被污染针头刺伤的占71.0%,被安瓿割伤的占65.8%;发生针刺伤后正确处理者占5.3%;认为针刺伤可感染HIV、HBV、HCV者占6.5%;防护知识来源于临床带教老师的占72.2%;接触患者血液、体液、排泄物、分泌物时不戴手套的占44.5%,49.5%未接种乙肝疫苗。结论:实习护生针刺伤发生率高,防护意识淡薄,应对护生加强职业防护知识培训。  相似文献   

目的探讨综合教育干预对实习护生焦虑的影响。方法在护生实习的初期、中期和末期实施综合教育干预,采用焦虑自评量表(self-rating anxiety scale,SAS)对护生进行测评。结果护生实习各期SAS评分比较,F=2.680,P0.05,差异具有统计学意义;实习初期、中期和末期SAS得分逐渐下降(均P0.05)。结论综合教育干预可降低实习护生的焦虑水平。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In response to the policy initiatives in England to secure recruitment and retention in the nursing and midwifery professions, strategies to improve and extend access to preregistration education and training in England have been developed. The relatively recent development of modern cadet schemes is an example of such a strategy. Despite the increasing interest in and proliferation of cadet schemes, there is as yet little evidence for their effectiveness. Reporting on an evaluation of a scheme in England, this paper makes some contribution to this evidence. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: The project explored former nurse cadets' experiences of the cadet scheme 9 months after their transition to nurse education. The aims of the project were to evaluate the extent to which former cadets and university staff considered the scheme to prepare students effectively for access to university nurse education. METHODS: The first cohort of former cadets entered nurse education in September 2000. After 9 months they were invited to contribute to an evaluation of the cadet scheme and their present experience. The evaluation consisted of a structured questionnaire sent to all the former cadets, a focus group interview with the former cadets, informal discussions with university staff and brief documentary analysis. CONCLUSION: Tensions were apparent between the worlds of education and clinical practice: the cadets felt better prepared clinically than academically and found an element of repetition in the nursing programme. They valued their preparation, which they felt put them at an advantage over other nursing students. However, some of them experienced difficulties in the transition to higher education and further review is therefore required to establish the success of cadet schemes.  相似文献   

实习护生针刺伤的现状调查及对策   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
目的了解临床实习护生针刺伤的现状,探讨容易发生针刺伤的因素,以便采取有效的预防措施。方法采用问卷法调查对福建省立医院2004~2005年214名临床实习护生进行现状调查,收集与针刺伤有关的具体环节,针刺伤发生的次数及发生针刺伤后所采取的护理措施。结果90%的临床实习护生在实习过程中发生了针刺伤。其中发生于抽吸药液时72人次;拔针60人次;分离针头与注射器64人次;回套针头帽158人次;整理用物及处理废弃物106人次。结论临床实习护生针刺伤发生率高,不规范的操作习惯是导致针刺伤的主要原因。  相似文献   

Programme-related stressors among part-time undergraduate nursing students   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
AIM: The aim of this paper is to report a study exploring the perceived stressors identified by a group of 70 students who undertook a part-time degree at one Irish university. BACKGROUND: In the literature on stress, part-time nursing students who are undertaking continuing education programmes appear to have received little attention. Stress amongst nurses is evident within the nursing literature but little information is available on the specific stressors that affect Registered Nurses who undertake further academic study. Anecdotally, students attending part-time programmes while working full-time report high levels of stress. METHOD: Quantitative methods were used. While many instruments exist to measure overall stress, this study aimed to explore student's perceptions of specific stressors associated with academic study. We used a questionnaire developed from the literature on the topic. RESULTS: Factors related to writing assignments at degree level, fulfilling personal needs and academic demands, were perceived as major stressors by these students. Factors of little concern were financial issues and attendance on the programme. Individual items receiving highest mean scores were: trying to balance work commitments and the required study (mean 3.89, sd = 1) and the prospect of the final examination (mean 3.86, sd = 1). This study was limited by the use of convenience sampling and self-report methods. Larger studies are required to support the findings. In addition, student stress was not observed or measured. CONCLUSION: Those involved in the delivery of nurse education programmes to part-time students need to consider the impact of the workload on student welfare, and to prepare students for demands of the programme.  相似文献   

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