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神经症是精神科和心理咨询门诊中常见的精神疚病之一,也是治疗较困难的一类。本文作者尝试认识领悟心理治疗治疗神经症二例,现报道如下。例一,周×,女,18岁,高三学生。自幼受到溺爱,最喜欢父亲。个性敏感、固执、任性。14岁月经初潮,并开始对男同志有好感。感到班里某男同学总是红着脸看自己,老师和同学也用异样的目光看自己,不久出现失眠、头痛,学习精力不集中。脑子里常出现“坏念头”,控制不住看男老师、熟人的会阴部,明知这种念头不对,但出门看到男性便无法控制,以至于害怕出门,休学在家。内心痛苦绝望,一度自杀未遂。诊断为恐怖症。  相似文献   

人是会变的。我的老伴过了60岁以后,由过去随和温顺、少言寡语,变得脾气固执、唠唠叨叨,而我又是一个争强好胜、个性倔强的人。老两口退休后经常吵吵闹闹,弄得面红耳赤……  相似文献   

“老师,您有时间吗?”抬起头,发现一名十五、六岁的男同学已站在我的面前:瘦瘦的个子,大大的脑袋,苍白的面孔,一付发育不良的样子。两只眼睛散淡无光,游移不定,给人一种异常自卑、压抑的感觉。 坐定后他犹豫了许久才语无伦次地开口。他说他是高一新生,因为老爱摸女同学的耳朵而遭到同学们的唾弃,同学骂他是“臭流氓”,见他就躲得远远的,女同学谁也不肯和他同桌。他的压力很大,每次发誓长点志气不去碰女生的耳朵,可就是控制不住自己,事后特别后悔、自责,几次曾发狠把自己的手用小刀划破。后来自己也开始怀疑  相似文献   

目的调查研究当前医科大学新生的心理健康状况。方法使用中国大学生心理健康量表(CCSMHS)对医科大学新生进行筛查。结果新生心理健康状况存在明显的性别差异(P<0.05)。不同家庭所在地的学生的心理健康状况有显著不同(P<0.01)。独生子女与非独生子女的心理健康状况存在显著差异(P<0.05)。结论医科大学女生的整体心理健康状况明显低于男生。生长在大城市的学生的心理健康水平明显好于来自中小城市、小城镇和农村的学生;来自农村的学生较之其他3类家庭所在地的学生更易产生各类心理问题。非独生子女的心理健康整体水平普遍低于独生子女。  相似文献   

医科与工科大学新生综合素质状况的比较   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
目的 对医科与工科大学新生综合素质状况作调查分析 ,使高校思想教育更具有针对性。方法 整群随机抽取南昌市不同专业两所高校的 1 3 1 1名新生做综合状况调查分析。结果 大学新生在日常生活方面 ,按时作息者医科生为 65.7% ,工科生为 53 .3 % ;寝室卫生较好者医科生为 3 2 .0 % ,工科生为 2 7.2 % ,医科生大于工科生 (P<0 .0 1 ) ;在学习方面 ,对老师教学方式的适应度 ,对科目课程的兴趣 ,对学校及专业的满意度 3项指标均为医科生大于工科生 (P<0 .0 1 ) ;在处世态度方面 ,对事情缺乏信心 ,缺乏兴趣的学生比例工科生大于医科生 (P<0 .0 5) ,对未来前景所持态度工科生呈两极分化状况。结论 由于就业形势、学校宣传教育、学生心理素质等差异 ,引起医科与工科大学新生多方面状况的差异。因此 ,高校思想教育工作应针对各方面不同情况加强干预和引导  相似文献   

初步证实严重急性呼吸道综合征(severeacuterespiratorysyndrome ,SARS)康复者的血浆存在特异性的对SARS病原具有中和作用的抗体 ,可用于免疫治疗。我们近期组织了 31例SARS康复者志愿献浆 ,31例均为 2 0 0 3年 1月至 4月期间感染SARS病原经治疗康复出院者 ,并再次回顾性进行了SARS临床诊断确认 ,其中 :男 11例 ,女 2 0例 ,年龄 19~ 4 2岁 ,平均 2 6岁。SARS病毒抗体 (IgG)的检测 ,采用北京华大吉比爱生物技术有限公司生产的试剂盒。血浆样本分别进行 0、2、4、8、16、32、6 4、12 8倍稀释处理 ,采用全自动酶联免疫分析仪间接E…  相似文献   

目的 追踪调查军医大学生的个性和气质.方法 应用艾森克人格同卷和气质量表,对某军医大学入校学员进行调查,3年后(实习前)再次对这些学员进行调查.结果 军医大学生随着年级的升高,N分下降.情绪稳定性得到增强;气质类型构成比发生了变化(P<0.05).女学员的性格更外向,护理学员的性格更外向、情绪更稳定.结论 军医大学生在校学习期间,个性和气质都不稳定,仍然是个性和气质的可塑期;军校环境可能有利于学员的情绪稳定的提高.  相似文献   

认识领悟疗法[1]是从心理分析和心理动力学疗法派生的。它从分析病人症状的幼稚性开始,结合病人生活经历,使病人接受“病根在过去甚至在幼年”的道理,对比成年行为模式和幼年行为模式的差异,逐步领悟自己病态行为的幼稚。作者尝试认识领悟疗法治愈3例神经症和1例性变态,现报道如下。l病床资料例一,周X女,18岁,高三学生。自幼受到溺爱,最喜欢父亲,个性敏感、固执、任性。14岁月经初潮,并出始对男同学有好感。不久出现失眠,头痛,学习精力不集中,控制不住着男性老师,休学在家内心痛苦,一度自杀未遂。诊断为恐怖症。医生向病…  相似文献   

目的探讨某市区与农村高三学生在应对方式、人格特质是否存在差异。方法采用特质应对方式问卷、艾森克人格问卷简式量表中国版(EPQ-RSC),对市区和农村高中各100名高三学生进行调查。结果城市与农村高三学生①在应对方式上有显著差异,在积极应对(t=2.833,P<0.01)和消极应对(t=-2.552,P<0.05)上均存在显著差异;②在人格特质的精神质(t=-3.113,P<0.01)维度上的有显著差异,在内-外向(t=1.539,P>0.05)、神经质(t=0.603,P>0.05)和掩饰性(t=-1.011,P>0.05)的维度上无显著差异。结论①城市高三学生应对能力高于农村的;②在人格特质中的精神质方面农村高三学生比城市高三学生得分高,更多的表现为孤独、适应性差等,在内、外向、情绪稳定性和问卷效度上没有区域差异。  相似文献   

太原地区12375例围产儿出生缺陷分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨近年来太原地区出生缺陷发生情况,为预防策略的制定提供依据。方法对1997年1月至2005年12月在山西医科大学第一、二医院终止妊娠的围产儿进行回顾分析。结果(1)出生缺陷率平均为162.42/万,几年来农村出生缺陷的发生率始终高于城市,2005年两地均有上升趋势。(2)出生缺陷的分布两地均以神经管畸形居于首位,且农村高于城市(P<0.05)。(3)在同一居住地出生缺陷与胎儿性别无显著差异(P>0.05)。结论为降低出生缺陷率。应健全农村妇幼保健网,广泛开展健康教育,加强围产保健,提高产前诊断水平。  相似文献   

目的探讨农村大学生的气质特征及对快乐感的影响。方法采用快乐感量表、艾森克人格问卷简式量表中国版对498名农村大学生和142名城镇大学生进行测查。结果农村大学生抑郁质气质类型最多(χ2=49.726,P0.001),多血质气质类型明显比城镇大学生少。男生中多血质(χ2=23.642,P0.001),女生中抑郁质所占比例最大(χ2=35.366,P0.001)。不同气质类型的农村大学生快乐感有显著差异(F=55.115,P0.001),多血质学生快乐感最多,抑郁质学生快乐感最少。结论农村大学生男生的气质类型与女生不同,多血质学生比抑郁质学生的快乐感强。  相似文献   

目的:探讨医学生疑病症状发生情况及其求助行为。方法:通过分层随机整群抽样,抽取大一到大四不同专业的797名学生,进行横断面问卷调查。结果:(1)55.33%的医学生在过去一年报告发生过疑病症状;(2)76.87%的疑病症状医学生求助,其中,首选非专业求助方式所占比例最大;求助非精神科医生和求助精神科医生所占比例较小;(3)不同性别(χ~2=11.85,P0.01)和不同来源地(χ~2=4.36,P0.05)的疑病症状医学生求助率不同;女性较男性更多求助,来自农村的疑病症状医学生较城镇更多不求助;(4)疑病症状医学生的求助方式在性别(χ~2=7.74,P0.05)、年级(χ~2=16.64,P0.05)、专业(χ~2=16.33,P0.01)、疑病知识得分(χ~2=16.58,P0.01)的分布上有统计学差异;(5)无序多分类logistic回归分析显示,性别、年级、专业、疑病症知识得分是疑病症状医学生求助行为的影响因素。结论:疑病症状在医学生中发生较普遍,应予以重视;可鼓励其适当使用非专业方式寻求帮助,更重要的是,应加强对疑病症相关知识的教育,使其对疑病症形成正确认知,积极寻求专业帮助。  相似文献   

医学生应对方式与人格特征的相关分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨医学生应对方式的特点及与其人格特征的关系。方法采用应对方式评定问卷和艾森克人格问卷(EPQ)对石河子大学医学院学生采取分层整群抽样的方法进行测试、分析。结果应对方式测试结果,女生求助因子得分高于男生,男生合理化因子得分高于女生。EPQ问卷评定,男生的P因子得分高于女生,女生的L因子得分高于男生。应对方式因子分与EPQ各维度存在不同程度的相关。结论建议高校管理者应了解学生的这些心理特点,有针对性地进行心理健康教育。  相似文献   

Though male doctors gained prominence at the bedsides of pregnant mothers in nineteenth-century Europe, the clinical training they received in medical academies remained cursory. In France, to supplement the medical faculties, the government set up schools for both health officers and midwives which were meant to teach practical obstetrics. This paper focusses on the city of Arras, where these two groups of students competed for the limited numbers of pregnant patients on which to practice their future professions. Like many in their field, two prominent instructors in Arras at each end of the century promoted male obstetrical education over female, arguing that practical education for health officers would lead to safer births for mothers and infants. By the 1870s, the obstetrics instructor adopted germ theory, tying improved hygiene and thus mortality rates to male students’ access to hospitalised patients. Despite their arguments, in Arras, the male students never gained priority in clinical obstetrical training, which midwifery students kept. To keep male students out of maternity wards, local administrators used fears that gender mixing would lead to immoral acts or thoughts. In doing so, they protected the traditional system of midwifery rather than invest in more costly male medical education. Championing midwifery students’ rights to the spaces and bodies needed for their education, however, delayed adoption of hygiene and antiseptic practices that led to lower maternal mortality. Unable to adapt to changing requirements by the state, the medical school closed in 1883, while the midwifery programme thrived until the 1960s.  相似文献   

目的探析大学生的理想自我与现实自我差异的特点。方法运用国内心理学研究贾远娥等编制的大学生理想自我与现实自我差异量表对1191名大学生进行调查。结果女生的自我差异均分高于男生(F=10.91,P=0.001);不同年级大学生的自我差异存在显著性的不同(F=19.015,P=0.000);不同专业学生的自我差异得分存在显著性不同(F=3.0957,P=0.019);城镇大学生的自我差异得分高于农村大学生(F=2.91,P=0.021)。结论大学生的理想自我与现实自我差异具有显著性的性别、年级、专业和城乡差异。  相似文献   

大学生性知识掌握水平调查   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12  
目的 :了解大学生掌握性知识的现状。方法 :对杭州市三所大学的 113 0名大学生进行问卷调查。结果 :大学生性知识掌握水平不高 ,家庭、学校教育没有成为大学生获取性知识的主要途径 ;城乡大学生、男女大学生在性知识的准备、性知识的来源及掌握错误性知识等方面有差异。结论 :性知识的教育是大学性教育必不可少的内容。  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Many U.S. medical schools have abandoned affirmative action, limiting the recruitment and reducing the admission of underrepresented minority (URM) students even though research supports the premise that the public benefits from an increase in URM physicians and that URM physicians are likely to serve minority, poor, and Medicaid populations. Faculty and students commonly assume they benefit from peer cultural exchange, and the published evidence for the past two decades supports this notion. This research examined the students' perceptions of the educational merits of a diverse student body by surveying medical students at two schools. METHOD: In 2000, medical students from all four years at Harvard Medical School and the University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine were enrolled in a telephone survey about the relevance of racial diversity (among students) in their medical education. Students responded to the interviewer's questions on a five-point Likert-type scale. RESULTS: Of the 55% of students who could be located, 97% responded to the survey. Students reported having little intercultural contact during their formative years but significantly more interactions during higher education years, especially in medical school. Students reported contacts with diverse peers greatly enhanced their educational experience. They strongly supported strengthening or maintaining current affirmative action policies in admissions. The responses and demography of the Harvard and UCSF students did not differ significantly, nor did they differ for majority students and URM students-all groups overwhelmingly thought that racial and ethnic diversity among their peers enhanced their education. CONCLUSIONS: Diversity in the student body enhanced the educational experiences of students in two U.S. medical schools.  相似文献   

目的了解医学生对狂犬病知识的认知情况,为进一步开展健康教育和行为干预提供依据。方法通过分层随机抽样对广州某高校240名医学本科生进行问卷调查。结果共回收有效问卷213份,仅58.7%的医学生知道狂犬病病死率接近100%,传播途径方面知晓率为64.8%~90.1%,了解伤口处理程序的学生占54.0%。医学生狂犬病相关问题平均得分13.77分,总及格率为65.7%,Logistic回归分析发现男生及格率高于女生,低年级及格率低于高年级(P=0.012、0.000,OR=2.365、0.087)。医学生健康教育需求率为76.3%~90.6%。结论医学生对狂犬病有一定了解,但在传播途径、伤口处理、预防控制等方面存在误区和盲点,且健康教育需求率高,社会及高校应加强狂犬病知识的宣传教育。  相似文献   

Ultrasonography is widely practiced in many disciplines. It is becoming increasingly important to design well‐structured curricula to introduce imaging to students during medical school. This review aims to analyze the literature for evidence of how ultrasonography has been incorporated into anatomy education in medical school curricula worldwide. A literature search was conducted using multiple databases with the keywords: “Ultrasound OR Ultrasonographic examination*” and “Medical student* OR Undergraduate teaching* OR Medical education*” and “Anatomy* OR Living anatomy* OR Real‐time anatomy.*” This review found that ultrasound curricula vary in stage of implementation, course length, number of sessions offered to students as well as staffing and additional course components. Most courses consisted of didactic lectures supplemented with demonstration sessions and/or hands‐on ultrasound scanning sessions. The stage of course implementation tended to depend on the aim of the course; introductory courses were offered earlier in a student's career. Most courses improved student confidence and exam performance, and more junior students tended to benefit more from learning anatomy with ultrasound guidance rather than learning clinical examination skills. Students tended to prefer smaller groups when learning ultrasound to get more access to using the machines themselves. Ultrasonography is an important skill, which should be taught to medical students early in their careers as it facilitates anatomical education and is clinically relevant, though further objective research required to support the use of ultrasound education as a tool to improve clinical examination skills in medical students. Clin. Anat. 30:452–460, 2017. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

《Educación Médica》2021,22(6):305-313
IntroductionMedical schools are responsible for breaking bad news training, which should be focused on the students; therefore, the purpose of this study is to identify undergraduate medical students’ perceptions regarding the best way to train them.MethodsCross-sectional anonymous survey applied between 438 >18-years-old Colombian medicine students.ResultsThe students feel unprepared to breaking bad news; even without formal training, they believe they are better at breaking bad news as they advance in their training due to their observation of other clinicians and their personal experiences. A higher proportion of male students consider themselves empathetic than female students, but advanced male students report more frequently that their empathic capacity has decreased throughout their career more frequently than female students of the same academic level.DiscussionThis information will allow the medical school to modify the curriculum to offer proper training to its students.ConclusionVery few students have received formal training regarding this topic, and most of them are interested in training.  相似文献   

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