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Evaluation of aortic arch calcification in type 2 diabetic patients   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study is to evaluate the severity of aortic arch calcification among type 2 diabetic patients in association with diabetes duration, diabetic complications, coronary artery disease and presence of cardiovascular risk factors. PATIENTS AND METHODS: This study included 207 type 2 diabetic patients (101 men) with a mean age of 61.5 +/- 8.1 years and a mean diabetes duration of 13.9 +/- 6.4 years. Aortic arch calcification was assessed by means of posteroanterior chest X-rays. Severity of calcification was graded as follows: grade 0 (no visible calcification), grade 1 (small spots of calcification or single thin calcification of the aortic knob), grade 2 (one or more areas of thick calcification), grade 3 (circular calcification of the aortic knob). RESULTS: Severity of calcification was grade 0 in 84 patients (40.58%), grade 1 in 64 patients (30.92%), grade 2 in 43 patients (20.77%) and grade 3 in 16 patients (7.73%). In simple regression analysis severity of aortic arch calcification was associated with age (p = 0.032), duration of diabetes (p = 0.026), insulin dependence (p = 0.042) and presence of coronary artery disease (p = 0.039), hypertension (p = 0.019), dyslipidaemia (p = 0.029), retinopathy (p = 0.012) and microalbuminuria (p = 0.01). In multiple regression analysis severity of aortic arch calcification was associated with age (p = 0.04), duration of diabetes (p = 0.032) and presence of hypertension (p = 0.024), dyslipidaemia (p = 0.031) and coronary artery disease (p = 0.04), while the association with retinopathy, microalbuminuria and insulin dependence was no longer significant. CONCLUSIONS: Severity of aortic arch calcification is associated with age, diabetes duration, diabetic complications (retinopath), microalbuminuria), coronary artery disease, insulin dependence, and presence of hypertension and dyslipidaemia.  相似文献   

Isolated interrupted aortic arch in adult   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Interrupted aortic arch is a rare and usually lethal malformation, representing approximately 1% of congenital heart disease. This presents as a missing segment of the aortic arch and is divided into three types: A-called extreme form of coarctation, and is characterized by disruption of aorta's continuity distal to the left subclavian artery (30-40%), B-disruption between the left subclavian and the left carotid arteries (55-60%), and C-the most uncommon type, interruption proximal to the left common carotid artery. The suspicion of coarctation of the aorta can be made from a combination of physical findings including systolic ejection murmur, the murmurs of collateral blood vessels, diminished or absent femoral pulse, and difference in blood pressure between arms and legs. Interrupted aortic arch is an extremely rare anomaly in adult patients. To our knowledge, the world medical literature contains only about 13 reports of interrupted aortic arch diagnosed in adults.  相似文献   

C K Wong  C H Cheng  C P Lau  W H Leung  F L Chan 《Chest》1989,96(3):678-679
Isolated interrupted aortic arch is a rare congenital cardiac disorder believed at one time to be incompatible with life once the ductus arteriosus closed. To our knowledge, only 12 cases have been reported in the literature and mostly in children. The diagnosis was made in all of them by catheterization. We report the first adult patient with an asymptomatic interrupted aortic arch diagnosed by computed tomography.  相似文献   

BackgroundLarge population studies have revealed that increased von Willebrand Factor (VWF) levels are associated with an increased risk of ischemic stroke. In previous studies VWF was associated with atherosclerosis in healthy individuals. However, it is yet unknown what the association is between atherosclerosis and VWF levels in patients with ischemic stroke.ObjectivesThe aim of our study was to determine the association of atherosclerosis, measured with recent developed techniques, and VWF levels in a large, well characterized, cohort of ischemic stroke patients and to determine the prognostic value.MethodsWe included 925 consecutive patients with transient ischemic attack (TIA) or ischemic stroke. Calcification volumes (mm3) were scored in the aortic arch and both carotid arteries using multidetector computed tomography (CT) angiography. VWF antigen (VWF:Ag) levels were measured using ELISA.ResultsMean VWF:Ag levels were significantly higher in the presence of calcification in either the aortic arch (1.47 vs. 1.37 IU/ml [P = 0.039]) or the carotid arteries (1.49 vs. 1.34 IU/ml [P = 0.001]). Patients with a large artery atherosclerosis ischemic stroke had significantly higher VWF:Ag levels then the other TOAST subtypes (P < 0.0001). High VWF:Ag levels were associated with an unfavorable outcome (modified Rankin Scale >2 vs. ≤2; 1.64 vs. 1.41 IU/ml, [P < 0.0001]).ConclusionOur study showed a strong association between the extent of atherosclerosis in both the aortic arch and the carotid arteries and VWF levels in patients with TIA or ischemic stroke. Higher VWF levels are found in large artery atherosclerosis and are associated with a poor outcome.  相似文献   

Vascular calcification is associated with cardiovascular disease in hemodialysis (HD) patients. Some reports have previously shown that simple assessment of aortic calcification using plain radiography is associated with cardiovascular (CV) events; however, these studies simply assessed whether aortic calcification was present or absent only, without considering its extent. Here, we evaluated the validity of grading aortic arch calcification (AoAC) to predict new CV events. We retrospectively reviewed chest X-rays in 212 asymptomatic HD patients who underwent measurement of pulse wave velocity (PWV) in 2006 without a past history of CV events. The extent of AoAC was divided into four grades (0–3). Among these subjects, the follow-up of CV events in 197 patients was completed. At baseline, AoAC grade was positively associated with age, dialysis vintage, PWV and parathyroid hormone levels, and negatively correlated with body weight and body mass index. Arterial stiffness, as determined by PWV, was also correlated with increasing AoAC grade. Eighty-nine CV events in total occurred during a mean follow-up period of 69 ± 45 months. With multivariate adjustment, Kaplan–Meier analysis showed that the incidence was significantly higher in patients with higher AoAC grade (grades 2 and 3) than in those with grade 0 or 1 (p = 0.013, log-rank test). Multivariate Cox proportional hazards analyses showed the predictive values of AoAC grade were significant (hazard ratio 1.512; p = 0.0351). AoAC detectable on chest X-ray is a strong independent predictor of CV events in accordance with PWV. Risk stratification by assessment of AoAC may provide important information for management of atherosclerotic disease in HD patients.  相似文献   

Interrupted aortic arch is a rare congenital malformation of the aortic arch that occurs in 3 per million live births. Defined as a loss of luminal continuity between the ascending and descending portions of the aorta, this anomaly entails a very poor prognosis without surgical treatment. To our knowledge, the world medical literature contains only 12 reports of isolated interrupted aortic arch diagnosed in adults. Nine of these patients underwent successful surgical repair, but 1 died during the early postoperative period. We describe a 10th successful surgical repair, which involved a 42-year-old woman who had an asymptomatic type B interrupted aortic arch (characterized by interruption between the left subclavian and left carotid arteries). We performed a single-stage extra-anatomic repair by placing a 16-mm extra-anatomic Dacron graft between the ascending and descending portions of the thoracic aorta and by interposing a 7-mm extra-anatomic Dacron graft between the 16-mm graft and the left subclavian artery. The patient recovered uneventfully and continued to do well 6 months later.  相似文献   

Interrupted aortic arch (IAA) in the adult population is an extremely rare condition. In this case report, we present a 35-year old male patient with Type A interrupted aortic arch (IAA) and discuss the successful surgical treatment.  相似文献   

Between 1983 and 1989, 15 children underwent surgical repair of interrupted aortic arch at 1 to 20 days of age. The anatomical form was a Celoria and Patton type B in all patients with an associated perimembranous ventricular septal defect in all but one who had multiple ventricular septal defects, and patent ductus arteriosus. Six children had a retro-esophageal right subclavian artery, two had subaortic stenosis and two had a right-sided descending thoracic aorta. In two children with severe hypoplasia of the ascending aorta the repair was performed in one stage with two deaths due to left ventricular failure. In the other B cases, a two-stage repair was carried out. The reconstruction of the aortic arch varied according to the individual case. All children had pulmonary artery banding. Seven children survived longer than 30 days. Six of them later underwent a complete repair. The only survivors were those patients in whom the neo-aortic arch grew harmoniously. The authors conclude that: a two-stage repair gave disappointing results in this series of consecutive patients, mainly because of the poor quality of the reconstruction of the aortic arch by thoracotomy.  相似文献   

This report describes a case in which a persistent third aortic arch connection partly palliated interruption of the aortic arch. The malformation occurred without other cardiovascular abnormality in a newborn infant in whom the principal diagnostic clinical finding was the absence of all peripheral pulses except for those of the right brachial and carotid arteries. Echocardiographic and angiocardiographic examination showed a continuation of the left internal carotid artery to the descending aorta by way of an arching communication.  相似文献   

Interrupted aortic arch (IAA) is a scarce and generally lethal congenital malformation. Patients with complete IAA scarcely reach adult age without previous surgical intervention. In this case, we presented a 40-year-old isolated IAA case with hypertension and angina pectoris. IAA just distal to left subclavian artery and markedly developed collateral circulation was demonstrated via cardiac catheterization (CC) and multi-slice computed tomography angiography (MSCT).  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Calcification of the aortic wall has been used as an index of the degree of complicated atherosclerotic plaque formation. Atherosclerosis in the abdominal aorta in patients with abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) was studied by measuring aortic calcification via computerised tomography. METHODS: Design: retrospective study. Patients: preoperative computer tomography (CT) in 129 male patients with a mean age of 68.6 years (range: 42 to 82) undergoing elective aneurysmectomy. Measurements: a conventional CT scanner was used. Aortic calcification was assessed at four levels: (A) the origin of the coeliac artery, (B) the left renal vein, (C) the maximum diameter of the aneurysm, and (D) the aortic bifurcation. Calcification was graded as: (0) no calcification, (1) calcification less than 40% of the aortic circumference, or (2) calcification more than 40% of the aortic circumference. The relationships between aortic calcification at each level and various factors related to atherosclerosis were analysed. RESULTS: Maximum calcification was seen at level D, followed by levels C, B and A, in that order. Calcification was less common in patients younger than 50 years old. Hypertension, coronary artery disease, and peripheral vascular occlusive disease correlated with the incidence of aortic calcification. CONCLUSIONS: A correlation between aortic calcification and atherosclerotic disease was demonstrated in patients with abdominal aortic aneurysm.  相似文献   

The interrupted aortic arch (IAA) is a rare cardiopathy, with high morbimortality when treatment is delayed. This study is a case of IAA with atypical clinical behavior in a 19-year-old patient. The history and the clinical assessment were compatible with recent heart failure, associated to syncope episodes and reduction of pulses in the lower limbs. The electrocardiogram showed biventricular and biatrial overload. The echocardiogram showed severe ventricular dysfunction and altered blood flow in the descending aorta. The angiotomography disclosed occlusion of the thoracic aorta after the left subclavian artery. The attained diagnosis was interrupted aortic arch and surgical treatment was indicated.  相似文献   

目的 研究颈动脉和股动脉斑块及主动脉弓钙化与冠心病的关系.方法 病人121例,经桡动脉行冠状动脉造影,据造影结果分为正常冠状动脉组及冠心病组,冠心病组又分为1支病变组、2支病变组及3支病变组,分别予体表超声及X胸片检查颈动脉和股动脉斑块及主动脉弓钙化.结果 颈动脉和股动脉斑块及主动脉弓钙化是预测冠心病的有效指标,随斑块及主动脉弓钙化的发生,病变血管数增加.三者相比,颈动脉斑块预测冠心病的敏感性最高,股动脉斑块预测冠心病的特异性最高,而主动脉弓钙化往往与多支病变有关.当三者共存时,冠心病的发生率高达94.8%.结论 颈、股动脉斑块及主动脉弓钙化对冠心病有一定的预测价值.  相似文献   

Coarctation of a right aortic arch is rare congenital anomaly. We report a rare case of a 24-year-old female with coarctation of the right aortic arch with aberrant left subclavian artery between the right common carotid and right subclavian arteries. The coarctation progressed into complete obstruction as the interruption of the aorta in adulthood. To prevent cerebral complications and progression to heart failure, surgical procedure was selected. Extraanatomical bypass grafting between the ascending and descending aorta was successfully performed using cardiopulmonary bypass. Some patients diagnosed with interruption of the aortic arch in adulthood might be displaying progression of undiagnosed coarctation, as our in case. Three-dimensional computed tomography was useful to detect the obstructive lesion and to determine the surgical approach and methods.  相似文献   

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