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基于知识管理的医学信息学理论基础研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
传统的信息管理理论使医学信息学的研究和实践陷入了技术化的极端,不利于学科的健康发展.知识管理是以信息为基础、以知识创新为目的的全新的管理理论,符合医学信息学的本质.以知识管理作为医学信息学的理论基础,可以更好地促进医学信息管理工作,既有利于医学信息学学科的融合和发展,也有利于医院信息化建设的开展、循证医学的实施及医学信息学人才的培养.医学信息学界应以知识管理为指导,开展医学信息学的基础研究、人才培养和管理实践.  相似文献   

对医学信息学应用人才和学术人才的大量迫切需求推动着医学信息学发展,通过对国内外医学信息学学科发展包括学科最新定义、学科体系进展,以及医学信息学职业认证体系、临床信息学专业认证体系的研究和介绍,为我国医学信息学进一步发展提供了参考。  相似文献   

医学信息学(Medical Informatics,简称MI)是一门涉及医学实践、教育、科研的信息加工和信息交流的学科,是医学、计算机学、统计学、信息管理学等的新兴交叉学科。近年来,我国医药院校先后开设了医学信息学及相关专业,培养了一大批专业人才。医疗卫生机构是医学信息人才毕业后的主要去向,其事业发展与人才建设现状直接体现出全省的整体情况。  相似文献   

医学信息学教学培训工作受到国际医学信息学会(IMIA)的高度重视。1999年11月,在美国华盛顿IMIA大会上批准和公布了该学会关于医学信息学教学的指导建议:在世界范围内,由于缺乏对信息知识的系统处理和掌握,影响了医学专业人员制订决策的质量。因此,要通过对各层次的医学专业人员进行医学信息学和健康信息学的教育,使被教育者掌握获取和处理医学数据、信息和知识的方法,提高信息素养,才能在现代科学技术飞速发展中,不断吸收新的知识,进行  相似文献   

临床信息学是医学信息学在临床医疗中的应用拓展,重点研究临床信息的存储、检索以及临床知识应用方法,以便临床医疗实践中基于工作流的信息处理及决策分析。本文通过临床信息学的发展、应用以及未来趋势的阐述,讨论和分析通过临床信息共享提高临床医疗质量的一系列问题。  相似文献   

金梦  孙可欣  胡永华   《现代预防医学》2016,(20):3831-3836
本文以常见数据库作为主要文献定量来源,阐述了医学大数据时代医学信息学研究所呈现出的研究领域丰富多样、研究内容系统深入和研究成果增速迅猛的发展现状。围绕医学大数据的特点总结其在医学信息学研究中所面临的机遇:为大容量医学大数据的高效管理存储、访问相关研究提供实际数据基础与需求;为先进的大数据挖掘、分析、集成等信息技术应用于医学研究与实践提出现实而迫切的需求;以及医学大数据所具备独特的价值密度高的特点为医疗健康相关研究提供了强大数据与知识基础。面对此机遇,分析并阐述了医学信息学研究及发展所面临的挑战:实现融合大数据平台,进行医学大数据的高效挖掘和分析,进而实现精准临床决策支持等临床辅助应用。  相似文献   

如何在医学信息学领域中实施软件工程方法学首都医科大学张韫医学信息学是在医学领域中发展信息管理所用的原理、方法和工具之总和。它的研究对象是数据、信息和知识。近年来,随着计算机的迅速发展和普及.计算机技术已成为该学科研究及应用的主要工具。从某种意义上讲,...  相似文献   

医学信息是将医疗护理、医学教育、医学研究、医疗行政等所使用的数据、知识、信息最有效地运用于医学领域的方法学,作为一门新兴的边缘学科,已发展成为医学科学的重要组成部分。医学信息学将帮助人们了解客观世界,并从医学方面打开一个新的窗口。  相似文献   

医学信息学的发展   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
医学信息学是一门集医学、信息科学和管理学于一身的新兴交叉学科。国外医学信息学研究涉及领域较广。发展较快。国内研究的领域比较少,但取得了一定的成绩,医学信息学教育取得了一定成绩,也出现了一些有待解决的问题。为了促进我国医学信息学的研究和教学,本文提出了重视高层次医学信息学人才培养、支持医学信息学研究课题、在临床研究生教学中开设课程、师资培训和教材建设、发挥医学信息学会领导作用等对策。  相似文献   

利用信息手段研究预防医学的现状及对策刘玉萍,王丽萍当前,信息革命和信息学已渗透到科学研究和社会发展的许多领域,我国正在发展中的预防医学已迅速跨入医学信息时代,一些专家预测,到二十一世纪,社会发展对医学科学的要求是培养更多的博而精的现代医学通用型人才。...  相似文献   

我国医学信息标准化建设存在的主要问题及建议   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过对医学信息学相关标准的透视,分析了我国医学信息标准化建设的现状和存在的主要问题,探讨了当前医疗卫生信息化建设中必须重视和关注的标准化问题:要充分认识到标准化是信息化建设的重要基础,正视当前我国医院信息化建设中缺乏标准和不使用标准的严重后果,加强相关专业人才的培养,进一步开展国际合作与交流,重点推进一些适合我国国情的医学信息学标准的引进和研制进程,确保我国医疗卫生信息化建设的效益和持续发展。  相似文献   

The rapid emergence of programmes in health informatics, medical informatics and biomedical informatics implies a need for core curricula in these diverse disciplines. This study investigated the recommended competencies for health and medical informatics, aiming to develop a framework for use in curricular development. Current health and medical programmes around the world were analysed to assess how these competencies are reflected in current curricula and to identify new competencies. Several preferred skills and knowledge sets were identified and 40 programs were analysed. Diverse curricular designs were found in these programmes. Competencies such as research skills, knowledge in health information systems and methods for informatics/computer science were the most frequently taught. Knowledge or skills in interpersonal communications, social impact of IT on health, and data mining may represent important skills for future informaticians. The suggested framework and the data analysed may be important for developing a competency-based modular curriculum.  相似文献   

当前,医疗卫生专业人员对现代数据处理、信息处理和知识处理技术及其在医疗决策中的作用还普遍缺乏深入了解。为有效利用信息资源,提高医疗水平,要求他们应用信息技术,但知识有限。有鉴于此,迫切需要大量训练有素的医学信息学专业人才。欲达此目的,只有通过改进医学教育,使更多的医疗卫生专业人员接受医学信息学培训。  相似文献   

As medical informatics becomes global, it is imperative that nutrition informatics be universally understood in the context of nutrition care. It is logical that nutrition informatics push to the forefront in promoting quality nutrition care through the use of computers and information systems. No professional is more qualified than the dietetics professional to lead this integration of nutrition and patient care using medical information systems. Although nutrition informatics is certainly a specialty within the profession of dietetics, all dietetics professionals must develop at least a basic level of competency regarding information systems, data integration, and application so that they may continue to lead consumers and other health professionals in understanding nutrition research and available nutrition information.

Resources for Health Informatics

• The American Medical Informatics Association (www.amia.org) is a nonprofit membership organization of individuals, institutions, and corporations dedicated to developing and using information technologies to improve health care. It was formed in 1990 by the merger of three medical informatics organizations. The 3,200 members include physicians, nurses, computer and information scientists, biomedical engineers, medical librarians, and academic researchers and educators.
• The Healthcare Information Management Systems Society (www.himss.org) is the health care industry’s membership organization exclusively focused on providing leadership for the optimal use of health care information technology and management systems for the betterment of human health. The Healthcare Information Management Systems Society frames and leads health care public policy and industry practices through its advocacy and educational and professional development initiatives designed to promote information and management systems’ contributions to ensuring quality patient care.
• The American Health Information Management Association (www.ahima.org) is a national association of health information management professionals dedicated to the effective management of personal health information needed to deliver quality health care to the public. The 50,000-member association, founded in 1928, is committed to advancing the profession of health information management and being a leader in the development of products and services related to the electronic health record.
The authors thank the following individuals for providing thoughtful insight and comments on an earlier version of this article: Harold Holler, RD; Esther Myers, PhD, RD; and Barbara Visocan, MS, RD.  相似文献   

As valued members and decision makers of the health care team, registered dietitians and dietetic technicians, registered, practice in a wide variety of settings from corporate wellness to the intensive care unit. Each of these work settings has unique information needs, but all require that dietetics practitioners have immediate access to accurate information. Successful dietetics practice in today's rapidly changing environment requires skills in finding, evaluating, and sharing accurate food and nutrition information. The term informatics is used to describe the science of managing, storing, and communicating information. While not required for informatics practice, use of computers greatly facilitates management of large amounts of information. Health informatics focuses on the application of information science within the health care arena. The field of health informatics includes medical, nursing, pharmacy, dental, public health, and now nutrition informatics. Registered dietitians and dietetic technicians, registered, are now creating nutrition informatics as a new area of dietetics practice. Current use of informatics in health care includes electronic health records, outcomes research, and knowledge acquisition.  相似文献   

自新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情暴发以来,我国医疗器械的制造出口为全球抗击疫情做出了巨大贡献,展示了国产医疗器械自主研发的迫切性和战略性。我国目前已经进入缓疫阶段,该文以国产医疗器械为研究切入点,回顾近年来我国国产医疗器械的进展,突出其在新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情防控期间的特殊需求和战略意义,旨在复盘总结疫情期间医疗器械方面的应对表现和问题短板,揭示疫情对我国医疗器械研发形成的倒逼压力和黄金机遇,敦促全社会将国产医疗器械研发提升到公共卫生安全和国家安全的战略高度上形成发展共识,提出建议:我国发展国产医疗器械应进行宏观层面的综合布局,释放有利于医、工、信结合的各种要素资源,推动国产医疗器械自主研发速度和质量的提高,将医、工、信引领的核心技术自主创新打造为拉动经济发展的动力之源,在政府层面做好整体规划和顶层设计,加快补齐我国高端医疗装备的短板,促进关键核心技术攻关,突破技术装备瓶颈,实现高端医疗装备自主可控。  相似文献   

目前我国卫生信息化遇到前所未有的发展机遇期,信息化建设快速发展,但卫生信息相关制度和法律建设处于起步阶段。通过对信息化建设前及建设过程中的风险进行仔细评估和衡量,得出应采取多方措施,制定应对策略,以便减少不必要的损失。  相似文献   

Health information infrastructure is being developed across Canada, and health informatics education should be a component of the emerging infrastructure. However, educational opportunities do not appear to be developing in pace with infrastructure. This study characterizes the required education, and describes specific issues facing the development of health informatics education. Twenty-six key informants were interviewed, and responses were analyzed to identify major themes. Subjects agreed that the current capacity for health informatics education is inadequate. Also, limited expertise could adversely affect health infostructure implementation and health system performance. A need was identified for both advanced and basic education. Four issues facing the development of health informatics education in Canada were consistently identified: awareness, collaboration, funding, and human resources. Public health is well positioned to play a central role in health informatics education due to its historical basis in handling health information, and its developing expertise in health informatics applications.  相似文献   

深化医疗卫生体制改革对进一步发展有中国特色的、以社区人群为主要对象的全科医疗提出了更高的要求,建立和利用卫生信息学可以是全科医学发展过程中必经之路,也是全科医学从低水平的孤岛中腾飞的阶梯。澳大利亚在推动卫生信息学与基于社区的全科医学相结合方面有很长的历史,并取得显著成就。本文介绍了卫生信息学在全科医学中的地位和角色。  相似文献   

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