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Lung function and respiratory symptoms among workers in a soft paper mill   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary The aim of the present cross-sectional study was to investigate whether long-term exposure to soft paper dust causes impairment of lung function. Exposed workers (n = 287) and referents (n =79) were investigated, using spirometry and questionnaires. Personal samplings of total dust showed that the actual mean concentrations did not exceed 3 mg/m3. The exposed subjects were divided into three categories according to historical and present exposure to paper dust; low exposure, moderate exposure and high exposure. The study did not show any lung function impairment due to exposure to paper dust. However, the exposed subjects had a significantly increased prevalence of symptoms from both the upper and lower airways as well as an increased prevalence of reported asthma. On the basis of our study, we conclude that lung function impairment does not occur among workers exposed to mean levels of soft paper dust below 5 mg/m3.  相似文献   

Lung function in workers exposed to soft paper dust   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In a cross-sectional study, 13 nonsmoking men with heavy exposure to paper dust were compared with 14 unexposed men, mainly office workers, employed at the same paper mill. They were studied using questionnaires, physical examinations, pulmonary function studies, and chest radiographs. Among those exposed there was an increased lung elastic recoil pressure (Pel) compared with controls which was significant (p less than 0.05) at the maximal level of total lung capacity (100% TLC). Furthermore, among the exposed workers there was also a significantly (p less than 0.05) decreased residual volume (RV). Two of the exposed men underwent lung biopsies, one of which showed fibrotic alveolar walls. Among the exposed there was also a significant (p less than 0.05) predominance of symptoms from the lower respiratory tract. We suggest that the observed pulmonary function impairment taken together with the histological examination of the lung biopsies are signs of a nonspecific reaction to high levels of paper dust.  相似文献   

This study surveyed wood dust exposure levels and pulmonary hazards among wood mill workers. Dust concentrations as measured by six-stage cascade impactors were high in work areas of grinding and screening. Total dust concentrations for these dusty activities ranged from 4.4 to 22.4 mg/m3, and the respirable proportions were between 2.4% and 50.2%. The dust level in the sawing work was 2.9 mg/m3. Although symptoms of cough and phlegm were higher in smoking workers than in nonsmoking workers, the prevalence of respiratory symptoms in the exposed workers was not significantly higher than in the controls. However, the incidence of symptoms such as chronic phlegm and chronic bronchitis in the nonsmoking high-exposure workers was significantly higher than in nonsmoking controls. The mean values of MMF, PEFR, and FEF25% were significantly lower in the exposed workers than in controls for both smokers and nonsmokers. The pulmonary function deficits, with the exception of FEV1.0/FVC, also showed a significant trend with increasing levels of wood dusts exposure classified by job titles for both smokers and nonsmokers. After adjustment for age, sex, height, and smoking status, all parameters of pulmonary function were significantly lower in exposed workers than in controls and showed a declining trend with increasing exposure levels classified by job titles. These results indicate that high level of wood dust exposure in the wood mill industries may lead to pulmonary hazards. Engineering control and industrial hygiene are mandatory for dusty activities. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Objectives: To clarify whether occupational exposure to paper-dust is associated with an increased risk of non-infectious rhinitis. Methods: Thirty-seven workers exposed to paper-dust in a soft-paper mill were compared with 36 unexposed controls. The study was performed under normal working conditions during the non-pollen season. Medical and occupational history was taken down in a comprehensive questionnaire and nasal symptoms were scored on a visual analogue scale (VAS). Pulmonary and nasal function was assessed by spirometry, acoustic rhinometry and peak nasal inspiratory flow. Nasal lavage was analysed for interleukin-8 (IL-8) and nasal transit time was monitored with the saccharine test. Concentrations of inhalable dust for each exposed subject during the day of the clinical study were measured with personal sampling devices. Results: There was an increased prevalence of nasal blockage and crust formation among the exposed workers. However, there was no difference with regard to acoustic rhinometry, nasal transit time or nasal peak inspiratory flow. In the whole population, IL-8 in nasal lavage was higher among men than among women, 193 ng/l vs 132 ng/l, P=0.006. There was also a positive trend (P=0.01) with increasing nasal IL-8 going from non-smokers (122 ng/l), ex-smokers (126 ng/l) to current smokers (235 ng/l). Conclusions: We have found that occupational exposure to paper-dust is associated with symptoms of nasal blockage and nasal crusting. We find no objective signs of nasal inflammation, even among the subgroup with the highest current exposure. Received: 13 March 2000 / Accepted: 5 August 2000  相似文献   

The healthy worker effect and incomplete exposure information have been problems in former studies regarding the association between exposure to Portland cement dust and respiratory effects. We included former workers and made an individual estimation of particle exposure to reduce the selection bias in this controlled cross-sectional study on the effects of cement dust exposure on respiratory symptoms and ventilatory function in long-term exposed Norwegian cement plant workers. A total of 119 workers from the largest cement plant in Norway and 50 workers from a nearby control plant, born 1918 to 1938, performed spirometry and gave information on respiratory symptoms in 1998 and 1999. The prevalence of symptoms and mean pulmonary function indices were similar for exposed workers and controls. There was no dose-response-related increase in symptoms or decrease in lung function indices. The estimated power to detect a true difference between forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) in the two groups of 0.3l was 0.90, assuming 95% significance level. The prevalence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease was 14.3% in the exposed group and 14.0% among the controls. These findings do not support the hypothesis that cement dust exposure has a negative impact on lung function or gives an increase in respiratory symptoms.  相似文献   

A cross-sectional study on suberosis was conducted to determine the prevalence of respiratory symptoms and the level of pulmonary function, and their relationships within job categories of exposure to cork dust, toluene diisocyanate (TDI) resin bonding and conidia, among cork workers. Exposure-response relationships, with confounders taken into account, showed specific associations between cork dust and chronic bronchitis, TDI and asthma, and conidia and symptoms of hypersensitivity pneumonitis. Workers exposed to these risk factors had reduced mean spirometric values. A significant correlation between a decrease in pulmonary function and length of exposure was found for the workers exposed to cork dust. These results strongly suggest that suberosis, as hitherto described, might in fact be comprised of three different diseases with different etiologic risk factors, ie, respiratory hypersensitivity from exposure to conidia, asthma from exposure to TDI, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease from exposure cork dust.  相似文献   

A questionnaire survey of respiratory symptoms was carried out on a group of subjects with exposure to tea fluff in a packaging plant and compared with a group of unexposed workers. The subjects had a higher prevalence of rhinitis, bouts of coughing and chest tightness than the controls. Except in the case of rhinitis however, the differences disappeared when allowance was made for either hay fever or smoking. From the original group of subjects, two smaller groups were chosen, one with and one without symptoms, and peak expiratory flow rates were measured over a 12-day period, including eight working and four non-working days. The mean difference in peak flow was greater on the non-working than on the working days and was not related to age, sex, years of exposure, smoking or atopy. We conclude that there is little evidence to suggest that this group of tea packers shows signs of sensitization but that they are probably exposed to an irritant in the tea fluff.  相似文献   

Summary A study of respiratory symptoms and ventilatory function was made in a group of 51 non-smoking female workers exposed to sisal dust and 51 control subjects matched in age and height. A higher prevalence of persistent cough (17.6%), persistent phlegm (13.7%), chronic bronchitis (9.8%) and nasal catarrh (19.6%) was found in sisal workers than in controls (5.9, 5.9, 5.9 and 0%, respectively). Not a single case of byssinosis was found in the workers surveyed.In sisal workers, FEV1.0, FVC and PEF significantly decreased over the work shift (P<0.01). Control workers did not show significant acute changes in ventilatory function over the shift. Inhalation of Alupent (orciprenaline) before the shift significantly diminished acute reductions in ventilatory capacity during the shift. The results suggest that sisal dust does not cause byssinosis but affects ventilatory function of the exposed workers.  相似文献   

Respiratory symptoms and abnormalities of lung function were studied in 84 female and 27 male hemp workers employed in two textile mills (A and B) processing soft hemp (C sativa). In mill A 46 women and 27 men were investigated and 38 female workers were studied in mill B. Forty nine women and 30 men from a non-dusty industry served as controls. A significantly higher prevalence of almost all chronic respiratory symptoms was found in female hemp workers when compared to control workers. Among the men these differences were significant for nasal catarrh and sinusitis. A high prevalence of byssinosis was found among female hemp workers in both mills (group A, 47.8%; group B, 57.9%) as well as in the male workers (66.7%). Statistically significant across shift reductions in lung function were found for all ventilatory capacity measurements in female and male hemp workers varying from 7.1% for forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) to 15.1% for flow rates at 50% vital capacity (FEF50). Measured Monday baseline values before the work shift were significantly lower than expected for hemp workers, being particularly reduced for FEF25 and FEF50. The data suggest that occupational exposure to hemp dust is a significant risk factor for the development of acute and chronic lung disease in workers employed in this textile industry.  相似文献   

Pulmonary function and symptoms of Nigerian workers exposed to cement dust   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The pulmonary and nonpulmonary effects of cement dust exposure in 52 randomly selected, directly exposed cement workers and 24 maintenance workers were investigated. Compared with the nonindustrially exposed population, both subgroups had significantly (P less than 0.001) lower lung function. The lung function of the exposed subjects was probably influenced by the level of physical activity and the level of dust exposure. The more directly exposed cement packers had significantly (P less than 0.05) lower lung function than the less exposed cement loaders. There was no significant difference in the lung function of the directly exposed groups and the maintenance group, but the physically more active cement loaders showed higher lung function values than the maintenance workers. The lung function of the cement workers also decreased with the duration of employment. Cement dust produced significant (P less than 0.001) workshift depression in the lung function of the subjects. The symptoms presented by the subjects were cough and phlegm production, skin irritation, chest tightness, conjunctivitis, catarrh, stomachache, and boils. The prevalence of stomachache among the subjects becomes significant in the light of a finding by other workers of hepatic granuloma in cement workers. The measured dust level in the cement depot was 30.81 mg/m3.  相似文献   

There is extensive evidence that exposure to asbestos causes pulmonary parenchymal fibrosis, pleural disease, and malignant neoplasm in asbestos-exposed workers. However, few data concerning brake-lining workers are available in the literature. In this study, we aimed to assess the long-term effects of chrysotile asbestos exposure on lung function and the risk of asbestos-related diseases in brake-lining workers. Seventy-four asbestos-exposed workers who processed brake-lining products and 12 unexposed office workers were offered pulmonary function tests (spirometry and transfer factor) in 1992 and 1999. In 1999, the mean duration of asbestos exposure was 10.00+/-4.07 and 11.02+/-4.81 years (7-31 years) in nonsmoking and smoking asbestos workers, respectively. Transfer factor (T(L), CO) and transfer coefficient (K(CO)) decline were significant in the 7-year follow-up in both smoking and nonsmoking asbestos workers. However, lung function indices of the control group, whom were all current smokers; were also found to be decreased, including FEF(75), T(L), CO and K(CO). We found minimal reticular changes in 10 asbestos workers who were all current smokers, they underwent high-resolution computed tomography scans of the chest and we found that they had peribronchial thickening resulting from smoking. As a conclusion, even in the absence of radiographic asbestosis, T(L), CO and K(CO) may decrease after a mean 10-year duration of exposure to asbestos in brake-lining workers and this is more noticeable with cigarette burden.  相似文献   

Our study investigated a group of 216 wool textile workers (158 women and 58 men). Respiratory symptoms were assessed by questionnaire in wool textile workers and in 130 not exposed (control) workers. Ventilatory capacity was measured in wool workers by recording maximum expiratory flow-volume (MEFV) curves on Monday before and after the work shift. Forced vital capacity (FVC), 1-second forced expiratory volume (FEV1), and flow rates at 50% and the last 25% of the vital capacity (FEF50, FEF25) were measured on the MEFV curves. Analysis of the data demonstrated a significantly higher prevalence of all chronic respiratory symptoms in wool workers than in controls. being the highest in wool workers for nasal catarrh (M: 63.8%; F: 44.9%) and for sinusitis (M: 62.1%; F: 43.0%). A high prevalence of acute symptoms, associated with the work shift, was also noted in wool workers. Exposure to wool dust caused significant across-shift reductions of ventilatory capacity varying from 1.4% for FEV, to 9.1% for FEF50. Textile workers exposed to wool for > 10 years in the workplace had similar across-shift reductions of ventilatory capacity tests as those with shorter exposures. In a large number of these wool workers, FEF50 and FEF25 were below 70% of predicted normal values. Smokers had acute and chronic lung function changes similar to those of nonsmokers, indicating that smoking did not account for all the respiratory effects seen in wool processing workers. Our data suggest that dust exposures in wool textile mills may be associated with the development of chronic respiratory symptoms and impaired lung function.  相似文献   

Respiratory symptoms and abnormalities of lung function were studied in 84 female and 27 male hemp workers employed in two textile mills (A and B) processing soft hemp (C sativa). In mill A 46 women and 27 men were investigated and 38 female workers were studied in mill B. Forty nine women and 30 men from a non-dusty industry served as controls. A significantly higher prevalence of almost all chronic respiratory symptoms was found in female hemp workers when compared to control workers. Among the men these differences were significant for nasal catarrh and sinusitis. A high prevalence of byssinosis was found among female hemp workers in both mills (group A, 47.8%; group B, 57.9%) as well as in the male workers (66.7%). Statistically significant across shift reductions in lung function were found for all ventilatory capacity measurements in female and male hemp workers varying from 7.1% for forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) to 15.1% for flow rates at 50% vital capacity (FEF50). Measured Monday baseline values before the work shift were significantly lower than expected for hemp workers, being particularly reduced for FEF25 and FEF50. The data suggest that occupational exposure to hemp dust is a significant risk factor for the development of acute and chronic lung disease in workers employed in this textile industry.  相似文献   

The environment and health of a working population exposed simultaneously to jute and hemp were studied. Classical symptoms of byssinosis were not present but 21 workers (7%) complained of atypical tightness of the chest. The prevalence of chronic bronchitis among the exposed workers was statistically significant in comparison with controls. Effects of dust concentrations, age and duration of exposure on the prevalence of chronic bronchitis were studied. A statistically significant reduction in FEV1.0 at the end of a work shift occurred in all the exposed workers. Bronchodilators given after the shift showed that acute reductions in forced expiratory volumes were nearly fully reversible in all exposed workers. Smokers and those with chronic bronchitis had greater reductions in FEV1.0 values at the end of the work shift.  相似文献   

Respiratory symptoms and lung function of aluminum potroom workers   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The association of occupational exposure with respiratory disease and lung function was examined in a cross-sectional study of 1805 aluminum potroom workers. Work-related asthmatic symptoms occurred in 15% of the workers with an exposure of 10 years or more and in 8% of the workers who had been employed less than five years. In a multiple logistic regression analysis an odds ratio (OR) of 3.4 [95% confidence interval (95% CI) 2.1-5.8] for work-related asthmatic symptoms was estimated for long versus short duration of employment. Airflow limitation was also significantly related to years of exposure (OR 2.6, 95% CI 1.7-3.9). Current occupational exposure and the occurrence of respiratory symptoms were not significantly associated. The results suggest that exposure to air pollutants in the primary aluminum industry may lead to the development of asthmatic symptoms, as well as to reduced respiratory function.  相似文献   

目的了解在新工艺、新技术及实施综合性防尘措施的条件下,大型汽车制造公司工人粉尘接触情况。方法连续6年对广西某机械股份有限公司作业工人接触粉尘浓度进行检测,采用个体采样和定点短时间采样相结合的方法,并测量空气中粉尘游离SiO2含量。结果铸造工艺造型和落砂岗位的粉尘游离SiO2含量最高,平均50%左右。大多数作业工人接触的主要是矽尘,浓度在1.58~7.25 mg/m3。其次是金属粉尘,浓度在3.41~6.80mg/m3。造型工、落砂工、熔炼工、感应炉工、气割工、工具磨工、司炉工和抛丸工接触的矽尘TWA浓度超标,其余作业工人接触粉尘浓度合格。结论大型汽车制造行业粉尘性质主要是矽尘和金属粉尘,粉尘危害以矽尘为主,应将矽尘的控制列为职业卫生工作重点。  相似文献   

Aims: To correlate the prevalence of respiratory tract symptoms and diseases with dust and fibre exposure in the soft tissue industry in Germany.  相似文献   

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