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Introduction and Aims. Thailand's longstanding HIV epidemic among injection drug users (IDU) has been attributed, in part, to the Thai government's unwillingness to implement evidence‐based HIV prevention interventions. This study was undertaken to examine risk factors for syringe borrowing among a community‐recruited sample of Thai IDU. Design and Methods. We examined the prevalence of syringe borrowing among 238 IDU participating in the Mit Sampan Community Research Project, Bangkok. Multivariate logistic regression was used to identify independent predictors of syringe borrowing in the past 6 months. Results. A total of 238 IDU participated in this study; 66 (26.2%) were female, and the median age was 36.5 years. In total, 72 (30.3%) participants reported borrowing a used syringe in the past 6 months, with 47 (65.3%) of these individuals reporting multiple borrowing events. In multivariate analyses, syringe borrowing was positively associated with difficulty accessing syringes [adjusted odds ratio (AOR) = 2.46; 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.08–5.60] and injecting with other people on a frequent basis (AOR = 3.17; 95% CI: 1.73–5.83). Primary reasons offered for experiencing difficulty accessing syringes included being too far from syringe outlets (34.1%), pharmacies being closed (13.6%) and being refused syringes at pharmacies (9.1%). Discussion and Conclusions. We observed an alarmingly high rate of syringe borrowing among a community‐recruited sample of Thai IDU. Various lines of evidence indicate that poor access to sterile syringes is driving the high rate of syringe borrowing observed in this study. Immediate action should be taken to increase access to sterile syringes among Thai IDU. [Kerr T, Fairbairn N, Hayashi K, Suwannawong P, Kaplan K, Zhang R, Wood E. Difficulty accessing syringes and syringe borrowing among injection drug users in Bangkok, Thailand. Drug Alcohol Rev 2009]  相似文献   

Syringe exchange programmes (SEPs) are a fundamental source of sterile syringes and other health services for injection drug users (IDUs). However, various obstacles prevent many individuals from obtaining syringes from this source. As a result, some IDUs acquire syringes from “secondary exchangers”. The current study assessed the acquisition of syringes from the Baltimore City Needle Exchange Program (BNEP) as well as factors associated with obtaining syringes from the BNEP. Participants were asked to identify the colour of the cap of the most recently obtained syringe (red or grey cap suggested BNEP origins). In addition, support and risk network variables were examined. Although 38% reported using a syringe with a grey or red cap, only 7% reported that the BNEP was their primary source of syringes. Multivariate analyses showed that reporting the most recent syringe cap as red or grey was associated with obtaining syringes from the BNEP, obtaining syringes from a spouse, obtaining syringes from friends/neighbours, and number of drug users in their network. Based on these findings, encouraging secondary exchange is an effective method of providing injectors with syringes.  相似文献   

Injection drug users (IDUs) are at risk for HIV and other bloodborne pathogens through receptive syringe sharing (RSS) and receptive paraphernalia sharing (RPS). Research into the influence of the perceived risk of HIV infection on injection risk behavior has yielded mixed findings. One explanation may be that consequences other than HIV infection are considered when IDUs are faced with decisions about whether or not to share equipment. We investigated the perceived consequences of refusing to share injection equipment among 187 IDUs recruited from a large syringe exchange program in Los Angeles, California, assessed their influence on RSS and RPS, and evaluated gender differences. Two sub-scales of perceived consequences were identified: structural/external consequences and social/internal consequences. In multiple linear regression, the perceived social/internal consequences of refusing to share were associated with both RSS and RPS, after controlling for other psychosocial constructs and demographic variables. Few statistically significant gender differences emerged. Assessing the consequences of refusing to share injection equipment may help explain persistent injection risk behavior, and may provide promising targets for comprehensive intervention efforts designed to address both individual and structural risk factors.  相似文献   

Background: Despite scientific evidence demonstrating their effectiveness, syringe exchange programs (SEPs) have not been as widely embraced by policy-makers in the USA as in some other nations. One reason for this disjunction between science and policy may be the effect of public opinion.Methods: To better understand the role of public opinion in shaping SEP policies, we undertook a systematic search for all reported U.S. national surveys asking about support or opposition to SEPs. Relevant polls were identified through a national database of public opinion questions, and a similar search of a newspaper database. We present the survey findings. The wording of poll questions and the agenda of organisations sponsoring the polls are also examined.Results: Twenty-one questions from 14 different polls conducted from 1987 to 2000 were identified. Support for SEPs ranged from 29 to 66%. Surveys conducted by organisations with a public health agenda were more likely to suggest support for SEPs than those sponsored by organisations with a “family values” perspective. Question wording appeared to strongly influence support for SEPs. Poll questions that referred to “drug addicts” were less likely to indicate majority support for SEPs than those that avoided loaded terms or that provided public health information to respondents.Discussion: Public opinion regarding SEPs is very malleable, strongly affected by question wording or other biases of organisations sponsoring the polls. Therefore, there may be no clear national consensus on the desirability of SEPs. Our findings are particularly relevant for national policy, such as federal funding for SEPs.  相似文献   



Measuring syringe availability and coverage is essential in the assessment of HIV/AIDS risk reduction policies. Estimates of syringe availability and coverage were produced for the years 1996 and 2006, based on all relevant available national-level aggregated data from published sources.


We defined availability as the total monthly number of syringes provided by harm reduction system divided by the estimated number of injecting drug users (IDU), and defined coverage as the proportion of injections performed with a new syringe, at national level (total supply over total demand). Estimates of supply of syringes were derived from the national monitoring system, including needle and syringe programmes (NSP), pharmacies, and medically prescribed heroin programmes. Estimates of syringe demand were based on the number of injections performed by IDU derived from surveys of low threshold facilities for drug users (LTF) with NSP combined with the number of IDU. This number was estimated by two methods combining estimates of heroin users (multiple estimation method) and (a) the number of IDU in methadone treatment (MT) (non-injectors) or (b) the proportion of injectors amongst LTF attendees. Central estimates and ranges were obtained for availability and coverage.


The estimated number of IDU decreased markedly according to both methods. The MT-based method (from 14,818 to 4809) showed a much greater decrease and smaller size of the IDU population compared to the LTF-based method (from 24,510 to 12,320). Availability and coverage estimates are higher with the MT-based method. For 1996, central estimates of syringe availability were 30.5 and 18.4 per IDU per month; for 2006, they were 76.5 and 29.9. There were 4 central estimates of coverage. For 1996 they ranged from 24.3% to 43.3%, and for 2006, from 50.5% to 134.3%.


Although 2006 estimates overlap 1996 estimates, the results suggest a shift to improved syringe availability and coverage over time.  相似文献   

Syringe exchange programmes (SEPs) were approved in Moscow in 2002 and studies to evaluate access to sterile syringes are now needed. Clients of a non-governmental organisation (NGO) providing outreach to IDUs were interviewed concerning behaviours within the previous 30 days. Of 232 IDUs, 64% were male, mean age was 25 and mean duration of injection drug use was 5.8 years. Twelve percent reported injecting with used syringes and using prefilled syringes; 6% passed syringes to others and 91% shared paraphernalia. Seventy nine per cent admitted that they had never had a sterile syringe every time they needed it. Among women, 45% used pharmacies as their only source of injecting equipment. Out of 10 potential syringe sources, pharmacies were the major source, especially for women. The other two major sources were other drug users and drug dealers. NGOs offering syringe exchange were mentioned by 9%, whereas medical institutions were reported as the least popular source. Almost all (99%) reported that syringes are not expensive and their procurement is not difficult, but 83% mentioned that buying syringes at pharmacies often involves a risk of being examined by law enforcement staff. These results indicate that significant barriers for procurement and use of sterile syringes exist in Moscow.  相似文献   

Migration is one of many social factors contributing to the spread of HIV and other blood-borne or sexually transmitted infections (STI). Bringing together large numbers of people from diverse settings, the process of migration moves infected individuals to diverse geographic locations. Injection drug users (IDU) are a relatively mobile group, often moving between cities, smaller communities, and across international borders for reasons of work, security, or access to narcotics. This mobility indicates the potential for IDU who engage in risky behavior outside their home areas to transmit HIV infection to other IDU, their sex partners, and others in the population. The objectives of this review are to examine: (1) the influence of drug trafficking and the spread of drug use on the diffusion of HIV, (2) the influence of migration on drug use and HIV-related risk behaviors among migrants, and (3) the mobility patterns of IDU and its role in the spread of HIV. We also discuss the potential policy implications of addressing prevention and care issues in mobile drug using populations.  相似文献   

BackgroundInjection drug use and its associated blood-borne infections has become a rapidly increasing problem in rural areas of the US recently. Syringe exchange programs have been shown to be effective for reducing transmission of blood borne infections, however access to these prevention efforts may be limited in rural areas.MethodsThis paper utilizes two separate community samples of people who inject drugs (PWID) in Puerto Rico to achieve the following research objectives: (1) compare rural and urban access to syringe exchange programs, free sterile syringes and other HIV/HCV prevention activities, and (2) examine whether utilization of prevention activities is associated with lower injection risk behaviors. Two samples were recruited with RDS (n = 315 rural sample; n = 512 urban sample) and included adults aged 18 years and older who have injected drugs within the past month.Results78.5% of the urban sample utilized a syringe exchange program in the past year, compared to 58.4% of the rural sample (p < .001). 71.4% of the urban sample received free sterile needles, compared to 58.4% of the rural sample (p < .001). 66% of the urban sample received free works compared to 59% of the rural sample (p = .034). 29% of urban PWID had a conversation with an outreach worker about HIV prevention compared to 18% of the rural sample (p < 0.001). Receiving free needles significantly increases the frequency of using a sterile needle to inject (p < .001).ConclusionUrban PWID were significantly more likely to have utilized syringe exchange programs, received free sterile needles, received free works, and to have talked about HIV prevention with an outreach worker during the past year than PWID residing in rural areas. Individuals who accessed these prevention activities were significantly less likely to exhibit risky injection behavior. Policy implications call for increasing access to prevention services in rural areas to reduce disease transmission.  相似文献   

BackgroundRepresentations of activity spaces, defined as the local areas within which people move or travel in the course of their daily activities, are unexplored among injection drug users (IDUs). The purpose of this paper is to use an activity space framework to study place and drug user health.MethodsData for this analysis is from an epidemiological study of street-recruited IDUs in San Francisco (N = 1084). Study participants reported geographic intersections of where they most often slept at night, hung out during the day, and used drugs during a 6 month time period. We used GIS software to construct and map activity space routes of street-based network paths between these intersections. We further identified if syringe exchange program (SEP) locations intersected with, participant activity space routes. We used logistic regression to estimate associations between activity space variables and HIV serostatus, syringe sharing, and non-fatal overdose, after adjusting for individual and Census tract covariates.ResultsMean activity space distance for all participants was 1.5 miles. 9.6% of participants had a SEP located along their activity space. An increase in activity space distance was associated with a decrease in odds of being HIV positive. An increase in residential transience, or the number of different locations slept in by participants in a 6 month time period, was associated with higher odds of syringe sharing. Activity space distance was not independently associated with overdose or syringe sharing.DiscussionResearch that locates individuals in places of perceived importance is needed to inform placement and accessibility of HIV and overdose prevention programs. More attention needs to be given to the logistics of collecting sensitive geospatial data from vulnerable populations as well as how to maximize the use of GIS software for visualizing and understanding how IDUs interact with their environment.  相似文献   

Levels of serum sex hormones, particularly testosterone, luteinizing hormone, and follicle-stimulating hormone, have been shown to change in various disease states. Hypogonadism has been well-documented in patients with HIV infection. As HIV infection and injection drug use are closely linked, we examined whether injection drug users (IDU's) exhibit hormone abnormalities. We evaluated men participating in the ALIVE study (AIDS Linked to Intravenous Experiences), a large cohort study conducted in Baltimore, MD. We found that 20% of 40 IDU subjects (20 HIV+, 20 HIV−) with a mean age 41.5±0.9, had low serum total testosterone concentration. We were unable to detect a direct correlation between drug use and hormone levels. Further study is needed on the hormonal milieu of the IDU patient.  相似文献   

Participation in syringe exchange programs (SEPs) is associated with many individual and public health benefits but may have little impact on reducing drug use without concurrent treatment engagement. This study evaluated rates of drug use, other risk behaviors, and illegal activities in newly registered SEP participants (N = 240) enrolled versus not enrolled in substance abuse treatment over a 4-month observation window and examined the effect of days in treatment on these outcomes. After controlling for baseline differences, SEP registrants enrolled in treatment (n = 113) reported less days of opioid and cocaine use, injection drug use, illegal activities, and incarceration than those not enrolled in treatment (n = 127). For those enrolled in treatment, days of treatment was strongly correlated with each of these outcomes. These findings provide good evidence for a dose-response effect of treatment in syringe exchangers and suggest that substance abuse treatment significantly expands the harm reduction benefits of SEP participation.  相似文献   

We examined methadone maintenance therapy (MMT) use among HIV-positive injection drug users (IDU) in Vancouver. Among 353 participants, 199 (56.3%) were on MMT at baseline, and 48 initiated MMT during follow-up. Female gender (adjusted odds ratio [AOR] = 1.73, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.14–2.62) and antiretroviral therapy use (AOR = 2.04, 95% CI = 1.46–2.86) were positively associated with MMT use, whereas frequent heroin injection (AOR = 0.34, 95% CI = 0.23–0.50), public injection (AOR = 0.76, 95% CI = 0.59–0.97), syringe borrowing (AOR = 0.54, 95% CI = 0.32–0.90), and nonfatal overdose (AOR = 0.58, 95% CI = 0.36–0.92) were negatively associated with MMT use. The rate of discontinuation of MMT was 12.46 (95% CI = 8.28–18.00) per 100 person years. Frequent heroin use (adjusted hazards ratio = 4.49, 95%CI = 1.81–11.13) was positively associated with subsequent discontinuation of MMT. These findings demonstrate the benefits of MMT among HIV-positive IDU and the need to improve access to and retention in MMT.  相似文献   

BackgroundInjection drug user (IDU) experience and perceptions of police practices may alter syringe exchange program (SEP) use or influence risky behaviour. Previously, no community-level data had been collected to identify the prevalence or correlates of police encounters reported by IDUs in the United States.MethodsNew York City IDUs recruited through respondent-driven sampling were asked about past-year police encounters and risk behaviours, as part of the National HIV Behavioural Surveillance study. Data were analysed using multiple logistic regression.ResultsA majority (52%) of respondents (n = 514) reported being stopped by police officers; 10% reported syringe confiscation. In multivariate modelling, IDUs reporting police stops were less likely to use SEPs consistently (adjusted odds ratio [AOR] = 0.59; 95% confidence interval [CI] = 0.40–0.89), and IDUs who had syringes confiscated may have been more likely to share syringes (AOR = 1.76; 95% CI = 0.90–3.44), though the finding did not reach statistical significance.ConclusionsFindings suggest that police encounters may influence consistent SEP use. The frequency of IDU-police encounters highlights the importance of including contextual and structural measures in infectious disease risk surveillance, and the need to develop approaches harmonizing structural policing and public health.  相似文献   

目的:了解新疆乌鲁木齐市吸毒人群从首次注射吸毒到首次共用器具注射吸毒的发生情况及影响因素。方法:于2005年4-6月以社区为基础招募吸毒者,调查其社会人口学特征、首次吸毒、首次注射吸毒和首次共用器具注射吸毒情况。结果:在调查的静脉吸毒者401人中,68.6%(275/401)的吸毒者曾经共用器具注射吸毒。从首次吸毒到首次注射吸毒的发生率为23.58/100人年(95%CI=21。27-25.89),多因素Cox比例风险回归模型分析结果显示:女性(HR=1.65,95%CI=1.21-2,24)和首次吸毒年份为1994年及以后(HR=3.56,95%CI=2.84~4.47)与首次注射吸毒发生的关系有统计学意义;从首次注射吸毒到首次共用器具注射毒品的发生率为24.99/100人年(95%CI=22.04-27,94),多因素Cox比例风险回归模型分析结果显示:维族(HR=I,41,95%CI=1.08~1.85)、初中及以下文化程度(HR=1,41,95%CI=1.09-1.82)和首次注射吸毒年份为1998年及以后(HR=1.56,95%CI=1.20-2.04)与首次共用器具注射吸毒发生的关系有统计学意义。结论:近期开始滥用毒品的吸毒者易于从口吸转变为注射吸毒进而共用器具注射吸毒。注射吸毒是HIV感染和传播的主要途径。  相似文献   

This paper describes the background and early implementation of a peer-based HIV prevention intervention involving social marketing of sterile needles and syringes for injection drug users (IDUs) in a border region of northern Vietnam and southern China. Peer educators collect and safely dispose of used needles and syringes and provide IDUs with a choice of new needles/syringes or vouchers redeemable in pharmacies and clinics for new needles/syringes. The project arose from a pattern of changing drug use and increasing HIV infection in the region but its development took 4 years and faced many challenges. Implementation of the intervention posed a new set of challenges for the participating health departments, police, peer educators, pharmacists, injection drug users, and the communities at large. Early implementation of the project has revealed successful multi-sectoral collaboration, and broad acceptance by IDUs of pharmacy vouchers and distribution of new needles/syringes. However, IDUs’ persistent fear of the police, particularly in Vietnam, has required reliance on separate collection by peer educators of used needles/syringes and distribution of pharmacy vouchers and new needles. In China, new needles/syringes and vouchers are largely being provided through exchange. Understanding the development and implementation challenges and the strategies that were successful in overcoming them (including the importance of being flexible and adaptable to contextual factors) may be useful to those interested in launching similar, much-needed interventions in other parts of the world.  相似文献   

《Substance use & misuse》2013,48(9):1345-1377
Improved access to sterile syringes decreases risks related to blood-borne transmission of HIV and hepatitis among injection drug users (IDUs). While syringe exchange programs and pharmacy sales of over-the-counter syringes have received considerable attention from researchers and interventionists during the past decade, little is known about informal economy street syringe sellers. In Hartford, CT, as well as other regions throughout the United States a large percentage of IDUs utilize street sellers to facilitate their injection activities. A qualitative and ethnographic study was conducted in Hartford between 1999 and 2001 to help elucidate the public health risks and benefits of street syringe sellers.  相似文献   

Little is known about the characteristics of injection drug users (IDU) who take methadone treatment in Thailand. We examined prevalence and correlates of methadone treatment among a community-recruited sample of IDU in Bangkok, Thailand. Among 273 participants, 143 (52.4%) reported accessing methadone treatment within the previous 6 months. Older age (adjusted odds ratio [AOR] = 1.90, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.10-3.30) and more than weekly midazolam injection (AOR = 1.85, 95% CI = 1.04-3.29) were positively associated, whereas alcohol use (AOR = 0.34, 95% CI = 0.18-0.63) and noninjection methamphetamine use (AOR = 0.49, 95% CI = 0.29-0.85) were negatively associated with methadone treatment. In subanalyses, 98.6% of IDU on methadone continued to inject drugs, and the most common reason for stopping methadone was becoming incarcerated (49%). Evidence-based addiction treatment in the form of methadone maintenance therapy, with attention paid to concomitant midazolam injection in this setting, should be implemented.  相似文献   



Injection drug use (IDU) is a primary vector for blood-borne infections. Awareness of Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection status may affect risky injection behaviors. This study determines the prevalence of risky injection practices and examines associations between awareness of positive HCV status and risky injection behaviors.


We surveyed individuals seeking treatment for substance use at 12 community treatment programs as part of a national HIV screening trial conducted within the National Drug Abuse Treatment Clinical Trials Network. Participants reported socio-demographic characteristics, substance use, risk behaviors, and HCV status. We used multivariable logistic regression to test associations between participant characteristics and syringe/needle sharing.


The 1281 participants included 244 (19.0%) individuals who reported injecting drugs in the past 6 months and 37.7% of IDUs reported being HCV positive. During the six months preceding baseline assessment, the majority of IDUs reported obtaining sterile syringes from pharmacies (51.6%) or syringe exchange programs (25.0%), but fewer than half of IDUs always used a sterile syringe (46.9%). More than one-third (38.5%) shared syringe/needles with another injector in the past 6 months. Awareness of positive HCV vs. negative/unknown status was associated with increased recent syringe/needle sharing (aOR 2.37, 95% CI 1.15, 4.88) in multivariable analysis.


Risky injection behaviors remain prevalent and awareness of HCV infection was associated with increased risky injection behaviors. New approaches are needed to broadly implement HCV prevention interventions for IDUs seeking addiction treatment.  相似文献   

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