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Zusammenfassung Die vorliegenden Untersuchungen sollen einen kritischen Beitrag zu der Frage darstellen, ob die McKee-Farrar-Prothese aufgrund der höheren Reibung und ihrer Folgen gegenüber anderen Kombinationen noch ihre Berechtigung hat oder ob diese Sekundär-Erscheinungen raten, diese Prothese zu verlassen. An 8 ausgewechselten MF-Prothesen wurden Untersuchungen über primäre und sekundäre Veränderungen der Oberfläche mit Hilfe von Rasterelektronenmikroskopie vorgenommen. Die Tragespuren sind deutlich erkennbar und gegen herstellungsbedingte Veränderungen abzugrenzen.Mit Hilfe von Radionucliden wurde die Abwanderung und Einlagerung von Abriebspartikelchen in die Neogelenkkapsel qualitativ und quantitativ untersucht.In allen Proben zeigte sich eine höhere Ansammlung von Chrom im Gewebe gegenüber Kobalt. Anhaltspunkte für besondere Schädigungen lassen sich nicht gewinnen.Aufgrund dieser Untersuchungsergebnisse und der gemachten guten eigenen Erfahrungen in operativer und klinischer Hinsicht — was vor allem die sparsame Pfannenbearbeitung und die leichte Auswechselbarkeit betrifft — wird die McKee-Farrar-Prothese auch weiterhin ihren Platz als Standardtyp der Totalendoprothesen der Hüfte behaupten dürfen.
Studies on the surface and new joint capsule of McKee-Farrar prosthesis implanted for several years
Summary These studies are intended as a critical contribution to the question, wether the McKee-Farrar (MF) prosthesis, on account of its stronger friction and the consequences of this, as compared to other models, still has its justification or wether these secundary manifestations indicate that this prosthesis should be abandoned. Studies on primary and secundary alteration of the surface were carried out on exchanged MF prosthesis with the aid of the grid electron microscope. The signs of wear are clearly visible and can be differenciated from production artefacts.The movement and deposit of abraded particles into the new joint capsule was studied qualitatively and quantitatively with the aid of radioisotopes.All samples showed an increased accumulation of chrome in the tissues as compared to cobalt. There is no indication of significant damage.On the basis of the results of these studies and on account of the favourable personal experience from a surgical and clinical point of view — particulary with reference to minimal preparation of the acetabulum and ready replacement, the MF prosthesis will continue to hold its place as the standard model for total prosthetic hip joint replacement.



Congenital dysplasias or agenesias of the vena cava inferior (VCI) are rare vascular anomalies which are mostly diagnosed by pure chance or in conjunction with a deep vein thrombosis. Until now only case reports and small series concerning diagnostic evaluation and therapeutic management have been reported without reference to mental or cognitive problems.


Between 1982 and 2005 a total of 15 patients with congenital dysplasia or agenesia of the vena cava inferior (VCI) were treated in the Department of Vascular Surgery and Kidney Transplantation. Of these patients 11 underwent psychiatric examination and psychological testing were conducted.


The patients showed on average only slight problems in mental or cognitive measures, however noticeable deviations were observable in individual patients.


Patients with VCI anomalies show on average only slight problems in mental and cognitive functioning. Validation in a much larger collective is needed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Absolute indications for removing intramedullary locking nails (ILN) are undisputed, but there are also relative indications when implant removal might be discussed. The aim of our study was to evaluate complications of ILN removal in the upper and lower extremities. METHODS: Four hundred sixty (460) patients who underwent interlocking nail removal were reviewed regarding complications after removal of implants in the humerus, femur, or tibia. RESULTS: The most common complications were delayed wound healing and wound infections. For the humerus, the complication rate of implant removals due to absolute indication was 29%, and the rate for removals due to relative indication was 12%. In the forearm, no complications were seen. Patients who underwent ILN removal in the femur or tibia for absolute indication had a 21% complication rate; the complication rate in patients with relative indication was 10%. CONCLUSION: The complication rate of interlocking nail removal is too high to justify such a procedure without clear indication.  相似文献   

The genetic basis for dysplasia and tumors of the kidney has increasingly become the subject of cytogenetic and molecular genetic investigations over the last decade. For that reason, it is now possible to define the risk of disease recurrence more precisely in families with kidney diseases caused by genetic alterations. The relevant genes and the mutations have been identified for most of these diseases and genetic diagnostics are possible. However, it is necessary to evaluate in each individual case whether genetic diagnostics are reasonable. This will be discussed for polycystic renal diseases, agenesis and dysplasia of the kidney, and hereditary kidney tumors.  相似文献   

The aim of the present investigation, initiated by the German Academy of Education in Anaesthesiology (DAAF), was to obtain valid information about education and training strategies of German anaesthetists, in order to highlight weaknesses and strengths for better planning and performance of future efforts in this area. For this reason, a questionnaire with 23 items was distributed to 2000 German anaesthetists during the years 1993-1995 and of these 1290 questionnaires could then be evaluated (response rate 64.5%). The most important means of education and training were classical media such as text books and journals. Modern techniques such as videos, tapes or computer-assisted anaesthesia simulators were poorly used. Refresher courses, repetitoria and hospitations in other departments were, despite infrequent use, considered to be effective means of education and training and should be made more available. Systematic theoretical education was provided particularly seldom in most hospitals. Respondents considered anaesthetic complications and mishaps, intensive care and pain medicine to be the main top topics for continuing medical education. German anaesthetists seem highly motivated for education and training and spend on average about 5.5 h per week for personal learning and refreshing, a figure that is quite comparable to international standards. Hospital and department heads are mostly believed to have positive attitudes to education and training. Most respondents were in favour of strict rules for education and training measures, which includes the obligation to prove their certified attendance (as yet not required in Germany). On the other hand, the majority voted against making the continued recognition as a specialist in anaesthesiology dependent on completion of a performance control.  相似文献   

Die Unfallchirurgie - Sprunggelenk- und Fußverletzungen gehören zu den häufigsten Krankheitsbildern in der Traumatologie. Ziel dieser Studie war es, die demografischen...  相似文献   

Ohne Zusammenfassung Aus der chirurg. Abtheilung des Hrn. Docent W. Zoege v. Manteuffel im Dorpater Bezirkshospital und aus seiner Privatpraxis (Mit 2 Abbildungen.) [Fortsetzung aus Bd. XXXIX.]  相似文献   

Articular cartilage repair methods, in particular scaffold-based autologous chondrocyte implantation, are already in clinical use. In the coming years, the European guidelines on human cell-based medicinal products by the European Medical Agency (EMA) will extend today’s quality control mechanisms by additional structural analyses. As articular cartilage has complex biphasic and viscoelastic mechanical properties, a high-performance material test system is required and has already been implemented. To characterize the recovery of cartilage and cartilage replacement materials, it is necessary to measure the dynamic recovery profile. A measurement system for an application like this requires an axis acceleration of more then 50?m/s2. Furthermore, the test system needs custom-made components to fix the biological specimen while testing. A software package consisting of a graphical user interface and an axis controller leads to highly reproducible tests. The software makes use of a position and velocity controller as well as a force controller at kilohertz speed. While using the high performance force controller it is possible to apply static and dynamic loading profiles that are independent from position or speed set points and signals.  相似文献   

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