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6针法和13针法前列腺穿刺活检术诊断前列腺癌的分析比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的探讨5区13针法和6针法前列腺穿刺活检诊断前列腺癌的差异。方法本组214例,因前列腺特异性抗原>4.0ng/ml或直肠指诊前列腺癌阳性可疑而行13针前列腺穿刺活检术,其中前列腺特异性抗原>4.0ng/ml者203例,直肠指诊前列腺癌阳性可疑者41例。入选病例的年龄为50 ̄90岁,平均69.8岁;PSA水平0.8 ̄112.3ng/ml,平均18.7ng/ml;前列腺体积12.3 ̄182.5ml,平均61.3ml;直肠指诊阴性者173例,阳性者41例。结果6针法和13针法的阳性率分别为30.8(f/214)和36.0(w/214),后者的阳性率提高14.3(/77()P<0.001)。两者的差异在前列腺特异性抗原≤20ng/ml,指诊阴性,体积>40ml,前列腺特异性抗原密度≤0.30,年龄<70岁的患者中更显著。结论5区13针前列腺穿刺活检术比系统6针发现前列腺癌的阳性率更高。  相似文献   

前列腺穿刺活检   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
前列腺癌的确诊需通过前列腺穿刺活检获得癌性组织,近年来前列腺穿刺活检的适应证和技术方法不断得到改进和完善,本文就前列腺穿刺活检的适应证和方法的最新进展作一综述。  相似文献   

经直肠超声引导13点法前列腺穿刺活检术诊断前列腺癌   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的:评价经直肠超声引导13点法前列腺系统穿刺活检术诊断前列腺癌的临床价值。方法:按照Eskew描述的方法,在标准的经直肠超声引导6点法前列腺系统穿刺活检术的基础上,增加在前列腺的中间部位及前列腺两侧旁正中线远侧的穿刺点数,总共穿刺活检13处。将增加的7处活检部位的病理结果与标准的6点法前列腺系统穿刺活检术进行比较,并对经直肠超声引导13点法前列腺系统穿刺活检术的并发症进行了讨论。结果:总共51例患者中有20例确诊为前列腺癌(20/51),占39%,此20例前列腺癌患者若仅采用标准的经直肠超声引导6点法前列腺系统穿刺活检术,将有5例患者漏诊,占25%。所有接受经直肠超声引导13点法法前列腺系统穿刺活检术的患者无一例出现严重的并发症。结论:经直肠超声引导13点法前列腺系统穿刺活检术可明显提高前列腺癌的临床检出率,是一种安全、有效的前列腺系统穿刺活检术式,值得在临床推广应用。  相似文献   

目的 探讨超声引导下经直肠10针前列腺穿刺活检术诊断前列腺癌的临床应用价值。方法 回顾性分析104例经直肠10针穿刺活检的可疑前列腺癌患者。在标准6针系统穿刺法基础上改进确定A组穿刺点后,依据前列腺解剖分区,在经直肠B超显示的前列腺冠状切面的两侧外侧区域(B组)及中央区域(C组)增加4针穿刺点,施行前列腺活检,病例标本分别标注送病理学检查。结果 104例患者中42例确诊为前列腺癌,总阳性率为40.4%。其中所设置的A组穿刺位点阳性25例(占总检出阳性的59.5%),B组位点阳性9例(21.4%),C组位点阳性8例(19.0%)。假阴性率为4.7%,术后并发症总发生率为15.4%,未出现严重并发症。结论 超声引导下经直肠10针前列腺穿刺活检术安全、可靠,可以作为临床理想的初次前列腺穿刺活检术式之一。  相似文献   

经直肠超声引导自动活检枪前列腺穿刺260例分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的:研究经直肠超声引导自动活检枪前列腺穿刺在诊断早期前列腺癌方面的意义。方法:患者分为两组,第1组230例为经每年一次PSA筛选,PSA>4μg/L而进行直肠指检(DRE)和经直肠超声引导自动活检枪穿刺(TRUS)加活检的澳大利亚患者;第2组30例为DRE有可疑结节而进行TRUS加活检的国内病例。结果:经直肠超声引导自动活检枪前列腺穿刺所获标本取材全部优良,符合病理诊断的要求。第1组检出前列腺癌82例,其中T2a期以内80例,T2b2例,不典型增生19例;第2组检出前列腺癌8例,其中1例属于T2b,已行根治性前列腺切除术,另外7例至少在T3期以上。所有患者穿刺后未发生严重并发症。结论:经直肠超声引导自动活检枪前列腺穿刺是确诊早期前列腺癌的重要的方法,而且并发症少,值得推广。  相似文献   

前列腺穿刺活检   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
前列腺癌的确诊需通过前列腺穿刺活检获得癌性组织 ,近年来前列腺穿刺活检的适应证和技术方法不断得到改进和完善 ,本文就前列腺穿刺活检的适应证和方法的最新进展作一综述。  相似文献   

前列腺穿刺对前列腺癌磁共振影像分期的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 了解磁共振影像 (MRI)检查前近期行前列腺穿刺对前列腺癌MRI分期的影响。 方法 对 10例高度怀疑前列腺癌拟行穿刺检查的患者 ,穿刺前和穿刺后 1周分别行MRI检查 ,比较穿刺前后MRI临床分期结果。 结果 患者穿刺前MRI分期均为B期 ,穿刺后 6~ 8d(平均 7d)MRI分期除 1例因前列腺外周带界限不清确切分期困难外 (B~C) ,9例均为C期 ,前列腺穿刺后近期由于穿刺局部出血 ,MRI分期较穿刺前高。 结论 前列腺穿刺后 1周内行MRI ,穿刺部位的出血可影响前列腺癌手术前的临床分期 ,对临床上可疑而拟行前列腺穿刺的患者 ,应先行影像学检查 ,以免影响前列腺癌手术前的准确分期。  相似文献   

目的比较经直肠途径与经会阴途径穿刺活检对前列腺癌(PCa)的检出率。方法回顾性收集128例首次确诊的PCa患者,根据活检途径不同,分为经直肠途径组62例和经会阴途径组66例,比较2种途径诊断不同总前列腺特异性抗原(TPSA)水平PCa及临床意义前列腺癌(CsPCa)检出率的差异。对其中104例(经直肠途径组42例,经会阴途径组62例)在常规超声检查基础上行CEUS,于83例(经直肠途径组28例,经会阴途径组55例)检出阳性病灶后行靶向穿刺,比较2组系统穿刺及靶向穿刺PCa、CsPCa的检出率。结果经直肠途径组PCa检出率为35.48%(22/62),CsPCa检出率为25.81%(16/62);经会阴途径组PCa检出率为42.42%(28/66),CsPCa检出率为28.79%(19/66),差异均无统计学意义(P=0.471、0.676);2组对不同TPSA水平PCa及CsPCa的检出率差异均无统计学意义(P均0.05)。经直肠途径组与经会阴途径组在系统穿刺中PCa检出率[35.48%(22/62) vs 40.91%(27/66);P=0.587]、阳性针数/总针数[14.25%(106/744) vs 14.52%(115/792);P=0.879]、CsPCa检出率[25.81%(16/62) vs 28.79%(19/66);P=0.676]差异均无统计学意义;靶向穿刺活检PCa检出率[35.71%(10/28) vs 14.55%(8/55);P=0.002]、阳性针数/总针数[30.77%(24/78) vs 6.76%(10/148);P0.001]差异有统计学意义。结论超声引导下前列腺穿刺活检经直肠途径与经会阴途径对PCa及CsPCa检出率无差异。CEUS可引导前列腺靶向穿刺活检,穿刺操作时选择与CEUS相同的患者体位及解剖断面可提高PCa检出率。  相似文献   

前列腺穿刺活检的临床价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1997年 1月~ 2 0 0 0年 1 2月 ,我们对 1 2 2例可疑前列腺癌 (PCa)患者进行经直肠前列腺穿刺活检术 ,以探讨其临床价值 ,现报告如下。1 资料与方法本组 1 2 2例 ,平均年龄 72 .5 ( 5 0~ 90 )岁。表现为尿频、尿急、排尿困难等下尿路梗阻为主症状。常规行直肠指检 (DRE)和前列腺特异抗原(PSA)检查 ,PSA测定我院以≥ 1 0 μg/L为 ( + ) ,<1 0 μg/L为 ( - )。DRE发现前列腺质硬或结节以及PSA升高者均行经直肠内穿刺 (FNA)活检。FNA :采用经肛门直肠穿刺法 1 0 3例 ,在两侧叶的中部矢状平面扇形方向或结节方向穿 4~ 6针 ,取直径 …  相似文献   

前列腺穿刺病理组织学类型在不同PSA水平中的分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:探讨前列腺穿刺病例PSA水平与病理组织学类型的关系,为制订国人穿刺指导原则提供参考。方法:收集经直肠超声引导前列腺系统穿刺活检的634例患者的PSA水平与病理组织学资料,对不同PSA水平下的前列腺穿刺主要病理组织学类型的分布情况进行统计分析。结果:PSA≤4.0、4.1~10.0、10.1~20.0、〉20.0μg/L各组中前列腺穿刺肿瘤阳性率分别是11.6%、26.8%、39.8%、68.6%;67.0%的良性病例PSA〉4.0μg/L,14.1%的良性病例PSA〉20.0μg/L。BPH、PIN和炎症在各PSA组分布差异无统计学意义(P=0.245),高中低分化的前列腺癌在各组中分布差异有统计学意义(P=0.000),PSA〉20.0μg/L组的前列腺癌多为低分化癌。结论:国人中有相当多的良性前列腺疾病患者PSA异常升高,部分良性患者的PSA可达到较高水平;PSA〉20.0μg/L的前列腺痛患者恶性程度较高。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the distribution of prostate cancer within the peripheral zone by prostate biopsies excluding the influence of the transition zone. A prospective, multicenter study was carried out using a consecutive series of men who underwent transrectal ultrasound guided prostate biopsies using different biopsy techniques at six institutions. Biopsies were directed strictly within the peripheral zone or strictly within the transition zone. A model of the peripheral zone with 18 sectors of similar volume was established and the biopsy cores obtained were associated with these sectors and analysed with respect to prostate cancer detection rate. A total of 904 men (mean age 66.8 years, range 42-86) with a median serum PSA of 8.1 ng/ml (2.2-940 ng/ml) entered the study. A total of 8,062 biopsy cores (mean 8.92/patient) were obtained. Each of the peripheral zone sectors tested by biopsies yielded a similar percentage of prostate cancer ( P=0.6). There was no increase in the incidence of cancer toward the lateral sectors compared to midline sectors ( P=0.53) of the peripheral zone. Biopsy sampling of the peripheral zone from the apex to the base yielded a similar percentage of prostate cancer ( P=0.47). Our data suggest that the distribution of cancer foci detected by biopsies in the peripheral zone of the prostate is homogeneous.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To identify the zonal location of prostate cancers before surgery, by analysing the mapping of ultrasonography-guided systematic sextant biopsies for differences between cancers located in the transition zone (TZ) and peripheral zone (PZ); and to compare the correlation between Gleason scores of needle biopsies and those of radical prostatectomy (RP) specimens. PATIENTS AND METHODS: In all, 186 patients with TZ (46) and PZ cancers (140) underwent ultrasonography-guided systematic sextant biopsy and RP at the same institution. The clinical and pathological characteristics, and the anatomical location of positive biopsies, were determined and compared using t-tests and chi-square tests. Differences between Gleason scores of needle biopsies and those of RP specimens were evaluated and compared by Cohen kappa testing. RESULTS: TZ cancers had a significantly lower rate of positive biopsies in the middle (63% vs 80%) and base (50% vs 80%) of the prostate than had PZ cancers. Positive biopsies were exclusively obtained from the apex in 19.6% of TZ and 5% of PZ cancers (P = 0.002). There was exact agreement between Gleason scores of needle biopsies and those of RP specimens in 15.2% of TZ (kappa = 0.02) and 55% of PZ cancers (kappa = 0.25), respectively. CONCLUSION: Compared with PZ cancers, TZ cancers had a different anatomical pattern of positive biopsies, with lower rates in the middle and base of the prostate. The finding of positive biopsies exclusively in the apex favoured prostate cancer located in the TZ. Furthermore, the correlation between needle biopsy Gleason scores and those of the RP specimens was clearly lower in TZ cancers.  相似文献   

超声引导经直肠前列腺穿刺活检术(附192例报告)   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
目的评价经直肠超声(TRUS)结合彩色多谱勒血流图象(CDI)对前列腺穿刺活检的指导作用.方法依据TRUS结合CDI选择穿刺点,采用个体化方案对192例PSA>4ng/m1、可疑前列腺癌(PCA)的患者,行经直肠前列腺穿刺活检,对其中12例PSA持续升高者行重复穿刺.结果 (1)PSA4~10ng/m170例,PCa9例(12.9%)、其中7例CDI有异常血流;阴性61例、其中9例CDI有异常血流.(2)PSA11~150ng/m1122例,PCa47例(38.5%)、其中37例CDI有异常血流;阴性75例、其中14例CDI有异常血流.CDI在PCa与穿刺阴性间比较有极显著性差异(P<0.001),重复穿刺者12例中发现PCA5例.结论依据TRUS结合CDI采用个体化方案的前列腺穿刺活检术,能提高PCa检出率和减少并发症.  相似文献   

Serial biopsy results in prostate cancer screening study   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
PURPOSE: We evaluated prostate biopsy results in men with elevated prostate specific antigen (PSA) levels and/or suspicious digital rectal examination whose initial biopsies did not reveal cancer. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 2,526 volunteers 40 years old or older underwent 1 or more prostate biopsies for serum PSA concentrations greater than 4.0 ng./ml. (before May 1995) or greater than 2.5 ng./ml. (after May 1995), or digital rectal examination suspicious of cancer. We evaluated compliance with the biopsy recommendation and the cancer detection rate with regard to digital rectal examination results and increasing PSA levels. RESULTS: Of the men who underwent up to 10 biopsy procedures the serial cancer detection rates were 29%, 17%, 14%, 11%, 9% and 7%, respectively, on biopsy procedures 1 through 6. No significant difference in the yield of cancer on serial biopsies was observed between the groups using the greater than 4.0 ng./ml. and greater than 2.5 ng./ml. cutoff. There was a trend for more cancers detected through serial screening to be organ confined compared with those detected on initial screening (78% versus 69%, p = 0.05). Also, more cancers detected using the greater than 2.5 ng./ml. cutoff were organ confined (80% versus 66%, p = 0.004). Only approximately 1% of the cancers fulfilled the published criteria for clinically insignificant tumors. CONCLUSIONS: Nearly a quarter of prostate cancers detected in this screening study were missed by the initial biopsy. Of the 962 prostate cancers detected 77% were detected with 1, 91% with 2, 97% with 3 and 99% with 4 biopsy procedures. Serial biopsies detect more organ confined cancers without over detecting clinically unimportant tumors. Future studies are needed to determine whether obtaining more biopsy cores initially would provide earlier prostate cancer detection and avoid unnecessary repeat biopsies.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: We performed a prospective study to determine whether a limited biopsy approach with contrast enhanced color Doppler ultrasound targeted biopsy of the prostate would detect cancer as well as gray scale US guided systematic biopsy with a larger number of biopsy cores. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We examined 230 male screening volunteers with a total prostate specific antigen of 1.25 ng./ml. or greater and free-to-total prostate specific antigen less than 18%. Two independent examiners evaluated each subject and a single investigator performed 5 or fewer contrast enhanced targeted biopsies into hypervascular regions in the peripheral zone during intravenous infusion of the US contrast agent Levovist (Schering, Berlin, Germany). Subsequently another examiner performed 10 systematic prostate biopsies. The cancer detection rates of the 2 techniques were compared. RESULTS: Cancer was detected in 69 of the 230 patients (30%), including 56 (24.4%) by contrast enhanced targeted biopsy and in 52 (22.6%) by systematic biopsy. Cancer was detected by targeted biopsy alone in 17 patients (7.4%) and by systematic biopsy alone in 13 (5.6%). The overall cancer detection rate by patient was not significantly different for targeted and systematic biopsy (p = 0.58). The detection rate for targeted biopsy cores (10.4% or 118 of 1,139 cores) was significantly better than for systematic biopsy cores (5.3% or 123 of 2,300 cores, p <0.001). Contrast enhanced targeted biopsy in a patient with cancer was 2.6-fold more likely to detect prostate cancer than systematic US guided biopsy. CONCLUSIONS: Contrast enhanced color Doppler targeted biopsy detected as many cancers as systematic biopsy with fewer than half the number of biopsy cores. Although an increase in cancer detection was achieved by combining targeted and systematic techniques in this screening population, contrast enhanced targeted biopsy alone is a reasonable approach for decreasing the number of biopsy cores.  相似文献   

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