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骨盆骨折合并大出血的处理   总被引:17,自引:4,他引:13  
骨盆骨折往往由于严重的外伤造成,常系多发伤的一个组成部分。由于失血量大,往往合并休克,严重骨盆骨折的死亡率为25%-39%。处理骨盆骨折合并大出血的核心内容是抗休克及控制失血。我院自1985年以来,实施VIP抢救程序对包括骨盆骨折的内在近万例危重多发伤进行院内急救取得满意疗效。按抢救的时间顺序以Ventilation(Ⅴ),Infusion(Ⅰ)、Pulsation(P)三大步骤抢救病人。以Ⅴ程序建立正常通气后,以1程序扩容抗休克,在判断失血量的前提下以快、足、稀方案扩容抗休克,稳定周围循环。抗休克裤,放射介入治疗,以及生理性自行止血可使大部分病人的出血得到控制。只有少部分病人需手术止血。心泵障碍的病人要以P程序予以排除,保证正常泵血。  相似文献   

骨盆骨折合并阴道损伤   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道11例女性骨盆骨折合并阴道损伤6例痊愈,2例好转,3例死亡。其致伤机理多与会阴部骑跨伤时骨折暴力传导致阴道,使阴道上下受累而致伤有关。作者认为对女性不稳定性骨盆骨折应常规做泌尿生殖道检查。早期妥善处理可有效减少并发症。  相似文献   

陈戈  李滔  陈仲  赵航  吴照祥  杨洪昌 《中华骨科杂志》2011,31(11):1213-1217
 目的 探讨应用骨盆外固定支架复位固定、结肠造瘘、反复清创、创口封闭负压引流等措 施治疗开放性骨盆骨折会阴撕裂感染的疗效。方法 2004年 2月至 2011年 1月, 治疗 8例开放性骨盆 骨折会阴撕裂伤感染患者, 男 7例, 女 1例;年龄 22~59岁, 平均 36.3岁;交通伤 5例, 高处坠落伤 2例, 重物压伤 1例。骨盆骨折按 Tile分型: B型 3例, C型 5例;创口部位根据 Faringer等分区均为玉区。行 骨盆外固定支架固定、早期结肠造瘘、反复清创、创口封闭负压引流等方法治疗, 待感染控制后择期修 补撕裂的会阴及根据骨盆骨折移位情况行骨折复位固定术。结果 在给予骨盆外固定支架固定、结肠 造瘘、反复清创、创口封闭负压引流等综合治疗后, 8例患者感染治愈, 体温、血常规恢复正常, 创口愈 合。受伤至创口愈合时间为 8~43d, 平均 17d。 1例患者于创口愈合后行切开复位内固定术;4例早期行 骨盆外固定支架固定患者复位满意, 未再进一步治疗;3例合并损伤较重患者, 创口愈合 1个月后全身 情况才允许行手术治疗, 但此时骨折周围已见明显骨痂生长, 故未再进一步治疗, 骨折畸形愈合。 8例患 者骨折均愈合, 愈合时间 3~6个月, 平均 3.6个月。患者均获得随访, 随访时间 6~36个月, 平均 16个月。 Majeed骨盆骨折评分: 优 2例, 良 3例, 可 2例, 差 1例;优良率为 62.5%。结论 应用外固定支架、结肠 造瘘、反复清创、创口封闭负压引流等措施在开放性骨盆骨折会阴撕裂感染的治疗中能有效控制感染、 降低感染率及死亡率, 对缩短伤口愈合时间有积极作用。  相似文献   

为探讨Ⅳ度会阴撕裂伤的治疗方法,降低并发症的发生率,提高患者术后的生活质量,回顾性分析39例Ⅳ度会阴撕裂伤的患者进行术前准备、手术操作及术后处理等临床资料。结果显示,39例患者全部一期愈合,平均住院时间10.6d,术后肛门括约肌功能良好,肛门排气不能完全控制2例(5.1%),偶有粪便污染内裤1例(2.6%)。术后随访6个月至1年,均无复发。结果表明,根据肛门括约肌的情况采取不同的缝合方式,对直肠黏膜行无张力缝合是会阴撕裂修补成功的关键。  相似文献   

目的 探讨骨盆骨折合并后尿道损伤的治疗方法和疗效.方法 自2004年1月~2009年6月收治骨盆骨折合并后尿道损伤36例,尿道撕裂伤23例,断裂伤13例.骨盆骨折采用下肢牵引治疗9例,单纯骨盆前环外固定架固定13例,重建钢板内固定9例,骨盆前环内、外固定架+骨盆后环内固定5例.结果 36例均获得随访,随访时间10个月~4.5年.骨折愈合率为100%,继发骨盆畸形7例,25例拔除尿管后不能自行排尿,需行尿道扩张术.2例男性患者出现性功能不全,无一例发生尿失禁.结论 骨盆骨折合并后尿道损伤恢复并维持有效的血液动力学指标后,应尽早修复损伤尿道,能提高救治成功率;通过骨盆环复位固定,减小尿道吻合处及周围组织张力,提高尿道损伤修复术后通畅率.  相似文献   

骨盆骨折合并尿道损伤的观察与护理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
骨盆骨折合并尿道损伤临床上较常见,自1995年1月~1996年12月共收治此类患者9例,在对其护理过程中,总结出一定经验,现介绍如下。临床资料1.一般资料本组9例均为男性,年龄7~49岁。均为多发性骨盆骨折,并发尿道完全断裂5例,尿道部分断裂4例,创伤性休克5例,腹膜后血肿3例,股骨颈无移位骨折1例,肋骨骨折2例,尺骨鹰嘴骨折1例。2.治疗方法及结果早期抗休克治疗,导尿成功4例,尿管留置2周。5例行尿道会师术。骨盆骨折均采用保守治疗,手法复位后骨盆悬吊牵引4例,股骨髁上牵引2例,皮牵引3例。住院…  相似文献   

骨盆骨折合并腹部闭合性损伤,常为多发伤,伤情危重,休克发生率高。若出现误诊,容易造成死亡,后果严重。自1996年5月~2004年12月,我科共收治此类病人32例,误诊3例。现分析报告如下。  相似文献   

康厚瑞 《腹部外科》2003,16(4):249-249
我院 1985年 2月至 2 0 0 2年 10月共收治骨盆骨折合并直肠损伤病人 15例。报告如下 :临床资料1.一般资料 :本组共 15例 ,男 8例 ,女 7例 ;年龄 2 0~ 5 5岁 ,平均年龄 4 5岁。损伤的直接原因 :挤压伤 7例 ,坠落伤 3例 ,冲击伤 2例 ,直接撞伤 3例。本组病人就医时 ,收缩血压为 90~ 10 0mmHg者有6例 ,低于 90mmHg者有 9例。全腹痛、腹胀 ,伴板状腹痛 3例 ;会阴部开放撕裂伤 3例 ;伴血便 8例。骨盆骨折按Kane分型[1] :Ⅰ型尾骨骨折 2例 ,骶骨骨折 3例 ;Ⅱ型单侧坐骨支骨折 4例 ;Ⅲ型双侧坐骨支骨折 3例 ;Ⅳ型双侧坐骨骨折伴髂骨骨折合并双…  相似文献   

开放性骨盆骨折是一种严重的创伤,由于合并伤多,早期大出血及后期感染,常导致高死亡率及致残率。我院从1994.8~2000.8共收治此类骨折9例,现报道如下,并结合阅读的献进行探讨。  相似文献   



The main causes of death in patients with open pelviperineal injuries are uncontrollable bleeding and pelvic sepsis. The aim of this study was to evaluate the management outcomes of open pelvic fractures associated with extensive perineal injuries.


We retrospectively studied 15 cases with open pelvic fractures associated with extensive perineal injuries (urethral and anal canal laceration) admitted between August 2006 and September 2010. Mechanism of injury, Injury Severity Score, associated injuries, hemodynamic status on arrival, resuscitation and transfusion requirements, operative techniques, intra- and postoperative complications, length of intensive care unit and hospital stay, and mortality were recorded in a computerised database for further evaluation and analysis.


The male to female ratio was 12:3 with an average age of 38.6 years (ranged, 11 to 65 years). The average packed red blood cell units used were 8 units (ranged, 4 to 21 units). All patients were initially transferred to the operating room for colostomy, radical debridement and fixation of the pelvic fracture by an external fixator. One patient had acute renal failure, which improved with medical treatment and 2 patients (13.3%) died, one with type III anteroposterior compression fracture due to hemorrhagic shock and the other due to septicemia.


Open pelvic fractures with extensive perineal injuries are associated with high mortality rates. Early diagnosis and appropriate treatment, including reanimation, colostomy, cystostomy, vigorous and repeated irrigation and debridement, and fixation by an external fixator can improve the outcomes and reduce the mortality rate.  相似文献   

目的 探讨骨盆骨折合并腹膜后大出血的诊治。方法 救治方法除常规输血补液外 ,主要是采用经导管动脉栓塞术(TranscatheterArterialEmbolizationTAE) ,抢救成功后采用切开复位内固定术治疗骨盆骨折。结果 在 30例中仅 2例死亡。经动脉栓塞及切开复位内固定治疗 ,随访半年~ 5年 ,90 %以上的患者恢复原工作。结论 对于合并大出血休克的病人 ,在常规抗休克治疗的同时 ,采用经导管动脉栓塞术是安全有效的治疗方法  相似文献   

Objective  Management of Morel-Lavallee soft tissue lesion (MLL) in patients with associated pelvic and/or acetabular fractures is still under discussion. Especially, the sequence of treatment of MLL soft tissue management and osteosynthesis of pelvic and acetabular injury remains controversial. Methods  We report all consecutive patients with MLL associated with pelvic ring and/or acetabular fractures during an 8-year period at our hospital. Surgical access and techniques were analyzed concerning complications and outcome. Results  Altogether, 20 patients were included in the study. One patient was treated conservatively and MLL healed without complications; 19 patients had an operative treatment of MLL. In 15 patients debridement was performed within one day after injury and in four patients with delay of 5 days at least. Ten patients had surgery for an associated pelvic ring or acetabular fracture. In four of them MLL was operated before, in six patients simultaneously to osteosynthesis. In three patients, the same surgical approach for osteosynthesis and debridement of MLL was used; none of them showed postoperative complications. Altogether, in nine operated patients (47.4%) MLL healed without any complications. Nine operated patients presented prolonged wound healing, however, during long term follow-up, all patients showed complete healing of the MLL. One patient died during resuscitive surgical procedures. Conclusions  We recommend debridement for early and delayed treatment of MLL. Osteosynthesis during first debridement may be performed without adverse outcome. Identical surgical access for both procedures can be used. In case of repeated surgical debridement VAC? therapy may be a helpful tool for dead space reduction and wound conditioning.  相似文献   

目的 探讨不稳定骨盆骨折并存移位髋臼骨折手术治疗的效果。方法 本组 2 1例采用联合Tile -Letournel分类法确定并行手术治疗。结果 平均随访 2年 ,骨盆骨折均获复位。累及髋臼负重顶的骨折 17例 ,15例复位满意 ,疗效优良。结论 手术可有效复位固定骨折 ,矫正畸形 ,重建骨盆环的稳定性、恢复髋臼关节面的平整和正常的头臼关系  相似文献   

骨盆骨折合并骶丛神经损伤的手术治疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨骨盆骨折合并腰骶丛神经损伤治疗的方法.方法回顾本组病例按Denis分类将骨盆骨折中骶骨骨折分为Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ区,分析骨盆骨折合并腰骶丛神经损伤的临床特点及治疗效果.结果22例骨盆骨折合并腰骶丛神经损伤,随访6个月~5年.7例Ⅰ型骶骨骨折合并腰骶丛神经损伤,6例完全恢复正常,1例部分恢复;10例Ⅱ型骶骨骨折合并腰骶丛神经损伤,6例恢复正常,3例部分恢复,1例未恢复;5例Ⅲ型骶骨骨折合并腰骶丛神经损伤,2例恢复正常,2例部分恢复,1例未恢复.结论对于骨盆骨折并腰骶丛神经损伤的患者实施积极复位及内固定治疗,是非常重要的一环.有明显骨块压迫者,宜行神经探查松解术.  相似文献   

Abstract Objective: To define the diagnostic accuracy of clinical examination in patients with impaired consciousness or endotracheal intubation to detect pelvic ring fractures and to identify those with severe bleeding. Methods: Included in this prospective data collection with retrolective data analysis were a consecutive series of blunt trauma victims with either a Glasgow Coma Scale ≤ 13 or tracheal intubation. Clinical examination comprised testing for stability of the iliac wings. Results: From 784 subjects (injury severity score 23.3 ± 17.4) 93 patients (11.9%) were found to have a pelvic ring fracture. Clinical instability of the pelvic ring was found in 42 patients. There was only one false positive. Fifty-two fractures could not be identified by clinical examination, including nine fractures (17%) that required surgical fracture stabilization (sensitivity of clinical examination 44.1%). Seventeen fractures (18.3%) were associated with a blood loss larger than 20% of circulating blood volume. Sixteen of those were identified by clinical instability of the pelvic ring (sensitivity 94.1%, specificity 97.0%, positive predictive value 38.1%, negative predictive value 99.9%). Conclusions: Clinical examination for stability of the pelvis in this selected group of patients missed a significant number of pelvic ring fractures including fractures that require surgical stabilization. The finding of a clinically unstable identifies most of the patients with the pelvic ring fracture being a major source of bleeding. A stable pelvis makes pelvic ring fracture as being the source of bleeding quite unlikely.  相似文献   

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