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《护理药理学》考试试卷分析与思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对西安医学院2007级理学专业220名学生的药理学期末考试试卷进行统计分析。最高分99分,最低分41分,相差58分,平均分75.43分,标准差为13.35,难度系数(P)为0.75,区分度(D)为032。试卷性对较容易,区分度尚可,但区分度较差的试题所占比例偏大,考察记忆知识点内容较多.应适当增加考察综合应用知识点的试题数量,合理调整试题区分度,以期更好的评价学生水平,提高试卷质量。  相似文献   

目的本研究对北京协和医学院2014级护理本科生的统计学期末考试试卷进行评价分析,为评定护理本科生的教学效果和教学质量提供依据。方法运用教育测量学理论和教育统计学方法对试卷进行评价,采用难度、区分度、信度(Cronbachα系数)和覆盖度对60份医学统计学期末考试试卷进行质量分析。结果该试卷的总分平均为(67.8±12.5)分,最低分38分,最高分95分。选择题、填空题、判断题和计算题的失分率分别为33.8%、37.2%、22.5%和24.8%。难题、较难题、中等难度题、较易题和易题各占30.0%、13.3%、20.0%、20.0%和16.7%,平均难度为0.68。试卷的整体区分度为0.30,30道考题中有28道考题(93.3%)的区分度优秀或良好。试卷的信度为0.71。结论这份考卷具有较好的区分度、信度和总体覆盖度,平均难度也适中,适于护理本科生进行期末测评。此外要从多方面让同学们认识到统计学在医学科学研究中的重要性,增加学习的积极性。  相似文献   

目的:通过分析漳州卫生职业学院2012级高职助产专业学生病理学期末考试试卷,衡量学生对该课程的掌握程度,并对教学质量进行评估。方法:随机抽查2012级助产专业学生的148份考试试卷进行统计分析。结果:考试成绩呈正偏态分布,平均成绩为49.93分。试卷难度为0.499,区分度为0.4045,信度为0.8277。结论:这份试卷的成绩是可靠的,能较全面地评价学生对课程的掌握程度及教学质量。试题难度适中,区分度尚可,为今后提高试卷的命题水平及题库建设提供了经验。通过试卷分析有助于提升教师的教学能力。  相似文献   

目的评估我校第一届八年制学生——2004级八年制医学生《医学免疫学》期末考试试卷的质量。方法利用Excel 2003和SPSS 16.0对2004级八年制学生共93份试卷进行统计分析。结果考试成绩呈正偏态分布,平均成绩为(72.25±1.12)分,信度为0.788,难度系数为0.73,区分度0.29。结论试卷设计基本合理,反映了学生对各个知识点的掌握情况,基本了解学生的薄弱环节,为进一步改进八年制教学提供依据。  相似文献   

目的:分析医学教育题库A型选择题质量,为今后课堂教学和试卷制作提供参考。方法:用Excel转换474名学生的答题卡机读结果,对信度、难度、区分度,尤其是选项频数进行分析,并通过查看原题分析原因。结果:试卷信度0.863,可靠性好;难度和区分度一般。选项分析中大部分试题选项设计合理,同时发现学生在个别知识点学习出现问题。结论:试题质量整体符合全国性题库的要求;通过选项分析能发现试题设计和课堂教学中的一些问题;采用Excel分析A型选择题质量具有较好的实用性。  相似文献   

目的 了解学生对药理学课程的掌握程度及教师在教学过程中是否达到教学目的 .方法 通过等距抽样方法 将样本试卷及四个年级的成绩输入电脑,利用分析软件进行分析.结果 在对试卷难度及区分度、效度和信度的分析中,这四年的试题不能合理分配试卷难度,区分度也不能很好体现出来.结论 为了使考试尽可能地反应学生及教师的教学结果 ,很有必要建立质量较高的试题库,并结合本门课程的新进展,开展教学研究,提高教学效果.  相似文献   

一、引言考题是引导和促进学生学习的重要环节,也是检查教学质量和选拔人材的有效手段,目前在各类考试中已广泛采用标准化、科学化的多选题考试方法。本系统主要用来对多选题试卷进行阅卷评分,并对考题进行质量评估。它对提高多选题试卷的阅卷速度和准确度,为改进考题质量提供反馈信息均具有实际意义。由于多选题试卷是一种规范化的答卷,在一道题的几个予给答案中仪有一个正确答案,考生对某题所选择的答案只有“对”或“错”两种可能。根据这一特点,利用计算机逻辑判  相似文献   

1996 级组织学与胚胎学成绩、试卷及题型测量质量分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
试卷统计测量分析对提高试题和试卷质量,了解教学质量及学生的学业情况,为今后改进教学方法,提高教学质量是非常必要的,现就我校1996级首届300名本科生期终理论考试成绩、试卷及题型质量进行测量分析如下:1试卷的组成与测量方法 此试卷是按教学大纲自制试题卷,共分四种题型,第I填空题40分;第Ⅱ是非题10分;第Ⅲ选择题30分;第Ⅳ问答题20分。对全卷及各题型的难度采用通过率测量其难度;采用极端分组法计算区分度;库德法测验其信度。2结果(1)试卷质量测量结果:最高分97、最低分40、平均(X分 74.45…  相似文献   

目的回顾性分析北京市2014年至2016年的放射科住院医师一阶段技能OSCE考试沟通能力的考核情况,对标准化病人模式与情景设计视频模式进行沟通技能的考核进行比较。方法对情景设计视频模式和标准化病人模式沟通能力考核的题目难度、区分度以及平均分进行了分析,对考生平均分进行了比较,并对调查问卷进行了分析。结果题目的难度2015年、2016年高于2014年;区分度2015年最好,2014年最差。3年的考试平均分为2015年(8.37±0.73)最低,2016年(8.99±1.11)最高。整体上博士研究生的沟通能力得分最高(2014年8.97,2015年8.66,2016年9.05)。调查问卷显示沟通能力培训的知晓率逐年上升。但是针对沟通能力的培训普及率不到50%,约1/3的考生不了解沟通能力的具体要求,有超过半数的住院医师不了解接受沟通能力培训的渠道,87.3%~95.7%的考生认为情景设计视频模式优于标准化病人的考核模式。结论放射科住院医师培训需注重沟通能力培训,并推广情景设计模式的沟通培训方式。  相似文献   

目的了解北京协和医学院组织学的考试质量。方法对2006级至2010级临床医学专业八年制学生组织学考试试卷共393份进行教育测量学计算与统计学分析。结果组织学考试5年的成绩总平均分为79.5±12.9,学生成绩在各学年间无显著差异。试卷分析显示5年间试卷难易度在0.77~0.84之间小幅变化,区分度从0.26逐渐增加到0.34。信度和效度全部达到优秀水平。试题分析显示综合评价为优秀的试题从2006级的59.09%上升到2010级的88.89%,全部230道试题中优秀试题占72.17%。2006级与2010级在试题难易度、区分度方面存在显著差异。结论组织学考试的质量整体较高,试题的质量也在逐年提高,但仍存在一些不足有待改进。考试质量分析为今后教学质量的提高和试题库的建设提供了重要参考。  相似文献   

Basic medical sciences at Sultan Qaboos University (SQU) are taught in a systemsbased curriculum. During the development of the courses different formats have been used for the written examinations and also different types of questions. This paper compares students' performance in relation to examination format and to types of questions used. The formats were non-coordinated (NCAs), each discipline having a separate paper; coordinated (CAs), questions from various disciplines being given in the same paper but with separate sections for each discipline; and integrated assessments (IAs), questions being grouped under structure, function, and problem-based integrated long essays. The types of questions used were multiple choice (MCQs), short essays (SEQs), and structured integrated long essays (SILEQs). Students performed better in SEQs than in MCQs. Our analyses also show that SILEQs measure skills similar to those of MCQs and SEQs combined. Students performed best in NCAs. In CAs, students concentrated on those disciplines carrying most weight in the final grade. Currently we use IAs consisting of two parts: part I, comprising MCQs and SEQs, and part II, comprising SILEQs. To date, students are performing better in part II than in part I. We suggest that it is prudent to use different types of questions to measure students' knowledge and skills when IAs are used for systems-based courses. © 1995 WiIey-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   



Construction of appropriate test items is a challenge in preparing quality multiple choice questions. Item analysis provides valuable feedback data on validity of multiple choice questions. The present study was conducted to evaluate the difficulty index, discrimination index and distracter efficiency of the items present in the multiple choice questions of post graduate dental entrance examinations.


A list consisting of 20 MCQs was taken from the entrance exam books of MCQs on an introductory topic and administered to 104 undergraduate students.


In the present study 15% of the MCQs related to impression making procedure were difficult with difficulty index (p) less than 30%, 15% were poor discriminators and 55% had at least one non-functional distracter.


Item analysis of MCQs in post graduate entrance examinations demonstrated low difficulty index, discrimination index and distracter efficiency. Hence, we propose a strong need for faculty training in test constructors and their post validation.  相似文献   

The gross anatomy course at St. Louis University School of Medicine consists of 40 regions or units covering the entire body and utilizes peer teaching in which students do every fourth dissection. One-fourth of the students learn each unit by dissecting; three-fourths learn from predissected material. Four multiple choice tests were studied to determine whether students scored better on questions on units they dissected than those who learned from predissected material. Results were adjusted on the basis of students' scores on whole tests. There were four teams of students and four tests resulting in 16 sets of questions. Dissectors scored better than nondissectors in 13 sets, but the overall differences were small (67.80 vs. 66.70). It is concluded that there is a small advantage gained from dissecting and demonstrating to their peers, but that learning from dissected cadavers is a satisfactory method of study, since our students traditionally score above the national average on the anatomy portion of the National Board Examination. Clin. Anat. 9:57–59, 1996. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

目的 探讨虚拟现实技术(VR)在膝关节镜手术临床教学中的应用效果。方法 通过选取北京中医药大学2019年4月至2019年7月期间在我科培训的学员,共60人,随机分为VR教学组和传统教学组。VR教学组采取虚拟现实技术教学,传统教学组采取多媒体课件教学。采用理论考核和实践考核两种方式综合对学生学习效果进行评估。另外,采用调查问卷评估学生学习的主动性、感兴趣度、课程满意度、三维空间感和虚拟交互性等体验。结果 VR教学组的三次操作考核操作成绩分别为(93.87±2.58)分、(91.97±1.85)分、(90.97±2.43)分,均高于传统教学组(89.07±2.74)分、(84.87±2.96)分、(82.47±7.21)分,组间比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。调查问卷结果,VR教学组(8.90±1.01)对此次学习更感兴趣,课程满意度(8.47±1.12)、三维空间感(8.53±1.02)和虚拟交互性(8.17±1.16)优于传统教学组,组间比较差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。但两组理论成绩相差不大,即VR对关节镜理论知识掌握度与传统教学相差不大,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论 虚拟现实技术不仅有助于提高学生对骨科临床实习的兴趣,提高学生的三维空间感,还提高了骨科临床教学质量。  相似文献   



The Public Health (PH) course at the medical college of Cairo University is based on traditional lectures. Large enrollment limits students' discussions and interactions with instructors.


Evaluate students' learning outcomes as measured by improved knowledge acquisition and opinions of redesigning the Reproductive Health (RH) section of the PH course into e-learning and assessing e-course utilization.


This prospective interventional study started with development of an e-learning course covering the RH section, with visual and interactive emphasis, to satisfy students' diverse learning styles. Two student groups participated in this study. The first group received traditional lecturing, while the second volunteered to enroll in the e-learning course, taking online course quizzes. Both groups answered knowledge and course evaluation questionnaires and were invited to group discussions. Additionally, the first group answered another questionnaire about reasons for non-participation.


Students participating in the e-learning course showed significantly better results, than those receiving traditional tutoring. Students who originally shunned the e-course expressed eagerness to access the course before the end of the academic year. Overall, students using the redesigned e-course reported better learning experiences.


An online course with interactivities and interaction, can overcome many educational drawbacks of large enrolment classes, enhance student's learning and complement pit-falls of large enrollment traditional tutoring.  相似文献   

目的:探讨大学生社团活动与学业表现及自我效能感的关系。方法:于2016年11—12月对西交利物浦大学的501名大学生进行大学生社团活动与学业表现基本信息表以及自我效能感量表的调查,所有调查对象匿名完成测试。应用SPSS 19.0软件进行统计学分析。结果:(1)大学生社团活动与学业表现的关系:参加社团的学生与不参加社团的学生在学业表现上没有显著差异(U=23946.5,P=0.424),但是担任社团干部学生的学习成绩明显优于不担任社团干部学生的学习成绩(U=12636.5,P0.05);(2)大学生社团活动、学业表现与自我效能感的关系:参加社团、担任社团干部学生的自我效能感显著高于未参加社团(t=-4.501,P0.001)、不担任社团干部(t=-3.424,P=0.001)的学生。而学业上是否挂科对学生的一般自我效能感则没有显著影响(t=-1.053,P=0.293)。结论:参加社团活动大学生的自我效能感明显提高;在参加社团活动的大学生中担任社团干部的学生在学业表现方面明显优于不担任社团干部的学生。  相似文献   

The present study assesses patterns of social support of African-American and White freshmen attending a predominantly White university, and the relationship of support to measures of adjustment to university life. African-American students reported significantly less support available than White students, but this difference disappeared when family income was used as a covariate. African-American and White students did not differ in adequacy of social support. Even with family income and prior academic performance covaried, African-American students' college GPAs were significantly lower than White students'. No differences in well-being were found. An understanding of minority students' adjustment to university life necessitates adopting a multidimensional perspective involving social and academic variables and their dynamic interaction.  相似文献   

Previous studies of LPO (lobus parolfactorium) and hippocampal lesions in pigeons suggest function of cognitive flexibility in LPO and memory consolidation in hippocampus [Watanabe S. Effects of hippocampal lesions on repeated acquisition of spatial discrimination in pigeons. Behav Brain Res 2001;120:59-66. [40]; Watanabe S. Effects of LPO lesions on repeated acquisition of spatial discrimination in pigeons. Brain Behav Evol 2002;58:333-342. [41]]. Here, a test similar to the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test was applied to pigeons. The test consisted of four discriminations, namely red-green color discrimination and its reversal, left-right spatial discrimination and its reversal. In each trial stimuli were presented until the correct choice occurred. Ten successive correct trials without wrong response were defined as the criterion of discrimination. When the subjects reached the criterion in one discrimination, they were trained on one of three other discrimination tasks in the next session. These four discriminations were trained repeatedly in random sequence. After the birds have been well learned the WCST-like task, their hippocampus or lobus parolfactorium (LPO), the avian basal ganglion, was damaged. A sham lesion group received anesthesia only. Both lesions impaired the WCST-like test. Lesions of the LPO increased the number of errors, while the hippocampal lesions increased the number of trials to reach the criterion only. The number of errors reflects difficulty in finding the correct stimulus or cognitive flexibility, while the number of trials reflects difficulty in stable responding or memory consolidation. The present results suggest that LPO has the function of cognitive flexibility.  相似文献   

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